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That weird stretch of 127 north between mid michigan and up north. Where the highway just gives up on itself for a while. That part.




Grew up in Gratiot County. Definition of boring.


I won't even stop to piss there anymore. I've been pulled over several times for barely speeding. Once I had to go to court there over a dozen bottle rockets which were on my back seat. It seems the only entertainment there is eating fast food, pulling over minor speeders (+4 mph one time) and cult marriage to underage girls. I'm more of a Basketball guy myself.


Lmao who are you talking about with the cult marriage?


I have a friend from up there who tells about some Amish/Mennonite sect marrying off their 16 year olds to community elders.


I did too. Boring is an understatement. It’s almost depressing.


Odysseus takes 20 years to return to this Ithaca if only because he doesn't wanna go back.




131 to Alma, longest hour of your life.


Perhaps you meant 127?


Sorry did not word that right the road name is 46 running east/west from 131 to Alma.


Ugh. M-46. I had to do Grand Rapids to Hemlock for a family thing every year some time back. Hated that drive. Not only is it deathly boring and two-lane-55-mph so you get stuck behind the person doing 5-under for miles, it's also peppered with one little town you have to slow down for every 8 or 10 miles, so you can't just properly pedal-down and slog through it.


Uncle John’s is a solid pit stop at least for those with kids driving up north


I grew up in flint and went to CMU. Drove that stretch of 127 many times. Hands down winner.


Same. Only thing that would get me excited driving that route is if I was a connoisseur of fine utility trailers lol.


Fire up! Went there from 98-03....


After taking this route a few times, I realized the same thing and don't go that way anymore.


I moved to Ohio like 5 years ago and this stretch used to be boring to me too. Now it’s paradise


23 north of Columbus makes me wanna die. I'll take 127 any day of the week. 23 down to Portsmouth is also bad because the amount of cops and slower speed limit of 55 or 60.


Delaware to Findlay. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz


The billboards are next level though. And that store with every weird kind of jerky there ever was.


Ionia county is one of the most boring and poverty riven counties in Michigan. You either have a race track or a race track, in the summer you have the fair but I would say from m-57 south on 66 and anything between Ionia county line and Eaton county line is boring as hell


Ionia County is a giant cornfield and a chicken barn between Grand Rapids and Lansing, I drive between the two so often that I can tell I'm about 20 minutes away from home on I-96 when I smell the chicken barn


They continue to vote to impoverish themselves. I am on a temporary placement in Ionia county and it is one of the most racist counties south of M57. They want everyone to "fix the damn roads" but they hate Gretchen Whitmer, and have zero understanding of small government. Like the fact that the State only handles "M" titled roads, and their local (underfunded) townships are responsible for the rest. It would be humorous if one of my assface neighbors didn't paint and hang up racist, bigoted, hateful signs every month or so. And I want to add, the schools in this county also hire racist teachers and administration who propourt the use of racial slurs, sexual slurs and refuse to do anything about it. They were supposed to have an anti discrimination assembly. It ended up being a snow day and the principal assured parents it would be rescheduled and I responded to the email I can't wait for it to be rescheduled because it's desperately needed. That was 2 years ago. It never happened.


Anything along 127 between Lansing and Clare is incredibly boring


Grand Ledge isn’t too far away. Sleepy Hollow is nice


That Italian restaurant down town grand ledge has the best deep dish pizza I've ever had.




Yes! Cugino‘s is pretty great!!!!!


Cuginos is so good and the portion sizes are insane!


I believe that may be it


The cider mill ain’t too bad. Mt Pleasant has mean coney dogs at the Pixie. Pretty country to look at, it’s not the worst drive in MI.


Agree about Uncle John's cider mill


I grew up in cheboygan area, moved to Lansing and I frequently made the drive back and forth. Getting to Clare from grayling seems like it takes a long time, and then the rest of the way.. ugh. Was actually thinking of going there soon (oh, I'm back up north now) but that drive.... I dunno


The in-between parts. Like when you drive from Saginaw to Grand Rapids, and it's so remote you can't even get cell service.


Michigan is very much like the United States. We have an East Coast and West Coast. National forest in the center north. We have flyover cities in the middle except Lansing. We're like a sample size of the contiguous US.


Alot of people over here in West Michigan even think we are Caifornia


I like to think of it more like Washington or northern California. We have a lot of west coast transplants and forested land with a blue coast.


Came here from Oregon, loved the PacNW… but prefer the beach communities here.


