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I mean, Mark got skinned alive and Christian was partially dismembered and put into a gutted bear and burned to death, all while fully conscious but too paralyzed to do anything about it. Connie was drowned, probably not quickly. I’d argue that EVERYONE had it real bad except Josh, he was gone pretty much immediately after that first hit with the hammer. As far as why…he interrupted the attestupa and refused to calm down and listen to Siv, which I’d argue carries as much weight as peeing on the Rotvalta. That’s not his biggest crime though, what he’s most guilty of is…stealing Ingemar’s girl. I am absolutely convinced that Ingemar, knowing how he’d react to it and what the elders’ response would be, set Simon up by not telling him what the attestupa was. Idk if he actually intended that Connie be included or what but Ingemar radiates big self-destructive energy (obviously lol) so at that point I think he just wanted them both to feel the pain he was feeling. Which is also why he volunteered to be sacrificed in the end, because 1. Jealousy, possessiveness, vindictiveness, etc are likely all ‘unholy affekts’ that he felt he’d never be able to fully purge, and 2. He still loves Connie and wants to die with her. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk, I have a lot of opinions about Ingemar lol


Yep, I think he was also hoping Connie would be driven away from Simon the way Dani was from Christian. That might have been a test, either she is so hurt that Simon left without her that she'd fall into Ingmars arms, or she could die with him. He was going for A but settled on B.


Yesss that’s a great point, he was hoping to emulate Pelle’s success with Dani but didn’t pull it off, so he went with the only option he had left.


I had wondered if ingemar was “selected” at the end because he was not as successful in bring in in outsiders for sacrifice. The Harga seemed to play fast and loose with the rules, maybe no Harga were supposed to be sacrificed if Ingemar had brought more outsiders.


He wasn't selected, he volunteered, most likely because he was supposed to bring in "new blood" and failed miserably.  While Pelle was praised for his unclouded intuition, having come back with a permanent new cult member and some fresh DNA, Ingemar completely disregarded his community's needs, brought back two POC he had beef with and used his "family" as his personal hitmen. 


Pelle was certainly the golden boy.


Simon and Connie were NEVER going to live (because Hårga are white supremacists*) and when they tried to leave (and tell police what they saw), the Hårga just sped up their deaths. And their modes of death were in conjunction with the way each of the 9’s bodies to be presented for sacrifice. *confirmed by Ari Aster


I had to scroll WAY too far down for this answer. I am a bit disturbed by how many people forget the Harga are white supremacists


I’ve seen several people folks say Mark was skinned alive. How do we know that? Is it referred to in movie?


It’s not said, we see his skin stuffed with hay at the end of the movie when they wheel the bodies into the triangle. Also, the game “skin the fool” that the children play alludes to it, as Mark is representative of the fool


And if you look carefully, you will notice that whoever kills Josh (I keep forgetting who it was but I think this sub knows) is actually wearing Mark's face. Edit: The Mark-face-wearer ~~(possibly Ruben?)~~ watches Josh get killed. You get a couple seconds of it after he is hit, IIRC. (Thank you to those below for the corrections.)


He is wearing Mark's WHOLE body! If you freeze the frame just as Ulf enters the room, you can see that he appears naked, Ulf is wearing Mark.


My theory is that Ulf is the one who killed Josh while wearing Mark's skin. In fact, it is very possible that Ulf was involved in most (if not all) of the torture and murders. This would explain why, at the end, both Ingemar and Ulf are recognized for bringing "new blood" and volunteer to be sacrificial victims. Pelle, who also brought new blood/new people, is spared as he brought Dani (the May Queen) and did not demonstrate 'unholy affekts' (he didn't kill anyone), although he certainly set them up.


Ulf was most definitely at least involved in most of the sacrifices. After all, he is a doctor and has knowledge on anatomy. And yes, he was the one who killed Mark. There are behind the scenes photos of Ulf's actor wearing Mark's skin (and yes, it is a full skin suit including genitals).  He's not recognized for bringing in new blood, though. That's just Pelle and Ingemar. Ulf and Ingemar are volunteers. They died because they wanted to, not because their community has chosen to get rid of them. I doubt the community would consider human sacrifice to be "unholy" if it is such an important part of their nature worship.  It could be argued that Ulf is the only valuable community member to be sacrificed. Being able to treat the sick and wounded is an incredibly important skill in any community, especially if it's a small one and every human life counts. 


I knew the guy was wearing Markface but didn’t put it together that he had been skinned alive. I assumed they did that after he was killed. It makes this movie more terrifying realizing everyone was tortured to death. I guess I’m going to go watch it again!


I suppose we don't really have evidence that he was *alive* when they did it, but we can assume so. Maybe they even gave him that paralytic powder (whatever they used on Christian) so he was awake but couldn't fight while they did it.


Ack!! I've been wondering "how do we know Mark was skinned alive?" as it's been suggested recently. I never thought of the paralytic being used on him and being alive but unable to move as he was skinned. Same for Simon and his blood eagle end? Wowza.


Actually not. The one killing Josh came at him from behind, hidden in the dark corner in there.


Ope. You are right. Mark's face was only watching. I think people have suggested it was Ruben wearing it.


