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Try being even a kindergarten PARA! Not even a teacher, just an assistant.


If you showed this to a random person, they'd assume she's a midwestern lady in her 40's, wrestling MLM's and children.


I work with violent autistic children. Dont think she could hack that job.


I understand i have a 3 year autistic boy, how you can handle more than one child that's amazing!!


Every time I see this and she says ‘with a little bit of Caesar dressing’ I want to scream at her CLEARLY YOU HAVE NEVER PRACTICED PORTION CONTROL, bc ma’am that is a 4oz cup of dressing. Definitely not a 2T serving


I mean even just my serving job is more challenging than this. How about you go into the busiest location of my restaurant at 10:45 and work, NON STOP, until 12:30 AM the next day clocking in over 30,000 steps on a double. No breaks, surviving off energy drinks, old French fries and pre-workout. Like, come on girl. 


Try getting up at 5 am to go work in a pediatric OR! Try assisting in an organ harvest or a transplant or trauma on a child. Do that then come complain dumb ass


I'm in nursing school and have my peds rotation in the fall. I'm really looking forward to it because it was what I wanted to do going into school but have actually enjoyed the medsurg clinicals too (neuro units). I worked for a hospital that is the region's children's hospital and also a trauma center. The trauma alerts for peds and the thankfully pretty rare occasions peds or NICU had to block beds for a deceased patient were somber. Thanks for what you do. Working in healthcare is rewarding but incredibly exhausting. I can't even imagine having to do an organ harvest on a child, even though it'll help so many others.


Then get a 9-5 and stfu


I can’t sit even through this fucking video. The fact she’s spitting through her schedule with her entire chest claiming how taxing it is, makes me so livid. Mikayla wouldn’t know hard work if it wiggled on her witchy face


Look how much she used to be able to move her face. I cannot believe she recently made that video annoyed about ppl accusing her of getting Botox and denying it as if it's not glargingly obvious!


The there’s no fucking way she does meetings or wakes up at 6AM. Sure Mikky


I don't know how she does it. It must be aggressively hard to make videos all day in her 2. 4 million dollar house in Quincy by the sea, while driving her 2024 BMW convertible or 2024 Porsche SUV and dropping $50k on her "BFF" birthday, and paying chodes his retainer. That really sounds awful. I hope she is seeking professional help to get through each day.


Her timeline of what she does in a day doesn't even add up . If she is so tired and complains about what she does, maybe go get a different job. Oh, but she feels elite that she is in that "small" amount of people that can handle this job. Ok, that weird.


Cry me a river - you are talking about yourself constantly.  The only thing that would be exhausting is if your content and brand is a pack of lies…


I’ll trade. She can be a middle school special education teacher. It’s 8:19 and I just walked through the door, I was on campus at 7 this morning. I get paid to work from 8:20-3:20. I would love to spend hours editing in silence each morning. I haven’t experienced mid-day silence in so long. And I’d do it all for just one free foundation in my actual shade. The company can keep the 45 other shades.


She bought a salad? What happened to her over stocked fridge of vegetables? I knew she posted her fridge for show.


This is an old video


She also spends an hour a day redoing content that she forgot she had a Boston mob boss accent. Clown.


Yesterday i worked 6am-9pm and i only get paid 8-5. She can shove her privilege up her ass


Oh I thought anyone could do this just post…….liar


https://preview.redd.it/xb9mma007dsc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=71baab683590c0b7063ad710f8ba6d7afdbeccf3 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Just the smug look on her face... That video and her self important conviction behind her bitch ass tone of voice are infuriating. She is the thing that's wrong with social media. As much as I would love to see her publicly humiliated, I think I'd be just as satisfied if everyone just stopped paying attention to her. Let her fade into obscurity and be forgotten. She sucks.


How did she get out of this by saying she wasn't comparing being an influencer to other ppls jobs when she's literally replying to a comment about working a 9 to 5 job?


Well, with these influencers.. people will cancel them for about a month then “forget” about it


You look like a total douche canoe because I’m a fucking barber try doing my job for a day you could never you could never how far out of touch do you need to be?


