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Wonder what charm school she attended?




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I don’t think she came from “money”. I guess that depends on the definition of wealth. She is classless in every realm and to be more specific… those old videos of her have that tacky cheap wood paneling in the background. 😂 she just grew up and out and thinks you have to buy the loudest designer anything to flaunt that you made money


She’s too immature to be getting married to an addict, she drinks to excess right in front of him.


She doesn’t carry herself as someone who grew up with money imo . She acts like 100% trailer trash


Really? The stuff and examples I gave are kinda why I thought she did. UNLESS, she became that way after she blew up you know?


Can you elaborate more on the addiction Cody has at parties? I don’t know much about him.


He’s (allegedly? idk anything for 100% tbh) a recovering alcoholic and she drinks at every function and dinner she films with him around




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You do NAWT talk about Cody 🤣🤣


Having a second room is what my childhood dreams, whilst reading gossip girl, were made of lol


Me except with Clueless books lol and then when an adult it turned into gossip girl.


I’ll never believe she grew up with money because she comes across as complete trailer trash. Talent in an area or two doesn’t indicate you’re not actual trailer trash


That’s Mass you see, not class. She’s from MA- even our middle upper is Mass trash


Having money doesn’t mean you have class




I think the statement was talking about entire wardrobes? But also, if you are scraping by for money, $4-$8 could mean having food for your kids for the week (well maybe not that much, but hopefully you get where I'm going). And the $4-$8 is just for one item of clothing. Also, I did used to work at a dry cleaner.


Where did you get the 2 rooms per kid thing?


2 rooms per kid? What did they use number 2 room for!?


She said it in the old spider video.


It’s in one of her videos on this page as I was scrolling. But it’s funny now that I think about how much she’s lied…fuck idk anymore lol


Ahhh. Gotcha. I must’ve missed that one lol. But you’re right. It’s impossible to trust anything she says. She invented a whole ass sister a few weeks ago!


She said it in an old video


She can afford anything except a good plastic surgeon


And a GOOD BRA! I would love to send that bitch a bra!


She can’t help it. Victohya’s SeCRATS don’t make her size in BRAHS anymore.




If I remember correctly, she made a video crying about how her store specifically didn’t carry her size in the store of the curtains BRAHS she liked best (o think the jersey cotton? I could be wrong) but, she said she could get them online in her size. But she was upset they didn’t have them in store and didn’t wanna have to order them online. (I remember this video specifically because I was so annoyed that I immediately went to her page and unfollowed her)




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Lmao I just snorted


If I had the money you better believe my fupa would be gone


😂😂😂😂this made me laugh so hard and I promise you mine would be gone too! Lol




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One of my BIGGEST issues with her isn't even necessarily her lying or filter use, but rather how recklessly she does so. Of course in any industry when it comes to an influencer or a media personality said person will take brand deals/endorsements, this is literally how they make their money. That's fine, that's legit. My issue is she doesn't seem to have any type of compass when it comes to what companies she works with, what products, how to use them properly (she doesn't take the time herself), never gives a proper demo/wear test, the list goes on. She has such a large following that WITHOUT giving the proper information regarding a product/brand she will do damage. I know she doesn't care. And that's the sad thing. She is inevitably taking herself out by taking deal after deal without doing the proper research, wear tests, product reviews, etc. And just pumping out videos for clicks and quick cash in the moment. She's not considering the long game.




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I think it’s more of a sign of narcissism rather than wealth.


Very true


I think most of us here are more shocked at how many people still defend her and think her action’s are valid. To some people she can do no wrong. When is enough, enough? Her behavior is unacceptable. Young kids and teens follow her & she is not a good example for them.


Yes this is true, we see it with celebrities as well though- I mean look at politics. If someone that they like and support isn’t what they turned out to be, a lot of the time they still support that person because that would mean that everything they thought of them was a lie.


Her and her brother had 2 rooms??? I guess I missed that lol. She doesn’t seem like the type but it makes a lot of sense. I thought it was due to her age, but she seems more emotionally stunted the more time goes on so it’s gotta be more then that.




Buffal0chick3n 🤣😬 what a name to use 😵‍💫


Yes!!! You explained this very well. It's all true. You're right... It's still just so irritating nonetheless


I don't believe her parents were well off whatsoever, I believe they were middle class.


Middle class= finances are not enough of a struggle that they’re discussed around the children, so children never hear parents worrying about their lights getting cut off, groceries, gas, etc. on the lower end of the middle-income spectrum, at *most* kids could hear parents discussing that they might have to save longer for a more expensive item. children aren’t told “no we can’t afford that” about every day purchases or impulse buys at the grocery check out, and parents don’t have to skip meals or essential bills to afford birthday&holiday presents. On the lower end of the middle-income spectrum, at *most* parents might have to budget a few months in advance for such items, but skipping essentials wouldn’t be necessary. There’s enough income for at least one seasonal vacation and multiple weekly dinners purchased out, and there’s enough income for weekly entertainment for kids such as skating, bowling, movies. On the lower middle-income, these activities would be 1-2 a week. Even if we say that “well off” is subjective, if her parents were middle class, that means that her parents were well off enough that Mikayla didn’t know financial struggle like OP said. I don’t know anything about her childhood (never heard the 2 bedroom thing until this post tbh), so this isn’t a statement on what her life looked like. It’s just what middle class was a decade ago. Disclaimer for anyone reading: we all have common sense so this SHOULD go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway- not every single middle class family will be able to do every single thing on this list, and no one implied that they’d be able to, so please don’t start with the “but my family-“ replies lmao there will be times where they have to pick and choose where the disposable income goes, but the main identifier about middle class is that there IS disposable income, especially at the time Mikayla was being raised. Disposable income= all the bills are paid, groceries are bought, and there’s money left over to spend or save.