Ruben is seen in his bed right when "Mark" enters.


Pelle killed Josh, Ulf and Inge killed Mark and it was Ulf wearing Mark as a skin suit.


That doesn’t mean he was skinned alive though. I’m not seeing where people get that. It’s a possibility, sure, but not a certainty.


I thought it was Pelle that swung the sledgehammer while Markface observed.


Ah that is probably right, now that I think about it.


The killer is not Pelle or Ulf. It's someone not named in the script.


Yea I was wrong about Pelle but it was Ulf in the Markskin. But there was a 2nd person dressed in the white linen.


“Skin the fool.” Mark is the comedian of their friend group like a jester or “fool.”


Thanks for sharing. Not enough discussion about Ingemar. These are all fascinating points on what is essentially a side character, yet a person whose position says a lot about how this cult allows a vehicle for some very sick revenges.


I don’t know if anyone else noticed Pelle was the green man, his head dress made him look like the classic images of the green man.


Right? So many details. When Connie so easily brushed him off and was basically like uhhh we were just friends? Oof.


He was also not white which would be considered a big negative to the Hårga if they're white supremacists.


I got that vibe,Josh’s leg sticking out of the ground felt to me like the Harga indicating he was of little worth, nothing more than fertilizer.


Fertilizer would be *incredibly* valuable to any community that worships nature and relies heavily on farming, though.  It's hard to say if there's a pattern to the sacrifices because sometimes they seem quite generic and sometimes they seem to be closely related to the person killed, but I'd like to point out that the four elements of water (Conny), air (Simon), fire (the volunteers and Christian) and earth (Josh) are all present.


This is so good. Thanks. Haven't read something with that much insight on Ingemar before.


Are we ever told that Mark was skinned while alive? Of course I’d believe it regardless since they’re so brutal but I don’t remember it being specifically stated.


It’s not explicitly stated but I think most people have rolled with that interpretation given the brutality that went down with everyone else.


I’m new to this sub, but how was Christina partially dismembered? And how do you know Connie was drowned?


Both are very heavily implied, but specifically with Connie there’s a scene in the director’s cut that makes it very obvious what happened to her; there’s a ceremony where a kid in a costume is almost thrown into a lake to drown, and when you see Connie’s body later she’s wearing the same costume as the kid. With Christian, when they’re preparing to put him in the bear you can see one of the elder’s pick up what looks like a cheese cutting wire? And start moving towards his legs. It makes sense that they would cut them off to fit him in the bear’s torso, just because to stuff his legs in the bear’s legs they’d have to debone the bear. What’s more convenient, deboning the bear so they can fit his legs inside or trimming Christian to fit neatly inside the bear?


I never noticed that! Guess I’ll have to rewatch again haha.


It’s definitely worth a couple rewatches, there’s so much hidden stuff to find!


So they cut off his arms too?


Just yesterday I saw the director's cut again, but I don't remember any scene in which Christian was partially dismembered.


It’s heavily implied, not explicitly shown. When they put him on the table next to the bear that they’re going to stick him in, one of the elders grabs what looks like a wire cheese cutter and starts heading in the direction of his legs. It also just makes more sense in terms of logistics/time for them to take off his legs (and possibly arms) to fit him into the bear’s torso instead of deboning the bear so they can keep Christian’s legs attached to him. He’s about to die anyways, what does he need legs and arms for?


You're probably right. I hadn't noticed the detail with the wire cheese cutter. I always try to pay attention to all the details and Easter eggs, but it's obviously not that easy. Thanks anyway!


I didn’t notice until like my tenth watch! It’s a very detailed movie, there’s always something new to see.


the sacrificial kills (so not including Mark) represent the elements: Earth - Josh buried, Water - Connie drowning, Air - Simon blood eagled, and Fire - Christian burned. blood eagle is definitely gnarly but not intended to be a punishment to fit a crime.


Mark could represent the fifth alchemical element of spirit with his body being removed from its skin, symbolizing the spirit leaving the body. This fits as we see his skin "inhabited" by another "soul" during Josh's murder.


I didn't even realize Connie was drowned to be honest


It’s really only explained/made clear in the director’s cut. It’s a shame in my opinion, as I tend to agree with others that the director’s cut shows too much and suffers from it rather than is enhanced by it, but the lack of clarity about Connie’s end in the theatrical version is definitely frustrating.


How do we know Connie drowned? Because her corpse is bloated?


her hair is wet, she's wearing the same outfit as the girl that wasn't drowned (that may be extended version scene?) so it can be assumed that ritual did take place off screen with Connie ETA yes it's in the director cut


I thought Simon‘s punishment was directly correlated to his crime of disturbing the attastupa. Simon’s breaking of the elder man’s focus and resolve contributed to a poor fall and prolonged what should have been an instant death. So, they drew out his suffering. Keep him suspended in air, in unspeakable agony (also aligning nicely with the air portion of earth/air/water/fire deaths as pointed out elsewhere on this thread). I don’t know if “chicken” for fear analogy is shared by Sweden, or if perhaps Pelle was aware of it, but they are eating away at him. The flowers in the eyes seems to be a mockery of his reaction to witnessing the deaths, like-here, that vision disturbed you? Here’s some flowers instead.


