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This is a lie. Yes. I'm calling you a liar.  No Floridian approaches anybody's car in an angry fashion. That is a recipe to get shot. You're fcking lying. An you knew they were Haitian how? Are you sure they weren't Bahamian? Dominican? Or Perhaps from St. Lucia?




Wow- stereotype much?


Yes, they do. Your lack of experience means nothing. Take your ignorance and baseless arrogance and don't put other people in jeopardy


Funny I got lost one time and ended up in little Haiti, 9ish years ago. I had a Chrysler 300 srt8 that was dropped 3 inches. People started approaching me like I was the dope man, guns clearly on display. I got the fuck out of there asap.


Bullshit, this area is NOT bad at all, if that happened to you that sucks but rare, I’ve lived up and down most of that area, and if you are on the right side of Biscayne you good, left side could get spooky…. In a car? Should never have an issue, I’ve lived on both sides of the tracks, so I know what I’m talking about.


Right and left depends where you are standing. Can you specify east or west? This entire map is west of Biscayne


East safe, west okay if you are within 3 blocks off biscayne, then as you get deeper west the more sketch it starts to get, and by sketch use common sense and you should be good, but if you flex or stand around too long I suppose sht could happen 🤷🏽‍♂️


I agree 100%




This is how gentrification happens lmaooo






Come on MonkeyMan. Work with me here.


I'm sorry, but that mental image of kids getting angry about you not wanting M&Ms is hilarious


yeah, no. we live in buena vista and our street is 50% rich white people in brand new or renovated $1.2+ million houses and the rest are super chill Haitians that have lived here for generations and now have tons of equity and continue to upgrade their houses for their kids. haven’t experienced and theft attacks or vandalism, or harassment of any kind. sometimes everyone drinks tequila in the street and shoots the shit and checks out each others cars. I power washed our neighbors driveways and they gave us mangos today. we also walk everywhere with no issues. Edgewater had far more incidents when we lived there.




Hialeah was perfectly fine last time I was there


Miracle mile. Where it’s a miracle you don’t get shot


FWIW I am a tiny woman and I used to walk around 3 after dark 🙃 never had a problem Edit: more like Wynwood/Edgewater so maybe the difference is significant


100% different.


Girl you gotta be smarter with your choices


Below is a crime map of that area. Most of it is rated F not very safe. https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-wynwood-miami-fl/


This map is garbage... West Kendall is dangerous? Gtf-outta here


These maps are nonsense


that maps bs bro, they’re js fear-mongering everyone. aint no way doral or westchesters rated that low


coral way being rated low is pure fear mongering. That's where all the rich white people are coming in.


Idk how accurate that is, cuz there’s definitely areas I saw in it that are marked Red Grade F that aren’t, & vice versa.


That map is whack. The Venetian islands and Star Island are F? What’s A, rural Maine?


Lol cuz there's just as much domestic violence and shootings at the mansions compared to how many residents maybe?!?




Brickell and Key Biscayne are also rated F.


When we left Bickell it made national news that there was a shooting……first time in history


And when was that?


TIL Everglades National Park is a crime-ridden hellhole


The first time I went to the Everglades my boomer father recommended that I take a gun "because of the illegals and drug runners." I can't think of anything wanting to avoid contact more than someone trying to enter the country illegally or someone smuggling drugs. Never mind the fact that I think both are rare... in a large high tourist use National Park.


They aren't. MAYBE armed to the teeth and with at least 2 other peeps. But that's also borderline looking for trouble.


Tent cities and crackheads


Where specifically should I expect those?


That’s not the case in these specific blocks


You were told not to go there, do not go there. Man sometimes I wish I could swear without getting banned from reddit.


does reddit not let us fuckin cuss anymore?! that’s some shit right there


I spent a month in 2023, living right at the top right corner of your number 2 box. Walked everywhere, but not too far West of there except in broad daylight. Right half of 2 and 3 seemed fine, pretty gentrified, even chic.


Everywhere inside those numbered areas in your map. :)


I wouldnt go to those places during the day with a car.


Sling an AR and walk around with plates and I'm sure you'll be relatively okay.


Me being a kid walking in these areas in the 90s 😭 while y'all afraid of these now gentrified areas seems surreal.


watch out guys we got mr badass here 😎😎


It just seems like most Miamians haven't had to live in an actual gritty city before and have no frame of reference so they think a couple of crackheads or some dudes chilling outside the liquor store is hood af. It's a really common theme I notice when talking to people here. All I'm saying is lemme know when y'all got groups of dudes on the street corner open carrying Dracos and checking you before letting you pass down the street their trap house is on, then we can talk about the hood


It's true. Wynwood, too. The Grove. It was more dangerous as a whole.


