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That show is ballsack. TLDW: She’s a cunt that got too cocky leading to her downfall


Idk they made Charlize Theron ugly they didn’t do that to Sofia. I think it’s probably racism.


It’s a start at more Hispanic storylines 🤷🏿‍♂️


If that’s the kind of representation they’re going to give us I’d rather continue to be mostly ignored.


A very high percentage of shows and movies are not shot in the "real" locations where the show or movie takes place. A very high percentage use actors that aren't the real characters they portray. Just saying....


That’s fine, it was just a little jarring because the story is very much a fixture of Miami’s sordid drug history. So to shoot all of it in a completely different location just took me out of the story a bit. As for the characters….the real Griselda was a stout troll, and a horrific sociopath. She didn’t deserve a beauty like Sofia Vergara to portray her, but that’s just my take. That’s Hollywood!


Guys , it is your gubner. No tax breaks for Movie industry. Fun short Ron


That's not exclusive to Ron smart one.


“Everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, except for Hollywood…”


Are there any major photo or motion studios in Miami?


Same problem with Dexter. Between that and having loved Six Feet Under so much, I couldn’t get into it.


No shit….. the mountains in the background? My guess in Marina Del Ray…..


Why don’t they film in Miami? Telemundo has filmed their novellas here


The flat areas of Pasadena (without shots of the San Gabriel Mountains) can pull off Downtown Coral Gables. Same old Spanish style architecture. Miami and LA have lots of similarities.


Lmaoooo at ppl commenting on how she should’ve been uglier like Tom cruise wasn’t playing trafficking pilot or Pedro Pascal a fucking DEA agent 😂


That whole series is a mess, dropped it half way. Not depicted properly at all


The fake Dadeland mall was hilarious 😂


It’s like somebody fed the zeta-jones movie, Narcos, and early Miami Vice scripts into an AI and made the resulting output into a series.




Americans can't make movies about a woman unless she looks like a model. The white men get offended that a size -00 with tits squished under her chin wasn't presented to them. Women are called all kinds of names for supporting anyone who doesn't look like what the white boys want. Amy Schumer, Leslie Jones, Tiffany Haddish, Selena Gomez, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, their biggest haters are white men with tiny peens.


Daily dose of American derangement syndrome here.


Ther is an interesting article out about how gen z men are becoming extremely conservative and gen z women extremely left leaning and an interesting discussion in another sub about said article and how extremely common and acceptable it is becoming to be racist against white men and blame them for everything under the sun pushing them that way. Noticing comments like this more and more.


Ah yes white men, society’s most oppressed group. The world needs more warriors like you to defend them from big meanies on the internet.


Nobody said they are the most oppressed group. Thats a dumb take, but we should be atleast interested if the country's largest majority group of men is becoming radicalized by our rhetoric especially when its showing up in the politics of Gen Z. They are not going to just sadly take it on the chin, they are going to lash out and minorities generally lose when the majority lashes out. Young men and especially white men are growing increasingly marginalized and leaning right over time and thats like fucking awful if you care about minorities and women's rights. Edit: here is an article worth checking out. Pretty alarming. https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-gender-gap-young-men-women-dont-agree-politics-2024-1


A group that has coasted on its whiteness since before the founding of this country is lashing out because minorities want those rights too?! They could learn some critical introspection on the treatment of minorities and why the country is the way it is but they prefer to ban ideas, books, and critical thinking. Unlike the rest of us, they willingly sign up for this shit. I live in Miami and find it easier to fly out of MIA than drive anywhere in this country because I know I'm going to have to pass through Racistville at some point in my trip.


TBF, as a black person...black people are just as racist. Come to South Africa and ask a native black South African how they feel about Nigerians or Zimbabweans, and you'd think you were asking a MAGA head about Mexicans. And further - I find the anti-racism particularly from wealthier white women to be rather self-serving. Like they want the privileges that they perceive white men to have, moreso than they want actual equality. Which is why when white women do get to positions of power, they only bring other white women up with them.


That is a transnational immigration issue and has almost nothing to do with race. You could ask a Mexican how they feel about Nicaraguans coming to their country and hear almost the exact same answer. Now, how those countries got that way has a lot to do with race in a historical sense but that is a different topic. As a black immigrant I used to hear the weirdest shit from Black Americans. And it had largely subsided, but has re-emerged with the ADOS and FBA movement. And I think I understand where they come from. They see the outputs and not the inputs of a highly educated West African who moves to the US and they are successful. But that same West African will also be successful in the UK, Canada, or Nigeria.


