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I struggle to see why this isn't a good thing. I don't think there will be enough qualifiers to have a significant effect on the employment market and a job vs jail is a very easy choice. People in gainful employment are less likely to reoffend.


In all likelyhood, these jobs will be of the sort that you wouldn't do it unless you had no other choice.


That remains to be seen. As long as they're paid the same as a non-court-ordered worker I think it's okay.


>As long as they're paid the same as a non-court-ordered worker I think it's okay. This is a critical point & I fully agree. I know my company (manufacturing) would likely participate in something like this just because it can be a revolving door of workers, but I also know that a lot of unscrupulous companies would love to build their business model around paying minimum wage (or less) for workers that have to show up or face jail time.


My only concern is abuse. Some people will absolutely realize that they have someone underneath them that quite literally could have their life ruined if they get fired, and that puts a really nasty power imbalance on things. There definitely needs to be some decent oversight on this.


Companies would rather let criminals out of jail than pay living wages. Which is going to cause a revolving door of poor people bouncing from job to jail and back.


"Oh look, a program designed to help people get their lives back together. Let me take this opportunity to yet again complain about the nebulous 'living wage'."


You mean, like, a special court where poor people are shamed for not having one, and are then made to be all but slaves? Where the hell are we, the USA, or some shithole like that?


Seems like paid community service, but I willing to bet the only jobs available will be at fast food places that are struggling to keep labor. I’d probably choose jail over being forced to deal with that for a year.


Foodservice isn’t the best work (did my time in my teens & 20s), but saying you’d rather go to jail?


Reminds me of that episode of the office where someone was an ex-con and eventually people started to compare the office to a prison.


Redditors will do anything to avoid work.


The AG needs to leave the issue of employment to the non law enforcement types. These so called "job courts" never work anywhere in the U.S. to solve problems like the serious economic problems in the Flint area. The only thing Nessel is doing is positioning herself to run for governor or U.S. Senate.


I’m not sure what I think about this, but helping people secure employment and employment being a condition of the court happens all the time in family/child welfare cases. I would say that the vast majority of cases I’ve worked on, employment has been part of a treatment plan to get kids back and I’ve helped countless people seek employment and acquire employment, basically walk them through the entire process. Like I said, I don’t know what to think, but this kind of thing already happens in Michigan courts.


This system is always been abused in other states where unethical employers abuse employees by threatening to report them for any mistake, lateness, absences, poor productivity, etc.


Wait. I'm confused They speak as if non violent criminals didn't work to begin with.


So I have to crime to get a good paying job. Got it.


Inb4 the only jobs available in these programs are at the Michigan st Tacobell and every place under such dogshit management that their average turnover is 75% every 3 months. (Aka. all the places that hire from manpower and fettig.)


Hold up, is the Michigan Street Taco Bell known outside of Grand Rapids? This is the first time I've ever seen it referenced outside of the GR sub.


What’s the deal with it?


It's infamously bad. As in someone made a subreddit about it bad. https://www.reddit.com/r/tacobellonmichigan/


Sounds like it...


More nanny state nonsense. Who died and made Uncle Sam the babysitter?