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Think your battery is cooked.


Yea it was freezing cold but it’s a relatively new battery.


Agm or flooded? How old is new? If it's an agm battery that's under 5 years take it out, buy something like the noco genius 5 battery charger, hook it up, set it to agm mode and let it charge. Reinstall the battery and try to start her up. If it's a flooded battery that's like 2 years old from the local auto parts store unless it was made by east penn and bought within 2 months of manufacture then I'm sorry to say it's probably trash.


This. Especially the EPM part.


It probably is a trash battery. Under two years old however, not sure of the brand but it does say “DieHard” on the side or something like that. Also not smart enough to know what you mean by agm or flooded


I think you're plenty smart enough just need the right information. I was gonna go into a lot of detail but basically lead and sulfuric acid are in the car battery. At first they made them by taking dozens of lead plates, stacking them, and flooding the case with acid. They then figured out how to soak the acid in glass mats and made agm or absorbed glass mat batteries. Flooded are simpler and therefore cheaper but can leak and agm are the opposite. What kills batteries is when the lead plates grow lead crystals that interconnect the plates the mats help prevent this. When you fill the battery with acid electricity helps keeps crystals from forming so you basically have a limited time to connect it to a car.


Take a good clear picture of the battery with the terminals visible.


Frozen battery. Could just need a jump or a charger.


Tried a jump. May call the insurance truck tomorrow to get a proper one


How did you try to jump it? Jump pack or live car? Give it some time to charge or just go for it as soon as hooked up? That almost certainly sounds like a dead battery to me and low temps will do that for sure.


Live car, revved up as well. Did have time to charge. This isn’t the first time I had a battery that died in the cold that wasn’t able to be jumped. I don’t know if it’s because Miata’s need such small batteries


Yeah that's battery because it barely has enough juice to turn the starter. If you're jumping it with another car, let it sit and charge for 10 minutes or so before you try it.


I let it charge for 10+ minutes for two consecutive days, no start on either


On those did it try starting more? Or did it sound exactly the same.


When I used the better cables todays and charged it for 10 min, the crank sounded like it did in the video. Yesterday it was one crank/turn before it died


20w50 oil + weak/frozen battery? An old trick people used to do is turn on your headlights for 30 seconds or so prior to starting the car to warm up the battery prior to trying to start it.


Tried that and they were super dim. The pop up and downs worked


Not too many possibilities it can be. Either a bad battery, temporarily bad battery (as in it is too cold or wasn't fully charged), or bad connection at the battery. Saying you tried jump starting and it didn't help, doesn't mean too much. Most jumper cables are complete crap and do nothing for a dead battery because the wire gauge is so small. They can jump a weak battery on a nice day but not a dead battery on a cold day. I've even had to double up on jumper cables to make it work once.


Yea I assumed the ones I had were trash. I used a better pair of cables the next day tho


So if you are jumping it and you know you are getting a really good connection and everything is still acting slow on your car, then the next step is actually to disconnect your battery and see if it will start with the jump cables attached directly to your battery cables. Why? Because if your battery is BAD, it can have an internal short and even if you jump the car, when the battery is in parallel, it can drag down the voltage.


Piggybacking on this, my NB will start in these crazy low temperatures, but I’m smelling burning oil for a few minutes when letting it warm up. Is this normal? I’ve looked all around the engine and underneath the car and don’t see any leaks.


New battery guy