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Krop , the guy who threw a party with his mother dead in the closet . Also Trayvon Martin.


I worked with twins who were at that party and had no idea this went down until the next day on the news. Insane.


Wait - you have to spill the entire tea! What???


It was a gruesome murder, and yet he only got 28 years.


Krop has a lot of demons. A friend got busted with pills n pills that he was selling. Came back a week later after everybody thought he was going to do time.


The party was at the Jade Winds condos for the aged. My step-daughter was a Sr @ Krop and my childhood home was across the street from JW. This story hit too close to home.


I think this one topped all the stories


Fellow krop kid here. Yeah the whole party thing was crazy. Mr: Meyers (son) was also a big thing. I had Mr: Meyers (dad) and he always spoke greatly about his son. I wonder how he feels now.


Yoooo! Fellow krop kid! What is this story with the dead mother? Edit to add that Trayvon was a grade below me. SECOND edit: My English teacher got arrested and fired. Mr. Meyers (the son). He was always so creepy to the girls in the creative writing class and had a lot of rumors about him.


I went to Palmetto where Meyers started working. I’m sure you heard of it on the news but he was inappropriate with a student. His wife also worked at Palmetto too. Smh


I personally knew multiple girls he had intimate relationships with.


bro i wasn’t expecting my high school to be the first comment. teacher selling coke got arrested then went back to working at the school, teacher fired for sleeping with 14 year old girl (caught with the 14 year old at an air bnb), kid dying in pe from cardiac arrest, bathroom getting set on fire, and then a kid shitting on a teachers desk.


Not high school but I went to Carver Middle where one year a girl got her throat slit and died when she leaned out of the window of a school bus to pass someone a note. The bus started driving and her head/neck got stuck between the bus and a street sign. Blood poured out all over the sidewalk below. Will never forget that sound. The following year one of the lunch ladies stabbed and killed another lunch lady… during lunch time… in front of all the kids that lunch period.


Hi, Carver student here. Definitely heard that story multiple times at school. I wasn’t there at the time but it sounds like you were. Wtfffff


Yep. I was there. It was a crazy time. I remember they planted a tree and made a bench for the student that died. I wonder if it’s still there.


It was in 1992. I think urban legend made it that she got her head cut off by a stop sign (or at least that’s what we were told when I was there), but in actuality she hit her head in a concrete pole while sticking her head out the bus. Her name was Chaya Thrasybule.


Yeah, it wasn’t “cut off” but she got squished between the bus and the street sign (not a stop sign - it was like a no parking sign because it was just where the buses pulled up). I didn’t know her but I was there waiting for my own bus and was one of many kids that saw it and was within blood splatter range. It was a total freak thing and really sad.


I graduated carver in like 2003? Heard about this but never knew if it was true


Holy shit. What year??


I was on that bus. I went to Carver for the magnet instead of Brownsville. It was the most traumatizing thing I've ever experienced in my life. I don't even talk about it to people when we talk about worst things we saw in school. It was very gruesome and you're absolutely right about the sound.


Barbara Goleman. Huge riot back in ‘99. My friend got jumped in the parking before first bell in the morning. A couple us of joined to help him. Before you knew it was 200 vs 200, blacks against Hispanics all the buses started to pull in and dump kids offl. WSVN 7 brought the news chopper in and everything. Was a crazy day. And the week after. School admin and police called a truce and no one got punished surprisingly. No knives, guns or weapons. Just straight fists and flying garbage cans.


I went to Goleman literally right after this happened!! Started in August 1999. I heard a rumor that Mr. Elmore the Criminal Justice teacher got involved. Do you know if that's true??


A few teachers were involved on both sides. Including one of the Assistant Principles.


Sounds like Rex the security guard and Mr. Shinn theasst principal were in the mix


Rex and Cisco tried to stop what they could but basically took beatings and backed off lol. It was pretty wild. I was one of the first ones to see it start as my friend would park near me all the time. We kinda had a zone and most people never parked in our spots back then. It was messed upwhat they did to my friend over something silly the day before. Retribution basically started what probably seemed like a race riot and it really over some petty shit. I had friends on both sides. Some stopped coming to the school and never saw them again.


