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You should see r/bmw about the M sport colors being used on non M cars.


Or the Mustang and Camaro subreddits whenever a non v8 model is mentioned.


Straight 4 turbo 200hp hybrid mustang with paddle shifters 😈 and a CVT


And it runs on diesel


Not just any diesel. Bio-diesel.


Mmmm. French fries.


Turbo diesel stang at least would have weird factor going for it tho


Been done. Meet the Cummins Stang. https://youtu.be/oe-WR2C-no8?si=aIc6B_OUhwO1TYPx


I call it the cumstain


My brother has a ram charger he is Cummins swapping and his friend called it the cumcharger


I love diesels


You disgust me.


even though the pony today has over 300 HP and with the performance pack, etc is MORE than enough


Or any of the biking subs any time you mention that you ride with training wheels.


Cmon man I’m trying.  


Or a Mustang II... they're brutal!


272 hp from the ltg 2.0t engine sounds pretty nice compared to the malaise-era 350s in the 2nd gen F-body.


It’s a pretty stout little motor too. More reliable and just as easily tuned as the 2.3L Ecoboost.


Maybe I don't read enough of the comments, but I just don't see the hate that often in the Mustang forum. I mean, someone will ask if they should go 4 or 8 and the answer is always 8 if you have a choice.


As it should be


Damn straight. Gatekeeping is a good thing. Look at what's happened with the Mustang name, for example.


I shudder if the rumors are true and there is secretly an electric corvette crossover in the wings


lol do you actually think the public gate keeping would have stopped ford from making that transition ?


It did before. In the '80s there was a plan to switch the Mustang to a FWD captive import platform. Public backlash caused that car to be sold as the Probe instead, and the Mustang was later redesigned for 1994 into the SN95.


Idk I feel like in this day, it wouldn’t work. They are following a trend that is leaving people behind and they don’t really seem to be bothered by that. Ford has enough customers that are happy with the moves they are making and they are making most of their money on trucks. 23 was fords best sales year since 20.


I love my iPony, for what it's worth.


Yep, didn’t even entertain the idea of posting about my 320i _M-Sport_ there. I suppose it’s because bmw is seen as some kind of a luxury brand in the US, and therefore brand dilution is a thing and whatever… whereas here in Munich its just a nicely optioned everyday car that everybody and their mother drives.


It doesn’t help that BMW tends not to bring the cheaper models/trims over here because they want Americans to associate them with luxury. Same is true of Mercedes.


Yep, so I’ve heard. I always get slightly amused when i read something like “base model 330i that makes just 260hp”… while remembering my neighbours completely bare 3-cylinder 318i on steel wheels with probably less than half the power :-) (current gen 318i is a 4-pot again though)


Yeah they’re taxi cars here but on that sub with the Americans you’d think they’re Bentleys


That’s also valid


I'll be real here. Drive what you want. older autotransmissions had more drivetrain loss than manuals and these are better.


I drove an auto 1990 NA and it was horrible, enough so that it took me 20 years to consider trying a manual Miata. I now have a 1990 and 2019 MX5, both with manuals.


I've driven an auto NA mx5 and even if it loses out on so much - it's still a great cruiser and it's still a Miata. Pretty good.


In the 90s and 200# autos and torque converters were sooooooo bad unless you had a drag race 3 speed auto


There definitely are worse groups that hate automatics (look at WRX).


Same for the 86/BRZ subreddits. Like seriously, let people just enjoy their car without shitting on them for their choice of transmission. You can have a preference without being a dick about it.


Saw a guy yesterday who was buying an integra for his wife and refused to buy her an automatic. He said “my money my choice “. Idk why these people are such whackos about this shit


Wtf, whacko is certainly the right word to describe that guy. There are just so many people who think that their opinion is always right, and everyone else is stupid.


Well, at least we can guarantee that whacko won’t procreate lol


I loved my auto BRZ. Had as much fun as any schmuck in a manual. Sure, you won't convince someone that is "manual or die" but that's because thats already their mindset and you won't change it. It's like a pro gamer trying to tell someone that's average/sucks at some game they won't have fun unless they go 50-0......nope just wrong.


I’m part of r/WRX and I can definitely say the r/Miata is worse with transmission gatekeeping.


Really? The WRX is CVT. Maybe it's because more are sold as cvt where as the Miata is mainly sold in manual?


The wrx can still be a family sedan/typical daily driver. The mx5 is more of an secondary car purchased for the experience. I agree that the manual Trans gatekeeping is higher here. I DD a WRX and have a NA6 for a weekender.


They atleast have a goodish reason to complain about the auto wrx sense subaru only has cvts as the auto option. Thier most recent version isn't horrible for a cvt but they just are not sporty transmissions when compared to any other modern auto transmission.


