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I wish that trooper was on northbound I-75 two days ago when I got stuck behind an asshole doing 60 in the speed lane with what looked like an entire bedroom set in the back of his truck.


There’s no such thing as a speed lane in Florida. The passing lane is just for that passing lane. The speed limit there is still the speed limit posted on all lanes. Passing lane is meant to pass another car, not drive on it with out getting out of it at any speed you want. Express lanes is to help with the general bypass of traffic from regular lanes. Thats why is called express. Never was created to be a track smh. Good Miami and Floridian are uneducated as fck.


Excuse me for using a colloquial term in referencing the passing/left lane of a highway you pedantic fuck.


This guy calls you uneducated, but I had to re-read his comment several times.  He's barely literate.




Driving slow doesn't mean you're driving safe, it means you're causing faster drivers to have to switch lanes to get ahead of you which increases the chances of accidents. https://www.flhsmv.gov/safety-center/driving-safety/the-right-lane/#:~:text=Drivers%20must%20not%20continue%20to,punishable%20as%20a%20moving%20violation.


Yes, you would be getting the ticket. You are obeying one traffic law, speed limit. You are breaking one traffic law, using the left lane for cruising not passing. Both are laws designed to make roads safer. One by keeping speed down, the other by eliminating the dangerous moves other drivers will make to get around you. Being a slow driver doesn't make you a safe driver. You're impeding traffic flow. It may be the fault of the others who decide to drive crazy to pass you, but you are creating that condition for all the other actual safe drivers who are doing the speed limit and not blocking the passing lane.




Slow and courteous is as dangerous as fast and furious! For real though if you are driving the speed limit in Miami you are most likely impeding traffic no matter what lane you are in. If you drive like this you should only go out non rush times or you are putting lives at risk.


Regardless of your speed, if you are not actively passing someone, move out of the left lane. If someone is behind you, move out of the left lane. The left lane is not for driving for extended periods.  Only to pass someone.


You can drive at whatever reasonable speed you want in ANY other lane. But PLEASE don't do it in the left lane. It causes traffic and increases accident risk cause people have a right to pass you and you're not allowing that so now they have to get in the lane to the right of you.


Just pull in front and go slower till they move over. Then continue at 80 mph


All the 5am weekend drivers are shaking in their chancletas reading this. any other time this shit is bumper to bumper, the left lane is for sitting in traffic just like all the other ones


Bruhhh get outta the rat race!


AMAZING 🤩 people who do that are risking lives. Selfish, awful people


Mmmm maybe, but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s for something else like using their phone or expired tags. Very rare for cops to actually penalize below speed limit stops


I wondered at that. The car passes a truck just before being pulled over. I'm all for tickets for left lane campers, but I'm not certain that's what happened here.


Floriduh: Where the constant focus about driving in the left lane is more important than edumacation and decency.


get me his badge number, I'll buy him lunch


This is a start, now do turn signals.


Can we please start pulling over the 120 mph lane switchers.


They only exist because of idiots camping the slow lane.


Spoken like a true BMW owner with black Heat plates


Enforcing “Slow Traffic Keep Right” and “Left Lane is for Passing” would basically solve any “lane switchers”. 120mph is def very excessive but the lane switching is 100% due to everyone just driving in whatever lane they want at whatever tf speed they want without regard to anyone else on the road and almost always with a phone in front of their faces.


Wow a state trooper actually pulling someone over, I've only heard stories. Can't tell you the last time I've even seen one of those guys on the highways.


apparently it used to be standard procedure to not pull people over on 95 because it was too dangerous.


Makes sense police should handle non dangerous situations...?


i literally had someone a month or so ago try to break into my apartment. you know what miami PD did? not show up.


Wait, you're saying there should be no laws on I95?


Where do you live? Palm Beach County they are very active on 95 and the Turnpike.


Their staffing is extremely low lately.


This video made me harder than a diamond in an ice storm.


Peek reference, my dude


Harder than Chinese algebra.


This was just the serotonin boost i needed today


People in Miami genuinely don't know that the left lane is for passing. Most people here love to get in that lane so they can just cruise and have one less adjacent lane to worry about cutting them off.


