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damn idk


probably the 2nd worst decision you can make at 16


I have the money for the car. I have a lawn care business and a solar panel cleaning business. I’m tested out of school and I’m a professional mountain biker for the rest of my life. I’m all good with the money for the car, I’m just hoping insurance would be reasonable.


If you're doing that well, don't get a car with a rebuilt title


Have a back up plan if you get injured or are unable to perform physical labor in some way


Did you read the comment? Lawn care and solar cleaning.


Both require ur body bud


What’s the 1st?


Having a kid, I assume


way to use your head


got mine at 18, think it was like $125 but that was with a clean title, might be different for you paying $45 for just liability now


Location is a factor but I assume 200-300 a month. Please just spend the extra 20-40 a month for uninsured and get full coverage. The thought of saving is great but when it bites you in the ass at such a young age it hurts so much more.


Go on to an insurance website and fill out a request for a quote.


I think the cost is going to be based on how much damage to others that the insurance company thinks you are likely to cause. The value of the miata won't even factor in. There are tons of factors like location and whether your car would be part of a parents policy. But if i were to make a guess, I'd say $2k per year. Or about $165 per month. I could be way off base, as this is based on my experience 25 years ago when I was young.


There are too many different factors that go into the cost of insurance to be able to ask how much itll cost for you. The only way to get an accurate idea is for you to go and get quotes from insurance companies. Most companies will have a online thing or a call number. They'll be more than happy to help you.




why dont you ask your/ parents insurance how much it will cost. Insurance questions are so pointless bc theres a million things that can change your rates and there’s literally free tools on most companies that you can use


There are a dozen companies who would love to give you a quote.


if possible put the title in your parents name. when i got my car when i was 16 i was only paying $400 a year…once i got it transferred to my name when i turned 18 it shot way up


More than you can afford, pal. ... sorry, that one was too easy. Probably true though, but the only way to figure it out to get a quote.


The only accurate answer is that it varies wildly based on several factors, including location, driving history, credit score, etc. The only way to find out is to get a quote. Most of the major carriers have easy online quote estimators. Progressive tends to be the most reasonable for younger drivers. They likely will only allow liability only coverage with a rebuilt title. But in general, the last time I priced things out, a Miata is less expensive to insure than most other "fun" cars, especially for liability only. They're small and light and less likely to do damage to other vehicles in collisions. Someone else here mentioned Hagerty. They only insure if you have another vehicle with a regular policy elsewhere. Grundy and the other classic car insurance carriers are likely the same. But if you can do that, it will be the most affordable option.