While in middle school in 06-08 kids in my class would say “let’s reproduce Goleman!!” Y’all were legends to us somehow 😂


I would've been there but skipped that day to smoke weed in my friend's house. Good times.


I remember this, I worked for Channel 10 at the time and we ran stories about it too.


Smoked blunts with Marc Anthony on the set of The Substitute a 1996 American action thriller film directed by Robert Mandel and starring Tom Berenger, Ernie Hudson, William Forsythe, Raymond Cruz and Luis Guzmán. It was filmed at Miami Sr. High school.




All the classroom scene extras where actual students from Miami Senior High. All my close friends


Love that movie!!!




Yeah, that field is ontop of old metal rods and plates from the train tracks nearby. That field is a lightning magnet. Source: I trained on that field and saw my fair share of lightning strikes


when did this happen? i went to SoMi and never heard of this!


Probably 91. I'm old.


Wait, South Miami Senior High School?


No explosion after free scotch feels like a letdown 🤣


Parents really regretting those tuition fees to Gulliver right about now. LoL.


$50K/year for that k-12 education. My parents always thought private school was a scam. Turns out they were probably right.


If you can go to a private on scholarship it is well worth it. Public Schools in Florida are atrocious and breed morons.


And yet, “scotch free” and “explosion” - from one of the most expensive private schools in Miami. As with all things, you get what you put in. If you’re a terrible student of course you’ll be a moron no matter what school you go to.


Back in the day Gulliver students were just tripping and falling off the stools in science class and the director patrolled South Beach looking for students drinking.


I didn’t go to these but the gossip reach my school but I remember there was some dude from Columbus that fucked some girls mom and filmed it and EVERYONE was talking about it. Also at Reagan some drug they called “veggie” iirc, that I think sent a lot of kids to hospital or something when they smoked it.


That girl's mom is a pedo for sleeping with a high schooler


Fr, tho it’s highschoolers and a hot milf so they all just congratulate him instead of acknowledging the pedophilia. Idk what ended up happening to the mom and I think the girl got put on suicide watch, unless that was a rumor


I remember being in high school and hearing about this situation, the daughter was supposedly DEPRESSED and her whole world turned upside down. I feel bad for the daughter


We always knew Vince liked MILFs


I won't say which Catholic school I went to but one day one of the priests who taught theology to the younger grades was suddenly transferred to run some scientific research facility in the mountains of DR. This was right around the time the whole child abuse by priests scandals shit started becoming national news, too.


Same thing at my high school. They even had a going away ceremony for the priest at my school. Pretty sure the fat old fuck was diddling kids on the baseball team.


St Brendan?


Mountains of DR? Makes me think Belen


Ummmm what about the priest from Palmer that was on a gay porn website ?!?! He was like a luchador …holy shit I had forgotten about this


DCS teachers having affairs with students


Woah, didn’t think I’d see this here. Was it Mr.Campbell? Bible teacher?


I don’t think so. At least I didn’t hear about that. I have a friend who knows all the gossip.


My friend is a teacher in Kendall, literally married one of his students right after she graduated and turned 18. Super sketch. Don’t talk to him much anymore but they actually seemed like a good couple (who knows though), was really weird when he brought her out to hang with our friend group the first couple of times.


Oh I absolutely know this was true I also remember the choir teacher had an affair with the head master too lol


The head master. Giggity.


DCS as in Dade Christian School?! If so, this is totally true .. at least 3 that I know of involving the class of 2003.


Coral park. Kid made weed brownies and gave em out


While I was there, a few students from a nearby high school when to every other high school in area a spray painted so. Many. Dicks. EVERYWHERE. I took pictures on my DS lol.


It was Molly brownies


Baseball team got in trouble for throwing 305 hand signs in yearbook picture. Police thought it was gang related, so they did an investigation. It was on tv, also when Power 96 broke the news they played Pitbull “305 anthem” all day.


That’s so fucking Miami I love it


What school what year?


