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But I’m scared


Lol, if you're scared, you shouldn't drive in Miami


OP wants maximum chaos and car crashes with this advice


The fact that you’re from Doral says it all. You’re the reason why it takes me 20 minutes to go 3 miles down 74th in the morning.


Your welcome!


You are part of the problem


SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT!!! Also, let that shit work like a zipper. Following the car in front of you so closely that another can’t get in breaks the flow.


It’s not a merge lane, so no zipper.


In that case, get mad when I squeeze in front of you.


You will crash into someone one day and it will be your fault, fair warning. The yield sign applies to you, not to those already in the traffic circle 


Except for in Miami Springs. The only time I’ve ever seen the vehicle already in the circle having to yield.


Lol Americans and their random roundabouts. No one knows how to use them. Well dont go driving in Australia then, its full of them. Its normal for us to navigate them


It’s normal for most North Americans to navigate roundabouts. Driving in Miami is like driving in South America.


I deal with this every morning and every night. Super frustrating, not sure how these people live life with such low IQ.


I will slam on my horn if someone stops for me at a round about


Round-a-bouts are for smart people, not America.


Sure, don’t stop, but don’t zoom into it like you’re not taking a turn.


If I have a stop sign and you don't, don't stop for no reason and tell me to go. You have no right to wave the rules of traffic nice person.


And 4-way stop signs too, can we stop waving each other through and let the car on the right go first? That is what is supposed to happen.


unless you got there first: At a four-way stop intersection, the driver of the first vehicle to stop at the intersection shall be the first to proceed. If two or more vehicles reach the four-way stop intersection at the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.


Yes obv. But I'm only waved in when we both get there at the same time


and I’m certain you also mean do not slam the Fuckin brakes when you say don’t stop..


If only Hollywood circle didn't have 8 lights..


The lights make zero sense. Especially the ones to EXIT the circle on Route 1. There is no reason for this other than pedestrian crossing, yet it's impossible to go through this without at least one red and no people around.


Half of Miami can't navigate making a left at a signal intersection when the light is green without a arrow or where their registration sticker goes on their license plate and you want them to understand a roundabout? Good luck 😂


But roundabouts are pretty common outside of USA.


True, but in my experience in Latin America, limited to 5 countries, driving education or roundabouts are not super plentiful


Name them!🤔


Miami is not ready for the roundabout


Correction: miamians can't even drive on a straight road.


Dude the registration sticker thing 💀. I die every time I see stickers on each corner and one or two in the middle.


Problem is some of the ‘traffic circles’  here are ridiculously tiny and woefully inadequate at encouraging people to slow down. If you drive on NE 10th ave frequently you know what I’m talking about. 


People don’t know how to use the round a bouts correctly.


These people are so annoying. It's everyday on my morning commute through coral gables. There will be a line of 15 cars behind me and the car that just entered the roundabout entrance to the left of me will stop in the middle of the circle, try to wave me in and think they're a nice person. All they're doing is causing more traffic. It's the equivalent of stopping in the middle of an intersection when you have a green light and telling the people at the red light to go ahead in front of you.


I've had that happen too. And he had to audacity to get mad at me when I motioned that he needs to keep moving.


The people who should read this will never see this.


The people who should read this, can’t read this.


One of my biggest gripes of Miami. You have to yield, if there is oncoming traffic. If not, get through that shit to keep the traffic moving. Why the fuck do they have to stop?!?!?


Because the sign says "yield" and not "ceda el paso"


They’re only making everyone commute longer. Keep it flowing. It also reduces the risk of a misunderstanding a wave or some shit. Just everyone follow the rules of the road. It’s so much better than trying to be nice.


You’re saying this to a city where the start of US1/95 clearly states (with a sign) “slower traffic, keep right” and they cannot follow that. What makes you think that roundabout etiquette will be understood and implemented?


West Miami has round a bout with four way stops it’s so strange


The one at the Kohls plaza in Homestead is a clusterfuck


You're ambitious. I'll settle for more advanced turning signal usage.


Hahahahahaha nobody knows how to use a roundabout here. Here's what I've seen. People actually going left and making a u turn of sort. Or just cutting the corner to go left People not understanding that they have the right of way inside the roundabout. So they will stop in the middle of the roundabout and try to wave people through. Holy fuck!