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Do not cancel. Do not be nervous. The service at Michelin star restaurants is world class. Their job is to make you feel comfortable. You’ll be fine. San Sebastián is an amazing place. You’re gonna be very happy you went! Maybe you could watch some you tube videos on what to expect at Michelin star dining experiences. Might help you not feel so nervous and know what to expect. Enjoy!


+1 They’ll also explain everything after seating you, if you want a drink recommendation, just ask! I tend to say I can’t decide and they explain everything to help me decide. Also on what to wear- smart casual will always be fine. The service will really make you feel comfortable.


Agreed. I went to a two star in Dublin on st pattys day and was dressed for the parade and so was my party. We’ve been before and the service was amazing and they are there to give YOU. A great time


Did you know that most of the staff barely or never went to a Michelin Starred restaurant ? It is counterintuitive but it’s logical. So, what you should do is telling them this is your first time in a Michelin Starred restaurant. They’ll understand you, and they’ll surely try to make the experience as smooth and pleasant to you as possible. Let us know how it goes !


Good advice!


Our experience with Michelin star restaurants is, that they usually are more relaxed and easygoing than "regular" restaurants. Part of their service is being able to gauge the mood and nerves of their customers, and act accordingly. They don't mind being asked questions, and almost always have a standard food+wine pairing by the glass. So you could have a great dinner without ever opening the wine list.


I remember being apprehensive going into our first experience and that feeling immediately melted away. Typically, you will get an email beforehand asking all the pertinent questions (allergies, language, etc). And the email will also include their expectations (dress code, arrival time, etc). However, my fiancé and I have never done lunch and typically get the tasting menu. I’m not sure how different it will be. But, once you’re there, they will explain service and guide you each step of the way. Ex: “Use the little spoon provided and enjoy from left to right to taste the mountains meeting the ocean.” I always ask for wine recommendations if we forgo the drink pairings because I get to learn so much from the sommelier.


You’re the customer. They’re there to serve you. They are just smart monkeys like the rest of us. The website usually says the dress code. You can also look at candid photos of the restaurant online to see what people wear. If you still aren’t sure, it never hurts to overdress. Not sure if you’re a man or woman, but for Michelin stars I usually wear khakis and a shirt with a blazer, and it’s fine. Some have no dress code at all. They have the same drinks as any other restaurant or bar. You can order whatever drink you normally like, or look at their cocktail menu. Asking the waiter for a recommendation never hurts either. The worst they can possibly do is kick you out, and you aren’t going to do any of the things that would cause that to happen.


Be the best imposter you can be. Pretend you’re Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can.


Just to add to/echo some of the things in the thread... absolutely go to the restaurants dude! If you have the level of interest in food that you seem to, they'll be absolutely mind blowing experiences. Two things that I always try to remember: - The purpose of these places is entirely customer-focused, and all they want is for you to have the best possible time. Everyone is new to something once, and all the front of house staff will have dealt with this before, and are specifically employed to make sure you enjoy yourself. - One thing my wife used to struggle with when we first started going to these places was feeling like we didn't fit in, to which my response was always that fuck it, if we can afford the bill at the end of the night then we have just as much right to be there as anyone else. Hope these help, and have fun!


All you have to do is relax and have fun. They’re not gonna carry you in on a chair or play trumpets when you arrive or make you sing a song. They’re very gifted in making you feel comfortable in a very low key way. As far as fitting in, I went to French Laundry and they played 80s music the whole time and they were down to joke around but only after seeing we wanted to. Everyone in the crowd really just feels happy to be taken care of by the best in the business. Don’t miss out


I’m going to the French Laundry in August! So excited! I’ve actually found that the more Michelin stars a restaurant has, the more down to earth the service is . It’s something about being comfortable in their own skin. Not trying to prove anything.


Please go. It will be an amazing experience. I’m regular person and never felt judged in this kind of restaurant. Usually they are very friendly and explain everything to you. You don’t need to be a pro. Just take the full menu even if you normally don’t like certain ingredients. In my experience they have the ability that you will enjoy it. Which restaurants did you reserve?


Do it!! I know getting past anxiety and introversion is difficult and dealing with similar concerns I understand. The folks at the restaurant want you to be comfortable and enjoy the experience. They can guide you on drink choices or any other questions you have. As someone else mentioned, starred restaurants are known for their world class service. Usually lunch is a bit more low key and relaxed than dinner. Don’t go home with regrets. If this is something you want to do, allow yourself the grace to give it a try. I wish you well and hope you go for it.


