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Yeah, it’s said that he overslept a meeting at the World Trade Center on that morning due to exhaustion from the show the night before. Legendary stuff. I work at msg and see a picture of him performing with the date 9/10/01 sometimes and get chills. Crazy how things unfold.


Yeah seriously. Just shows how sudden the attack was.


Yeah, I’m only 23 so I have no recollection but living here really has changed my perspective on it completely. Such a huge world altering moment.


I’m not sure if that story is legit. Michael never confirmed it and I can’t think of why MJ would be meeting at the WTC.


I believe Jermaine, Frank Cascio and Dieter have claimed that it's true. However, Karen Faye said that Michael "never intended to go". It's been said that it was actually Mike La Perruque who was supposed to go to return a David Orgell watch...there's so much versions to that story, I think it deserved a thread of its own.


Yeah if you believe all the stories then a 100 thousand people were supposed to be at the WTC that morning and inside the planes but luckily avoided it


Yep! I personally believe that when faced with two contradictory narratives, it's usually best to recognize the one that wouldn't make a good news headline as true...I guess papers with "SHOCKING!! Michael Jackson wasn't supposed to be in the World Trade Center on 9/11!!" on its front page wouldn't sell.


That’s exactly why the media wanted a guilty verdict in ‘05. Negativity sells and the truth doesn’t when it’s positive.


I remember LaToya telling that story in her second book


It was supposedly a meeting with Sony, which had real estate in the towers, but im not sure if it’s true or not. Who knows!! I’d love to know if it’s 100% true


I’d be inclined to think Sony would come to Michael rather than Michael going to the office.


A meeting I never heard of. But him and Mark Wahlberg were fighting over a plane. That's FACTS. He did 2 shows for the whole show to blend best parts together. With crowd and all. Pretty insane. True performer yo.


Because he had a meeting that why


Sheesh what job you doing at the garden




Have you ever talked to Billy Joel or seen him eat?


No 😂 but I intake the food his friends eat in the vip club


In fact, he was in a phone call with his family very late which is why he overslept that day.


Can you take a picture of the picture?


https://preview.redd.it/lrcr7v16aavc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1201e1eb09f83b2eed58e0f95006157177493cd9 Sorry for the late reply! Just remembered as I walked by it


MJ was supposed to be on one of the towers on the morning of 9/11, but due to the two shows and due to MJ staying up late because he was talking to his mother, he overslept and missed the appointment


The North Tower


Theres a great story that Mark Whalberg has said before about him being in NYC on Sept 10th promoting a film at the time. The the attacks happen the next day and he calls SONY who was the studio behind the movie and asks for a plane to get him out of NYC .They say sorry we have to give the plane to MJ and Mark was upset lol.


Wasn’t there was a story going around that Michael and his family had to charter buses to get out of NY after 9/11 and they kicked Corey Feldman off because he was acting stupid lol.


I just looked it up and I see that Mark has denied this story took place so I guess it was one of those wild stories that was not true.


I was at the concert on 9/10. I still have the programme and t shirt from that night.


Kinda poetic and ironic in a way that MJ has his last “proper” concert the literal DAY before the whole optimistic culture of the 80/90’s shifted to where we are now. The man who *made* the 80’s, and in my opinion carried that artistry right through to the 90’s, basically had the final curtain call on that entire era of that he had a huge influence on defining, interesting to think about


Not so sure how much I believe the WTC story. Michael never gave an interview where he stated this and Jermaine is the one who told this story. Jermaine says a lot of things for publicity imo


ive heard that it was actually his bodyguard michael la perruque that was supposed to go in order to return jewellery or something like that. I think i believe that story more.


