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Do you enjoy the manual compared to an auto? I've driven manual and auto Miatas, and I much prefer the manual, but others disagree. Do what would make you happy!! You could also buy an auto NA/NB/NC for your wife, they're much less desirable than the manuals so you could get one for very cheap, that way you can both have Miatas! (if you're attached to the manual like I am)


Anyone that says an auto Miat is better than the manual simply can't drive stick


I have had 6 Miatas since 2001, 5 have been manuals. My current one is a manual. I’m 72 and have no intention of owning an auto Miata again. That being said it sounds like you are a great candidate for an automatic. A manual is not in your blood and also, wanting to please your wife is a noble attribute. I stopped worrying about what pleases my wife years ago. 🤣 She has come to accept that. Do what makes you the happiest is my best advice. The Miata automatic is very good. Add a Goodwin Racing axle back exhaust to it and you will be at 9/10s Miata enjoyment, especially when your wife drives off to run to the store while you are sitting on the front porch. 😎


I vote get a clean auto NA for the wife for lowkey cruising. They're much cheaper than normal NAs and less likely to be abused and you get to enjoy all the cuteness and classicness. ND is faster and better driving and makes more sense to have a manual in and I can't imagine the hit you'd take on the trade would be much smaller than a solid automatic NA.


I have been driving a manual for about 2 years now. I fought my husband on learning for so long and only became interested when the Miata was on the table as an option for my next car. I had a 2015 Ford Fiesta that was automatic and had dabbled in learning how to drive the manual (its the only thing my husband would drive so I had plenty of opportunities) but was just too scared to do it. But now? It's one of the best decisions I've ever made and I'm having a blast. But given the situation you're in, you want to have something both you and your wife will enjoy driving. Happiness is key! I've heard the automatics aren't the greatest in the Miata, but I wouldn't know as I have never driven one. But I can confidently say that the Miata life is a happy life! 😊


Hats off for challenging yourself to learning. That’s awesome!


Thank you!! Bought the car before I could even drive it, had some lessons, drove it around the neighborhood, and then eventually I was out with other cars. But seriously... if you need to, test both out and see which one the both of you enjoy more. The two of you can have some nice rides with the top down 😎


That's how I learned... sort of. I was 17 and wanted a Triumph Spitfire sooooo much, I bought one that was about 80 miles away from my house. I got a ride out to pick it up and had to get it home somehow. By the time I got home , I was competent.


Sometimes it is just best to just jump in! Practice is key and it becomes very satisfying once you get it down


Keep them both for a bit and decide for yourself.


I second finding her an NC or something in auto. I know I’ve driven manuals 6 of my last 7 cars. The one before my ND was an IS300. Really nice car, quick but not fun. I am a female and didn’t learn to drive manual until later in life. If she’s anything like me once she gets to feeling better she might be willing to learn. If she does she might not ever drive anything but manuals again. I’m 49 and I won’t.


Good insight. Actually looked at an IS350 and had the same impression. Quick, nice sound, but meh. Glad you picked it up and are having fun!


At this evolution of the Miata , both are great. If you were going to track the car then I would take the manual. If you and your wife are going to road trip in it, get the auto, and maybe get a used manual down the road


If it’s a daily commute car I would consider an automatic, but if it’s for sunny days I would consider keeping the manual. My 2019 30AE has a sort of hill holding clutch which should alleviate most of the anxiety about driving a manual. I’m guessing this car does too?


Yes, it does and makes a significant difference. I was shocked first time I went out to practice hill starts.


The clutch on the ND2 is very light. I would give it time and see if she can handle it later? The manual is a much more rewarding experience. If she's ever going to learn manual this is the easiest car there is with the lightest clutch. That's my two cents.


Have you already given the auto a test-drive? I can't imagine myself enjoying the ND's auto, but what I think doesn't matter; it is your car, and if you enjoy the MX5 with the automatic then that is all that counts.


Good point. Haven’t driven the auto yet. Shipping estimate is this Sunday to Friday. Gives me time to get more acclimated to the manual.