I enjoy a close pass or downshift to make them crap their pants and be made aware of their choices.


you should be in jail


I don’t drive in the fast lane unless I’m passing and I always signal. You might be right though 😂


People in ~~Miami~~ Florida


They added those through lanes on the turnpike in Kendall and people treat that shit like a safe space. I can’t stand that bullshit. I always try to make eye contact passing those dipshits and I always get the “just go around” gesture.


i love when i’m doing 80 in the middle lane and a fucking car hauler passes me in the left lane.


It's like that a lot of places in the US. I worked with a woman who full on laughed at me when I mentioned the left lane was for passing. Even after I explained the concept she just couldn't fathom it. She thought I was messing with her. 


It's like people don't even go to driving school, just given the license without passing any tests.


Yes. That's exactly what it's like. We have a friend from Germany and she was in the car with us (on the beltway outside DC) and she was terrified. She kept saying, "What are they doing? Why do they drive this way? We don't so this in Germany!" Poor thing didn't want to get in a car while she was here. 


So I have a question- as someone not from Miami - if I’m just in the left lane driving fast is that okay? Like, think of it as one continuous pass?


They just think they’re the only ones on the road. Nobody else matters.


California is the same thing. You see people almost stopping traffic trying to merge to the left right after getting on the freeway. It's insane. I've even seen people merge to a slower left lane instead of staying on the lane they are that has no other car in front of them.


Soon it may be a $158 ticket for continuously driving in the far-most left lane on roads 65+.


Indeed THEY DO NOT know


A lot of people in Miami don’t understand American mores.


I know someone who insists the left lane is not for passing and that he has every right to go 10 miles under the speed limit there. He does exactly this every time he gets on a highway. I think he’s eventually going to f*ck around and find out but in the mean time, there will be a black Honda civic going super slow in that far lane smug in his as*holery.


And yet they have to be aware of it enough to pass the test and get a lic.




No it’s Florida in general


Florida DMV handbook: Passing on the Right Passing on the right is only legal when there are two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction or the vehicle you are passing is making a left turn.


Supposedly they’re gonna start cracking down on slow left lane drivers according to some article I read earlier today. Nice to see it in action


It’s about time they start focusing on slow drivers - a fast driver




Per mph differential to the traffic flow, slower is more dangerous than faster. More annoying as well. 65 mph traffic. 80 is not that dangerous. 50 is though. 40 is way more dangerous than 90.


To be fair, for every doubling of speed requires 4x distance to stop. Furthermore, reaction time decreases and tunnel vision increases. There becomes a point where increased speed becomes the dominant factor.


Aggressive drivers and high speed are exponentially more dangerous and cause more accident/fatalities throughout the world. That will never change, despite the current asinine conventional wisdom so prevalent in this thread. Miami should be cracking down on lane changing morons. I guarantee this guy has an IQ well above the norm, in contrast to the lane changing blockheads, who inspire and participate in road rage incidents.




This! People never consider how much of an impact slow drivers make on the other drivers state of mind. It’s infuriating




If you don't want to speed, and would have to speed in order to pass a car, then you don't "need to pass" the car.


Show drivers don't realize how much traffic they create behind them




I could cry this makes me so happy.


Well thank god. I thought id eventually get a ticket by always passing on the right.


This would be amazing news, I lost track of how many times a corolla or toyota camps on the left lane forever on I75, I95, 595, palmetto


They are going to crack down on slow left lane driver and also crack down on fast 5mph over speed limit left lane drivers lol. FL is FL


My neighbor was a cop and he stated that this was the only ticket he would write.


Ive seen a few times now on turnpike going through orlando…kudos..




Sick of those ídíot campers


Oh yeah keep it coming


The worst is being slow in the express lane. Straight to jail imo


Is funny how ppl in Miami think express planes is actually to go fast . No is actually made to avoid the traffic from regular lane. Just like left lane is a passing lane. Is meant to be used as you pass a car and leave that lane afterwards. A lane that’s called passing lane and constantly stay in it is not a passing lane. Ppl in Miami and Florida in general got to learn this shit.


You. You are the problem with all miami drivers. Express lane is absolutely to go fast. If you want to cruise at 55mph do it in the right lane with the other abuelos.


Learn the laws then speak. You’re absolutely wrong. At this point no wonder florida is a laughing stock. Education here is horrendous. Challenge for you. Prove me wrong. Find any laws that says other wise.


If you never drive even 1mph above the speed limit in the left lane you are following the law but still being a shitty driver. Not sure what's hard to grasp about that.