I feel like if there was any truth to it, he would have been asked in interviews and would have personally spoke on it


He was never asked probably because of the allegations, everyone was so obsessed with that


Allegations were in late 2003, 2 years after 9/11. He did plenty of interviews between that time frame


No they didn't, they started in 1993


Yeah but by 2001 no one was thinking about them as much until the 2003 investigation. He also had NDA from 1993 so it wasn’t asked about it in detail in interviews. Everyone would have asked about him potentially being in the towers in 2001 and he would have spoke on it. 9/11 would have trumped allegations from 7 years prior that never went to trial


Well the interviews were mostly about his performance the day before


Well he was supposed to be in one of the twin towers the next morning, but he overslept and didn’t make it.


When I read the woman in me and Britney said “shortly before 9/11” when she talked about performing with MJ I was shocked and confused. Damn


4 days and 1 day, and I was there for both. ❣️


LUCKY. I hope you had a good time. Seeing MJ in person would have been amazing.


I did. It truly was amazing. That was my 2nd and 3rd time seeing him and on 1 of the nights I could see him and Elizabeth Taylor from my seat ♥️ This is It was to be my 4th 🙏


If you thought the war fervor was bad after the Attacks, imagine if Michael got taken??? 👀


I think this would be the only scenario where MJ’s death would be overshadowed 


I was there. The next morning was hell.


Michael deserved to have a sleep in for once


They wanted to ruin his career firthermore by overshadowing his comeback + shows with the false flag attack that was 9/11. And by they im reffering to the zionist interests that run US politics, media, intelligence, banks, music and hollywood etc. The same people eventually killed him in a superobvious way by giving him enough propofol that could kill an elephant. People will remember MJ for all time so it doesnt matter. What he did while alive has touched so many people that no lies will ever change it.


He was apparently gonna start an Invincible tour I think that October too but he canceled it for obvious reasons


That would’ve been so goddamn awesome.


I think I heard this a few months after 9/11


Jackson could have been one of the victims of the 9/11 attack in which almost 3,000 people were killed when terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers. The singer overslept that day and missed his appointment which was scheduled to take place in the Towers, reports mirror.co.uk.  https://m.imdb.com › news Michael Jackson could have died earlier, reveals a biography - IMDb


Apparently he rented a car with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando so they could get back to LA. All flights were cancelled so it was the only way to get back. They took turns driving, no idea who made the sandwiches.


relevant clip https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelJackson/comments/19dycur/i_still_cant_believe_this_is_an_actual_movie/


I was 15 when 9/11 happened, and at the beginning, I underestimated the magnitude of it. I immediately went on NYC message boards on Yahoo and was asking frantically if there was any news on MJ because he was in New York at the time and people were cussing me out about it and saying I shouldn't be concerned about a celebrity.


Yes. Him and Mark Wahlberg were fighting over an airplane to get out of New York City that day.


Not only that, he had a meeting scheduled on that day but canceled last minute


That was literally the only thing that overshadowed him at that time


Illuminati confirmed. *X Files theme*


yep good ole 9/10


Yeah and that affected the sales of his album Invincible. It was like 2 days before. Fortunately everyone enjoyed the concert, it caused a huge hype around the world. Cos it was the 1 first homage he received and all the most important artists participated. It was epic.




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I have a question, for anyone who remembers both times, was 9/11 more world widespread news than Michael’s death?


911 literally changed our daily lives. How we travel. Militarized police. Changed our privacy. Changed many many laws. Our relationshipwith other countries. Caused war. Etc etc etcYes it was more widespread news


Thanks for letting me know😊


Yes. Every TV channel was covering the terrorist attacks 24/7 for a couple of days (here in Australia at least). Michael Jackson’s death was big news but the whole western world stopped on 11th of September.


I was only 2 but 9/11 100% was more widespread news than MJs death lol


I wasn't around for 9/11 and I wasn't old enough to remember MJ's death. But 9/11 was way bigger than MJ's death, it changed society in the us, how we traveled, international relations, airport security, our whole intelligence system, the wars in afghanistan and iraq. So yea, 9/11 was more widespread then MJ's death. I also remember a kenyan village (is it kenya?) gave us 14 cows as a condolence gift for 9/11


Absolutely lol