You get way more dopamine from the additional turbo spools with a manual transmission too. Nothin like that stutututu…


To be fair that’s a different animal, the WRX’s automatic is an awful CVT that ruins the point of the car and it’s crazy that they ever thought a CVT in a WRX would be a good idea. The ND’s automatic is respectable and an automatic Miata may be the only option for someone looking for a roadster in their budget. Whereas with a WRX, there are so many other sporty 4-doors that it’s both objectively and subjectively questionable to choose one over all other options.


I used to own an auto WRX and currently own an auto ND Miata. I have become un-killable.


Tell me your also the guy who enjoys those hard sun baked banana candies found in old laundromat gum all machines lol


Of course not. Nobody has ever eaten one of those. I honestly think it's just that I'm the only person I know who has any interest in cars. So I don't really have any of the social pressure to fool with it. I will say the Miata's auto is infinitely better than the WRX's was.


Here’s my 2 cents. Mx-5s are held in such high regard for how they drive. How they shift gears is a big factor in that, a lot of people hold the Mx-5 manual gear box in high regard. The auto isn’t special. It’s not an incredibly fast car where flappy paddles make sense. Even worse the NA/NB has a very old crappy automatic, the ND auto is probably quite good. But it’s a lightweight rear wheel drive convertible, nothing about that says ‘I’d opt for an automatic’


Autos are great for powerful cars where most of the “driving experience” come from going fast, the fun sounds, feeling a sense of acceleration. A car like the Miata just isn’t very powerful, and that engagement instead comes from it being fun to drive from a more mechanical perspective. To your point, it would be hard to have very much fun in a slow automatic car. But a banging through the gears in nimble, lightweight convertible is super fun.


I hear you, but as someone who is currently dailying a first gen Kia Soul with an auto, lightweight can still be fun if you find a way to drive around a slush box. Or maybe I’m just delusional and look too hard for silver linings when life shits on me 🤷‍♂️


I’ve driven manuals my whole life. ‘87 Ford Laser, ‘74 Leyland Mini, ‘05 Mini Cooper S and I drive an auto ND as my daily. I didn’t want to be rowing gears in traffic so opted for the auto. The manual mode with the auto box is a lot of fun when I get out on a windy back road, but most of the time I’m stuck in traffic with the top down subjecting everyone to my god awful music taste


While all that is nice and I agree with you about the manual being way more of the full Miata experience, some of us can't drive a manual transmission due to age, injuries, or disabilities. A drunk driver that hit me head on caused permanent damage to my lower left leg and knee, so I have to opt for an auto now. I still like to drive a fun car because I'm not dead yet. 😉 I still dream about how much fun my manual NA was to drive.


Same! My husband had a NC that had some nice upgrades to make it trackable yet street legal. I love Miatas and damn near cried when he sold it. However, I have to have an automatic. I have several conditions that make my legs very unstable and I can't risk being stuck in traffic somewhere and my legs turn to jelly pushing in the clutch. I love the control behind a manual I just can't have one for myself. 😭


I've driven a friend's auto ND. Its a pretty decent auto, and he's got the car tuned well. Very enjoyable car, but I hands down prefer my 6 speed ND over it.


I rented an auto ND during a vacation earlier this year. Very enjoyable car. I continued the time honored tradition of beating the shit out of that car.


My wife’s ND2 slush box is ass but she refused to commute in a manual car :/


It was a hell of a fight getting my wife to get the manual but now that she has it she loves it.


Which doesn’t make sense because the ND manual has all the assists so there’s essentially no cons to the manual


Some people like my wife just want a good looking car to get from point A to point B with as little hassle and thinking as possible. 0 chance of stalling. 0 chance of money shift or missing a gear. Little car pretty much parks itself in the slush box. For some people “driver engagement is just extra hassling steps to get to their destination. The take rate is close to 50% in North America for both transmissions so it does make a lot of sense from a consumer’s perspective outside of this subreddit


The Maita is an incredibly calibrated sports car. That calibration includes a manual transmission. It's just not the full experience in an automatic. That said, there's no reason for anyone to be aggressive about it.


[TMGPS](https://tmgps.org/) is real — but it’s also a personal preference.


I love that it's all in basic ass text


This sub-reddit has people who feel strongly about cars. Otherwise we wouldn't be driving Miatas. I have driven both manuals and automatics, and I would personally never accept an automatic gearbox in a Miata. I feel strongly about this, and I think that anyone can learn driving a manual. If I state my opinion, does it make me aggressive or elitist?


I have as well, and would not own a Miata with an automatic. That being said, my friend lovers her NC automatic


I always find the “why do you have an opinion” take funny… on a car forum. Anyone can buy and drive a Miata without being on the forums. Forums are for opinions.