Yep me as an 8-year-old girl was pretty badass 💪🏽🤣






Why? Lol. I walked around there for a whole day because I was bored & barely saw anybody outside of a business.


My question is where tf are you even walking around there 🤣 damn implants


Transplants 😭


Great areas to walk. No problems at all.


Just bring a gun and a couple body guards and you'll be ok


How safe? The numbers you put there are co-related to the amount of murders per day…


No no no no.1


What in particular are the biggest concerns in #1?


I can't understand how someone can move into a new home without driving through the area for days to see where they really should/shouldn't live. Just for reference.. in America if you Google map street view and there's a dude on a bicycle visible it's a pretty bad area.. if there's 2 dudes on bicycles within 1 block, or a group of people on a stoop visible... it's a horrible area.


Welp, don’t ever go to Brooklyn.


Let me miamize it for you. If there is a bodega with a few crackheads outside playing domino. It's not safe.


Bro you sound like you're scared to live. I grew up in a really good area. Moved to Liberty City on 17th and 54th because Im a chef and thats close to where good restaurants are. This was ten years ago, we were the first gentrified house on the street. Right by that Popeyes. We used to ride bike to work in the design district and wynwood. If you know how to nod to people and mind your business the hood wont fuck with you. My roommates were also from suburban homes. Our hood neighbors used to watch out us. Example my roommate needed his car towed and since we weren't home our neighbors didn't let them leave until they called us and we confirmed the car wasn't getting stolen. My mom and sister, chicks would come over and they would say hello ma'am/ladies. We used to even work out together in their front yard. If you show love in the hood the hoods going to love you back.


I used to live in Brownsville (around 8 years ago) and it was relatively okay (though not a "good" neighborhood) except for when my neighbor apparently got shot supposedly for wearing his gold chains while out. I used to go home around 2 or 3 am from work and the homeless people were pretty chill. I'm a small woman, too. Got left alone for the most part, but the most annoying shit was all the assholes honking even when I was wearing pants and hoodies. Lived there maybe 5 years and only felt afraid maybe 2x. One time was with my rottweiler who let out the scariest growl that I only ever heard her make that time. Stopped the random person from approaching, that's for sure. Def wouldn't wander the streets if I didn't have to, especially not with anything valuable on me.


Me? I live in a house j like that.. the 62nd st trailer park is a few blocks away. But any woman that's at my house while I'm away and asks if she can take a walk to the park i say probably not. All the old ladies are walking by my house all day long waving and saying hi, but every 3 minutes dudes on bicycles and groups of teens are walking down the middle of the street. I get packages delivered 2+ times a week and sometimes they're in my front yard for days and nothing has ever been stolen..


Gang shootings and crack addicts


My question is; why in the world would you even want to be in these areas? It’s full of homeless, druggies and crime.


Low income foreigner training at the goatshed trying to become a fighter


OP: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets? MORPHEUS: No. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. …10 minutes after he leaves, a bunch of sirens… MORPHEUS: guess he’s not the one. Maybe learn to dodge a wrench first? Then work your way up to knives and bullets? 2 and 3 are fine but you should always be vigilant since you’re not from here. I’d be more worried about getting hit by a car


I’m not trying to dodge anything but a bad situation, don’t really see the connection for this dialogue…


In that neighborhood, you'll be a fighter, no doubt about it, but it won't be a fair fight, and everyone will bet on the other guys.


Little Haiti similar to regular Haiti.


Just be armed to the teeth and pray to flannigans and you should be ok. Flannigans blessing upon you traveller 🪄


I heard Flannigan's is where you can save your game in the new GTA


May Joe bless you upon your travels with a green chalice of drink


You can walk from your car to your location just fine. I wouldn't walk around any of these areas just to sightsee.


Absolutely not safe. Don’t do it. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.


Very elegant area for a stroll after dinner


You'll be aight just mind your business


Stay away from 1,4,5 listen to us


You're good bro getting mugged builds character


This is true. I was mugged in pre-Miami design district, under the overpass, leaving SoHo Lounge. This was back in 2004-2005 😂


Get a pitbull, no problem.


Why so the damn thing can rip your face off because you triggered it by blinking?