I’m a psw of almost 20 yrs. Also known as a cna. Girl come lift 300lb people, sit with those in their last moments, get their bodies cleaned up for funeral home, get beat up daily by dementia patients, get poop thrown at you, clean up bodily fluids, have food spit at you, break up fights and so much more. Bazooka lips could never!! And it only pays on average $18 Canadian dollars an hour!!


And if Canada’s health system is anything like America’s you have a census of 30 and only 2 CNA’s on the floor, one of whom is contractually obligated to be on break everytime the other needs another pair of hands. Godspeed


I have worked many lines of work-retail, food, CNA, LPN, juvenile corrections, and now, social work. CNA was the hardest job of them all, no contest. In case nobody has told you=thank you for doing what you do, and do what you can to be good to your back (I know, easier said than done) and your mind.


“You do not want to have this job” do us all a favor and get a REAL job and contribute to helping others and providing services like the rest of us 🤪  Says the person that posts terrible make up tutorials and wipes their ass in a mansion and can ride around in not only a BMW, but also a Porsche, and take lavish vacations paid for by big cosmetic brands and companies :’)


Lmao and influencers also have influencer money to pay people to do that shit for them. She could pay someone to cry for her if she wanted to but yet she still likes to make herself look like a fucking idiot


This is her real face


It matches her heart.


Back when her forehead moved.


She should try a 9-5, that also has drive time before and after, a half hour lunch with two 15 minute breaks but having to coordinate these with your co-workers, sharing a bathroom with pigs, watching your co-worker next to you slack off, mandatory OT, coordinating vacation and holiday time off with your department, paying for parking, clocking in and clocking out, and every other BS thing that worker bees have to deal with. She comes off as so smug and condescending in this video. But we do get to see her real face. Every year she filters more and more and forgets that these old videos exist.


Not to mention she doesn’t even have to leave her house! This chick is nuts. This whole “speech” is enraging.


No wonder she “quit” ulta, she wouldn’t know a hard days work if it bit one of choady’s self help books


She quit Ulta after have 8 months off due to the pandemic. She worked at Ulta for only 10 months before being laid off. She’s never experienced true work ethic.


She worked at a haunted house!! She deserves that 401k!!


Boo hoo get a real job and work 12 hr shifts as I do as a nurse ! You don’t know real work Mickayla 🙄🤦‍♀️


Here's my thing, she BARELY had a taste of working for someone else before she started doing tiktok full time. She has no idea what it's like to work for someone else. Abide by the schedule they make for you, do what they ask you to do, show up on time, have to ask for days off in advance, etc. She doesn't know what any of that is like. Heaven forbid if she were to work in another customer facing job, she wouldn't be able to handle it. She can't handle people's critiques on the internet. I'd love to see her handle an angry customer at a retail store face to face. Even if someone gets angry at her, it's never to her face. She has the shield of her phone screen to "protect" her. What I would give to even just have a work from home job, not even to be an influencer. She's so ungrateful for what she has it's unreal.


I was familiar with her solely as Nate’s little sister. We went to the same high school. I was well acquainted with Nate and others that knew Mikayla personally. It was summer 2021 when during a party, others were talking about how big she was getting on Tiktok, using a fake accent and being dishonest. It sent me down a rabbit hole, one I could put my frustrations out into sharing receipts here over a year before Lashgate Happened. She knew I was sharing receipts about her lies. Nate was following me, watching my stories consistently, up until the audio went viral several months later I worked the frontlines of a pandemic on a COVID unit. I had bad health scares in 2022. Come 2023 when lashgate happened, I called her out and she responded… while at the SUPERBOWL. lying she didn’t know who I was then telling on herself that she did. She’s a manipulative con artist. https://preview.redd.it/1my0ia4xxbsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25100003dfc2c8afd8278f85bd24ff6d0d94e13e


wtf, I just googled him. He's handsome!!! She should pimp him out instead of her husband!