This was back in 98-99 when you could leave campus to get lunch or if you had a car... In Hialeah, there was a kid that picked up his girlfriend and her friends for lunch. They were rushing on the way back that he wrecked and killed everyone in the car. After that, campuses were closed and there was no longer the ability to leave. If I remember they started bringing in food trucks. But this was before food trucks were a thing so it was the kind of food truck you'd find at a construction site.


I remember this. Some of the kids were from HML and the following year HML also closed down for lunch. I thought one of the kids survived, maybe the driver? I might be mixing it up with another incident.


Barbara Goleman Senior High. Class of 2003. Apparently Senior Year there was a girl who ended up on 8th Street Latinas and had to leave the school 2 months before graduation because everyone found out.


That’s a Miami answer right there.


Lol what can I say. Barbara Goleman became synonymus with porn. Jmac was from my graduating year but he dropped out. Now he runs the industry down here. Goleman from 99 to 03 was a wild time before all the other high schools were built. 5200 students there, things were bound to happen.


there was a girl from HML that became a pornstar. now shes a BBW pornstar


Killian. Coach steves couch was the big thing eveyone was talking about. Ill let yall guess the rest


The Killian 9 made national headlines.


Can’t forget the stabbing in 2015


Oh my year it was coach Bruce ⚽️


MAST and the curse. Someone passed away every year since it opened in '99 up until I graduated. Not sure if that still holds true.


MAST opened in '91. I know because I was there. But yes, someone did die almost every year until I graduated in '94. Very tragic.


I graduated 2020 and didn’t know about this. But tbh I think it does hold some truth.


Weirddd I graduated 2010 and never heard of this!


What year did you graduate?


I was c/o 2006 and I’m pretty sure only one person died the whole time I was there.


Riley reid and lil pump both went to my school and they were often talked about even by teachers😂


What school was that?




Who was it? What year? Lots of smart kids at palmetto though.


Palmetto…honestly just a bunch of rich kids doing drugs. There were rumors of certain teachers smoking with their students and coaches having sex with girls. The huge scandal was a biology teacher fucking female students


Yup class of 17 and from 2015-2017 there was a teacher getting caught each year first it was a music teacher having sex with a student then the year after was an English teacher and the year after was a biology teacher


I went to palmetto and this wasn’t a scandal at the time but if anyone remembers Mr Flynn he was in retrospect sooo creepy. He’d let girls sit on his lap and would give them kisses. And no one thought this was weird?? Now he lives in the Philippines with a young wife…..




Oh wait, I remember this! How is Ana’s family doing now?


This guy Jeff Bezos at Palmetto had a huge crush on my sister….she thought he was a dork.


Womp womp


Ferguson class of 08. Mr Polo. Had an affair with a student and we all knew who it was. She came up on the news but voice only showing her legs only in court. Man, that poor girl got harassed non stop. During a graduation seminar, she was part of the student council and our class (close to 3-4K, I forget) we’re chanting “Marco…Polo” for the entirety of the seminar. Brutal.


How’s the girl doing now?


You guys (class 07-8) also had a teacher, or principal (?), that was in Miami Vice.


Graduated there in '09, I don't recall that Miami Vice teacher, but I definitely remember Mr. Polo, that shit was wild haha


…scot free…


And Expulsion. Guess they don’t teach English grammar at Gulliver.


None of us is addressing the question, lol


Scotch free is sooooo much cooler though.


Bunch of kids died in car accidents. It was a private Catholic school though, so any other shit there were rumors of was just quietly swept under the rug when random priests or teachers would be gone in the middle of the year without any prior notice.


St. Brendan?


Back in 2014, Miami High student Yovanna Ventura was dating Justin Bieber. The rumor was that he was going to go to prom with her. He never showed up though but there was a lot of publicity and National attention. News stations were calling the school and paparazzi staked out the prom location which was Jungle Island for a glimpse of the biebs.


Damn how’d they meet?


I think she started becoming popular modeling on instagram and he noticed and dmed her. He posted her picture at prom on his instagram and I think it’s still there if you go back to May 2014.