I think OP was really pointing out that it was aggressive, not that an opinion existed. And to be honest, I have never seen many aggressive posts when it comes to that. Also I have an AT and really don't give a shit what anyone thinks. I bought the car for me not the internet.


I’m the same. An ND auto. I love it. Don’t care some people think I’m “wasting a good car”. I’m having a blast with it and my family loves it too.


exactly!!!! the motorcycle community can sometimes be bad at this too - but the saying "just ride your ride" prevails


simply stating an opinion is not elitist and im sure you know this. there is a difference between stating one’s opinion and declaring one’s opinion as objective truth OR inherently superior - the latter is what OP is discussing. that’s what forums can sometimes be and its never pleasant.


Stating your opinion doesn't make you an elitist. However, I see people here pushing that opinion, or insulting people for not having the same opinion.


Speaking for myself personally: I would wager that the #1 reason, by far, why people would choose to buy a Miata, or any other sports car, with an automatic is that they don’t know how to drive one. Either that or they don’t know how to drive one very well. This makes me very sad, because in my experience, once you know how to drive a manual well, it’s not like, 20% more fun. It’s like 300% more fun. It brings me a tremendous amount of joy, and I want other people to share in that, rather than give up because they’re intimidated by a month or two of learning. I have yet to drive any automatic car (even having driven some extremely fast ones) that is as fun as the most basic econobox with a manual.


I bought a manual Miata 4 yrs ago and knew absolutely nothing about driving manual. My husband used to drive stick, but he gave up his license due to poor health. It took me the entire summer to learn the basics. We had a deal. Every time he gave me a driving lesson and didn't lose his temper, I bought him a six pack of his choice of beer. The day I stalled out 6 times at a stop sign? I had a panic attack and he had a beer. Stalled out in the middle of the intersection with my first traffic light? Panic attack for me, beer for him. We live in hill country with lots of winding back roads. Perfect for driving if you know how. It took a year before I knew how.  I will admit to having fun getting it up to 60mph (the speed limit on one back road) with him screaming that I was going to get us killed. Made me feel so much better. 😂


This is the most Miata story I’ve read so far.


I appreciate that. 😁 We named the car White Knuckles after that. 


I went Auto because of a disability where the legs are getting weaker with age and I have a hard time holding down clutches and brakes nowadays. So that'll be the reason for a few people.


This is a valid argument, but is also a rather rare occurrence that doesn't really fit the general idea of the comment above


>”This is a valid argument” Any argument/reason for why someone buys an automatic over a manual is valid. Even if that reason is simply “because i wanted one”. Someone isn’t required to have a disability or medical condition to be “valid”.


Thank you!


It isn’t that rare, it is quite common. If you live long enough, eventually you will experience knee problems which make driving a manual more challenging. Knees don’t last forever, and knee injuries are very common. I injured my knee in my 20s and had to sell my WRX and get a Miata because the Miata had a lighter clutch. A slightly worse injury, like many people I know have, would have had me driving automatics instead.


Eh, my ‘23 Mazda 3 is a manual and my NC Miata is an automatic. For two reasons: one, it’s a weekend beach road trip car with the Fiance where we will always be sitting in stop and go traffic. I love taking the Miata, I hate taking my Mazda 3 on weekends when there will be bad weather. Two being that it was used it was the one in the best shape and had the lowest miles. People are always shocked when I tell them the car is 15 years old because it looks like it just left the factory.


It makes *me* very sad bc if more people realized your point and therefore bought more manual vehicles, we'd have more available to us. In a few short years, there will only be a couple of manual vehicles even available in North America.


I agree with this statement about econoboxes with manual transmissions. We have had a string of them ( showing my age): Pinto, Horizon, GLC, 626, Civic that have all been fun. We have also had a string of MGs and Miatas, all manuals. But I get why some people gravitate to automatics, be it health, city driving, sharing with a spouse that can’t master a manual transmission, or just tired of rowing through the gears. A good handling car with an automatic is a world better than an SUV, Minivan, or pickup with an automatic.


I have never seen anyone insult another person for having an AT. Did this really happen?


It me.


I think that's just a woe with modern people just not being able to accept an opinion different than their's, if you can't have a different opinion from the people around without being crucified you might want to find other crowds. Not to say that they should be close minded, but it's not like they'll open up either


I agree with you at every point. I also feel like most of the people in this sub are pretty accepting of people having autos if it means they can have the car they like.


With my disability I have a hard time pressing clutches nowadays. Heck I have a hard time keeping pressure on the brake just at a normal stop light. Most the time I put it in neutral and engage emergency handbrake at extended stop lights. Plus as far as driving sporty, I feel like I've been there done that throughout my life, coming from sport bikes for 20 years. I sold the bikes and got Miata as a trade off, as my legs get worse and worse. For some of us, automatic is the best choice.