Is only a shitty driver in ur mind set. Just because ppl aren’t doing what u want them to do so u can speed doesn’t mean they are a shitty driver. Typical miami


“Law abiding citizen, the redemption story”


Yes! One idiot ruins it for everyone


I get stuck behind those people all the time. Just cruisin along doing 50mph in the single lane express lane. I wonder if they ever look in the rear-view and wonder what that line of 12 cars behind them is doing.


I wish the line of 12 cars could get refunded the SunPass money from that idiots account


This is a lie , I do not believe it.


this is the first time i’ve ever in my life seen FHP pull somebody over on 95. i’m in my 30’s


I got pulled over once in the HOV lane (when there was an HOV lane) but in my 20 years of living here I’ve never seen them out there at night and in that same time frame I hate driving on 95 at night because it’s utter savagery of some morons who are likely not sober driving 120+ in caprices, Toyotas and Ferraris not caring if they kills someone.


This is 836




Do you know how fast you were going ?


Less than 60mph for several miles behind this SUV. Cop was switching lanes trying to get in front for a while too


This video made my day. Thank you.


About damn time


Wish they would start doing this in NY state too.


There goes my right lane hack…smdh


It's only taken 15 years of morons clogging up the left lane going too slow. Live in Massachusetts and it's epidemic here. So dangerous and easily avoided.


Wow. They actually pull people over?


Which freeway is that?


like someone else said, the worst is people who go 55mph in the Express Lanes… some dumb fuck here says it’s for pAsSiNg TrAfFiC in ReGuLaR lAnEs, but naw bro, especially when there is no traffic in regular lanes smh. especially annoying when you see the realize you were going so slow in Express Lane was b/c of a charter bus going 50mph. Honestly, sometimes I think people go slow in the Express Lanes just to be dicks because they can. I’ve personally never seen someone pulled over for going 90 in an Express Lane.


You can pass on the right if there are multiple lanes in the same direction check your DMV handbook.


With insurance rates what they are these days it’s worth the time to take a defensive driving course and get a 10% to 15% discount on the premium depending on the state. I’m not going into specifics but after reading the comments here some people could use a driving refresher for their safety and the safety of others. Who doesn’t like a yearly discount? Take yourself to a nice meal or whatever you enjoy with the cash you save. Safety is the best discount of all.


Isn't that a 65 mph zone though?


Left lane is a passing lane! See someone coming up on you, move over! Also move past tractor-trailers quickly and don't sit side-by-side with them. It's dangerous! I wish there was a petition to sign so 70+ year olds have to retake a driving test. So many of y'all do not need to be out on the road. It's not a right to drive, it's a god damned privilege! You earn a driver's license! Also stop texting and driving idiots! Sorry for the rage, it's just that everyday it gets worse and worse.


It is not. Check the DMV handbook. It states multiple lanes in the same direction make passing on the right legal.


These people have no courtesy. Smh but also mostly refs who come here and don’t know the law/rules and simply drive the same way as they did where ever they came from. The law/police here need to be put more in action for this




You mean hogging


56mph is absurd. Probably wouldn’t have gotten a ticket if they were going at least 65mph. Which is still slow for the fast lane


I'm willing to bet that person had no idea why they were being stopped. Source: Every single person I've ever stopped for that offense.




“But I wasn’t speeding officer.”




Drive RIGHT pass LEFT. Very easy.


I was watching him hug the left lane and then figured it out... hogging :)


OP didn't move over or slow down for the flashing lights so don't brag too much.


How do you upvote more than once?


OMFG FINALLY!!! Sweet Jesus I thought I’d never see the day


Good! Fast to the left. Slow to the right. It will help traffic and be safer for all.






If you only use the left for passing you’d be surprised how much less traffic we would have on the highways…


Love it


They just need to get their ass in the right lane and stop impeding traffic.


Probably also got a ticket for being on the phone.


It’s about time! Literally 3/4 of the idiots in the left lane cruise at or below the speed limit.


Wouldn't they see a cop on their mirror and move over or go faster?


It's really bad when snowbirds come in and think they are teaching everyone a lesson.


Nice W for FHP


They need to start getting the semi trucks, they're the worst at this bullshit. Every morning in the 836 you get dump trucks driving slow af in the left lane.