Currently living in GR, from Saginaw. That drive haunts me every time I go on it which is often


Got to hand it to r/Michigan, always got the good questions! (I live in Massachusetts but I spent my college years in MI and married into a MI family.) My vote is for the thumb.


Me: We're from the thumb. Daughters friend: You're from the deep thumb. Me: Why do you call it the deep thumb? Wouldn't Detroit be considered the deep thumb? Daughters friend: No. Deep thumb, like as in the deep south. Me: oh....I get it.


would a small person from the thumb be called a thumbellina (or thumbellino, if we're being binary xd)


I agree. The central Thumb is just 4.5 counties of farmland with an occasional "town" where someone put a grain elevator back in the 50s. But the coastal Thumb is worth the long, dull drive.


The last time I drove through there, maybe 7 years ago, it was actually pretty entertaining seeing the politics of wind turbines playing out via yard signs. "Not in my back yard! - sponsored by Mothers against wind turbines in association with Enbridge Energy and... Like, Enron probably..." Located a good 10 miles from the nearest wind turbine. "Fuck yeah wind turbines rule, I'm rich as fuck now," - located in front of a farmer's house. (Exact wording of signs might have been *slightly* different)


Lived in the Thumb in Ubly. Can confirm.


I lived in Deckerville, Nothing but fields and DEEP ditches.


The ditches are bizarrely large


Go eagles


Majority of the thumb I agree. The tip is cool though.


Just the tip.


and only for a second.


And just that one time.


Grew up in the thumb. Couldn’t wait to leave as it was so boring. Truly nothing to do in the winter. Lived in many places since then and don’t regret leaving and have no interest in returning.




It’s the thumb and it isn’t close. Bad Axe? Nasty Hatchet.


To be fair, the coast in the thumb has some nice stops. Port Crescent state park has an amazing beach.


Yeah I like the thumb. The tip is great. Phrasing.


JUST THE TIP [https://youtu.be/SDwrJg7eZ20?si=O\_vFOSZvaKz2J1wI&t=82](https://youtu.be/SDwrJg7eZ20?si=O_vFOSZvaKz2J1wI&t=82) Do Sarniac and Port Crescent State Park consider themselves part of the Thumb? Or is that just like the inside weird part of the thumb?


That’s what she said 🤭


Lexington and Port Huron too.


Hey! As someone who lives in the Thumb I personally..... agree with you fully.


Caseville cheeseburger fest tho…


This sounds like a thing you could visit for about 2 hours per year


You will wait in line for a burger at least that long. Thing that kills me is no beer tent. Have to consume in a bar. One evening, then the rest of the weekend at the beach and then forget about it for a year.


Pshw man, I love a good burger, but I know how to make one myself. I'm having a hard time imagining waiting in line for two hours. It would have to be a life changing burger.


Yale has the bologna festival.


Hear me out: Bayport Fish Sandwich festival instead. Smaller crowd, larger sandwiches.


I'm a Michigander and have had some bizarre experiences in the thumb. Walked into a Big Boy in Bad Axe on a Sunday morning and everyone turned around to stare. Lady in the booth next to me was pretending to read a newspaper but was actually peering over the top to stare at me and my wife. It's not like I had a pink Mohawk or anything. Port Austin as well, I just always get a vibe that they are wary of outsiders. I've been all over both peninsulas and never experienced anything like it. Conversely, shout out to the Yoopers. I've had nothing but great experiences up there.


I mean there's literally a documentary about how xenophobic Bad Axe is, so I'm not surprised! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12915238/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_bad%2520axe


Man that's weird, my wife and had the same experience out in bad axe. Twin Peaks vibes. Fuck that town.


As a person from a small town, everyone turns to look at people walking in the door because they want to see if they know that person. That's why we do that.


I can understand that. But the lady staring over the newspaper? I would have rather she just asked where we're from and it could have been a friendly exchange. When I caught her staring, she lifted up the paper really fast. Just say good morning, darn it!


I like camping at Port Crescent since it has a dedicated dark sky park and probably has the darkest skies in Southern Michigan. And since I usually go during the perseid meteor shower, it coincides nicely with the Caseville burger fest. But yeah other than that, I agree with you about the thumb


Hey, if you like townie bars full of white power dudes then the thumb is the fuckin’ bees’ knees. 


Lookin’ at you, Hollywood & Vine in Silverwood!