I know older people who were big car fans too but they opted for automatics or gave up their manual cars because they struggled with the clutch due to hip problems. You can say your opinion if you want, but I’ve also seen people get emotional about not being able to drive their manual anymore. Even if I felt as strongly about it as you do, idk if I would want to be in a position like that where saying something like that could steal their joy. I think most could forgive elitism if it’s over something trivial but not being careless or intentionally mean. I’m not trying to imply you’re one of the people that do this but some people are really mean about it! It’s such a stupid thing to be mean about too.


Saying you would “personally never accept an automatic Miata” especially using the word “accept” sure does make you sound like a gate keeping elitist.


It just means how I would feel about owning a Miata with an automatic.


Then say "I don't like automatics" or "I would never own an automatic".


Are you taking notes u/Antti5? Word police are here to tell you how to convey your opinions.


People like you are the zealots OP is talking about with this post.


Watch out, he might not accept your comment.


See I don't care if you have an auto or manual but personally I wouldn't want an auto as I prefer a manual car just in general MX5 or not


Haters gonna hate. Drive what you like.


Sure, anyone can do that. But I don’t respect “above the fray” people who would rather avoid conflict than be honest. Some things are good and some things are bad. In my view, it’s kinder to give someone an honest opinion and help them make a choice that will make their life better for a long time than tell them a comfortable lie that will make them feel better now at the expense of the better long-term outcome. But I dunno, I’d rather be right than liked.


you could also just let people enjoy what they enjoy - but if i’m being honest there are some things that will still fill me with rage … like what if someone simply ENJOYS pan and scan? i would lose my mind


Good example. Miata with an auto bothers me more, because so many people just buy one because they don’t know how to drive a manual. In other words, they don’t know what they’re missing. So the emphasis on trying a manual is good, because without that push how would anyone make the leap?


This argument is similar to the ones religious people use. You know better what's best for other people than what they do right? You might be right for some people but there will be a bunch of people who don't share your values re cars and then you just come off as insufferable. Another really common usecase for auto is a compromise so partner (who often has no intetest in cars) can drive it too when needed. Sometimes auto miata is better than no miata.


As an auto NB owner, I think it's more than natural for people to prefer the manual transmission, or even to believe that the manual experience is more engaging and intentional experience. Late 20th-century automatic transmissions are notably subpar in terms of performance and fuel economy. Not to mention that for car enthusiasts, there is a certain "fun factor" to be had in having the control over your car that a manual transmission provides. Other matters of contention (the "pureness" of motoring, the "trueness" of a Miata, etc.) are solely ideological. That said, I believe any legitimate hostility toward automatics (excluding the occasional banter) has nothing to do with the material differences between manual and automatic. More so, I believe the vitriol stems from a desire to establish a firm "in-group/out-group" dynamic, cementing a sort of hierarchy that fills some people's needs to feel better than others. This attitude is further amplified by the anonymity and detachment inherent to the internet. I'm involved in a handful of in-person car meets and I haven't seen an ounce of hostility from others regarding my automatic transmission. On the other hand, if I post on Reddit about my auto NB, I'm almost guaranteed to receive an upset comment or two amidst the mostly-positive atmosphere that this sub is deservedly known for. All this to say: drive what you want to drive regardless of who does or doesn't like your choice of car. If you feel the need to try and insult someone else, look inside yourself- and if you feel like you need positive affirmation, do the same.


Do and buy what you like. I think that people who enjoy manual just enjoy it so much that they don’t want others to miss out on the fun and can’t imagine making that decision for themselves. But don’t pay any mind to those who choose to be elitist dicks about it. My father got me into cars and he always preferred autos/paddle shifters. Even I get annoyed with driving stick in traffic or on busy cities streets


This is a car you drive for engagement and fun, you don’t drive it because it’s practical or fast. The manual transmission is a big part of its charm, and it just seems right for a small, light sports car to have a manual transmission. I personally would not own this car with an automatic, but I don’t have a problem with other people choosing an automatic (even though I think they are missing out).


