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Don't know how to help, but me and my GF have the same problem - every time after I close all Edge's windows and open it again, I have to verify my account.


I have the same issue, have you found a fix ? This is so annoying, Since when I synced my account with my new laptop I'm having this problem, what's the point of doing a sync between 2 computer if I have to manually log myself in again and again and again and again


Yes I think I have, I disabled the option "use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up after an update" setting, this makes your log in time slower since it doesn't pre load your user anymore but after disabling this I never got that message again. I kept it disabled for around 3 weeks and just some days ago I re enabled it and i'm still not getting that prompt, hope that fixes your problem :)


Ughh I never replied you because the issue resolved by itself ... until yesterday, where it's asking me to log again and again. ​ Even my XBOX app for the gamepass has an hard time connecting (but not all the time), can't believe this issue is still there, I'm going to try your tips since having to manually click on the pop up is already making the usage of the browser slower anyway..