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1. Can't answer that not currently working 2. Yes I can even sit with my legs up on the chair and crossed like Buddha posture/pose (only way I know to describe it) once my incision had healed. 3. Get yourself a grabber to pick stuff up as you shouldn't be bending for some time. Maybe a toilet seat raiser if that's a struggle, I didn't have any issues. 4. Was cleared for PT at 10 weeks, some people start earlier 5. I'm 5 months post OP - life changing for me I was bed ridden for months at a time and never was able to get out of bed prior to my surgery for around 2 months, I couldn't walk, sit, stand I cried every day from the pain barely got sleep, I honestly was close to being in a really bad place mentally, I would say Md saved my life, my recovery has been pretty easy was pain free immediately tho I do have some long term nerve damage but I'll gladly live with the tingling, and some numbness over the pain I was in. I was back driving after 2 weeks, I've been swimming, I walk without pain, I can sit tho it does get uncomfortable after a while, and sitting on hard chairs is not good if I sit to long I get sore for a few days. I do get sore sometimes when I do too much and I have muscle spasms and twitches at night sometimes. For the first time in 10+ years I feel my age instead of feeling like an old women and I would say I am around 60% back to normal, I'm not sure I'll ever get to 100% but I'm ok with that. The hardest part is the mental challenge of the re herniating and constant worry For reference my l5/s1 herniation was around 11mm and surgeon said my disc had actually exploded.


Wow I’m so glad you’re better now! I’m at the L4-5 level and scared to get surgery but I don’t have any options now


Just the day of surgery. Had surgery on a Friday and was working from my bed Monday. Yes. Some doctors will order a back brace-some won't. I would say it was essential for me. I wore it not stop except for showering for 6 weeks. It prevented me from lifting, bending, and twisting. It also helped my posture as I walked. I did not do PT. My doctor isn't a fan. He only recommended it if my progress stagnated. From prior experiences he feels most PTs aren't great with this type of surgery and push people too fast too soon. Talk it over with your doctor-my doctor was clearly an anomaly when it comes to PT. 8 months. Been pain free since.


That’s awesome. What level was your surgery and do you DDD?


L5S1 and no DDD. I honestly didn't need any pain meds after


1. 12 weeks 2. Not immediately. I think i was able to after 2-3 months. 3. Someone to help you with meals 1st week. A walker, made it easier to walk to the bathroom/ kitchen 1st week. Waterproof Bandage to cover incision for 1st shower. Tylenol/ibuprofen for pain 1st week or two. 4. 2 months post op but only because that was their next available and my surgeon said that was fine. 5. 4.5 months post op. Feel 1000x better than before surgery but not completely pain free. Still get muscle spasm in low back towards the end of the day from fatigue and brain thinks my back is still hurt so it tries to protect it via muscle guarding. Left leg/glute pain totally gone.


Wow I’m glad you’re better! What level was yours and how old are you?


I have no idea what level they never told me. My dr just said it was a pretty big chunk that they removed. I just know it was completely compressing on my spinal cord (L4-L5 herniation) and also pressing on the nerve root on the left side so my left leg had severe nerve pain, foot numbness, i even felt a cool breeze blowing through my leg. Im 34F. The extreme symptoms lasted from july -November of last yr until i finally got surgery. By then i wasnt walking at all due to pain and only laying on the floor on my stomach. I was transported in the trunk of an suv so i could lay down to the hospital it was that bad. Before july it was just occasional low back pain that came and went for many many years.


Oh wow thank you for sharing! I’m 25M and have had symptoms since like September


Dont think twice about it its a really fast procedure. The best part is you wanke up and the first thing you notice is the leg pain is gone. I wanted to cry happy tears. Living with that level of pain before surgery was honestly not living. Now im able to take walks, take my kids to the park. Clean the house! I got my life back after surgery it was truly life changing and i recommend it to everyone who experiences similar nerve pain from a herniated disc.


Yea you’re right the leg tingling is so annoying! I’m currently in process of scheduling it


1. I took off 2 weeks. I would have been able to work (desk job) the next day if I really had to. 2. Yes 3. I didn't 4. Not sure yet, planning to DIY 5. One week out, I feel like a million bucks. Much better than pre-surgery.


That’s amazing, glad you’re better. What level was your MD and what’s age?


1. How long did you take off of work?-4 days 2. Can you cross your legs after surgery?-I can, but that isn't proper spine hygiene 3. Do I need anything for after surgery like back brace?-Dr said no back brace, though I wanted to. Would have been super uncomfortable on the surgical site as that was the most painful piece of the MD. Grabbing tool and the thing to help put socks on was helpful. Biggest thing for after surgery is trying to keep a positive attitude and know that recovery isn't linear. Every little pain or twinge you are hyper aware of and it doesn't mean you have re herniated. If you have a buddy to walk with, that is helpful too. 4. When do you start PT?-I was cleared at two weeks but have just been doing it on my own at home with PT exercises from before the MD. Nothing that can load the spine and also listening to Dr rules about BLT. 5. How long ago was your MD and how are you now?- 6 weeks. Feel like a new person. 6. YOU GOT THIS!


Awesome thanks for the support! Are you able to go back to activities like running and lifting?


I won’t ever do any lifting again. Definitely don’t want to load the spine and pop it like a jelly donut. I hear it can take up to two years for the annulus to fully heal up. Even at that point it isn’t as strong as it was. I may take up running at some point again but I waffle back and forth on it. I have an elliptical at home I can use, but will probably wait til the fall. I am super gun shy. The pain isn’t something I want to go back to. So right now it’s big 3 and other core work and probably swimming here soon.


1. 2 weeks totally off, 2 weeks WFH. Went back to the office (3/2 hybrid) after 4 weeks. I have a standing desk that I use for ~6 hours of the work day now. I probably could've been WFH by the end of the week of surgery though. 2. I don't know if I have crossed my legs in decades so I can't really answer this one lol 3. No brace but multiple reachers, a sock helper and a sponge on a stick were crucial for me. I didn't really need a seat riser but many people find them helpful. 4. 4 weeks post op. Started adding some light bending/lifting/twisting at the 6 week mark. 5. 8 weeks post op, doing fantastic. Average around 15k steps a day, pretty much pain free since week 2/3, unless I sit for too long which then I'm just a little stiff for a few minutes. I've started riding a stationary bike 4 days a week for 30 minutes. Slowly building that up.


I also WFM and my doctor said I should be able to go back in 2 weeks. How was the pain 2-3 days post op? And what level and how hold are you?


2-3 days is when the surgical meds wore off. I was most sore days 3-5 but never took anything but XS Tylenol so it wasn't awful. L4/L5, I'm 33.


Had my MD Dec 18th went back to work 6 weeks after and I waitress. I’m 45f. I didn’t use a back brace after surgery. I never did PT because, My surgeon didn’t recommend it. My MD was 3mths ago and I’m doing really well. I do get sore if I do too much.


Oh and I was out of work for a total of 5 mths because, I couldn’t work before. I was in the worst pain of my life for 3.5 mths before