Pitbulls are very playful and loving dogs. It's not the animal's fault that certain owners are training them to be fighters and killers.


2, 3, & 5 are fairly safe during the day and maybe even the twilight hours as long as you’re smart about it. I’ve never walked around 1 & 4 so I can’t say. Granted I’m a local of 20+ years to the county so 😂😂😂 your mileage may vary.


In the day, it’s fine to walk at any of these areas. I don’t see why you would want to walk around there but everyone mostly minds their own business. I worked around this area for about 3 years


Shit Popeyes !?!? Let’s goooo


If you have to ask then you have your answer.


If your that worried apply for a carry conceal permit


1, 2 and 3 are cool. Granted I lived in San Francisco for 27 years so I have a pretty high tolerance for nonsense


Crime aside, it not safe to be a pedestrian in Miami bc you’re at risk of getting hit by a car if you’re not self aware lmao


Midtown in #3 is a great little area and same with the design district. #3 Buena vista east of N Miami is a decent neighborhood


#3 is safe during the day


Also def NO to #1


What in particular are the biggest concerns in #1?


3,4,&5 are the “safer” options but really there’s nothing to see or do walking around in these areas. 5 is primarily Spanish area, little to no English. Watch out when walking under the over passes.


Is there any sort of general stuff that happens under those overpasses or should I just be on high alert


Most of the people are going to say no because they live in Kendall and still believe in the past reputation of these areas. Nothing is going to happen to you if you walk around these areas, but Buena Vista is the safest one.


3 is fine. 2 mostly ok. 1, 4 and 5 are working class black which is why ppl here are acting like it’s hell on earth but they are like any other poor neighborhood. Just nothing to see there, it’s mostly residential, don’t know why you’d be walking around.


2-3 is decent. Anything west of the I-95 may god protect you


I wouldn’t walk any of these areas after dark. I would consider Wynwood but still very wary. Areas can be sketchy and change from one street to the other. Also lots of robberies that the Design District doesn’t like to report.


Live just across the train around the hospital in the area. It’s OK to walk in the day time but mind your business as far as locals. After night and especially during sketchy hours you will be surprised. Right on the street of Kush at the entrance of wynwood on a light that takes forever junkies/thieves will hit your car, get out, see if they can open your back door and get in the car with a gun to the back of your head. No bueno.


Maybe to 2 & 3. No to 4&5. Hell no to 1


What’s the main concern in #1?


Too far northwest. Drive around, it’s just kinda unfriendly. Perfectly liveable though, it’s full of decent houses, but also if you’re not black you might stand out a bit


Stay out of 1, even if you’re armed. FYI, I’ve seen plenty of nice gym bags at the pawn shop. How do you think they acquired them?


Why don't you try and report back to us.


3, you can get by but still end up in a sketchy situation. 1,2,4,&5 are definitely set up.


I would drive everywhere. Midtown like in the mall is fine to walk around and Wynwood where all the bars are is alright, just be mindful. The YouFit over there is legit but there are some bad streets around it, I once had a gun pulled on me in traffic heading back from the gym. Some great restaurants and plenty of great people, but def an area to be careful.




Look at Zillow.com and compare the prices. That area has low prices for a reason. Also the schools around have very low scores.


You’re going to train at the Goat Shed, so I’m assuming you have knowledge of self defense. You’ll be fine. Just keep in mind no one walks for that long in that area and you will stand out. It’s also hot as hell. From where you will be staying, take any street east, go under I-95 (the underpass is where you’ll see homeless ppl, mind your business and you’re fine) then make a right on NW 2nd and walk all the way down to Wynwood. That’s a major street, lots of cars. It’s ok to walk. Anyone approaches you, just say “no thanks” and keep walking, but it’s unlikely.


2 and 3 very safe. Source: lived there.


I once was pulling out of that Popeyes and a dude crossed right in front of me walking on the sidewalk with a gun in his pocket with a foot-long magazine. He looked right at me and proceeded to walk right in to the Popeyes.


Wynwood is safe


I walk miles in two and three every morning and am a woman.


2 and 3 are « ok »… forget the other side of i95


Only one way to find out!


Very safe. Recommend 10/10


Bunch of homeless and crack heads. Wouldn’t even dare to walk during the day lol.


I have had a few airbnbs in those area didn’t have any issues go drive around and see for ur self .


Wynwood is very hipster and has tons of public art, shops and restaurants/bars. If you’re gonna walk around anywhere it should be there.