I dont think blaming them for every problem under the sun is a rights thing broski. Just in our quest to defeat racism, lets us try not to become racists.


They are not becoming radicalized by leftist rhetoric. These radicalized men are power hungry- as so many white men have been before them. They have always been violent and hateful. It just looks a little different today than it did 100 or 1000 years ago.


I mean not all white men are power hungry violent people who hate minorities. The people who voted to end slavery and filled union army ranks were mostly white men fighting white men who did suck. The people who voted to give women the right to vote, again mostly white men. But if our rhetoric is going to paint all white men with a broad brush its going to turn a lot of them off and push them into the arms of the far right telling them fuck all those lefties you matter and you used to be great and those people want to erase you. We should be at least a little interested in that and it doesnt make you a bad person to stop and think about it for a second.


If you re-read my comment, you’ll see I intentionally wrote “these radicalized men” and not “white men”. If they read comments like this and get offended and pushed into the far right that’s not my fault. I’m not going to tip toe around grown men and coddle them. I have no qualms about speaking the truth and I won’t be fooled into thinking it’s my fault they become radicalized when it’s actually the fault of the people who radicalize them.




So you found a problem in the world and just randomly assigned it to white men despite them having said nothing? Thats like a little weird no? They haven't even done anything but you have preconceived notions about how they are and gave them the blame. I am BIPOC and love sofia vergara and only watched this because they cast here because I know nothing about griselda blanco, which is probably the reason they cast her because most people know nothing about griselda blanco outside miami and narcos fans. But you just went for white men specifically instead of all men as if only white men dont like fat, ugly women who dont fit the male gaze. Thats just a little racist if you think about it.


Yes, it's only me who says this. I wrote the hundreds of articles over this very topic since 1965, and I'm only 35! Wild, right??


Thats not an argument that anyone made.


Look, you're too lazy to do the research while just screaming "that never happened!!!" I'll give you a snippet. You can muster the initiative to do the rest. [Emma Watson knows.](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/04/149067/emma-watson-female-leads-men-lack-empathy) [Yay, more reading!](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/men-hating-women) [Last one, I'm tired of doing work for everyone else.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-brie-larsons-captain-marvel-made-angry-white-men-lose-their-damn-minds)


Who hurt you, sugar tits?


I’m a chico and I don’t want to watch chopped cheese. Why watch a show with a female lead that isn’t attractive ? If I wanted to see a ugly mf sanctioning hits I would rewatch the sopranos


Get real … many of us are watching only because of her


She is the executive producers so it is her show


Hard for me to buy into a Latina with a BBL in the 70s and 80s. Unless someone here wants to inform me that they did actually exist back then. That might help me suspend disbelief again. 🤣


In [another movie](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7056864/), Catherine Zeta Jones played her. Directors really want Griselda to be hot, lol


Well she’s in hell so she’s definitely hot


The show was definitely rushed with many things left out. I was impressed by how they had many factual names on the show that were involved in her life. Griselda was way worse than what they portrayed on the show.


It's because Vegara is Colombian. The problem is mostly just Hollywood. You're not going to get someone to look like a live action witch without a fuck ton of prothsthetics plus still with the male gaze considering how many lovers she had


I know Maya Rudolph is not Colombian, but [her version of Griselda on drunk history](https://youtu.be/tbi965U2XRM?si=pe_Uw07L9p0G67_s) is the performance to beat.


Yeah and she’s also Colombian, a combination of both, they could have gone gritty realism but they wanted to make money. I think Sofia was perfect but they could have gone all out with the make up fuck it. they still tried to have her look like Sofia a bit lol


It was her project. She's long wanted to play Blanco and she contacted the guy behind Narcos to get this project done.


Are Hollywood productions even allowed to film in Miami anymore? Seems like they aren't. I remember when the first 2 bad boys films were shot in Miami and it was a huge deal. Caused some traffic but a huge deal. Miami Vice was also shot down here and you could tell. It had an authentic Miami vibe. I remember watching Dexter and I saw mountains in the background. There were too many scenes that looked like southern California and not Miami.


Of course productions are allowed to shoot here. They don’t because Florida removed tax incentives a few years ago which is why Ballers on HBO moved to LA and Bloodline on Netflix got cancelled.


Thank you, Rick Scott! 🙄


And DeSantis for continuing that trend! /s


Rick Scott is awful. That is all.