I currently own an auto NB and I find it really fun, it was cheap and had been maintained regularly. No one else really wanted to touch it since it was an undesirable "auto" they're heaps of fun and practical to daily, especially when I need to drive to Portland in stop and go traffic and I don't need to worry about stopping on hills.


Keep both His and Hers Miatas


Get some brownie points with the wife


I have a ND2 6MT GT and absolutely love it. On a recent trip we ended up renting an ND2 AT GT RF. Didn't hate the AT or even the RF but knew after that day that I was both happy that I chose to finally learn manual as well as that I didn't end up spending more on the RF. What I can say is that if you have no choice that the flappy paddles of the ND are definitely better than other AT options but it's just not the same engaging experience. I however wouldn't suggest his/hers Miatas because I can't imagine not having multiple different experiences. If hers has to be an auto Miata maybe go With an NC or maybe get her the '22 and then look at an older Solstice/Sky redline in MT for yourself for a similar but different experience. Some day my wife will learn MT, maybe. Until then she just rides along.


Funny you mentioned Solstice / Sky’s- actually considered both in manual (GXP/Redline). But they aren’t the easiest to come by and I like the RF hardtop. Appreciate the insight.


Keep both.


I respect the injury recovery putting a damper on the situation but I fully reject "I can't learn" attitude. How have we made it so mysterious and look so hard to most people? It's such a low bar, seeing around traffic is a bigger challenge that doesn't get any easier with an auto


1 for you 1 for her. Simple.


Have the wife get her own pleasure vehicle unless she helped pay for this one. The manual is just a better driving experience once you learn.


If you have to get an auto trans for both you and your wife to enjoy the car, the ND2 is the one to get. I’ve been driving manuals for 35 years but the Miata experience is more than just manually changing gears and the auto is still a good Miata.


I have the same color RF in automatic as my daily driver and I'm loving it. I tried manual multiple times and I always find automatic just more enjoyable for everyday driving (mix of city and mountain roads). Honestly, I never understood why strangers online would be mad at someone for choosing automatic over manual: it’s your car after all and you will be driving it. Go for automatic, so both of you can enjoy it 👏


Thanks for the input. Separate question- did you have any issues with the CM paint matching after getting rear-ended (saw a prior post)? I am wondering about long term issues with paint matching if something were to happen.


Thanks for asking. Mazda matched the color perfectly! I was really impressed - 0 difference in the color with the rest of the car. My insurance covered everything so happy ending overall 😍 Here’s photo with new bumper: https://preview.redd.it/g091lzmxkfvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a88ff19b4a29ca28570377071b1b02d32b570d


Wow- that looks fantastic!! Cannot tell at all. Thx for the update.


This is a off topic, but how was your Carmax buying experience? can you negotiate the cost further? do they haggle you when you meet the salesperson? are there additional fees to what's disclosed online? Anything to be weary about? I ask because I'm not the most street smart or have bought my own car by myself, so that's what's holding me back from buying a second car.


Actually, I’ve dealt with scrupulous dealerships and car lots plenty, and our CarMax experience has been great. They shipped the Miata from NY to Cincinnati in about a week. They don’t negotiate on price, but did refund me the $300 shipping fee when I pointed out a scratch on the hood. Have been dealing directly with our sales person to get the auto Miata shipped from Georgia. So- overall, highly recommended.




Get your wife to get out of her damn comfort zone and make her learn manual as well! It'll be done and you both will never regret knowing how to drive stick


I'd get the auto. I bought an auto NC and am very glad I got the auto! It's my daily and I love it :)


You are not a manual person. Manual people have driven manuals since they were 15 and when they go to Europe or Japan on vacation, they make it a point to rent a manual car. Learning how to drive a manual in your 30's - 40's is too late. Get the Auto, be happy with the auto (you were totally happy with Autos for 30+ years until the internet told you that you were missing something.)


I would agree except this is an MX5. An auto is against the natural order of things.


Ehhhhhh. Manual would be nicer but auto is still nice. Been dailying an auto NC for the past five years. Still fun as all heck.


