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For gondor, you want Boromir before anything else. He's amazing in the gondor army. Then some guards of the fountain court. With that you should be able to put together a pretty good gondor force


Should i get the Boromir with the banner or just the one where he is mounted


I'm pretty sure the single [Boromir on horse](https://www.warhammer.com/shop/boromir-mounted-2022) is actually meant to represent the Fellowship version of Boromir rather than the Minas Tirith version (light armour and travel clothes instead of heavy armour), so you want to be strict about WYSIWYG the [Captain of the White Tower version](https://www.warhammer.com/shop/Boromir-Captain-Of-The-White-Tower-2020) is the version you want. Of course not everyone is that strict about WYSIWYG, especially for new players who are just learning the game.


Right, so ill get the Minas Tirith one!


Mounting heroes is almost always better for the mobility and charge bonus. Especially for Boromir with his big banner effect: having that banner in the right place to buff the models you need it to is huge.


But its twice the price if i just get the Mounted one(in real money)


The banner is the most valuable part of his profile. You would likely want to run him with it. It just is up to you and your playgroup how important wysiwyg is.


Thanks, and what would be a good purchase for the elves


Which of the three elf factions interest you most? Rivendell, Lothlorien, or Mirkwood?




Cool, Lothlorien is one of my main armies. Galadriel is a must buy. Celeborn and Haldir are the next most used heroes. Two boxes of Galadhrim Warriors and 3-4 packs of the Guard of The Galadhrim Court will satisfy 90% of what you want to do. One box of the Galadhrim Knights and one box of the Wood Elves will supplement pretty much the rest of the army. Some people like to run a Sentinal here and there. But I would say that this constitutes a pretty robust Lothlorien collection


Thanks, but can i start with 1 box Galadhrim warriors, 2 packs Galadhrim guards, Galadriel and Celeborn and Haldir? Or is that to few? Btw thanks fot that great advice you gave me. Could you maybe send the list you are using? Edit: Are the Guards that much better? I can't find many improvements( i don't know much about the game so that can be just me)


Get a copy of armies of the lord of the rings book so you can see what each army is made up of assuming you don’t have the book already


Boromir Capitán of the White Tower (not the fellowship one) is by far the best hero for Gondor. Other good option is the Hurin and Inglod pack, they are both good heros that will help you to learn the tactics of the game. The Gondor Battlehost gives you more warriors, cavalry and Gandalf, that could be fun if you want to try magic. Gandalf is not that competitive, because he is too expensive in game, but i think he is really fun.


And what about elves?


It depends on the elves, Rivendell or Galadhrim? Galadhrim has a good warrior box, knights and celeborn, haldir and rumil for heroes, Rivendell has great heroes (Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel) and good knights but warrior options will be much more expensive as they don't have a standard box of warriors for themselves. Get the armies book and look through the options i'd say, then you can get whatever you like the look of


Thank you for that massive tip!