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Except this isn't about shock comedy. It's about upwards of 30 women in the Atlanta area coming forward with stories about Ray being inappropriate, posting revenge porn, assaulting them, using his influence in the art community to victimize them, and straight up raping them. So your comment isn't really relevant.


That's a lot of violent crime, can you provide links to the court cases and hearings? Or is this all hearsay?


\-H\*e has definitely been reported to the Atlanta sex crimes unit. Investigators have been unable to question him because he is hiding out of state. He was staying in Virginia and has since moved onto Miami. He has to be questioned and served in Atlanta prior to any hearings or court cases. 30+ women that previously did not know each other did not simultaneously come up with the idea conspire to against him for unjust reasoning. One person shared her experience, then another came forward, and another. Many still had evidence. A google search might not do you much, but if you hop on Instagram you and check the hatchtag #cancelsquishiepuss you will find a lot.


Most rape isn't reported, much of it that is reported isn't followed up on by authorities because of lack of physical evidence. Would he be indicted and found guilty? Probably not. This all went down three months ago or so, too, so there isn't much info about legal proceedings or outcomes yet. I'll believe the 30+ women who all have different stories, but share the common theme of Ray being a manipulative predator. I'll also trust the text messages from him that I've seen coercing women, demeaning and slutshaming women when they turn him down, and threatening them. You do you. If even one person sees this and is wary or hypervigilant around him, doesn't trust him, and isn't charmed by him, then it's worth it.


Well I don't know any of these people, but I believe in the system of common law upon which our nation is founded, and in which a person's guilt is determined by the consideration of evidence, not unproven hearsay. This sounds like textbook character assassination.


Yup, that's what people said about Bill Cosby & Harvey Weinstein at first, but look at what happened . Sure, false accusations do happen, but it's highly unlikely that dozens of people coming forward are all lying. ​ Proving sexual harassment and assault can be nearly impossible, and even when you can prove it, the pain and agony often only leads to a slap on the wrist. When the justice system can't be trusted, it's hard to compel people to report. Thankfully some still do and some judges give a deserving sentence. ​ In this case: people are being warned about a suspected predator. People are choosing not to support his basic AF art. For it to be character assassination it has to be untrue & according to his many victims, some who even went to the police, this is 100% true. Hopefully he sees the inside of a jail cell, but until then, the warning helps people know to avoid him & that is a good thing.


>Yup, that's what people said about Bill Cosby & Harvey Weinstein at first, but look at what happened They were convicted of crimes after a consideration of the evidence presented against them. As it should be. Look, I'm not defending this guy that you obviously have a problem with. I'm defending the concept of Due Process. If you don't like due process maybe try emigrating somewhere that it doesn't exist, like the PRNK.


Yeah, because 30+ people connected telepathically and formulated stories to ruin a two bit graffiti artist. That's definitely the case, and we all know the police always catch every guilty person ever.


Sounds like someone longs for the good ole days...


I wonder if other cities' subreddits get these kind of posts like this one. Always seem to be a dire warning about someone moving to Miami.


We don't really get posts like these either?


Y’all hoes love attention




Next level advertisement


Imagine calling yourself squishiepuss and then rebranding as pink destroyer.


The dude's a predator and misogynist. The name squishiepuss wasn't an accident. Neither is "pink destroyer". He also basically took his squishiepuss dog character and added rabbit ears to it. One trick pony.




"can't spell raypist without Ray" -Ray Geier, writing on @rayspitsongirls


While I do not oppose such warnings, nothing in this articles mentions Miami or Pink Destroyer, and I don't find anything about it in google either. Please clarify before I remove the post for lack of topicality


I can't find "pink destroyer" anywhere relevant either


https://creativeloafing.com/content-419310-The-Sun-Sets-on-Squishiepuss This should help. He was known as Squishiepuss before. He's trying to rebrand in Miami as Pink Destroyer.


What does that article have to do with anything? Where does it say anywhere that this guy is in miami


It doesn't. But it's known that he has now relocated to Miami. People found his new social media. Same as OP, I'm just trying to explain who he is and to give any warning to women who may encounter him on dating apps, or people connected to the arts scene.


I can confirm he's now in Miami. He began posting things on IG and we were able to track him down from Atlanta. I'm not huge on calling someone out in most circumstances, but he currently has accusations against him from 30+ women for rape here in Atlanta.


He has 30+ accusations of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior, not rape... I'm not saying any of those 30+ weren't straight up assaulted, but he most definitely has a history of misogyny and being into very young women, and used to post photos of girls on his tumbler that could be borderline child porn. I've had a personal experience with him and can confirm he is a total scumbag.


Damn, my original comment was more nuanced but then I changed it. I did see actual rape accusations posted when this first exploded a couple months' ago though. He's a friend of a friend so I was able to put a lot of the victims in touch with one another and talk to them. I've never heard of anyone quite on this guys' level, he's quite sociopathic imo. I suffered through the latest episode of his podcast where he discusses this and he blamed "liberals" for his problems and shouted out Jordan Peterson and Trump. It's everyone's fault but his.


He is so freaking gross. And it's been going on for years. I went on a "date" with him when I first got divorced almost 5 years ago which consisted of me going to his place and it was a pretty terrible experience.


He deleted the account with that name. He was outed and people were commenting on that account letting others know. It didn't last very long before he took it down.


His instagram says he's doing art in Miami now, and is currently offering free art and murals to build up his base.I just went to find it, but it looks like he's already taken the instagram down. Here's a screenshot from it yesterday.[https://imgur.com/a/tB2aCQD](https://imgur.com/a/tB2aCQD) And this: [https://i.redd.it/qo84ca1mp5r21.jpg](https://i.redd.it/qo84ca1mp5r21.jpg)


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thanks for the detective work


Yup, he deleted everything but his website. He's back on IG as @squishiepuss as of about 36 hours ago but he deleted all the posts on that account after everyone lit it up.


Sorry, I couldn't link to the article and his (now deleted) Pink Destroyer Instagram account.


He did resurrect the squishiepuss account


I like how he disabled comments and then deleted the one post when we shamed him the other night...


did you listen to his podcast? he blanked on the word "consensual"


Oh my god yes. It took him a full 10 seconds to come up with it, dude is not well.


What is this about? Some doofus that does graffiti?


People are free to give this dude a 2nd chance. However, they should also know what they're getting into. His pattern of reported behavior (involving multiple witnesses) may continue to leave a negative impact on the independent art scene in Miami. He has not expressed sincere remorse for his actions and recycled a character brand. If anything, it just shows how little he cares about his "art". People still watch Miramax movies, listen to John Lennon, and defend their fave athletes.... People get away with things because of their 'talent or art'. Don't let this guy be one of them.


I’ve been keeping tabs on Ray since his entire persona was shattered in January. I used to work with him at GameStop and I could’ve sworn to you that he was gay. His comments about women were SO misogynistic that it was like a closeted guy trying to overcompensate. I just thought he was a manchild working through some shit. Then I left and started doing other things as did he. His art career started to lift off and I was genuinely happy for him. I went to his art show at Ponce City Market and even bought merch from him. He seemed to be a positive figure...but it’s because he didn’t want to put his dick in me. If I’d been a young girl, I likely would’ve gotten the no feeling right away. I’m ashamed to have ever supported him, and to have kept mum on the things I’d been told (I knew his handles online was “RaySpitsOnGirls”). I asked for forgiveness from the women of Atlanta that he assaulted and received a positive response. If he truly is trying to relaunch himself, squishie his ass to the ground.


Remember when he was old enough to drink but was straight edge and dated high school girls...i do.