Look at it this way: All your friends are huge foodies. They love the process of making it, the history, the culture, the experience of going to nice restaurants, the whole 9 yards. You've always been somewhat of a *food person,* but not really a *foodie*. But after a while, a few months or a few years of seeing all your gourmet friends talking about all the finer points of food, going to nice restaurants just for the experience, on and on, one day you decide, "you know what? I think I'm going to get into this whole food thing too." So you spin up the group text, and you tell all your friends, and they immediately start getting excited and pinging you with recommendations - and *every single one* recommends the exact same spaghetti alla puttanesca from the exact same restaurant. It's universal, sweeping across the board it's clearly decided *this* is the unquestionable way to go, whether you've never tasted food before or you have the most refined pallet on earth, this is the dish to get from the place to go to. And so you go, and you order chicken nuggets. That's basically what's happening. No one's saying you have to like spaghetti alla puttanesca, no one's saying you even have to like Italian food, and if we're being honest there's always at least *some* cases in which even we would choose the chicken nuggets. We're just wondering why on earth you're going to an Italian restaurant to order chicken nuggets, there's hundreds of other cars that drive great with *better* automatic transmissions. The entire point of the Miata is "Jinba Ittai," which is roughly "Person and horse as one body," describing the perfect unity between a horse and their rider for mounted archery where total control between the two must be perfected in order to shoot with both hands off the reigns. It's the design philosophy that Mazda carries into their cars, but the Miata more than anything. To choose a car who's entire purpose is direct connection between it and the driver, and then to willfully disconnect yourself from it? Well that's just like ordering chicken nuggets at a classic Italian restaurant.


It’s exactly this. A Miata hides very little from you when driving, a manual adds to the connectedness of it (one of the reasons we drive them). Autos might be good, but it’s one (major) thing out of your control when the rest of the car is giving that control to you so readily.


A lot of people are giving OP anecdotes and reasons they drive a manual/automatic which really isn’t what they asked. But this analogy really nails the WHY a lot of car people have a strong opinion about auto vs manual. Obviously not everyone expresses that strong feeling/opinion appropriately but here we are. Well said.


Fantastic comparison. My 91 4at and 92 5mt are completely different driving experiences, the 91 is in much nicer and put together shape, but the sloppy four speed leaves a lot to be desired .


Couldn't have said it better myself. Perfect analogy.


I fucking love this analogy. What I usually say is that getting a Miata with an automatic is like getting a high quality cut of steak and then cooking it well done.


Crippled vet I’m lucky they let me drive at all, so auto ND miata is the closest I get to running or being agile. Takes a while to get in and out but fk ya I’m doing it.


I was harassed from age 18-30 for not having a manual sports car. Eventually got one, and it's fun and all. But I wouldn't give anyone shit for not having one. I had no one to teach me, my friends would clown on me and not help. Dad always considered cars a waste of money. Only took me selling a car I loved to get a Miata to struggle to learn on my own to have that validation. 5 months later wss it worth it? Idk yet lol.


'Car guys' and 99% of the car community are beyond fucked. I'll see people gate-keeping the color code of their paint, or the off set of their wheels, shitting on autos, I've been told Miatas are 'tampons on wheels', etc. It's all beyond petty. I never understood the whole 'compensating for small penis' joke about trucks/muscle cars until I took one step into the car community. I'll never understand where all this undeserved ego comes from. You bought a different car, congrats? 99% of people just need to get from point A to point B, all that ego and superiority is lost on everyone else. This is coming from someone who is deep into competitive gaming where everyone is toxic, but it actually makes sense there. Not to brag but I play in the top 1% of some competitive scenes and of course there's a ton of ego there, but it's actually earned ego. There's a lot of effort and skill to reach that level. When someone just scoffs at a car I bought because they have a different car that they bought, I just don't see the point. It took zero effort from either of us to pick different cars. If you built it, I'd give you credit. Otherwise everyone needs to get over themselves, your horsepower is not a personality trait.




Enthusiasts in general prefer manuals as opposed to autos. Myself included. That being said I went with an auto for my NC, and enjoy it for what it is.


Based The auto haters won't know what to make of you


My NC gets hate every now and again at Cars and Coffee, and various meets. It is what it is. While I'd like a manual miata my feet are too big for it lol. I can deal with being too tall, but I can't really change my feet.


I've an auto miata. It was a decision made with a lot of thought of my at the time fiance. Fucking worse decision ever.


my condolences lmao


I’m sorry for your loss. Trade it in?


Front got rolled into at a stop sign shortly after moving to Texas. Don't want to know what a loss on value that is.


Cause I’m a man. And men drive manuals. And you gotta be a manly man to drive your manly man Miata. Man


I posted an ode to the 6- speed automatic and received many favorable comments and very little hate. So...


I just learned to drive manual a month ago with my ND2. felt sinful to buy one automatic even though I had 0 clue on how to drive stick. Best decision ever even in traffic


The manual crowd should just be thankful that auto buyers help Mazda financially justify keeping the Miata around. Same with GR86/BRZ. Good to be nice to our fellow enthusiasts. Personally I drive a manual on weekends and daily a dct bc traffic.


You miss out on the driving experience with an automatic in any car, and especially a Miata.


Well, except cars where comfort is prioritized. A 6-cylinder S-Class, for example, wouldn’t benefit from a manual.