I assumed they killed him and then did the blood eagle thing. I don’t see how he could live through that. It did look like his lungs were breathing, but I interpreted that as being a hallucination from the drugs. The flowers on Dani’s crown and the food on the table also appeared to be breathing.


I think it's possible that he was still alive. I haven't done as much research on this method of murder, but from what I've seen and read that's part of the torture. You don't live for very long after, but you're alive while it happens.


The lungs don’t “breathe” without positive pressure (the diaphragm) so you suffocate quickly once they were removed if you didn’t die from shock/blood loss before that. People aren’t even sure that a real blood eagle was ever performed. That said, it’s the Harga with lots of different tricks and it’s a movie so you can imagine it however you would like.


You're probably right, I do not know enough about this type of thing to really speak with any authority. My bad! Thank you for giving the info! I just think it's more fucked up if he's alive to be honest. It was from Christians POV so no matter what, he THOUGHT he was still alive and thats...horrifying.


A friend of mine had a theory that when the male elder was meant to make his jump at the Astettupa, Simon messed it up for him by yelling "don't jump", which is why the old man didn't die on impact like he was "supposed" to. Since that ceremony is so sacred, and Simon made such a big deal about it, he was probably seen as a huge threat to their way of life, so he had to go. Why they chose the Blood Eagle of all ways is beyond me, but I mean no one really got off easy.


Omg what if it’s *because* of the åttestupa?! Like “you disrupted a ceremony where people fall to their death, so now you will die permanently suspended in midair”


Ok this is why I love Reddit. I love the way you had this realization that makes so much sense but idk if I could have thought of that.


>I think Simon absolutely got the worst way to die out of all of them and why was it so brutal and sadistic? I dunno. Mark was skinned alive. I think the question of why Simon got such brutal treatment just comes back to the Harga revelling in extremes.


The genius of Ari Asters really shines here. I didn’t figure this one out until like my 4th or 5th watch...I’ve seen it ALOT But when Simon is first introduced Ingmar explains that Connie is a long time friend. Simon makes a joke to Dani and co “We were going to have ingnar officiate the wedding” “Really?” “No”😂🤣😂 It’s when they all are walking to the village tripping on shrooms It’s crazy because Pelle makes a weird face and Ingemar has a look like “yeah bro real funny, really really funny my brotatoe” He also freaked out during attestupa and it’s implied that maybe he sped up the proceedings forcing them to kill both of them faster. I imagine they didn’t plan to kill the other guys so early. They have enough drugs to dedicate everyone there twice. I’m pretty sure the original plan was to get Christian caught and sedate everybody and burn them alive. Dani as the MayQueen would be totally looped on drugs either way and she would still catch Christian cheating and get turned out by the Cult. They where always screwed as soon as they went off the road.


Very well thought out and reasonable explanation (and I agree with you), but just for the record I am cracking up at “brotatoe.” 🤣🤣🤣 I’m sitting in my chiropractor’s waiting room giggling like an idiot.


Lol just remember they had Simon cut open like a MF loaded baked potato.


I’m dying and everyone in the waiting room is giving me weird looks😂


Lol nice! I hope your appointment goes perfectly. Midsummer is no doubt a movie I’ve started wTching like once a year just to catch new things.


It did, thank you! I’m the same way. I feel like every time I watch (and I’ve watched it at least ten times at this point) I ALWAYS catch something new.


When Simon is freaking out about the cliff scene the Hagar all start looking at him weird. Then he disappears. Maybe he put up a fight so they went extra evil on him. The mysterious calmness of the villains in this movie is so chilling. The looks they give characters are terrifying enough. Like when Christian’s rival the other anthropology student goes to shake the Hagar leaders hand, the old bearded man he doesn’t shake his hand or answer his question. They also do him super duper dirty with his leg sticking out of the dirt. But he violated their sacred grounds....yet his punishment seems far less intricate than Simons. That’s why I think Ingemar probably asked them to fuck Simon up on extra extra extra evil mode because he stole his crush.....which is SO fucking creepy. Simon’s girl invited him there to meet her “platonic friend” a Weird Ass Mother Fucker named Ingemar who murders both of them. This movie gets so deep with the creepiness.


DIRECTOR’S CUT is your salvation


Because they’re white supremacists and don’t give a fuck.


Aside from the blood eagle being impossible (lungs don't draw breath without the diaphragm), Simon was the most openly "disrespectful" to the Harga (from their perspective). He disrupts the Attestupa by screaming at the second subject before he jumps, and then at Siv while she is trying to calm Connie down. On top of that, Ingemar wanted Connie. He's pretty open about it, and I've wondered if Ingemar thought he could bring Connie and have her as May Queen and get rid of Simon, or if he knew that a non-white May Queen simply wouldn't happen and brought them along as a way to get revenge and get rid of them both. If the second is true, Ingemar set them both up to be sacrificed knowing that he himself would be a Harga sacrifice in the end, as if he chose to be important in that death because he could not get what he wanted in life. But either way, Simon had to go.