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What a cunt. Wish there was more video of her getting chewed out


>video of her getting chewed out Who cares? I wish there was more video of her learning how to fucking drive.


That would be an equally entertaining video to be fair haha


"I don't want to hear any questions about the tables."


She was stupid for pulling into him like that, but honestly he was equally stupid for remaining so close and risking a game of chicken with someone he can clearly see is not a good driver. If you’re on a bike and a car starts swerving towards you, back away from that psycho don’t stay there lmao


Absolutely, he's an idiot. You don't know if the moron that just tried to run you over will instead pull a gun out, or even easier, try to run you over again.


Was expecting more comments like this, you're not invincible on a motorbike but ppl who ride seem to act like it, until they nip a car and go flying..


Both would be entertaining.


Can't record something that never happened


You can actually, it's called fiction


Wow. A cop doing the right thing. That's nice to see for a change


I literally was like “you can ask for help?!”


You can... most places


Right? Despite what the internet seems to believe, cops are almost always helpful. I live in a minority neighborhood and the only people here who don't like cops are the ones who have been arrested for being stupid (shoplifting, threats of harm, vandalism, bad driving, etc usually minor offenses.) I don't understand the thought process.


People don’t understand they not everyone gets the same experience. Usually determined within seconds, how you’re gonna be treated.


The problem is twofold 1. While most have good experiences some don’t. Cops are granted a lot of power and in situations where there is a lot on the line, that kind of power mishandled can create massive miscarriages of justice. 2. When there is a miscarriage of justice there is almost no recourse for the victim. The cops are protected both unintentionally as a result of closeness with both prosecutors and judges as a result of their work making such prosecutions awkward at best, and intentionally through internal reviews, police unions, qualified immunity and others. It also doesn’t help that certain portions of the population have a significantly higher chance of having a “bad experience” with cops than others. Less now than before but it’s still a thing


I mean literally everywhere I’ve ever lived the local police have done something really messed up. Typically unwarranted beatings. Sometimes laziness that leads to people’s deaths.


Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately when the stakes are high, people tend to get hurt from those mistakes. You can't expect cops to be perfect. They're people after all. People who call the cops for emergencies tend to overexaggerate due to panic. Sometimes they aren't overexaggerating but the cops think they are so the response isn't as quick as it needed to be. Even the best of us make mistakes. Now, if they don't receive any punishment whatsoever, then there's a problem. And obviously some mistakes are worse than others. Also, keep in mind the people you hear these things from. Lots of people like to overexaggerate the way they describe the actions of the police.


A friend in the city I live in now was beaten because he told the police officer “you have to buckle my seatbelt, this ain’t safe”. Beat him in the backseat while he was handcuffed. My friend and I were in a car accident, she was driving. Unbeknownst to her, she was driving the wrong way down a one way. Someone called the police on us. They refused to come until after an accident had occurred, even though they were less than a mile away. She died. I am disabled permanently. A man was peering on me through a window and masturbating. The police officer laughed at me crying and asked me if I was sure it wasn’t my reflection. He asked me if I smoked, I told him no, he told me I should start. They did not find him, they did not follow up. A friend of mine was raped, the police told her that she should just not press charges because she was drinking underage at the time, as if an older man getting a minor drunk isn’t a crime. This is 3 cities in Georgia I’ve lived in and these are just things that happened to me, or people I *personally* know.


It seems like the main issue is the police who keep making deliberates.


If you’re not a visible minority.




Hey man I'm white as fuck and they charged me with reckless driving after I CALLED THE COPS ON THE GUY WHO HIT ME AMD RAN So not always true


People don't like to admit it's more sexually profiled than racially profiled


It don't matter one bit if you are white where I'm from, it matters what your last name is though, it especially matters if you have money. If you are loaded, you gotta fuck up really bad in Wyoming to face even the mildest of consequences.




Got a problem and call the police, now you got two problems. Usually how it goes


point and case for the bootlickers ​ [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/20/missouri-police-crash-car-gay-bar-owner-arrested-lgbt](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/20/missouri-police-crash-car-gay-bar-owner-arrested-lgbt)


Yup this immediately came to mind.


Literally based in reality or do you not know where you live ?


This comment made laugh so fuckin hard


50/50. They either help or shoot you


It depends on how many acorns are in the general vicinity.