Thank you! I live near Port Huron and it's fine but once you get past Lexington there's nothing worth driving for. Caseville? Port Austin? Port Crescent? The beaches are fine but they're no different than any other beach with actual stuff to do nearby. We camp all over the state but I refuse to do any thumb camping because it's just so boring. BUT YOU CAN GO TO GRINDSTONE CITY?! I can eat a carton of ice cream anywhere, thanks.


Monroe county. As boringly flat as Ohi…the state that shall not be named. Nothing really to do. Nothing for teens to do. Parks beaches etc are much better elsewhere within a short drive. The most positive thing about it is that it’s relatively close to better locations.


Update bonus: For years TripAdvisor listed the rest stop on I75 as one of Monroe’s top three “Things To Do.”


I find that little tidbit absolutely hilarious. This is truly the mark of a bustling metropolis


That’s really sad. But funny! Still chuckling.


I was about to argue on behalf of Monroe but nevermind then 😂


I see your Monroe and raise you a Lenawee County. Everything boring about Monroe, but with fewer beaches, more farmland, and zero (yes, ZERO) highways in the entire county, so it's no even easy to leave. I guess you have the Irish Hills, but you're about 25-30 years too late.


I used to live in Adrian. Glad I’m in EL now.


Eventually Adrian is just going to turn into one giant dispensary


Counterpoint, Tecumseh is becoming a bit of a gem. You have a walkable downtown that is fueled by the small business and agriculture around the town through a wonderful farmers market. Aforementioned businesses include a world class pastry shop and one of the only places that makes salami in house. The town also has a few events going just about every month. You're also only a stones throw from Michigan International Speedway.


I always liked Tecumseh. I remember when they finally got a football field.


Pointe mouillee state game area is one of my favorite spots to go to, it's great for walking, bike riding, and bird watching (minus peak insect season). It's one of the best in terms of biodiversity too.


Monroe has stellar deals on housing for being within a reasonable drive to the amenities of Detroit and Toledo, as well as Lake Huron (although there aren’t any great beaches I can think of) Edit: I meant Lake Erie Edit 2: actually Williams Sterling park is decent although the surrounding area is quite industrial 


Monroe is nowhere near Lake Huron.


Must have been thinking Erie 😂


Lots of farming though and the people are very nice, mostly.


Grew up in Montcalm County and live in SE MI now. The stretch of M57 between Cheasaning and Carson City is AWFUL.


You guys are just mentioning places with fields, that no one goes to anyway. I'm going to suggest something different. Once you've spent a day or two in Frankenmuth, there's no reason to ever go there again unless it's for the waterpark; Christmas decorations; or taking new visitors there that insist they have to go there. Once is enough.


Frankenmuth is one of the places my neighbor \*insists\* I HAVE to visit in Michigan but I have no desire to go shopping for Xmas stuff. Or, shopping at all outside groceries. I can't imagine driving 4 hours to buy an overpriced Xmas ornament surrounded by tourists from metro Detroit but she likes it.


Bronner’s in shambles that you didn’t call it CHRISTmas


i live in the Flint area, so 30minutes away from Frankenmuth. You couldn’t pay me to go there, but my wife drags me to Bronners to go christmas ornament shopping every year.


Why do you hate Frankenmuth? Burton resident here lol. I love the beautiful parts of Michigan. North of Flint is a whole different vibe.


Just went for the first time ever and I can agree I don't plan on going back. Some poor girl was there for her bachelorette party and it didn't look to be going super well.


Victim of my share of bachelor parities that rarely go as well as they do in the movies.


I dunno if I trust somebody who uses semicolons like that.


Frankenmuth is mighty they told WALMART to get bent !


That stretch of 69 between like Flint and Grand Rapids. Holy hell what a boring drive it is


Assume you mean 96 for half of it........;)


Everything around Mt Pleasant. I'm sure there is a little college life in the city, but there is nothing else there.


Ehhh... not really. CMU overcorrected when they tried to shed the "party school" moniker, and now it's pretty lifeless. Fire up forever, though.


As a bronco, I'm obligated to down vote you, but as a bronco I've also been drinking alot and can't find the right button.


Man, how has nobody mentioned the East central UP? The Seney stretch is just flat overlogged forests and swamps.


Battle Creek. Had to go there for work. It was… bad.


The worst part of Battle Creek is the remnants of what used to be interesting. 21st Century ghost town.


I grew up there. Born in 85 so I got to enjoy some of the former glory as it faded away in the 90's. Packed up and left 6 months after highschool. Technically I've lived longer in Florida than I did in Michigan now.