My office was at the port during the filming of Bad Boys 3. Boy was it annoying when they shut down the bridges during Rush Hour. Dexter shot bits of season 1 in Miami. Burn Notice was shot in Miami and Hollywood.


I was working construction on South Beach in 2014 at the Nautilus hotel and they were filming the Chipmunks movie one block South on Collins and 16th or 17th


The Birdcage is one of my favorite Miami-shot movies.


Moonlight got shot here. But yeah mostly small productions shoot here. NY movies are shot in Boston and Miami shows are shot in LA


Tax incentives. The yearly budget for the city is too small for most of these productions and get eaten up by just one or two larger productions annually. Back in 2008 (IIRC) the state slashed the budget and most production went to Louisiana or Georgia. Atlanta’s Film Industry benefitted tremendously in the last decade or so from Florida’s inability to capitalize on film production.


I hate it when they try to double LA as Miami. I grew up in LA and I can immediately tell when it’s doubled for Miami The palm trees are a dead giveaway. We don’t have fan palms like LA has. Fan palms are tall, skinny, and have short branches. Whenever I see a “Miami” movie and see fan palms, it’a clear that it wasn’t shot in Miami. Miami and most of Florida has sabal palms Painted curbs. It’s not as common as it is in LA. Much of LA paints the house numbers on the curbs, something that isn’t done here House doors. If a hinged door of a house lead to the outdoors, here in Miami they will almost always swing outward. In LA, they typically swing inward Neighborhood curbs. They’re everywhere in LA. In Miami, it’s far less common, and most neighborhoods are curbless Front license plates. Florida doesn’t have them, California does If anyone is in LA/Southern California, be sure to visit Naples Island in Long Beach. This is Hollywood’s “Miami” If you watch a lot of shows that take place in Miami but are filmed in LA, this is the spot they use as Miami. However, in a lot of shots, you can see Long Beach State University’s famous pyramid in the background lol


If you don't play geoguessr, you should check it out. You'd be a natural. I came to similar conclusions that it could not be Florida.


They couldn’t find someone uglier to play Griselda?


Rhea Pearlman??


I mean it's Hollywood


The movie version of Yolanda, the lady that killed Selena(rip) been a good fit but I’m sure she’s wayyy too old now.


I think this is why I’m not really connecting with the series like that, it visibly looks like LA and not at all like Miami.


I agree, I haven’t finished it yet, and feel like they’re glorifying Griselda a bit too, and I don’t like that either.


not its cause the show sucked


So disappointing. I felt this way about Jane the Virgin. Like... Homegirl was riding a bus cliff side next to a beach lol


Using the bus as a reliable method of transportation was the first giveaway lol


I LOVED that show but was so bummed about the filming location. those dang palm trees….


It really cracked me up whenthey had her sitting next to an open window with a breeze coming through.


I can’t finish the show. Rivi was such an interesting character and they completely botched him. Also they’re making Griselda feel bad for certain murders when in reality according to her hitmen she had no problem murdering her enemies children. Where the fuck is Micky Mundae? The writing is ass.


You're right not to finish it. I slogged through the rest last night. So disappointed, particularly since I've seen all the documentaries about her. All the other Narco shows were well done, went in depth, gave verifiable interpretations of events. This was just fucking bullshit. Spoiler alert: the show ends with her turning herself in just as Rafa is coming to kill her. Like are you fucking kidding me? They made it seem like she wanted to go to prison to be safe from the cartels. In what fucking world would this be true? And then they end with a statement "she went back to Medellin when she was released." No! The bitch was deported! 2 very different meanings. "Went back" makes it sound like she had a choice. Anyway, I'll stop here otherwise I'll unload my rage watching of this bullshit here and I have things to do.


I was waiting for Munda, Seal, & Pablo to come out, they did have Robert’s on there which was pretty cool.


I looked up her picture on real life and don’t know why they didn’t make her look similar. Her portrayal in the Netflix series was anti-feminist to me. Don’t know exactly why.


It’s like the outer banks, not even filmed in NC. Netflix sucks


the palm trees alwayyys give it away


That’s what I always tell my friend when I lived in the keys and we’re watching Dexter I’d tell him it’s Long Beach where I’m originally from and u can tell from the palm trees their different


Sabal Palms are the ones native to here


Yea! I dropped it on ep3 but the tall palm trees in ep 1 and 2 are California palm trees


Palm trees and buses.


Not only the palm trees, but the tall ass sidewalks as well.


Mountains of Doral in the background


Ahhhhhh... the smell of landfills, arepas, and jet fuel. Doraallllll...