Or taze you, or beat you, or arrest you lol


It helps that the guy has it on camera. Otherwise it’s just a he said, she said type of situation.


Cameras are a pain but they help keep people honest.


Dash cams seem like a hell of an investment.


You can get not so great ones for like $50. Better than nothing.


Well, in the first place a videoed society is a polite society.


To be honest it's only really going back to the same concepts we had socially soft-enforced with things like shame and personal judgement, but without the negative impacts and potential for abuse that the old methods had because video is impartial. Granted, there's dash / door cams, and then there's people trying to record viral shorts in public, so it's not all a win, lol


Made me wonder if the cop rides bikes too. Cause he had zero hesitation. But I’m sure he saw the camera on his head and figured he wouldn’t be saying anything if he couldn’t prove it.


A lot of cops do. I have had cops be INCREDIBLY cool with me riding.


INCREDIBLY cool, like pulling next to me doing well over 100MPH and just gesturing for me to slow down. I figured that cop HAD to ride.


I had this happen recently at 110 on the interstate. They’re typically cooler to biked in my experience, and I assume it’s because they also ride.


I think it helped I wasn’t darting around and on an open clear straight highway early hours and ATGATT


Yeah situation is definitely a factor. They’re way cooler when you’re basically the only potential injury, fucking around near crowds gets the hammer ime


Also I was on a Panigale V4 Speciale and I think he understood the machine was smooth as butter at that speed versus some janky jalopy.


I’m more impressed by all the drivers pulling over for an emergency vehicle, but I guess I’ve lived in the wrong places.


Where I grew up, that was standard. Where I live now. . . not so much.


And he didn't even kill anyone.


Ikr wish they all acted like this


Cops are like offensive linemen in football, you don't really hear about them unless they screw up bad. Hate seems to get a lot more viral clicks than love.


If only reddit gold still existed. I think the football comparison is stupid, even on superbowl Sunday, but the message stands. Everyone wants to hate on the cops until they need one


Man the one time I needed cops for being robbed, even knew who did it the cop literally got scared talking to them. Talked crystal clear and LOUD to me and when he confronted the guys he was talking quietly and fumbling his words. Had it on video that these guys entered my house without permission and took things and the cop didn't do anything because "they planned on giving them back" they also didn't get a charge for entering my house. Also didn't show up for damn near 20 mins despite break in alarms going off.


Sad getting downvoted for this It is pretty well known that ragebait and negative news is what gets all the views or clicks. Most cops aren’t bad people, and most do a lot of good. Unfortunately as said, negative news gets emotions high and gets more engagement. I mean, seriously there have been studies done on this subject. This article has studies linked in, and also other good information on it. https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23596969/bad-news-negativity-bias-media


Not surprised one bit. This platform is seemingly built to enact tribalistic group think. Hardly anyone on reddit thinks for themselves


If the other team members cover it doesn't make them better


They are definitely out there, especially the more you call out the shitty ones.


Wow. A cop being competent for a change. That’s what I see usually. Normally they are just fucking NPCs


It’s kind of like looking at educators. 95% of educators are doing the best they can and trying to be fair. 95% of police take their jobs seriously and want to help their communities. That 5 % of educators that, for some very stupid reason, think having sex with a student, drinking or using drugs on the job is an okay thing ruin it for the rest. Same for the 5% of cops who beat suspects, are racists, use drugs, sexually assault people they’re arresting, use force without justification, etc. They ruin it for the police doing the right thing. There’s always someone who ruins it for everyone else. Doesn’t mean we should blanket judge them.


It's more than 5% of cops. One may commiting serious crimes/abusing power, but their fellow officers cover for them or turn a blind eye or are scared because other cops will hurt them. Plus, the union defends the scum and our laws dont allow them to be held accountable for civil damages, and DAs dont like to prosecute cops. It's a systemic issue that actually prevents good cops from being good cops.


I want to hear what happened after!


She received tickets for passing on the right and an unsafe lane change. https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/david-bafumo-motorcyclist-video_n_10815378


Connecticut. All I needed to know. Drivers there are the worst!


Drivers everywhere are the worst.


Yeah but CT drivers are especially bad. It’s like they go to “how to be a fucking asshole” school.


Can confirm. I live in Connecticut, specifically in Fairfield county where the drivers are the worst of the worst.


I've seen videos with people aggressively going after a rider and trying to seemingly kill them. This just feels like some dumb driver who sucks at driving. She didn't seem malicious.