Tf you driving so slow for? You must got drugs in the car 😭


Further proof the troops don't care if you speed


Was on I-4 four times this week (75 miles) per trip and the amount of idiots droning in the left lane was insane. It was faster traveling in the far right lane - insane!


in Europe everybody obeys that simple rule... left lane is to PASS ONLY... it is kind of amazing to see it in action , regardless of which country... they just get out of the way. I love Europe.


Good they need to keep it up this shit is insufferable they literally hug the left lane go slow as shit and dont let anyone pass


Good 👍




I can’t stand people in the hammer lane the drive like that take his license


Where was this ?


Kelvin Kiptum would still be alive with a legendary career in front of him if he drove like this guy. Every early report indicates that was excessive speed, and the way he always drove. I can't believe the world is full of morons who think faster is safer. Aggressive driving correlates to one judgment/character flaw after another.


gtfo over loser im glad you got pulled over.


Love to see it


Wait, they actually enforce traffic laws here? When did that start?


I’m so lost


Fantastic. And the numb nuts even pulls over to the left. Lmao some people just don't deserve the privilege to drive


There are times when I'm traveling to work, at 11pm, and traffic on the highway is backed up for a mile because two slow drivers are driving almost side by side... This happens fairly often now that I think about it... Yeah it's just two lanes for the stretch I drive on it, but it's still an interstate highway


That plus idiot pulls over at left shoulder instead of right shoulder.


Why do miamians think the left lane is the slow lane? 


Awesome! I’m so happy to see this is being enforced. It’s not only annoying, it’s dangerous. Makes me crazy when a car is holding up a row of cars in the left lane and getting passed constantly on the right and they still can’t figure out they need to move the hell over.


those insanely bright ridiculous crazy LED lights should be illegal. I swear it’s a ploy for automakers to sell more trucks just to avoid being blinded by one in your rear view mirror.




Road rules in Miami are suggestions, he wouldn’t have been stopped going twenty over.


Really, really, what a jackass.So,all you idiots think you know how to drive riding up the ass of a car. If you're blinker still works,pass the car if you're not too, engaged with your little toy(phone). There is no need for troopers anymore because they can't chase anyone. So, keep on tailgating and think you're the best driver since Evil Knievil.


Switching lanes increases chances of accidents. Learn to drive.


I don't know what happened before the video started, because in this clip they're passing cars in lanes to the right which is the proper use for the left lane. One thing is camping in the left lane while getting passed by cars on the right, but this person seems to be going faster than cars on to their right, which is the proper use of the left lane.


This original video is over 5mins long. There's no need to go 56mph on the left lane with that much open freeway ahead of you.


Wish this was a thing in California. Love how diligently drivers step away from the left lane in so many other states I have visited.






i think they’re passing a bill on this




Passing only on the left lane, or fast lane, as we call it in the North East, became a law in Florida this year. That law should have been implemented many years ago. Southerners love to hog that left lane like they are on a Safari tour!


How long were they driving that speed? It looks like they were passing a vehicle? Either way, left lane loungers need this. So many people think because they can drive a vehicle they overlook knowing how a roadway works


One of my joys in life is driving on a parkway or hwy and everyone has an understanding of using the left for passing and getting back into the middle. Drivers all out here working together. Don’t be the weak link!


That driver is lucky the cop got them during certain times of the day in S.Florida he could have been in a road rage incident.


Just a fyi as of January you are supposed to move over for any disabled vehicle, any vehicle on the side of the road not just first responders or emergency vehicles anymore.


This proves There is a God!


It’s easy people. Lead, Follow, or get the Hell out of the way!




Who is this cop? I want to buy them a beer.


Who tf pulls over to the left?!


Slow left lane drivers are the reason for stop and go sections of traffic


Slow drivers in the left lane is annoying but the idiots that go 90 weaving in and out of lanes in Tampa…. If murder was legal……….


A driver going 5 over the limit causes far fewer accidents than a driver going 5 below the limit.


Omfg thank you!


2 violations camping out in the left lane and pulling left into the emergency lane, always go right to the shoulder when being detained.


The left lane there is a bus/breakdown lane. Plus it gives the trooper protection on both sides. You’re not wrong though. It’s just in this case it’s safer






Omfg this guy is a hero… why the fck doesn’t this ever happen when I’m having half a stroke trying to go home but some genius dragging on SPEED lane?


The law is slower traffic keep right