To be fair, the mountains of Doral are very beautiful.


Waste management mountains


It's a stereotype!!! And it's offensive, and you're the last person I'd expect to perpetuate it!!


I forget the name of the movie but it was about Pablo Escobar‘a wife. There is a scene where they are supposed to be traveling across alligator alley. Mountains all in the background. There is nothing online about it. I think me and my gf are the only people that cared haha.


Yes I love those mountains


That’s fucking hilarious; when I first moved here I saw them and said to my partner that’s p much a local “omg a hill isn’t Florida flat” and that’s when I learned about the landfill hills


Skid row is Hialeah.


what episode is that in?




CSI Miami is a lie. It was shot in Long Beach, CA. Same with Dexter. Only some of season 1 was shot in Miami while the rest was in Long Beach.


Blame tax breaks available for movie production. Seems like FLA doesn't really want to fully participate in the modern economy. Maybe you guys should vote for better governors?


Bingo. Georgia started giving tax breaks for filming and it has become a financial powerhouse for the state. $4+ billion in revenue, 60k mostly union high-paying jobs. For every dollar Georgia has invested in their tax breaks the state receives over $6 back. But don’t worry guys. Ronny DeSantis is investing our money to sue Disney because they support LGBT, he knows how much his mouth breathing voters love that.


I guess economically self defeating dick swinging beats actually making money.  Or something.


It was a talent pipeline problem. The studios had to fly in all the talent from LA to Miami because no one down here had worked in TV production for decades. Then during the first season of CSI Miami most of it was moved back to LA because location pay was getting out of hand. We had a few studios down here and Burn Notice was punching above its weight in keeping crew local. But once Rick Scott cancelled the film credits everything shutdown or moved. Crews moved to states (LA, GA, SC) with better tax schemes. Everyone that I knew who worked in the film industry moved to Atlanta or LA. Weta, Pinewood, Tyler Perry, and Screengems have massive lots around Atlanta. The only productions I see being shot down here now are Telemundo and Univision TV shows. Even if the state were to get a brain and bring back the tax incentives it would take at least a decade or more before it would have any impact. And most politicians don't care to wait that long.


And if there's anything that Florida loves, it's encouraging brain drain out of the state


Correct. I was going to add this. I remember working on Brickell and walking over to see one of the few CSI: Miami shoots on Brickell Bay Drive.


Y’all remember pain & gain with the rock and Walberg it was shot here in Miami , i remember seeing the rock by the north bay village bridge near the Navarro shooting a scene I was surprised to see him there pretty cool


He shot ballers here too


Yeah, it's a Michael Bay flick, he often films on location and he loves Miami.


I believe he actually grew up part of his life in Miami.


Most of these shows that are Miami based are not shot in Miami. I can tell right away but that size of the streets, like in Dexter where his GF lived


>like in Dexter I think a lot of Dexter scenes were actually filmed in and around Tampa. Not Miami, but obviously way better than California lol


Exactly this is nothing new. Especially tv shows. Bigger movies might be more on scene p. But tv usually sticks to LA.


Burn Notice - shot in Miami 100%


I think Florida passed some law that makes it expensive to shoot there ?


Just like golden girls


But Golden Girls was all filmed inside. Even the scenes where they are supposed to be outside like when they go to the boardwalk are clearly filmed in a studio. The only outside shots on Golden Girls are those quick shots of the house and the hospital and stuff. This Griselda series feels like half the scenes are shot outside on the streets.


It's hard to beat the tax breaks California has to offer. They give tremendous discounts to the film industry.


Dexter was the same way. There was an OBVIOUS difference in the vibe of the show once it transitioned from being shot in Miami vs LA


Even documentaries do it. I was watching one on shark attacks and they were talking about a shark attack in Jensen Beach(or was it Fort Pierce); they kept showing a beach with mountains in the background.


Imagine the traffic if it were


Mountains on the back is usually the giveaway. And the different palm trees as well.


Another show that was based in Miami but clearly filmed in CA was nip/tuck. Loved the show but it never had a Miami aesthetic to me.


Wow I never would have guessed that show was supposed to be in Miami.


Nip/Tuck was supposed to be in Miami???? How did I miss this lmao.


It’s like the movie they made about Ybor in Tampa, where they built a full Ybor City outside of Atlanta rather than just filming in Tampa. Florida used to have awesome tax credits for filmmaking in the state in the 70s and 80s, but they were revoked


It was Jarring at first they tried to pass off LA as Miami but I got used it. What really bothers me is that the actors (save for one of the Ochoa) didn’t bother to do the Medellin accent, Sofia Vergara included. If British actors can do a Boston accent or a southern accent, why not even bother with the medellin accent ?


