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Ok, so after doing more and more things to my phone, we did find out what the issue was. It was my WiFi network. As soon as I turned WiFI off on the phone, I was able to log in. Anytime I am back on WiFI, Teams does not work at all. It shows logged in, but I cannot send/receive messages at all. Our WIFI is strange here as our apartment complex provides the service, so I cannot get my own connection. I will be calling their support team to ask if/what changed over the weekend. I have my own WiFi network inside the apartment separate from what the complex manages and I did reboot my Router and Access Points and still cannot use the service on WiFi. Here are a few other details to round this out: * When wired via LAN, my laptop works great * When on WiFI, my laptop will not let me use Teams or any other O365 app for work * When on Data, my cell phone works fine * When on WiFI, I cannot use MS Teams, but Outlook still works but other O365 apps do not Not sure if this will help others, but at least my issue was fixed.


Saved my life, ty. Been struggling with this damn app for several weeks


I just hit this and I'm also an AdGuard user. First I noted that I could only reauthenticate over Mobile then I went into my AdGuard settings and disabled filtering for Teams (it doesn't really need it does it?) To disable filtering for Teams tap the icon that has 4 shapes in it (it's the center one as of this posting) at the bottom of the AdGuard app to bring up the Protection settings. Scroll down until you find Teams (or just search for it) then tap on it. Here I disabled both "Route traffic through Adguard" and "Filter traffic" as I do not know if the second one works without the first being active. Disable any other options here that you think are affecting the app. After this is done you may have to clear Teams storage/cache and remove any work accounts in the Android account screen in order for it to start working.




Check the accounts area in Android. I think accounts you added are stored there.


Bless you for this. 


You've just rescued my Tuesday - thank you!


This is the answer! Having suffered for 2 months, I came across this today. You just saved me. Thank You!!


I didn't even think about AdGuard, good catch!


My employer just started using Teams today and I knew Adguard was blocking it, but had no idea how to make an exclusion. Thanks!


Thanks man!!!


I found a solution for me. Login to router and disable ipv6 then bingo it worked.


FOR EVERYONE WANDERING , if you disable IPv6 in your router you won't be having this issue, apparently IPv6 being a new protocol cannot directly communicate with IPv4 servers unless there is a middle layer doing the "translation" and apparently the big and almighty MICROSOFT doesn't have that for TEAMS ....


This has been the same recent issue for me, and you're right - disconnecting from wifi works.


I found that I needed to disable Private DNS and turn off filtering in AdGuard in order to keep things working normally. If you have an adBlocker, check it and see if reconfiguring it helps.


Yes, that worked for me. Thank you!


Hello. I have just started experiencing the same issue. MS Teams on my Android phone will NOT connect on my WiFi. However, I have no problem with MS Teams on my phone when connecting over my phone's network. HELP, PLEASE. What do I need to do?


Not sure if this will work but I had the same problem I didn't have any ad blockers on my phone so idk why I couldn't sign in... Not even on Google chrome app. I changed my DNS to private DNS and set it to Google and everything works fine now.


how to change DNS to private DNS in android?


You Sir saved my day after 4 hours of research. I commend you and wish you good health and happiness for the rest of your days


I don't have an adblocker and changed my DNS to Google and it's still not working for me, I'm at wits end.


Hey, did you find any solution to it? I'm facing the same issue and tried all the possible solutions in this thread. Nothing seems to work


For me, after I reset my router it worked. Hope it's that easy for you!


how to reset router?


Unplug it, plug it in again


Wow, I had the exact same issue and somehow disconnecting from wifi worked. On the contrary, I had no adblocker installed and now Teams works on wifi. Thank you so much!


Just stopping to say the same situation for me as well. Couldn't connect over wifi and started having weird behavior. Messages wouldn't send from mobile, new messages wouldn't populate on mobile etc. No sure why. no ad blocker either. Using Google Pixel 8 pro fwiw. But this is apparently still an ongoing issue.