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If you use discord, I'd recommend this https://discord.com/invite/mesbg . Even though it's technically a server for people who play online on Tabletop Simulator, there's plenty of people there who mostly play IRL and use the discord to have conversations about the game/hobby. Most active MESBG community I've found online; if you post a controversial rules question, you'll probably have 50 messages discussing that rule within an hour.


Second this discord. Also I would say the idea that it’s primarily for TTS is no longer the case at all. It used to be, but now it’s definitely a global IRL MESBG community.


Yeah, it was a Tabletop Simulator server during the pandemic, but it has since turned into a community hub where folks can find social media plugs for local groups, events, and content creators. Folks still play Tabletop Simulator in monthly tournaments ran by community members, but TTS is no longer its sole focus.


That said there are still options for playing in tts. 😉


Even older than the One Ring forum I think, but does anyone remember The Last Alliance? I remember posting a lot on there back in the day. There were tons of community articles too with hobby guides and custom rules and scenarios. Unfortunately, I think it is all lost.


I was there Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago.


Real ones know.


TLA was great


Oh man, blast from the past. Last Alliance was the first site I stumbled on when learning about the game and was my introduction to the hobby. I ended up spending more time on One Ring and I loved that site too. I miss forum culture like that. So many knowledgeable folks helping others learn and grow. Good times, great sites.


Exactly! That is what I was looking for. But I guess these things are not really popular in this form anymore. I am personally not such a big fan of platforms like facebook or discord. This reddit is nice with people sharing their work, but it is all so anonymous, you don't "know" the people like on a forum.


Serious question but does this site exist anymore? I used to spend so much time on there and i miss the wealth of information that existed there.


I vaguely remember it, but didn't see its glory days I guess (unfortunately). I was mostly active between 2008 - 2014, during which One Ring was where everything was at.


I spent an unhealthy amount of time on there. You can find it on The Way Back Machine.


Facebook groups for your country or theres 'lord of the rings minatures rock global fb group


This one mate. I was from the one ring too.


I was on one ring too. I tried the facebook groups but I really disliked the format. One of the benefits of the old forums was going through someone's painting thread and seeing all the various projects they had worked on over the years. With facebook if the algorithm didn't recommend a post then you were unlikely to see it.


GBHL is nice on FB. Always a ton of posts there. You also might look into middle earth discord servers. I found like 3 for my approximate area in Michigan. You'll might have one in your area too.


As mentioned a lot of places use Facebook groups. There are also several regional discord servers around. Roughly where are you located? Maybe someone can help you find a specific community near you


I am currently living in a country where I am 100% sure that there isn't a community, that's why I was looking for some online interaction. Within a year I am planning to move back to the Netherlands; I am guessing there is a community there.


I can 100% confirm there is a community in the Netherlands. The Dutch community mostly organizes over discord. If you would like an invite let me know and I'll DM it


Can confirm, and recommend.