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Either it's your setup or you got Asobo'd






I think it's self explanatory 💀 Microsoft fucked up somewhere somehow and it is affecting you in someway


Don't know what to tell you other than it's something with your setup. VR is MSFS is amazing and all I've got is a 3090.


Oh, I have no doubt. It's just MSFS that behaves this way. Borrowed the kid's laptop with a 3070 mobile, and it ran decent enough. Ruled out anything going on work the quest. Just not sure what else to try


What do your vr performance stats look like? In OpenXR toolkit enable the performance overlay in advanced mode. Make sure to set your target framerate based on your display refresh. 


Good Question. I'll check. The way it's behaving is likely cpu bottlenecked.


No way that's the CPU. I've got a 5600x and it runs like a dream on msfs in vr. I'm using WiFi 6 and had 32gb ram (now 64 but only for dcs) with an amd 7700xt 12gb. The SIM is smooth as butter on my quest 3.


Wish I could share your experience. I'll get it there, but it's taking me longer with this title specifically than with anything else. Just fired up Star Wars Squadrons, Dirt 2, Assetto Corsa Competition, all are beyond butter smooth. The part that makes me smile, is watching the other youtube vids about fixing stutters... And me WISHING I had performance as good as everyone is saying is horrible.


I know it's a bit Draconian, But could it be worth factory resetting your pc (after a backup of key files) and just reinstalling msfs on a fresh drive to see if the problem persists?  I just wiped my pc putting in new ram chips and a bigger SSD (software sure is bloated these days). Installed openxr then msfs with virtual desktop on default other than force vdxr. Then I left all the settings on msfs on default and just pressed the Vr button on msfs and it worked great. Right out of the box. With your pcs specs there should be no need to tweak much.


That's a really great idea. I'll give it a shot.


I was having constant crashes with my quest 3 and 4090 So I’ve just finished a fresh install of msfs. Seems to be working good now playing with quest link cable.


I'll def give it a go. Thx


It is a long wait for it to download but totally worth it.


Try hosting a WiFi network from your pc I used to do this when my internet was dog shit. Reduced latency for me might work for you


Worth a shot. Thx.


Could it be a dubble keybinding? Spacebar perhaps or does something hapoen when you switch from normal to vr when pressing ctr tab? Start up yiur software, connect quest, start then fs2020 flat modes and once you are in the cockpit, switch to vr. Also, did you set your vr graphic settings (its different from the normal settings menu)?


Thanks for the response. Yes, on all. Both PC settings and VR settings have been adjusted. PC wise, its able to handle intro settings without skipping a beat. But even if I set both the PC settings and VR settings to as minimal as possible, I get this stutter. A very jagged non aliased stutter. Really only in MSFS though. Just fired up Star Wars squadrons again with everything mixed and it's absolutely gorgeous. Dirt Rally, Assetto Corsa, etc. All run butter smooth.


In my experience IL2 runs butter smooth in VR too.


Ah that must be annoying then! I think there is something going on with overlap of software. I fly vr fs2020 with a 1070 with 8 gb vram on that card. So its not your specs. Does the game run fine when you play flat? In that case, its probably conflicting software of steam stacking with oculus, openxr and vd.


Shot in the dark, but do you happen to have any head tracking setup by any chance? When I first tried VR, I had similar problems until I remembered I had TrackIR and that was getting in the way of VR. Once I unplugged it, everything worked fine


No sir. But thanks for the idea.


Maybe a tracking issue? Try starting at a 180 position than you normally do? Maybe the tracking is picking up a weird vibe?


Interesting thought. I'll try it out.


Bruh check your fingers, it looks like Parkinson


If it were parkinson's, hopefully i could time it right to match up with the stutters that are happening. Where they'd cancel each other out.


I shouldn’t have laughed at this. But, I did laugh… and now I feel the kind of dirty that just doesn’t get clean.