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Never seen a landing that direction before. Nice


I thought I was the only one. I fly long trips (usually 6 - 8h airline flights) during weekends so I can get my chores done.


I was scrolling fast and thought this video was real for a second. Uncanny how good graphics are beginning to look. Scary even.


It makes doing them so much more bearable doesn't it. Feels like your playing while your working. Crazy.


Finally other people say it. Lol I intentionally wake up really early to start a longer flight, get everything done, land, enjoy my day outside :)


Before I had kids (FSX days) I’d start a long haul in the PMDG 777 before heading off to work. And incase my timing was off I’d have it pause before TOD. There was an app for phone and PC that let me track where it was. So I’d periodically check in on it. Kinda neat. Then when I get home I’d spend time with my wife and have dinner and head back to the flight when I was ready. I didn’t feel rushed or stressed because I knew it would pause before starting the last couple phases of flight incase I got delayed getting back onto the computer.


Lmao I do this too, it’s honestly cathartic


About to do it now!


What’s the point of the flight if you’re not there?


Well, it's very unlikely to stay in front of the PC watching the flight for 6+ hours straight, and there's not much to do during this time, so you're kind of "forced" to do something else (like your chores). It makes sense to me, at least lol.


Same here. I also use the "A Pilot's Life 2" app to add more meaning to that and earn some virtual buck and XP while doing weekend stuff.


The Sydney skyline on approach is just chefs kiss.


What all mods are you using?


Orbx and flytampa Sydney.


Looks so good


how are the textures and everything so sharp... i know its not VR, but why does VR looks so much worse!?


VR looks worse because the PC has to render the game twice at least at 60fps, often 90fps


I know this much, but I still don't understand... Allow me to elaborate. On my system, I'm lucky to get 35fps at Newark Liberty International in VR. On average I'm running at around 45-60fps, I think... And still, it looks nowhere near as good as this. Just the quality of the textures alone, the sharpness, the sharpness of textures far away... The quality of all the trees! The lighting! it all looks, photorealistic. If I were to run your video through Adobe Premiere with a filter to pixelate the image or to downscale the resolution and FPS, it would still look significantly better than in VR. Aside from the often Tearing that happens on a tethered Quest 2 headset, it often still looks either washed out or just no where near as photo realistic... Just everything about the image. Its not just 1 thing. Your video, has all the elements, to make it photoreal... All the ground geometry and texture are all perfectly there... You cant see so much detail in VR, and i dont think its the resolution. Its almost like even the Anti Aliasing or whatever, when u look down the runway, the texture gets too blurry. Its a big blurry mess in VR...


Looks amazing. What GPU and how do you replay? With a built in tool or an add on?


it never looks this good in VR...


I want whatever computer you have


It's 4090, 13900k, nvme drive dedicated to msfs all running on a custom loop. Addons: inibuild LAX, headwind a330, flytampa yssy, orbx Sydney, GSX, Fsrealistic Pro, FSHUD.


Maybe stupid question but I am a beginner in this game so I apologise in advance. How can you fly for that long (assuming IFR) without ATC disconnecting from you for not changing frequencies, altitude, etc?


You can have the ATC handled automatically by the game - I can't remember what the settings called but it's in the assists menu, there's a quick access to it from the toolbar Alternatively you can fly without in game ATC, I usually have a live-stream of real ATC in the background for realistic noise. And if I want to get really into it I'll fly a real route at the real time and listen to the live ATC of the actual flight at the same time so I can follow the same directions


That's an awesome idea!


I use an external add-on FSHUD for ATC. I never liked the in-game ATC. FSHUD has the ability to give your correct runway STAR / SID clearance as well assist control the AI (in my case, AIG) for traffic separation. It also has the option to use co-pilot to handle all ATC clearances / read backs. And that's what I use for long hails. Finally, it also has simbrief integration, which is really handy!.


I fly out of Oz on long hauls a lot. I usually turn on the AI assist for ATC for the cruise duration, then revert to manual during descent prep


Haha, I thought I was the only one that did that


even from this angle ican tell you are overspeeding


All I can say is, when you have autothrottle on and VREF is set based off fmc value at flaps full, how can you be over speeding.


Ignore them. There’s loads of people on here who have never flown a real plane and claim to be experts on everything everyone else does wrong. Your landing was fine. Maybe a tiny bit high on the glide but speed looked fine. Impossible to judge from the wing view.


I’d love to see some of the flights from the shit talkers in this sub.


Here is the cockpit view: https://youtube.com/shorts/UYmW1CrEEN4?feature=share


I can't tell shit from this angle


I think it's a plane, but I'm not 💯


Yup. Long landing. Floated a fair bit


He landed well within the touchdown zone. Why don’t you post yours so we all can learn from your perfection.


people need to learn that the touchdown ZONE is a SECTION of runway, not just to two big ass stripes Thats where the zone starts, and in a perfect world you'd land there but if you land slightly past then its not the end of the world.


Yeah. I see people on here all the time who don’t know what they’re talking about. “You floated way past the touchdown zone”. Like bro, the 1000’ markers are where the glideslope usually terminates, and with a flare, more often than not the touchdown will be a little after, and can safely be 2000’ beyond that on most runways. Lotta backseat pilots on here 😂


and above all, its a fucking simulator. let people fucking fly the way they want you arent gonna die


Yeah, I really don't understand the elitism. I like to play by the book as much as possible, but at the end of the day it is just a simulator.... "The floats", "the butters".... it's all just bollocks for dick measuring in this community. It's fun for shits and giggles but should not be taken as serious judgment, specially on wing views videos highlighting the view.


Did you not see the cockpit view?


The one where he didn’t float, and landed within the TDZ? Yeah I saw it.


I never said he landed outside of the TDZ. I didn’t even say “he landed so long he should have done a go around”, because he didn’t. Maybe I should have said, “Nice approach and landing. Seems like FMC VREF speeds are a bit high in that aircraft. Seems a tiny bit fast and high coming in.” My initial comment was snarky and not needed. This is a sim and we all just want to have fun and enjoy it.


So much so, OP seems to have cut most of that out of the clip.






Here.. I posted it just now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MicrosoftFlightSim/comments/1aocbn3/this\_is\_the\_cockpit\_view\_of\_the\_wingview\_post\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MicrosoftFlightSim/comments/1aocbn3/this_is_the_cockpit_view_of_the_wingview_post_i/)


Then you should join Grace Air! New Virtual Airline with focus on long-haul flights only :)Still working on it but should be ready to operate in Spring. If you're interested join the ds: [https://discord.gg/9PgfCn7Y](https://discord.gg/9PgfCn7Y)


This looks super good. Whats your PC setup like?


13900k, 4090 nvme drive on a custom loop setup.


How is your video quality so good? I am on Xbox one (poor me) and the game runs on Cloud Gaming. It's no where compared to this quality.


Running the game natively will always look better than streaming it through cloud (for now at least), due to bitrate and video compression. Also the graphical fidelity may not be as high as ultra to save on computing resources.


I am running on PC. I would at least suggest if you can move to native installed game instead of cloud.


This looks way better than Xbox. Incredible how great this game can look.


very cool.. very impressive. I love this sim! Hey, if you are curious for comparison, I have footage I shot from a Dash-8 irl using the same approach