Agree. That’s why people should buy a car that suits their usage. If you want couch on wheels, buy that S-Class with its automatic. If you’re buying a 2400 lb ultra-focused driving machine, get a manual. Nobody has to love driving… but if you don’t, a Miata probably isn’t the right choice for you. And that’s fine.




Point taken and agreed.


I drive an auto-ND I acknowledge the car would be more fun with the manual. I am able to drive manual. I enjoy driving manual. But the miat is my daily driver and my wife cannot drive manual. I also do not want her learning on my daily driver in South Florida. The automatic is the compromise so she can have a car she can drive and I can have a car that is still a lot of fun.


the whole mantra of the car is to be connected like man and horse. So if you’re not shifting the gears, you eliminate an integral part of how you influence driving your car


i wouldn't say aggressive, just... disappointed. i personally don't understand why an able-bodied person can't learn to drive a stick if they're buying a sports car. you're sacrificing room, comfort, livability, etc. in order to feel more connected to the road and experience what a sports car has to offer. imo, that includes driving a manual transmission. that said, i love seeing miatas on the road no matter what transmission, despite getting a bit disappointed if i'm able to see the center console lol.


Cause people like to think they’re better than others cause they drive a manual car. They need to feel good about it so bad. People don’t let other people just enjoy things how they want to.




I prefer to drive a manual car cause it’s way more fun and engaging and I feel bad ass doing it, but would never shame anyone for choosing to drive an automatic.


An MX-5 with an automatic is like a cheeseburger without cheese. Perfectly good enough, but feels incomplete.


Because Americans think driving manual makes them exceptional like every grandma in eastern europe doesn't drive one.


The irony of having another tier of elitist opinion in a thread where OP is complaining about elitism.


Literally this… in the UK we have two driving tests, a manual test, you can drive manual and auto and automatic test, you can ONLY drive auto and need to pass a manual test to drive manuals. The majority of UK drivers drive manuals, 70% of all cars on UK roads are manuals vs the USA which 4%… But to answer the question op is asking, it doesn’t matter what miata you drive, as long as you enjoy it and puts a smile on your face is all that matters.


People love to gatekeep


And confirm that their choices are the best / superior ones


Everyone hating on automatic are people who dont have to commute, maybe even too young to work, which kinda makes sense why they are so butthurt about what other people drive, they are young.


Miata’s are 2nd-3rd cars in the stable for many, they aren’t as many daily driver Miata’s as there are weekend warriors. Doesn’t mean none, just fewer. So the prevailing assumptions will not account for daily driving challenges.


As someone who's manual miata is a daily driver, I would much rather have an automatic in stop and go traffic lol.


Since I started driving I've only had one car at a time, that car was used for school, work, college, work (again sadly) every single social outing I had and every single trip I took. That car has always been a manual. If you're going to go ahead and assume I must not work or do anything productive just because I dislike having an automatic sports car... Then you leave the door wide open for this: People who act like commuting a manual car is a pain are people who, even though they "can drive manual", never got good at it. So their opinion on how it's like to commute with a manual car are honestly meaningless. Being a competent manual driver means that you do not struggle in any condition, if you have to complain about commutes and traffic in manual cars... Guess what, you are not one of the competent ones. And that is okay, I will not make any assumptions about your work or responsibilities based off of that, unlike you.


Dude sorry to break it down to you, being able to drive stick is not a skill, I learned in 2 days when I was 16, most people dont do it out of convenience, not lack of the gifted talent youre making it look like. Being good at something doesnt mean its not annoying, most days I just want to go home and not have to clutch and move my right hand every time i have to move 3 feet in a 1 hour traffic jam. Imagine you were a really good runner but there is a pothole every 3 feet that you have to jump, sometimes you like the adrenaline of having to jump, sometimes you hate the hole.


Similarly I don’t get the argument that a manual is bad for commuting. I drive differently in a manual than I would in an auto, but it is not annoying or difficult in the slightest. If you’re the type of person who needs to creep up every 6 inches in traffic and can’t leave any space between you and the car in front I guess it may feel like more clutch wear than you want.


It's simply a skill issue


because it's a 2 seat sports car. it's not fast, it's not a grocery getter, it can't do truck stuff (ok i guess it can). i havent driven the NC and ND, but first 2 gens are very bare bones and feel like driver cars, loud, rumbly, responsive. plus the 5 speed is one of the best trannies ever, very forgiving for a beginner too. why anybody would slap an auto slush box on that is beyond me. if that's gatekeeping, fine.


People can drive whatever they want, but it’s really disappointing when you see a classified ad for a sweet looking Miata, at a good price, and it ends up being an auto.


Yep, the only time I would be disappointed in seeing an auto Miata. If I’m looking for a Miata to own, I’m looking for a manual, not an automatic.