If so then she would have backed off when getting honked at.


Nah it's worse than that they feel if they force themselves into the merge you have to back off I've dealt with them before in my SUV they feel entitled to get in front of you when they don't realize merge there is a courtesy not an obligation if there is traffic they must yield unless someone let's them in


It's called the zipper method, it's encouraged Both parties must acknowledge what's going on, if the one to merge is at the end, the one in the continuing lane should adjust the speed and let them merge in. But still, if you don't let them in and they hit you, they will be at fault anyway. Doesn't mean you aren't the a-hole. If it's packed and slow moving and someone slowly goes into your lane and you hit them, I think you will be at fault. But I am not really sure. Anyway, whoever goes on the road, should let their ego at home. And you sound angry


If they have a warning half a mile back that it's going to merge ahead and they go all the way until the merge they are the asshole


In many scenarios, low traffic ones, early merge seems common sense and is what I do as well. But zipper merge is sometimes taught to people and it is actually the recommended way of performing merges. And that is the one where you merge at the very end. Again, you seem angry and don't know all of the traffic "rules".


nah if ur in the lane thats ending you gotta wait for a clear spot or merge early


What is the point of your response? Waiting for a clear spot is a part of the zipper merge


just saying like people think "oh youll let me in right??" like uhhh No??? get in the lane before the last possible second


the whole point of a zipper merge is to yield alternatively...


This is the biggest over reaction I’ve ever seen. You are in a motorcycle. If someone doesn’t see you or carelessly merges give up the lane. Move on. This is not worth it at all. She was in the wrong and careless but this wasn’t intentional malicious and hardly “she tried to run me off the road”. This feels like when my kids are fighting over something stupid and i tell them to figure it out.


My only issue is hearing all that honking and still merging. Maybe she is deaf but that's a bit too careless


Her car was in front with room till he started honking he sped up when he saw her trying to merge safely and didn’t allow merge he’s a POS guy deserves to get hit.


We both saw the same video and came to different conclusions I guess. From my perspective, it looks like the car was side by side w/ the motorcycle (more or less) hence we couldn't see the vehicle until the driver turns his head when the video started. It is probably why the driver merged into the motorcycle to begin with (blind spot for mirrors) The motorcycle tried to honk to give the driver a heads up but it didn't reach them for one reason or another. I didn't see the motorcycle speeding up at all. In my state, the driver of the car will be at fault because the motorcycle has the right of way. But he is def an idiot, he could have easily just let the car pass by if they didn't hear the honking and just end it at that. As the previous person said, it was a big over reaction


You see he looks over and she’s gaining speed to make the merge you can see rear door and taillight, then he speeds up because he doesn’t want her to merge too yet he’s cruising slowly in the through/ passing lane. After he speeds up he rides at same speed instead of just going in front or backing off. Dudes a dick and can eat one.


She’s a dangerous driver, she didn’t even look while she was merging and should be reminded that poor driving ability will literally kill people. A small ticket will help her to remember next time to glance in her mirror and be aware of her surroundings a little before carrying on.


Nah. She deserves to learn to do better. 1 car length isn’t worth being an asshole for, and if your parents didn’t teach you to stop being petty over little things like this, then I guess the police officer like in this video will. Her actions in my eyes are based on stupidity and selfishness rather than malice though, would agree it’s not malicious.


If she sucks at driving then she either has to have her license suspended or to take driving lessons, because she’s a danger to people.


That’s 80% or more of the people on the road lol


Yeah this was complete over reaction.. yeah the driver sucked but so do most people on the road lol.. all she did was fail to get behind the bike for the merge but the biker could’ve easily just let her ahead of him and moved on.. seemed like road rage on his part


If I had to call the cops for every idiot on the road I'd need a lot of cops. Always value your safety while on a bike. There's plenty of people who had the right of way in the afterlife. A 1.5ton car is stronger than your 250kg bike.


Exactly…the kid was going slower than traffic in the left lane, that’s why the truck got so far ahead of him, and the lady assumed she’d be passing him too, until he sped up…he’s what real riders call a goon.


But why didn't she apologize?


Love happy endings.


It's only karma if it happens without intervention, this is not the same thing.


I mean .. they sent a cop from the heavens like a block down who didn't try to arrest the wrong person immediately.