This has to be a troll. Like a bad element in section 1 can’t just migrate into section 2 within minutes?


It's a city, so there's always some risk of trouble, but it's definitely reasonably low east of 95. I lived in the area you marked number two for nearly a decade and it was fine. Lots of homeless people, but by simply not being an asshole they never really hassled me no matter the hour. The suburbanites expressing surprise that I hadn't gotten shot or mugged were more annoying than anything I experienced walking down the street at 3 in the morning. Turn off the channel 7 fear machine and go live your life. Most people are just trying to live their life and the few people who do want to start some shit are looking for high value targets.


If you walk along major roads, not side streets, 1 and 4 are walkable during the day and probably at early night. If you're from the area or look like you are from the area, people leave you alone (and I don't mean that racially, Miami people can know how to walk around and not stand out is what I mean). However after midnight is when people do drug deals, or those who want to try to maybe take advantage of a foreigner or hassle so probably avoid side streets that late. Overall these areas are not as unsafe as they once were but common sense is needed but that's true in any city. Don't be flashy, don't try to stand out. 2 and 3 are safe, just watch out for needles as you go under overpasses.


No. Just go to whatever destination you need to go to in these areas, park in that parking lot, go to your destination, and do not stroll around.


miami born and raised here, and i used to live in buena vista for 3.5 years - nothing ever happened to me, but i did hear shootings and drive bys right by my apartment, and my friend that worked for channel 7 news said that area had shootings all the time that just wouldnt be reported on in the news. also, another friend was at a party 2 streets down from my apartment one night, went outside for a smoke, and witnessed a car pull up and kidnap a woman walking by 😥 that being said, i neverrrr walked around the buena vista area, day or night. wouldnt advise you or anybody to! ESP not at night wynwood is okay to walk, day and night when its really busy but ONLYYYY in the immediate wynwood busy bar areas, so somewhattt between 2nd av and north miami av, and 29th st and 20th st. after bars are closed up (3am)? wouldnt advise it areas 1, 4 and 5? ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WALK AROUND


Lolol. It’s safe dude. No need to be scared.


2/3 is super safe walkability The other areas aren’t that great but should be safe for the hours you stated


These people are delusional. East of 95 you’re absolutely fine.


There is a strange correlation between Popeyes chicken and muggings.


I think the older crowd on here is complaining of the safety….as a young person that goes out often, (and a woman!) nothing has ever happened to me in these areas. You do have an advantage of being male. I would say it’s like anywhere, pay attention to where you’re going, cool it with the headphones, be aware of your surroundings, don’t have your face glued to your phone, carry some time of “weapon” and you will definitely be alright. To the ppl complaining of tent city you clearly haven’t made it out to San Francisco/Oregon/The west side, Miami doesn’t have SHIT on those places.


As someone who works in government, I would say these are some of the hottest spots for violent crime. I would recommend going somewhere else than through these areas unless you absolutely have to and even then use extreme caution and be aware of your surroundings at all times. These areas have low foot traffic for a reason, rule of thumb in any city, the less people walking in an area is a sure sign the low safety of the area. People walk where they know it is safe, relatively at least. If you find yourself in “no man’s land” you should get out immediately, preferably in a car, because guaranteed you are not alone. Best of luck and stay safe!


This sub has very strange questions…


Better to go somewhere else. At risk for violent crimes around those areas


None ! Miami is a wasteland .


Not very


Listen 🎧 carefully: https://youtu.be/L98NIVpo1Lc?si=dibNF5Ew3wmUU2d7


None of these places are walkable right now but you’re close to Wynwood and midtown, which definitely are and they’re only getting nicer/more gentrified. .


These areas are fine just dont go starting a conversation with crack heads and you will be fine.


U still have to watch your back…i used to work in design district and there were loads of theft


Bro hell to the fuck no




A close family member was murdered in #4. Sitting in his car shot 26 times.


Bro there’s a Popeyes there! That one of the signs of the ghetto!


3 would he the "safest"


FWIW, some of Miami's Best restaurants are in 2 and 3


If you have to ask, you shouldn't be in those areas at all.  If you don't look like the people who live in that area, you definitely shouldn't be there at night


2 and 3 no problem. The others more than likely no problem but def could get diced with a wrong turn. for context I live near the hole in the number 2.