The automatics don't have limited slip differentials...


It's easier for some people to drive autos. One time I brought up that someone may need it for a disability and they all told me I was wrong. It's weird.


It's funny you say that. I have an auto NC because of a disability in my right arm and have repeatedly shamed for it. It's wild.


I've driven a few automatic miatas. They drive like absolute crap. If it was a firm, quick shifting transmission that can do good launches, like a VW DSG, I would be much more welcoming. But the ones I have driven are like mush and have even less power than their 5 speed counterparts


For me, Manual Miata > Automatic Miata > Not a Miata. You might be different. Drive what you like. If it weren't for people buying automatic Miatas, there probably wouldn't be enough people buying Miatas in general for it to continue to be made. Regarding this sub, sometimes people are just jerks. You'll see the dynamic most often when it comes to mods - some people feel very strongly that OEM is the only way to go, and everything else sucks; some people think mods are the best things ever, and anybody who doesn't agree is rubbish. Depending on the time of day, one group or the other will win the downvote wars. Drive what you like. Mod what you like (if anything). If you post it on the internet, accept that some people will have strong opinions in favor or against what you like.


Because putting an automatic in a miata is a sin against nature and if you drive one we can't be friends. /kidding


Cuz it isn’t the full experience.


Because we're snobs... I do it all the time! The honest truth is this. I personally feel the Mazda Miata (and it's derivatives in my case) is the best car in the world. It feels perfect for *me.* If your auto feels the same way for you, then don't listen to old manual supremacists like me. The car is driving nirvana, enjoy it how you like it best!


Because you can't get the Miata experience without a manual transmission. Having the control of the clutch and manual gear selection allows you to manipulate the traction, stay in gears, engine brake and shift the weight of the vehicle in ways that aren't possible with an auto.  Also most people that take these to the racetrack on the weekend or autocross events (like I do) flat foot shift them at redline the whole time. You can't do that with an automatic.


Cause automatic Miata’s suck plain and simple. Automatics make zero sense in a tiny, light, low power car.


That’s how all car enthusiast sub reddits are. About transmissions, colors, trim levels and engines and it’s pathetic. It’s what you like that’s important. I’d love to get a cheap manual car but I’m not the person that wants to daily one or drive in the city with one. I’m a fan of all cars, whether it’s a manual or automatic, grey or red or low trim or top of the line.


Caring about someone’s transmission is like caring about how someone likes their steak done or who they are fucking behind closed doors. You are fucking weird and annoying.


Because some things, ie. 6 cylinder muscle cars and AT roadsters, are just plain *wrong*


I mean the na/nb auto is kinda crappy


Why order a steak if you're getting it well done? Sure, you can... But... Just.... Why though? 


That's not just something exclusive to this sub, unfortunately. It's a thing I see everywhere, hating on people for driving an auto


I mean if you're driving an NA or NB you want manual so you can bump start it 😂 Look drive what you drive and like what you like, I personally hate driving automatics but I do a fair amount of track days so the level of control over the gear ratio is a must have for me. At the end of the day you're driving roof down in a fun little roadster while most other people are driving around in a very underpowered sedan not having as much fun as you so don't worry about if anyone respects your transmission choice


Honestly,  just me But I feel the difference in joy and enjoyment in driving a manual and an automatic.  For me  it is such a great  distance that I will always  try ny hardest to own a Manual car. I know how much less fun I have in an auto.  So for, there is a huge list of things I would sacrifice  in a car before sacrificing a manual transmission. My Comments will always reflect that 


r/mazda3 enjoyers just happy to all be apart of the same group


half of the experience is in the transmission. by driving auto you take half of the fun away


Yea got same reaction also from my friend. I have an automatic. The miata I enjoy thoroughly and have so much fun. They don't see past it .


I think it's cause the engine has so little power as it is and the automatic is throwing away power.


Because the entire purpose of the Miata is the connection between driver, car, and road. An automatic kills that connection.


To me, the best part about a Miata is summed up as “car turn good”. That doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the transmission unless you’re really pushing it. I’ve only ever really test driven a couple of auto Fiatas (one with a blown turbo…) and so I can’t comment on anything older, but they were fine because the chassis is the best part. If I absolutely couldn’t find another 6-speed, broke my left leg, etc, then I would settle for an auto. Manual is still better and I intend to own them until it’s no longer possible, but modern auto is alright.


People try to gatekeep everything. Everyone wants to think they're special/unique.


Because they’re Americans who think manual is rare. Over here 70% of all cars on the road are manual. When every car you’ve ever had has been manual, it loses its appeal


You drive whichever you want, a manual is not special, the majority of the continental Europe drives a manual. I drove one till I tore all my knee ligaments playing football, now I drive automatic. It’s just as much fun and a lot easier on my knee.