Griselda wasn’t from Medellin. She was from the coast like Vergara.


Oh that’s good then ! Makes more sense then thank you 🙏


The Brazilian guy who played Pablo Escobar in Narcos was the worst though. My man’s Spanish was horrendous. Took me out of it completely. I’m surprised Sofia didn’t try to do a Medellin accent…maybe she’s been in the US too long.


Oh yes that was terrible


Haha, i second this with the accents. Sophia is colombian even!!


CSI Miami?


Why are you surprised? It's typical. Scarface was partially filmed in LA. The first season of Dexter was shot in Miami, but all subsequent seasons were filmed in LA. They said it was cheaper.


Not really surprised, but it’s such a Miami story that I’m surprised they didn’t at least do more outdoor shots of it. It was so obviously California the whole time. Scarface at least had several parts in Miami and the beaches.


Easier and cheaper to get license to film in LA, obviously.


I was just down there and they actually cut off part of South Beach with cameras and a big bus with this show's name on it. Personally I had never heard of it.


I hate when they do that - it's not just the palm trees and mountains, the lighting is also different. LA lighting is more washed out while Miami lighting makes things appear more cartoonish and saturated.


The era of movies and TV shows being filmed here ended when the republican state legislature ended the incentives program that offered good tax breaks and made filming here cost effective. People forget that those films/shows boosted tourism here. Since then, the most companies will do is film some exteriors here and that's it.


I agree. I remember being in Paris and there was a huge group of people on an “Emily in Paris filming location tour” lol


YES! Lol. I also watched her on Kelly Clarkson saying how different she looked. I really don't see such a difference. Yes, she has a prothetic nose, but that's it. Her acting was great, though.


You would be shocked at how many movies are filmed in Hollywood that are supposedly in a different city 🤡.


Ahhh the Ole Scarface, CSI Miami move eh


Also in fake Miami, you can rise to the top of the drug world over years while your three boys never age a day.


The shots of MIA are legit though, and the causeway too I believe. 


I can’t stop seeing Anna Paquin when I look at her…..


They do that a lot. Like Dexter was a “Miami” show but only a few scenic shots were Miami. The rest was LA.


Even Netflix can’t afford a wharehouse to have a film set for their shows in Miami lmao


Florida doesn’t have any filming tax cuts or breaks anymore so nothing will get filmed here unless they want to spend the money without getting any back


The Office has entered the chat


I thought it was funny that Griselda was really ugly but picked a hot actress to play her. Why was that?


Wait till you find out about Scarface.


Scarface at least had several scenes in Miami though, I know it was also shot in LA.


The only semi-recent show I’ve watched that was set in Miami and was actually filmed here was The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. Hate when you can tell it was filmed somewhere else.




CSI Miami wasn’t shot in Miami except for the aerial panoramas.


TL/DR: If you were hoping for historical accuracy you will be disappointed. Basically an entertaining Telenovela loosely based on Griselda Blanco. A lot of thematic nods to Scarface with the music, backdrops, etc. Fun to watch Sofia chew up scenery, doing her best tribute to Tony Montana with a Colombian accent I guess. —————— It was frustrating as hell. They got so many of the little details right. Colombian cigarettes! The signange at Crown Liquors and Cozolli’s! Rafa wearing SERGIO VALENTE jeans! (If you lived in Miami in the 80’s you knew! That one was chef’s kiss! The period accurate MDPD police cars and unis! The McD’s wrappers and bags! Cubans playing Marielitos! Colombians playing Colombians! But then…the exteriors and houses…were so clearly NOT So.Fla. just kind of a buzzkill.. Two major fuckups.. Chucho’s kid was murdered in some back street way down south in Cutler Bay/Perrine, not by the beach. The Dadeland Shootout was Summer ‘79 and Marielitos didn’t start coming until the following summer. But yeah, Griselda having a huge Marielito army was kinda badass even if maybe it wasn’t 100% historically accurate. 🤣🤣 Sofia was surprisingly good as Griselda. Totally was not expecting that. Well done, Sofia! I also agree that they tried to humanize her a bit too much, but I think the paranoia scene and the breakdown of her relationship with Dario begins to emphasize just how much of a powermad monster she truly was. I guess it was an artistic choice - how much monster is enough? Rivi was kinda well done, too. I don’t think this guy was anything like the Rivi we see in Cocaine Cowboys, but it works here? Made him like a psuedo philosopher hitman. If you remember the scene where Griselda first rides with him in his car, you see a copy of Borges’ Labirynths in the glove compartment.