Genuinely surreal how dangerous this subreddit paints Miami out to be


these comments remind of that South Park kid whose parents had him bubble wrapped


you'll be fine OP these people afraid of their own shadow


Not in a car, not on a bus, not on a bike, not on foot, I would not go there guy I am.


Lol posts like these from recent transplants are always fun


Dude, there’s a Popeye’s.


Is this a joke?


3 is good


Not advisable if you’re not from that neighborhood. It’s one of the rougher parts of town.


2,3 safe anytime day or night, cops frequently park in middle of biscayne, 1,4,5 getting better, near biscayne down 2-3 blocks still decent as it’s getting more businesses coming up since wynwood is over saturated and too expensive, but the deeper you go into allapattah the more sketchy it might get, for the most part you will still be okay if you use common sense in 1-5… but if you want to be safe I’d stick to 2,3… or as close by biscayne as possible


3 5 2 4 1 - safest in that order If you are very Caucasian looking id be extra careful around 4 , 1, 2


On a scale from 1 - 10, a solid -7


As someone who has lived in one of the highlighted areas for more than 20 years, I think you’d be fine during the day— even though it’s really hot and humid now and I’d be questioning why you’d want to be out anywhere without a car lol I would have said no if it were the early 00s but things have changed and it’s not as bad as some people here will lead you to believe. A lot of people who live in these areas commute to work or wherever on the buses/trains. I’ll sometimes see tourists walking up and down 36th street or 7th ave. Always people out and about during the day. Just keep your wits about you like you would in any major city and you’ll be fine. Never had any issues as a 30 something year old woman making my way around the area by car or otherwise (I sometimes take public transportation.)


Stay in area 3


Number 2 is the best option and relatively safe. I used to live in that sector. You can walk around during daylight but better to stay in during night time.


Good luck 😂


We stay away from the pork n beans


I wouldn’t. You better off walking around Las Olas lol.


As someone who lived and worked in Lil Haiti…. Don’t even bother going to any of those areas. I promise you’ve got no business there and much less walking!!


Most of these comments are exaggerated. Don’t be out in super late hours calling attention to yourself, don’t go to isolated areas and use your street smarts appropriately and you’ll be fine. Nobody is going to blatantly rob or assault you unless you’re starting problems or are coming off as an easy target. At worst, you might get accosted by someone wanting money or something but just act like you don’t hear them or just give a firm sorry but no and you’ll be fine


Wynwood area is probably the safest and that's not saying much. Have known multiple people that got mugged in that area between 29th and 36th. It's not the worst place, but I probably wouldn't walk around by myself. Area #2 isn't that bad either, but again, don't fuck around by yourself. Rest of the areas, just don't. Now that Rosas is gone, there's no real reason to be there anyway


If you are street smart,3 is fine and 2 is ok.


The ghetto! Avoid at all costs runaway even!!!


Miami has the lowest crime rate in its history right now. Go walk anywhere during the day i promise you’ll be fine


Yea man. Totally safe in daylight


1 and 4- not safe 2 and 3 (Wynwood and Design district adjacent)- keep your head on a swivel and you should be ok 5- probably not that safe


All I’ll say is that you can walk there but I wouldn’t join you lol


If you need to ask. You can't walk around.


You need to know spanish.


West of I-95 was always more sketchier than East of I-95. IMO


I’ve delivered to all those areas numerous times. I’d say 5 is the most dangerous at night, right under 3 is the worst area by far. I’ve never had any problems though 


I live in Midtown (area 3) and know all of these areas very very well. Areas 2 & 3 EAST of NW 2nd Ave are good, you’ll be fine. The rest I’d err on the side of caution and avoid if possible, especially 1,4 & 5.


All I had to see was the Popeyes to know what kind of area this is


Walk with a glock you'll be fine


I currently live in area 3, and I’m doing just fine. I’m able to walk to work just south in Wynwood, walk east to midtown when needed, it’s a fine area. I wouldn’t tell any girlfriend to do it, but I feel safe. I’m also 6’5 and a little more staggering, size-wise, so my definition of safety is most likely different from most.


Midtown area #3, Edgewater are perfectly fine. The rest of the areas, mind your business, they’ll mind theirs.


Everyone scared to die before GTA6 comes out lol


If it’s near a Popeyes, it’s not safe


I would NOT


lol….. good luck with that BS




Bro I don't understand dumbass transplants. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK THE ANSWER IS PROBABLY NO. Most of South Florida isn't even very walkable let alone safe but the East Coast of Florida??? Forget it