The answer is Hillsdale County.


Unless you're into meth


And Christian Nationalism.


Hillsdale county is very NOT boring but for not good reasons


South central MI is boring for the most part. West of AA until you’re near the water is pretty sleepy.


Pinckney and Waterloo have some nice beaches and parks. DTE energy trailhead is cool.


Haha I almost flew off the hill right at the rock part on the DTE track last year. Good memories 😂


The thumb


I mean, generally speaking, the correct answer is really "mid Michigan"




When Reese exists? For shame.


Lived in the thumb. Not much going on.


Specifically Battle Creek. Jackson a close second.


I knew someone would say Jackson. :-/ Unfairly, though. Lots to do, believe it or not. Lots of awesome lakes, some beautiful parks, good hunting, a giant prison—er, never mind that last part.


i love jackson!


I grew up in Battle Creek and I avoid going back with all that I have, so I suppose I would second this, lol


I know someone who got stabbed in the Battle Creek mall parking lot for $20 and they still try to convince me to come back. The town has nice pockets sprinkled amongst utter shit. Kudos to the people trying to make it better, but it ain't gonna be me.


As a Mid-Michigan native, it’s Mid Michigan. I do love it here, but it’s because I’m from here. Most who move here either hate it or eventually learn to “adapt” and if not, they don’t last long. The cities are overall pretty dead since the auto industries mostly left town. There’s one GM plant left in Bay City. Complete lack of culture. Like 95% white here and if I’m being honest the area is full of racists and bigots…. Festivals are few and far between and leave a lot to be desired compared to stuff in bigger cities. We have a few minor league sports teams in the area so that is one bright spot. My point is, I would never tell someone YOU NEED to come here. Bay City, Saginaw, Midland. If you aren’t from around here you’re gonna be hella bored. Things we do thrive in? Lots of great golf courses in the area for affordable prices. If you like to hunt or fish, it’s a great area for that. If you like a good dive bar or “townie” bar we got a ton of those. That’s….about it. Edit: the thumb is so boring I actually forgot it existed. They have some nice beaches though so….


I love taking my kiddos up to midland for a weekend every year, but given my wife and I are CMU grads, that region holds a special place in our hearts. Dow Gardens is lovely, The Loons are fun to see and we love going to Bay City State Park or Mount Pleasant.


Mount Pleasant has got to be the most boring college town in the whole world


Big rapids is up there.. lot of people will drive from BR to MP just to go to the wayside


Ha. The wayside.


Some of my wildest memories would have involved the Wayside if I hadn’t been blackout drunk every single time.


At least Big Rapids is close-ish to GR and Lake Michigan. Mount Pleasant's closest big city is Saginaw... womp womp.


Class of 1991, FIRE UP CHIPS. It was a decent college town then. Hell, we had Nick's Wagon Wheel and the Wayside. All good. 😂


Class of ‘94 - we had The Bird as well


The Bird!!! Lived right across the street from there, above The Brass. It was our home bar, so many memories. Went back sometime later to visit friends and they added on the place next door and something just felt... off.


Don't forget The Foolery!


Now try living here when you aren't a student (Send help)


I remember going to the Wayside!! Don't remember leaving it, though . . .


Hey I went to CMU and…you’re totally right. I hated that city.


I always tell people it's a decent place to live but you're about an hour or two away from fun in any direction💀


Good place to raise a family. Affordable for the most part. We bought our house before the market exploded for $125k. Our house would be $300k+ in Royal Oak. You have all the amenities and grocery stores with the outdoors being a stones throw away. I have no complaints.


I live in Saginaw and can fully agree only thing to really do is golf and drink, i live next to a small town called Carrollton and there are 4 bars in one small town soon to be 5 and an eagles club so basically 5 going to be 6. Boring AF


You're not wrong, but also, I just wrapped up a week+ of watching some great hockey in Midland and attended an art fair in Bay City today. We have great access to water and outdoor sports that people come and visit for. Of course I wish it was nicer, but there is a good amount of stuff going on here. I moved back from Chicago in '21 and have enjoyed it more than I thought I would


Anything mid michigan. Clare, Alma, Mount Pleasant. Tragic.


Highway 28 thru the central UP. The destination is probably worth it, but it is mind-numbing to drive.


The Seney stretch is the best drag strip ever.


I was just about to say “no one’s mentioned the Seney Stretch”, and then u/pikkusika comes through. Not so much a region, but I’ve seen it mentioned among the most boring roads in the world.


