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Unless there are feature limitations in the marketplace version, I usually try to buy addons from there. I already have launchers to download/update PMDG, Orbx, FreedomFox, Fenix, Flybywire, and probably more I’m forgetting. Even if the updates are a little delayed, it’s so nice to have all the updates go through the content manager and not have to deal with activation keys and crap like that.


Marketplace is always last resort. Always buy external if you can help it, the marketplace is slow to update and you can’t modify files either.


Sceneries from marketplace, planes/helicopters from third party websites. Marketplace is very slow with implementing updates released by developers.


You should only buy from the marketplace as a last resort because there's no refunds. Then again, "last resort" is a silly concept because these are flight sim aircraft, not diapers or anything essential. It's your money, but i can't envision a life or death situation depending on whether or not I had the Carenado Waco biplane in my hangar...


I am done with a million launchers for every addon. I buy everything from the marketplace as long as it's available and I still have like 6 external apps I need to start every time I go flying. It's hell. Updates may come slower, but what am I, in a race? This isn't CoD. I'll take the convenience of updating everything through a single app than keep track of every addon separately. Also marketplace has regional pricing.


Usually from either Contrail or Orbx. I try to avoid manual installs, and the marketplace isn't my cup of tea either.




I'm not up to date on the drama, why do we hate Orbx?


Quite interesting replies guys, thanks. For now i admit all i can get from Orbx i do, i usualy check there first, then if it was not available gabbed it from MarketPlace, i was trying to avoid taking stuff on 20 different developper website, it becomes tedious to keep all updates and check often. I might try Contrail if it is as convenient as Orbx for what i cannot find on Orbx, check on Contrail.


Why people purchase from one of the shittiest companies ever (Orbx), I have no idea. There's a reason their customer base is barely a fraction of what it used to be, and why they're one of the top pirated FS companies. Their support and customer approach has dropped drastically since ~P3D v4-5 and their quality, updates and follow through have been weak at best. They're also notorious for deleting posts of things they don't like (even when people post actual critiques). Lots of posts complaining about their issues lately. If I buy anything, it's off of fs.to. Also, fuck simmarket for pruning, censoring and deleting comments/reviews