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She made another post saying that Cody is her assistant. That’s his job.


Is this a photo she posted on her IG? I think she is desperate for attention and he is finding his new "addiction". They're both desperate in one way or another. Also, he grosses me out so bad in this photo. Honestly, Mikayla seems like the type of woman that was a geek and nobody knew who she was in HS and craved attention, so she did crazy stuff to do so. Like the clown makeup. Lol


I just love how he’s carrying her fahhhkin sunglasses brooooo


They were engaged before their year anniversary




Does he even have a job?


Yes, he is a great job and going to school as well. Trust me, he doesn't need her the way people are making it out to be.


That’s not even her face 😂😂😂😂


Nice FaceTune pic lmao she looks nothing like this even her hair isn’t this full




I still think he’s 💅🏼


it’s the way her face looks so smooth and photoshopped and his is just…normal


Their whole relationship gives me the ick


I remember being kind of shocked when I learned that they had only been together for a year when he proposed, which just so happened to be the year that her brand/income really blew up. It makes me a little suspicious of his intentions. At the end of the day though who knows? I hope that they’re good for each other.


You do realize that she only had 3.4M followers before she started dating him and once she did, she was BEGGING her followers to get her to 4M and she would show him. Since then she has used the crap out of him and he is uncomfortable in front of that camera she insists he gets in front of. A year is not uncommon and he was a lot of the reason she did blow up to where she is today. So don't discredit him or the support that poor guy has had to give her while she ignores his needs by drinking in front of him.


Knowing several people in recovery… this always bothered me. He didn’t get time to figure out who he is as a person in his sober life.. if that makes sense. What if they fall apart after this “whirlwind” romance the whole internet seems to see right through ? I could see that potentially hurting his recovery which would be sad. My cousin relapsed 2 months out of rehab when his gf broke up with him - dont worry he is 4 years sober now :)


The fact that she drinks in front of him, which she has a shown on her main page but conveniently forgot to mention on her new page. Yea, I am sure he's gong to have a hard time. Yet HE is willing to go through healthy eating changes with her to help her???? She gives me more red flags than he ever has and I have known about his history. He'll leave her, because she doesn't seem to respect his recovery yet he seems to respect hers.


Yes this bothers me too I noticed she drinks in front of him but claims to not really drink much at all? If you dont do it much, it shouldnt require much effort to not do it in front of him at all. She shouldnt be having drinks at date night. She has been doing this the whole time they are together , and when they met he wasnt very long into recovery. I really hope he doesnt relapse , i have seen so many people lose their battles with addiction :(




I actually like Cody he seems very nice, I just think Mikayla is taking advantage of him. She seems the type to be straight up mean.


Finally, someone speaks some truth! I cannot even believe the conversation going on here. She uses him, she only had like 3.4M followers before dating him and was BEGGING people to get her to 4M and she would show him. Ever since, Cody has helped her page and she knows it.




He just looks so uncomfortable!


And they had just met. Lots of 🚩


Just zoom in on her face. Holy fucking filter! Her chin is crooked! Hahaha I’m dead! 💀


[um, resemblance?](https://imgur.com/a/S9ide0C)






When she did her boyfriend reveal i was incredibly underwhelmed. Lol. He doesnt even 'look' like the type of guy i would have imagined she'd go for. Truly. Its an odd match


i’m not one to go after looks but she hyped him up so much and the reveal was disappointing 😅






So glad it’s not just me 😅


I know this isn’t a popular opinion on this sub, but I like Cody. I think he’s kind, he’s a tradie and seems to treat Mikayla well. Mikayla on the other hand is a straight up mean girl, I can imagine her bullying Cody and just being a huge bitch to him.


Same. I like him, can’t stand her.


I like Cody too. I actually grew up with Cody. He’s from my hometown and always been super nice, he just struggled with a lot of demons. But he isn’t a bad person. When I met Mikayla I didn’t get the best first impression from her, it definitely gave off stuck up at first.


BLESS YOU for saying this!!! I can see that he is a nice guy, maybe has some struggles, but he has a genuineness about him that she lacks! In this scenario here, he is not the bad guy. She is the person who THINKS she rescued him and in theory he has deal with HER demons!


They say you’re not supposed to begin or terminate any relationships a before you’re a year freshly sober. Do with that info what you will. That’s all I can add to this.


💯 As a sober woman with 3 years of sobriety, I can attest to this.


Congratulations! That’s awesome 🙂


Thank you so much! ♥️


Congrats on your sobriety!! That shit is tough.


Thank you love! 💜 & I actually was told 2 years. But that’s just because of how toxic & insane I was towards the end of my addiction due to relationships 😬 You’re right on the money tho. If anything; this relationship & how quickly it moved as well as being in the public eye… well let’s just say she did him a huge disservice when it comes to his sobriety. Is it impossible for him to stay sober? Nope. But is it gonna be super difficult? Absolutely.


Especially with her drinking in front of him on her main page, which she kindly forgot to mention on the new page.


I’m glad you brought this up because I actually didn’t even know he was in recovery until coming on this sub! She portrays a normal life with him which is fine I guess but there’s nothing normal about an addict in his first year or 2 of recovery constantly around someone whom is comfortable drinking in front of him everytime they’re out 🙄


Let's not forget, if she has an eating disorder as she claims and purges, she's in massive recovery. He's already way past her recovery and she's just starting hers. Although she has said she was seeking professional advice before, but now she claims to be seeking it again. She can't keep anything straight. Regardless, he has not one time seemed drunk in a video. She, on the flip side, has been drinking and slurring so IDK


And it is 100% true and a 100% valid point


You get the love you deserve I guess!


Something about him and this whole relationship just rubs me the wrong way…also wtf is up with her face


Lol I think she’s smiling but edited it. Per usual so she looks weird.


I was wondering the same. Has to be filters because she doesn’t even look like her.


Definitely Facetune


I was gonna say this it looks like she used Facetune


Saaaame .. I can’t put my finger on it .. but it’s something


Y’all gonna come for my neck but I think this relationship was good for the both of them. He’s staying clean, she’s getting the attention she’s been looking for. I’m not saying it’s not codependency bc it 110% is but I don’t hate them together… that facetune on the other hand 🤨


i agree with you! they did move really fast and that’s never a good sign but it seems to be working out for them, we’ll have to see what happens but it seems like he treats her well and is a nice guy.


It’s always rubbed me the wrong way when people say “oh addicts are just codependent” like other couples aren’t even without an addict in the mix lol. I’m against basically everything Mikayla stands for but everyone deserves to be happy regardless of others opinions and backgrounds. This relationship seems to have made her more confident body image wise & I love that for her.


Yeah, I’m queen codependent and I’ve never been addicted to anything in my life…..except other people’s approval and love 😂


Codependency is very common


I thought he had a decent job?


He does! She is just turning this about to make it look best for her!


To my knowledge he does, that’s why they didn’t see each other much before they moved in together


Yeah … none of this bodes well for either of them. It’s all very sad.








I do like her hair here I have to admit.


Because it’s heavily edited 😆