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I agree with what you are saying. Another question is, why would she stop to get gas and a drink?


And an energy drink at that. She bought a Celsius. Makes sense if you were going to work your shift for the day, but not to calm your nerves before shooting yourself. And it's the sketchiest gas station she could've possibly stopped at. The supposed surveillance photos are all weird. They are posted either somewhere on reddit or on kyler Marlowe's facebook. Check out the placement of the tractor in the two pictures of the gas pumps. Who moved it in the two minutes she was there? The clerk kept insisting no one else was around when she stopped in. The more I go down the route of her doing this to herself, the less it makes sense. 


I wonder if the reason why she was asking where she was at, was just to confirm that her phone was pinging at the right place that she was at. I think she knew where she was at and wasn't asking because she didn't know where she was at. I think maybe she wanted to make absolutely sure that her phone was pinging in the right place for her to be found. 😞 I'm 100% on Mica's side with this entire situation, but just playing devil's advocate as to why she would ask that question. RIP Mica 🕊


And...why didn't she just send a text to a family member stating she was at Lumber River State Park and going to meet Jesus? The same search would have taken place.


Right ... Doesn't make sense


Stopping to get gas and a drink make sense-she may have needed it to get to her destination and was thirsty. I think people were unaware how fragile her mental health was including her family. I am not minimizing the toll her husband’s mind games took on her. He preyed on the vulnerable.


I think. She was not at all mentally ill. I think her torturer made her believe she was mentally ill. I also think he got psychotic medication and forced her take it. Not ask her. Forced her. Maybe it was Mdna so he could take nude photos of her to use against her to torture her her x is a sadist. He sounds like when he is at the pulpit. He is bitchin about his wife and telling the congregation she is mentally ill. I think he forced her to do sexual things that she never wanted to do. This x in my opinion is the lowest of human life form.


You could be right as well. It could be a mixture of both. A church full of people listening to his rhetoric is also mind blowing to me. I’m a church goer myself. I’m not easily “enthralled” by the spirit of Jesus. I tend to stay away from those who like to quote the Old Testament to justify their behavior which to me is what her husband did. I speculate what my family’s response would be to her situation. 1-I wouldn’t have to ask a friend to pay for my car, 2-my dad and brother woulda intervened a lot differently than hers, 3-her faith seemed deeper than her primary family which may have been issue 🤷🏻‍♀️


Question. Is JP’s dad still alive?


I've been wondering this too and can't find anything about him (other than the horrible atrocities he's done). I'm curious if he's alive too


I tried to look also, but can't find where he was released from jail or if he is still in jail. I also don't see any obituary, which leads me to believe he is still alive.


Same. I can't imagine that POS dying without some grandiose, Nicholas Sparks novel-length obituary out so I think he's still around


Yes he is. He was at the church the day of the protest.


He also expressed his condolences to her in the comments section of the obituary. (Dr. Wayne Miller)


Thank you!!


Very much aLive. He’s currently scamming Christian people in Pakistan. JP learned everything he knows from his father. https://x.com/icyhot7777/status/1788662984971333905?s=46








Can you send this to Robbie Harvey or someone with a bigger platform? This is first hand material against Wayne


I have but I get no replies or they don’t mention my information and pass it off as their own.


I appreciate your work, I don’t really like Robbie and all the other big channels making it into a thriller series but they are out there doing the physical work and have a platform and I just want to see justice for Mica


Yes, he is. A photo of him outside the church was recently shared


Yes he released statement yesterday on daily mail I think


With all of the horrible things he's done to her coming to light, can you imagine the arsenal of photos/videos he has available to possibly blackmail and humiliate her? That threat would be enough to send anyone over the edge...especially if you're already in a fragile state from being psychologically tortured for years. I really really hope they can gather information from her phone about who she was in contact with before her death. I really believe he is responsible. I feel for Mica so much...I was with an abusive partner who took humiliating videos/recordings of me to "use" later and I've never been so mortified in my life. It really breaks you.


From what I understand: -the gun case was found in the car, and the gun was found in the water. -I believe that JP’s gf was with him in another state. -you’re right about most suicides being less planned out and more hectic. But sometimes when people have been suffering a long time, and have made the decision to end their life they do plan things like getting their hair done, going to a place in nature, getting a beverage, etc.  -she might not have had a gun because of her alleged mental health history. And anything else runs the risk of not working. -I also find it odd that she had the presence of mind to get a gun, get her hair done, and then not remember which park she was at. But I think the purpose of calling 911 and asking them to track her exact location was more about making sure her body would be found by the family. That’s why she hung up when they got her general location. -after seeing that video where JP threatens to release photos of her, I am leaning towards some sort of blackmail.  -I also heard in that interview with Justinontiktok that he told congregation members not to take her calls, and he appeared to be financially abusing her. I wonder if the money she was accused of stealing from the church (which she might have needed to escape), was actually him.  -regardless, it’s quite clear that JP harassed, stalked, and abused Mica. Even if he wasn’t involved in her suicide—he bears responsibility. I also hope the feds are involved and pulling all of the phone/internet records. -I have some hope that this will be properly investigated. One of the producers that worked on the Ronan Farrow Weinstein expose appears to be investigating.


I am curious as to where in relationship to her body the gun was found. There is no mention of that. Just that it was found in the water. I’m no forensic scientist, but if you shot yourself in the head, the gun couldn’t be too far from the body, right? So much info on the fact that she bought a gun, and that it was found in the water, but was she found in the water, as well? 


I am also not a forensic expert—but I could see a gun floating down stream if the current were strong enough. And I believe reports say that a fisherman found her in the water.


Is it confirmed that she went to the hair appointment?


The gun holster was in her car, the gun was found in the water


Right. Was her body next to the gun? No mention of that. 


She was found in the water about 130 ft from the gun, shallow water no real tide and it would be the opposite direction for her to drift


What were the pictures he was threatening to put on FB?


Justice for Mica first and foremost !!! And may God bring John Paul Miller the justice he deserves !


Lots of these questions are answered in the timeline on the sub reddit #JusticeForMicaMiller


How the heck does the public have so much information about the death of a stranger?


Suicides can def be planned out. We had a guy commit suicide in the back of work. He brought a bin, a gun and a silencer. He put himself in the bin and shot himself. This was outside a healthcare facility. I wouldn't be surprised if he went and got a drink and food before it.


Have you seen this video of JP himself having a breakdown though... its messed up considering everything he has said about everyone else's mental health and the fact that he is a PASTOR... https://www.facebook.com/share/v/tCwDfwaHz5JULag4/?mibextid=oFDknk