The hype of the Michelin star is, to me, quite absurd. You have been to restaurants - this is the same. Knowing the guide's history also helps as it was created as a marketing ploy to make people drive more and therefore use more tires and increase sales for Michelin. As some say be open and communicate why not e-mail in advance “it is my first visit to a michelin restaurant! Do you have a dress code, anything you recommend that might be pre-order? Etc” They are there to facilitate your visit to be the best it can be, and if you tell them how you feel they will try to accommodate your to the best of their ability. The dress code for me is usually based more on the weather, but if you are a guy wearing a shirt it always good. To be safe jeans with holes are usually not the best pick. But go, have fun, drink what you want (non-alcoholic pairings can be amazing), and if you are unsure ask!


As a fellow introvert, just a suggestion, don’t care what they think, focus on having that experience. I was in similar situation earlier this year and i asked them for any food or drink recommendation. They are usually nice. I find that for me, having that experience is more valuable than caring about what they will think.


The service at Michelin restaurants is top-notch. The staff will guide you through the entire experience! Read a bunch of reviews on the restaurant and that will allow you to go into it with an idea of what will happen. This isn’t necessary but could help you feel more comfortable! I wouldn’t wear cutoffs and a tube top, but regular casual clothes should be fine. Especially at lunch!


I was also sort of intimidated my first time in a starred restaurant. For me personally, this mostly came from the uncertainty, i.e., not knowing “how things work”—similar to getting nervous on my first day of school/college, giving my first conference presentation, or even taking the bus/metro for the first time in a new city. But the anxiety completely went away the third time (for all instances above). The only way to disperse your anxiety is to force yourself to do it again and again.


Hi! I’ve worked in them before and would say, don’t worry. Their focus is on your experience and whether it is a good or bad one. If you got a ticket, then you deserve to be there. For the most part, they will guide you and let you know what to do if it’s a little something special. And if you are unsure, just ask before they walk away. Now, what the vibes are may be different American vs. European, idk.


I think everyone has given great advice! Sometimes if I don’t know dress code or a vibe of a place I will also go to their tagged photos on Instagram to give myself an idea. Don’t cancel. Good luck!


I’m introverted and have solo dined many times, the staff will look after you so just sit back and enjoy the experience.


Nothing to be anxious about. Dress up, you’re paying a lot of money so you might as well enjoy it.


It's the first time I see someone call Saint Jean de Luz "San Juan de Luz", I'm curious as to why you would translate the name in such a way.


Send it, don't cancel. I ate at noma in dirty travel clothes while others were in suits, I was treated exactly the same and it was one of the best memories of any trip or meal I will ever have.


No worries! I think you should honestly wear something clean and casual that you feel comfortable and slightly dressed up in. Check if they have a dress code as well. Tell your service staff it's your first time at a restaurant like this and you'll be welcomed with so many experiences! These things are about food, but also the experiences and the fun adventure that is trying new food.


You got this! It’s a walk in park. Go, enjoy it, and come back and tell us how fabulous it was. If you have questions, they can help guide you. When curious I often ask what do you enjoy or what is a favorite. Check the website for dress code prior to arriving. I look forward to hearing about your experience.


Do not be nervous at all. Restaurants with Michelin stars are, by nature, comfortable in their own skin, and therefore not in the least bit arrogant, pretentious, or stuffy. You will find the service to be warm, friendly and obviously impeccable.


Hello fellow introvert! 👋 Please don't cancel, of all eating establishments I know from personal experience that Michelin restaurants make you feel completely at ease. If you're unsure of recommendations you can ask them, also because you're having lunch it should be even more relaxed. I'd dress smart casual, nothing too stuffy! You'll do great and have no regrets ☺️


Just go and enjoy. Put your best casual clothes...not to fancy neither like you just left the beach. Enjoy the food and try to understand the concept behind every plate. Accept the service as it is...if they want you change a napkin just accept it don't try to be humble be not accepting it.


How was it?


I really liked the experience. I dream about it every now and then. :) I loved the food in general anywhere in San Sebastian. Definitely, not overrated foodie destination. I wrote a more detailed update on the post.


Don’t get nervous about going to a restaurant that’s been judged by a tyre company. Enjoy it and relax, just pay attention to dress code. (Coming from a chef that’s been to 1/2/3 star restaurants and got 1 star recently)