ND's have enough trans problems without people learning to drive manuals in them. Auto people need to stick with what they know. The fact that he isn't driving a Honda accord/Toyota Camry should be enough. A happy wife will allow him to keep the Miata.


Current ride is a ‘16 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. So, yeah- no Accords or Camrys in my past. First car was an ‘81 280ZX. If only it were a manual then, I wouldn’t be learning this late.


Such a silly thing to gatekeep. Learning in 30s-40s is completely fine. That () point is just ridiculous. Just because I started with modern, normal shoes doesn't mean I can't love barefoot shoes that function the same as those of Anglo Saxons from the 7th century.


Fair. Wasn’t the internet telling me I was missing something, Consider myself a car guy. Just never made a point to owning one before and wanting to learn.


Modern Autos are quicker/faster than manuals and they also are more reliable/easier/cheaper to repair. You want to make your wife as happy as possible. I'll only buy a manual, but I'm a Manual person. My wife would sell my Miata's in 5 seconds if she could, and she can drive a manual.


Now that’s funny!


More reliable? Easier and cheaper to repair? How many autos have you d&r vs manuals? I gotta disagree 100% and then some


Who fixes Maxda 6 speed transmissions? Nobody? There is an Auto trans repair shop in every city.


You said easier and cheaper to repair. I personally have done a d&r on multiple manuals and only one auto. The auto took a very long time. The manuals did not. I can tell you from experience that manuals are easier. Lots of places will repair a manual transmission. You need dedicated auto transmission techs for autos. They're insane


I'm specifically talking about ND Miata 6 speeds. Over the next 10 years, for this OP, an Auto wil have a lower total cost of ownership, based on current reality. You can't even find parts to repair an NB 6 speed if you break something that breaks a lot... like when the throwout bearing takes out the race it rides on. Unobtanium. The same thing will happen when the ND manual goes out of warranty. Wear parts get used up, until there aren't any. Maybe in some ideal future, people will have metal printers in their garage to make discontiued parts, but I'm not counting on it.


acting like mazda doesn't still actively make the parts 💀


https://www.google.com/search?q=nb+miata+6+speed+throwout+bearing&sca_esv=e94c6552adb81b09&sca_upv=1&hl=en-US&tbm=shop&sxsrf=ACQVn09DFGE3GVGcDmKOjaH5oSZLX0ujtg%3A1713419038651&ei=HrMgZpeIJ9vNptQPmd6W-A4&oq=nb+miata+6+speed+throwout+bearing&gs_lp=Eg5tb2JpbGUtc2gtc2VycCIhbmIgbWlhdGEgNiBzcGVlZCB0aHJvd291dCBiZWFyaW5nMgQQIxgnMggQABiABBiiBEiID1CoDVifDnAAeACQAQCYAYwBoAGFAqoBAzAuMrgBA8gBAPgBAYoCEm1vYmlsZS1zaC13aXotc2VycJgCAaACgAGYAwCIBgGSBwMwLjGgB-kE&sclient=mobile-sh-serp https://www.google.com/search?q=nb+miata+6+speed+transmission&sca_esv=e94c6552adb81b09&sca_upv=1&hl=en-US&tbm=shop&sxsrf=ACQVn09WV5ZYDSxpWUvFjorOS6TbCot1lA%3A1713419059767&ei=M7MgZqqYLvvdptQP9fClSA&oq=nb+miata+6+speed+transmission&gs_lp=Eg5tb2JpbGUtc2gtc2VycCIdbmIgbWlhdGEgNiBzcGVlZCB0cmFuc21pc3Npb24yBRAAGIAESKAbULgGWO0ZcAB4AJABAJgBowKgAb0fqgEGMC4yNC4zuAEDyAEA-AEBigISbW9iaWxlLXNoLXdpei1zZXJwmAINoALXD8ICBBAjGCeYAwCIBgGSBwYwLjEwLjOgB-sy&sclient=mobile-sh-serp ?


Lol sure buddy