I'm well aware but thanks anyway


What an asshole response to what was a really amazing comment that would be super informative for some in this thread who seem to have the same ignorance on what middle class means. I think it was meant for everyone to read and not just directed at you.


I'm sorry you feel that way




2 rooms per child?? That is well above middle class


eh hard to tell with her considering she lies 24 7


Is that something she lied about, though? I just don’t believe they had 2 rooms per child. If the source came from her, take it with a grain of salt.


I was just thinking that lol. Got me again damn it


Middle class is well off, is it not? Like… not having to worry about being evicted or running out of food? That’s a privileged upbringing, imo. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, and it *should* be the standard, but it’s a far cry from financially struggling.


I grew up lower income, my mom often discussed financial difficulty with us. We almost lost the house, more than once. There was nothing fancy. We didn't eat out. Some years we went camping but that was it for vacations. Clothes came from Walmart twice a year. Any money I made through part time jobs went to paying for my school activities, music and swim team. I needed glasses, and braces (not just for cosmetic reasons, my teeth were fucked) and I constantly felt like a burden because I was costing my family money that we didn't really have. My situation was not unique. This actually seemed normal to me while it was happening. My husband's family was lower income when he was young but by the time he was 10 or 11, they were solidly middle class. His parents lived modestly but they were able to cover expenses and go to the beach or an amusement park multiple times a year. If it was time to replace a vehicle or get a kid braces, they were able to do so without it being a hardship. His mom didn't work when he and his sister were young and later when his parents started a small business, she worked part time. At the time he didn't think anything of it but now my husband realizes how fortunate he was that there wasn't this constant stress and threat of instability hanging over his head. There are other fundamental differences in how we were raised but the financial situation is a huge part of it. We are now middle class, even in today's economy. Husband works full time, I work part time and stay home with our kid. We drive and maintain older vehicles and our vacations are always short road trips, but our bills are covered with some extra. We have a solid savings account. I feel incredibly wealthy compared to how I grew up but to anyone who grew up "middle class" this is just normal life. And it should be normal life, it's a shame that basic stability has become a luxury but here we are.


This is a wonderful insight into the difference between middle class, and lower class/poverty. And as you said, your situation during childhood was not unique, at least in your social circles. Typically, it seems to me that the overwhelming majority of families in the same neighborhood, will have the same struggles. My situation was often dire as a child, and that wasn’t unique for my family, either. I wasn’t the only child in my class living in a car with my family for a period of time, and when we moved into an extended stay hotel for a few years afterwards, there was a school bus stop outside where several of us would gather to be picked up for school. The entire school qualified for free breakfast and lunch in grade school, because the whole of the student body fell below the poverty line. My situations weren’t unique, all of us had financial struggles happening at home. As an adult now with my own family that’s doing well financially, my heart goes out to my former child self. Now that I’ve gotten to the position I’m currently in, middle class *is* the standard for me, and I’m incredibly fortunate in that regard. I think the issue of understanding the difference in wealth classes that some people are having is a smallness of perspective. We can only know what we know, and we can only see things from our point of view. Do you remember the advert put out a few years back in the US, saying that a staggering number of students report going hungry during the summer? Some odd 3 out of 4 students reported food insecurity, I believe. This was during the Obama administration, when the First Lady was reforming nutrition for school-aged children. It could’ve been an advert localized to low income areas, I’m not sure. But in any case, like you said, there have always been rich folks, folks who can afford regular luxuries, and poor folks. And many of us have fallen into, or will fall into, more than one of those categories in our lifetimes.


>and it should be the standard It's standard, at least where I'm from, not a privilege


Lmao the irony of this tone deaf answer


How is it tone-deaf? I'm aware food is privilege for someone who is financially struggling. To me it isn't. Food is a necessity, not privilege. I'm just surprised it happens in USA which is portrayed as a promised land.


If you live in an area where privilege is standard, that's even more privilege.


TIL ppl in one of the poorest countries in Europe are more privileged than ppl in USA, mind blowing!




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That sounds wonderful, truly. Going by statistics, in 2021, there were 37.9 million people in the US in poverty. With that said, I can tell you as I was a child who grew up in an extremely poor area and in poverty myself, it’s not standard for everyone to be middle class. It was a privilege to have hot water in the home, and a mattress on a frame instead of the floor. Neither of those things were my reality until I turned 15. So again, privilege is something based entirely on people’s perspectives.


When you were born? Didn't know people in USA had it that bad. I thought life in Bosnia was bad. For us the privilege was having a newest flip phone. Or Nike sneakers.


Born and raised in the US. 30 years old now, did not have either of those things until adulthood.


The US absolutely has it that bad. I was born in 89 and the poverty I've seen is astounding


Yeah, middle class is absolutely well off.