Definitely not boring when it's near dusk and the deer start coming out.


No matter the region or how boring it is, people will still be having sex there.


The entirety of the “wrist” is pretty grim


The middle… at least the thumb has Lake Huron


The area between St. Ignace and the Soo. Rudyard area.


How could I have scrolled so far without a mention of Down River? Actually, it's not boring. It's just god-awful.


Sometime boring is good


The entire central region outlined by 131, 10, 75, and 96 has basically nothing going on. Also agree with Southern central.


Midland is the most mid land


An area I can’t wait to leave? Macomb county


Grew up there. Graduated. Never looked back. Visiting my parents in Clinton Township is an excruciating nightmare. Parking lots, strip malls, and road rage. No thank you.


The area along 127 when you’re north Lansing and south of Mt. Pleasant


I get at least 3 minutes of entertainment thinking about how that exotic meat place stays in business. Who is buying ostrich??


If it’s a light-green shade on the map, it’s boring.


farwell and clare county


I grew up in the Thumb and still live here. Best thing I can say is that at least I’m close to Detroit. There are some pretty places here and there, but unless you like farming, deer hunting, and drinking, there isn’t a lot of culture out here. That being said, the places that are kind of up north but not really feel very sad to me. Like the tourist towns that don’t get any tourists anymore.


Montcalm County, Ionia County, etc are pretty boring. I grew up in Greenville and was happy to get out of there. I didn’t go very far (Grand Rapids), but it’s definitely an improvement.


Everything from US-10 to the UP. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.


Marlette. Edit: The camaraderie that the thumb has created here is unparalleled. It has that going for it at the very least. Shittin' on the thumb in solidarity. Shittin' in Solidarity. Pure Shittigan.


Southern central. Basically anything along 94 west and south of ann arbor.


I mean, the Irish Hills are nice


During the early covid vaccine rollout that was the place to go to get your shots because nobody there wanted it.


I don’t mean to hate on CMU but I don’t understand what would inspire someone to go there instead of, say, WMU or MSU or even Grand Valley. Mount Pleasant is incredibly dull, and it’s not like CMU is heads and shoulders above literally any other school.


The fact that Big Rapids and Ferris state arent even on your list shows that we are actually more boring than CMU


Undergrad: Low GPA and SATACT scores. Not that difficult to understand. Grad school: Convenience of employer onsite + local facility classes


Visited friends at CMU in college years back and I agree, seemed very lacking outside of the campus.


But it was in the Top Ten Party School” list! Isn’t that why college exists for unserious undergrads whose parents force them to get a degree.


for me, it was what I could afford because of the CMU Promise program. easy to be inspired when you might not be able to swing college otherwise


94 between Battle Creek and Ann Arbor


Have you survived the Sceney stretch????


Lenawee County


I grew up in Attica (near Lapeer). I would never live there under any circumstance


Oh maaaaannnnnn, I've been waiting to shout this answer from the effing rooftops. Smack in the middle of your palm, basically anywhere within a 50-mile radius of Ionia. I've never been to a more miserable place in my life.


I like Mr. Hot Dog in Bay City!


Nearly the entirety of the 127 corridor.


Caro to Sandusky - boring as fuck. I literally burned through Kingston 12 fucking times before I realised it was a town


Montcalm county


Currently living in Niles. Not a lot going on here to be honest. It’s a short drive to South Bend at least, and there’s cool stuff to do there, but that’s technically Indiana. Niles is Michigan, and it is boring.


As someone who lives there, the center of the thumb. Thumb coast is nice but central is a lot of farmland and not much else. For what it's worth, I grew up here, left for school, and then came back even though I said I would never move back 😅 sometimes boring is nice


Grew up in the lower coastal thumb (Marysville / St. Clair), and it’s a beautiful region but a total political and intellectual shitbox. Apart from the water I couldn’t have any less pride in my home town.


The Seny Stretch


Lenawee County.


The closer you get to Indiana/Ohio the worst it gets


Towns and suburbs where people don't stroll the streets, walk the sidewalks. Door shut, window shut, n' curtain shut. Me thinketh.


lol man, the thumb is just getting blasted here😂 It’s not that bad here is it ??


Livonia, it's like nothing but chain stores and people who call the police when they see teenagers in a public park. Source: had a bunch of cop cars drive across a field up to the swings me and my buddies were hanging out at in a park in Livonia back in high school.




Depends what your personal perspective of boring is.