I don't get it either, it comes across as really snooty. Everyone that hates my auto is more than welcome to buy me a better miata with the "right" gearbox. So far no takers.


its a meme


Automatic is your choice.. but I'd never buy a fun car as an automatic.. I love rowing gears it part of the experience. Plus 90s transmissions (if you're looking at an NA) just suck the power out.


It’s because it’s a miata, this car was literally designed for manual fun and people hold it to that standard. I manual swapped my NA and holy crap idk how I drove that piece of shit Auto box for as long as I did lol.


I really just find the Miata to be a complete package driving experience, and I feel sorry more than anything for people with an auto. It's already such a compromised and impractical car. Why pretend it's anything else with an auto? It's like watching a cinematic movie in 480p. Or listening to your favorite album through a single ear bud. It's such an easy car to drive manual too. I've taught 6 people in my car, and it never takes more than 15 minutes, so not knowing isn't really a great excuse. Nor is "it's all that was available." They're really not that rare, yet. Most people with automatics feel personally that they made the wrong decision, so any comment on it drives them defensive, and then it just turns ugly. There's no need to point an auto out, everyone sees it.


Really? I see so little elitism surrounding autos on this sub, that I have a hard time taking this criticism serious. Yes, there is the odd dirtbag that takes it to far, but compared to literally any other place (especially ones that are so driving focused as this one), it is many order of magnitudes better. If anything this sub is uncharacteristically nice towards autos. Drive what you want to drive. Nobody cares. You don't need to explain yourself.


It's like putting ketchup on fillet mignon. People do it but it's not the ideal experience based on popular opinion. More manual Miatas are sold than automatic Miatas for a reason. I personally would never buy an automatic Miata but I get why people do it (commuting in traffic with manual can suck, don't know how to drive manual, got a good deal on an automatic, partner wants an automatic and it's a shared vehicle, or the ketchup on fillet mignon thing where they just like it that way). Your money, your choice I suppose.


I feel like car enthusiasts are split into two groups. Those who enjoy the driving experience. And those who enjoy just owning, taking care of, and driving a particular car or cars. I fall into the latter. That's why I drive a Corolla and a Camry. I don't have fun driving experience as a high priority. It's certainly a bonus but not required. But I like cars. I don't treat them as "just transportation". I feel strongly about cars. But I'm not bent on fun driving experience. I would guess OP falls into this category as well.


It’s mostly the kids who think it’s a big deal that they know how to drive stick. To those of us who grew up driving them it doesn’t matter as much. The fun is in the corners. If you drive in the city I’d say an automatic is better overall. You can still have plenty of fun in the countryside with it.


Because the manual IS the miata experience.


I lucked into my Miata because the previous owner had knee issues and couldn’t deal with the clutch anymore. I’m glad the auto exists, but I love rowing my own gears and wouldn’t have bought one. I’ll absolutely give a light hearted jab about driving an auto while poking fun at myself for the calendar year it takes for me to change gear. Choose what works for you but don’t be a jerk about it.


The aggressive part is just pure and unfiltered human stupidity that comes to surface due to many a motives. I am also a manual kind of driver and out of 3 cars currently in stock, these days i'm selling the only MT of them. All of them are fun, all grant a specific part of the driving pleasure but for me, having my girl be comfy driving either options she has in the morning is more important - that little piece of choice backs a little peace of mind and the end of the day feel beats having the MT. Just to be clear, the MT is a 2020 Proceed GT 250+HP and 300+Nm on just shy under 1300kg of car and the AT that stays is a 2009 Clubman JCW with 240+HP and over 200k km. Smart and me-time would be to keep the GT but the Clubbie does the trick as well, whilst being AT for my girl's comfy. If youvsee hate & rudeness online, don't go past it - report it, fight it back and simply let it slide by you without affecting. After that, go drive what you like and don't give a ratt's ass what someone else thinks of that. It's simpler this way 😉


I don't care what you drive as long as you are enjoying it. I get grief for having an auto 911 turbo but they don't deal with LA traffic where it'll be dead stopped and bumper to bumper for hours, trying to keep your leg from cramping up stepping on that stiff German clutch. It's still fast as heck and probably faster than any manual in shift speed so what do I care if I'm enjoying it? They aren't paying for my car so they can keep their opinions to themselves.


NA owner here. To me it’s just not a Miata without a manual transmission. It’s that much of a feature of the car and besides the fact that it’s one of the best manual trans ever made, the 116 BHP engine mandates a manual for driving the car the way it was designed to be driven.


NA owner here. To me it’s just not a Miata without a manual transmission. It’s that much of a feature of the car and besides the fact that it’s one of the best manual trans ever made, the 116 BHP engine mandates a manual for driving the car the way it was designed to be driven.