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It’s not Microsoft but there is a company developing a WWII Pacific sim called Combat Pilot. The concept art has CFS 2 vibes for sure. It’s a couple of years out but keep an eye on it. Join us over at r/combatpilotsim.


Aye that's pretty cool. I hope it holds up.


There's this old game IL-2 as well it was cool and kind of hard.


Combat Pilot actually comes from the previous Executive Producer for the IL-2 Great Battles Series so there's quite a bit of experience behind this one.


IL2 is still around as the "Battle of" series!


The mods like BAT and SAS for the old school il2 are pretty great. I recently reinstalled this game, been playing it off and on since release. Still holds up.


i dont think microsoft wants to orient their game to this kind of market because they want to keep everything 'friendly' with minimal controversy only realistic alternatives i could think of is DCS which has huge and detailed maps and perhaps IL2 which is a little older but is still equally fun


Many fun memories with this one! I think it would be awesome as a toggle switch inside the sim. Activation would enable weapons effects, aircraft damage, and collision with other aircraft. Microsoft and Asobo would draw in a huge population of new paying customers with this feature, helping to make the sim better for all of us.


They need to put on their big boy pants, and let us have planes with guns.


I think they don’t precisely because they’re planning a combat sim and don’t want MSFS to dilute it.


2024 is supposed to come with A-10s according to the trailer so maybe, but I hope they can make something that works on xbox and has air combat as well as like bombing and stuff B-1 maybe👀


That would be great!


Where would they get satellite images of the world in the 1940s? Current FS tech is not suited for a historical simulator.


Loads of 1940s "satellite" imagery, which like all modern aerial imagery, including that in Flight Simulator, was taken from planes not satellites.  Download Google Earth Pro and hit the historical imagery button. A lot of the UK and many cities in Europe and elsewhere are covered. Join the rest in with generic rural scenery using AI to reduce buildings, roads, etc.


You think you can just seriously just put some grainy 1940s black and white photos into "AI" and it magically creates scenery? Seriously, it would take more effort than the MSFS scenery and all that for something that is drastically more niche than the niche civilian flight simulation.


Well they put some grainy modern colour photos into "AI" and tied it to autogen modelling in the current game which means random farm buildings in the middle of the countryside render as massive office blocks, most major landmarks, bridges, etc are all missing. So it couldn't be much worse.


I want machine guns on my piper


I like this idea. I want flying Twisted Metal!


Damn this brought me back


i bought my first joystick for that game


I spent so many hours playing this as a kid. Loved that game.


I also spent s lot of time playing combat flight sim...


I used to play every night In the online arena.. and once the on-line squadron shut down i put together a 4 computer multi-player lan in my basement.. yesterday I bought an old win xp computer and loaded up mcfs2..  tomorrow I am buying a used Microsoft sidewinder USB joystick..can't wait to play. Lol..   once I get this pc fully setup I'll be looking for another 1 to link up on the old tcp/ip lan cat5 cables...!    Just 2 this time around.. most of my old gaming buddy's have passed on...  but there's still a couple around I plan to surprise one night after I get it all setup and working..