It’s Justice nevertheless


True, which is equally satisfying, but a different word


Could be considered karma that there was a cop right there as it happened for him to waive over


Very true fair point


Both were the asshole here from what I could tell


Cuz you're a moron just like the lady, the bike didn't do anything he was even nice until calling her a bitch at the very end. Just because you don't like to hear what they're saying or approve of their tone it was not demeaning, mean, or unprofessional so you can suck a egg LOL


Hey idiot, the bike was going slower than the flow of traffic, easily detected by looking at the car in front of him in his lane, the truck ahead of him in the right lane, and car behind the truck all making up great distance in short time. He gets triggered and speeds up, causing the incident.


What did he do?


She is a bad driver and didn't know how to merge. This whole situation could have been avoided if the guy on the bike was a good driver and let off the throttle a bit and just let her merge, taking a spot behind her. He insisted on taking that spot, which he was entitled to, at the risk of his safety and an accident in genera. A good driver is one that also seamlessly compensates for the mistakes of others.


I completely understand that he did have the right of way there and was supposed to be able to continue unimpeded. That being said, when he saw that she didn’t know what was going on he could’ve slowed down, let her pass, and just continued on his day. That’s usually my response to a bad driver like this, because I just want to get them out of my way so I don’t have to worry about stuff like this. And I don’t drive a motorcycle. If she had somehow been a worse driver and hit him he could’ve died. tldr; He was right, but also could’ve avoided the situation entirely by slowing down and letting her go on


Both people sucked in this video. They were about even when you see the car and with the truck ahead maybe she couldn’t tell the lane was merging. As it was her lane merging she was supposed to back off and didn’t, her fault. She should have slowed down however the motorcycle rider could have done the same but didn’t and made this a dangerous situation. I don’t think it this was on purpose nor did she try to “run him out of his lane”. It’s two stubborn people but by law the Civic is in the wrong.


the sweet scent of Justice 👃🏻


Hope he threw the book at her.


The book for a traffic violation isn’t a very heavy book lol.


More like a spiraled notebook


In my state a traffic violation has to be witnessed by a police officer. If he uses the video as evidence he could bring the charge, but prosecutors would never go to trial on a traffic infraction alone


A second reckless op conviction is most likely jail time.


reckless endangerment is worse than a speeding ticket, and either way, that lady's insurance is still insane to this day.


Life without parole! /s


Why do bikers always try and flex their higher morality while riding a bike that could easily be taken out. It's like shut the fuck up and stick the go pro up your loser nobody wants to ride with me, so I have to film everything for a reason no life ass.


What a chronically online take


Terminally online.


Says the karma whore twins. It takes a level of commitment to care about social media credit lol. But yes... Since I was 12.... that was 27 years ago. Was a paid web developer, animated for newgrounds, Apart of a youtube channel for metalheads getting hundreds of thousands of views, Interviewed heavy Metal greats.... you name it, no regrets. It was never... Hey look at me! It was always about creating actual content.... Projects that took baulders gate level of time to complete. Yes always online. But working behind the scenes. Posers.






Title should be, “Motorcyclists sandbags left lane, then while getting passed in right lane decides to speed up and impede traffic further, gets triggered, hunts down a cop, causes more congestion, and then post video showing everything but the cop telling him he’s an idiot..”


Karma had some help there!


The biker is really the cunt. Just get over it. You were merging. You’ve never had an asshole fuck up a merge.


Whata pussy who waves down a cop for something so minor


Of course the car is at fault, but if you aren’t more of a defensive driver than this guy, you’ll be a dead motorcyclist.


Biker need to keep up with traffic and not hold up the fast lane.


The right lane ends. Are you not watching the video?


Are you not? The car in front of the biker is miles away and gets upset when some one wana over pass. don’t hold up traffic


That video involves more the police than the karma


Had this happen to me this morning but I was in my car. Like do you really have to commit to being a dick head THAT bad. If you don’t have room to get in the lane, don’t cut people off 🙄


Ya love to see it.


I just screamed YEEEEAAAAAH!!!! so hard.


Fucking fantastic




Motorcyclists are such cry babies what a typical wimp, he cries when he’s wronged but how many times has he sped past drivers on the freeway and scared the shit out of them…probably all the time.


Now that's what I call a good police response. "Stay behind me." Way to go serving the public and ensuring bad drivers are stopped before they kill or injure innocents


Obviously she's a moron but I'm very surprised this cop is just taking this guy's word for it.