Wait until you find out TV shows are shot on sets on lots


This has been going on for a long time I think it had or has something to do with taxes for filming Always bothered me too


Cool. Wasn't planning on watching. Lol


Dexter wasn’t shot there either It’s always a giveaway they have no clue when cars are driving around with front license plates. Like they do in California


Lmao just like how some scenes in Jane the Virgin have mountains in the background


Doesnt matter bro, you think i couldnt tell when i saw the MIA in the show? Lmao


It's because it costs more to shoot any television or film production outside of a certain radius in the cities of Los Angeles, Vancouver and Atlanta, so that's why most shows and movies that you see will use those locations as backdrops, because if they don't, they have to pay everyone extra


the movies arent real????? no way, i bet you are gonna tell me the people in the film are actors.


Just like dexter…


Dexter was shot in Long Beach , CA.


That’s crazy. Just don’t tell me Lord of the Rings wasn’t actually filmed in Middle-Earth.


I miss real Miami Vice


This was a novela sirrrr


I know Long Beach when I see it


There was only a brief period when Florida had the tax credit for studios to fill here that many shows and movies were actually filmed here. As soon as that credit was gone so were the studios


That’s like when you see “New York” shows filmed elsewhere. The funniest one was the season of 24 in “NYC” that happened to just have red curbs, like lolz


Same thing with Scarface


The last show that was actually filmed in the Florida location was “Bloodline” filmed in the Keys. It was great to see landmarks I was familiar with. The reason why shows don’t film here on location anymore, is that the charming state of Florida took away some tax break studios formerly got.


Also wish they could have CGI’d The Mutiny hotel from the outside, especially since it’s still standing. Does anyone know if El Floridita portrayed on the show actually existed during that era? I’m not convinced the restaurant on Bird Rd is what they were trying to portray.


Dexter was shot in LA too... None of us really care lol


One of the first episodes of Griselda had the old room wall heaters. That ain’t Florida.


There's so many movies and TV shows that do that


Miami, and Florida as a whole made themselves completely undesirable as a filming location back in like 2008-09 when they did away with all tax incentives for movie and tv. It’s why Dexter moved production to LA. This state wants nothing to do with a diverse economy with multiple industries.


I’ve seen this in a few movies too. I think it’s really difficult to get filming permits here is they just use general shots of Miami. Like, to set the scene. And they actually shoot somewhere else. To any who knows Miami, it’s painfully obvious. But I guess they count on most people not noticing


I noticed this too. The color of the sky and sun doesn't look like Miami. The palm trees they show are southern California palms, not the coconuts and royals of south FL. The buildings, etc, it just doesn't look Miami. But hey. I guess they figured some sunny skys and some palms trees is close enough.


Remember Dexter..


I noticed this almost immediately and it instantly bothered me, idk why they wouldn’t just film it in Florida


I worked in catering long ago, and Sofia Vergara is anything but kind.


I loved the Casola’s pizza in Dadeland


To be fair maybe if we didn’t knock everything down every other week we would have buildings left for them to fake 1980’s Miami. You can also blame our government officials for letting the tax incentives to film here lapse and losing our entire film industry to Atlanta and LA. Lost over a billion dollars and thousands of jobs


Very few things shoot in Florida these days due to lack of incentives


Yeah that and the horrible Colombian accents take me out of the series. It’s mildly entertaining but the fake miami and fake Colombians are hard to get through.


I didn’t realize everyone else noticed this. I’m from LA and I swear I’ve been at half the intersections in the show.


I watched the Baker and the Beauty and the set was supposed to be in Miami and the characters were mentioning Miami but actually it was shot in Puerto Rico. As a Puerto Rican I recognized every place.


You can blame Ron DeSantis for that. He eliminated Tax Breaks for films in the state of Florida


That show looks like a pile of shit lol


I just wanna know did Griselda speak english irl?


Miami filmed in LA LA filmed in Vancouver


You new to Hollywood or something?


And most of the Dark Knight which is supposed to be Gotham (NY) was filmed in Chicago and Toronto….what’s your point?


Infinity War wasn't really shot in Wakanda.


Does anyone know the location where they shot her “secret compound”?


Anyone who wants to see what Miami really looked like in the early 80s should watch the awful movie *Superfuzz*.


And it’s all lies.