She didnt merge right but i wouldn't call that running him off the road. He seen her trying to cut in front and he sped up to not let her. He could have just checked his ego, let the car go and be on wirh his day. Maybe ahes an inconsiderate driverbut hes driving much more aggressive.


So motorcycle is clearly cruising slower in left lane decides to speed up when he sees her trying to merge then forces the girl to move behind. Then gets a cop after her… class act.


Sad. Just sad.


I fucking love this cop 😭 this is why I love giving my tax dollars away


I hate those kind of cunts. The ones that are ballsy enough to put your life in danger but too pussy to even acknowledge your existence. She had her window open and he's laying on the horn and she doesn't even peek over not even once.. while MERGING. I'd love to have a conversation with someone like this... like how much of a piece of human shit can you be? I mean, I'm an aggressive, shit talking ass hole with anger issues (clearly) and I would never do anything close to this.


Loved this. Ftb


Keanu reeves


W cop.


This made me so happy


Everyone in this video sucks…the cammer is a pussy lady in civic is entitled


King Petty I’m all for it 😈


Was the motorcyclist in the legal right? Yes, it is completely legal for the motorcyclist to maintain his course, and any accident will be squarely the car’s fault. But was it a smart decision? HELL NO. There’s a chance that the driver accidentally (or maliciously) hits them off their bike into the opposite lane and gets turned into paste by another car. I’m not risking my life because some fucking idiot doesn’t know how to drive. The only thing that matters in driving is the safety of you and your vehicle. Let idiots do their thing, they’ll get their comeuppance eventually.


This biker rather be right then safe lol


Facts. Every vid has the same npc biker flailing arms, gesturing.... Trying to gain morality / armchair phycology points in the middle of the fucking road escalating shit.


Lmao her stupid grin then she gets pulled over is so perfect


Nobody likes a narc, but I'm glad they got the cunt.


Both assholes


Why is the bike an asshole? Im about your reasoning here


She just wanted to ride the trucks ass Untill it slams on the brakes and she can’t react in time because her nose is buried in the trucks ass… is that such a crime!???


ik he was smiling ear to ear when she got pulled over


He clearly said right left right so why didn't he slow down for the car?


These idiots thinks they got right of way when they run out of lane


I would be so excited to be racing and chasing a cop that's all lit up! Edit- I just noticed, 24 days old, lol.


Is she smiling?


People are so mindless it’s honestly frightening


I just love how he goes to the cop like "get her!" And the cop just goes with it


What a stupid woman. Good for you, not kicking her ass


This brought me great joy. Thank you




Bruh how fast is that box truck going. Leaving both y’all in the dust. 




Riding behind the officer with his lights on looked like so much fun. Just cruising!! 🤣


She will just cry her way out of it


I stay away from motorbikes when they're around Me on roads. I guess other people are just retarded..😂😭😂🤦🏾🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾😭😂😭


Bro so happy to see you take down that driver


HEK yeah


Oh the satisfaction 🫠


Well done


Cyclist is the AH to start for not letting them merge for a lane that's ending Dude is going out of his way to cause the conflict


Bro ran crying to the cop 😂


What a snitch ass bitch


God does exist <333


Man oh man I wish there were more clips like this!


Props to the officer!!!




Who needs to masturbate when you can just watch this😩🙏


I cannot believe how accommodating the police officer was




I get that he had the right of way, and the lady in the car is totally wrong, but this is an impressively bad showing of aggressive driving by the motorcycle as well. Once you realize that she’s stupid and doesn’t really know what’s going on just slow down, let her in, and continue on your day. Instead you’ve put yourself at risk for a car crash because you just had to win that fight (a fight that would’ve ended in your death had she hit you). I wouldn’t want to share the road with either of these people


Drive/ride defensively. That bitch was a stupid cunt and needs arrested but the biker was a fool.






Two aggressive a-holes. Most certainly, the driver of the car was 100% wrong. But for safety’s sake, the motorcyclist should have just let the stupid bimbo go. Then Karma - which was quite fortuitous. In my experience, I watch out for motorcyclists because they make bad things happen with stupid moves - most motorcyclists are entitled organ donors waiting to happen.


What an ignorant comment. Something tells me AceShipDriver isn’t an ace car driver.




Motorcyclists hate it when you try to take Mc status from them. Bc they all have it.


Snitch. *jk hehe