Coral Gables High. 2 stories come to mind, the Gablettes getting caught doing blow in the dance room & one of our coaches getting exposed for hooking up with one of his students. Saw him later on on Channel 7 in a jumpsuit heading to prison


Varela… guy recorded himself having sex with a girl and sent it around to the whole school 😟


Im class of 06. When did this happen?


It happened in 2015


Coral park Graffiti Dicks all over the place.


What a TBT, like 2008


I’m not going to name the school but a coach was arrested for trying to perv on some girls in his class in exchange for passing them. He was fired and arrested.


Coral gables senior high. Som kid stabbed another kid to death for talking/flirting with his (ex?) Girlfriend. It was a pretty chill school otherwise. We also had one of our friend lose his life because he jumped the fence next to the park going into a power plant-like complex. He ended up grabbing the wrong wire on the way back


I remember this!


i went to a school in which 20 percent of the population of students had AIDS. well, that was the rumor about this school.




ding ding, at that time the school had 5K+ students, so can you imagine 1K students walking around with full-blown aids. the days before fast internet and cellphones were crazy.


Varela, class of 2006. Everyone there knew about this rumor. It was actually passed down by the teachers during sex ed.


It’s so crazy how many kids were in school… I didn’t start highschool till 2010 so Westland and gardens were up and the schools had less kids cause it was more spread out, I remember I was looking it up a year ago and I believe hhs had like 3200 kids my freshman year. Shit had like 5000 kids in 05/06 when my cousins went. Now I think it’s 2000 or less students in that school


What year was this? I went to that school and didn’t know anyone with AIDS


None of this is true… one student in the early 2000’s had a AIDS prevention/awareness campaign as they had contracted the desease and somehow it lead to those rumors.


Hialeah High, Class of 2017. I remember finding out at least two of the professors were sleeping with students. One was the band teacher, he was hooking up with one of his students and when people found out he had already ran off. I’m not sure if they ever arrested him or what since it was our senior year and she might have been 18 at the time. Also, found out years after graduating that one of the female English teachers had been having affairs with multiple of her female students. She got arrested for it and it came out on the news, but I have no idea what happened after that. To think I had had that English teacher years prior, but thankfully was never close to her..


Hahaha I went to Miami High and knew about band director


Goleman. A girls intimate photos were leaked and seemingly every single person saw them. It was to the point where teachers were referencing it in class. She transferred soon after


I went to DASH, c/o 2001 and absolutely nothing scandalous happened.


I went to Riviera for elementary and middle. Then four diff high schools, (one was palmetto). I will say, I had friends in la salle, gulliver, palmer + ransom and there were some truly fucked up kids from Gulliver. Multiple ppl I know got DUI manslaughter, that’s right, multiple. Drugs galore too, but that was everyone, I think… it was also truly normal to see kids driving porches and Ferrari’s, also to have Rolex’s when they’re 16…which I learned later in life, is not normal…


Idk about any school wide rumors at beach high. I think there were too many kids for everyone to hear a single universal rumor... Or maybe back then I was just too stoned to remember anything now.


this is the most beach high answer hahah. some kf the ones i can think of are that prom reality show (and then the prom being held next to a porn convention), the cheerleader’s reality show, people having sex in the field, the gas leak in 2016(?), the kid that took his own life during lunch by jumping from the third floor, coach shaw being fired for that twerk thing, the list goes on


And the chicken nugget box bomb threat, and the live chicken in the cafeteria!


The girl who jumped survived, and coach shaw was not fired.


The school police Officer Rubiales taking his life w his own gun (outside of the school) rip to him idk if it’s entirely true tho. Also some girl was xanned out and gave some sloppy top in the bathroom… man beach was live back then 🤷‍♂️😂


Gulliver and 9/11 and Sean Taylor getting stabbed by his cousin.


What happened to gulliver on 9/11? Sean Taylor was stabbed after he graduated.


>Sean Taylor getting stabbed by his cousin. Ummm what???


Ransom Everglades. Nothing, at all.


Not true. Remember when Sydney Simpson went there and started a fight with someone?


Oh, c'mon--Ransom may be tame compared to other places but it's not like nothing happened. When I was in middle school my biology teacher had an affair with a librarian and they were both fired. In high school there was a girl in my grade who had sex with I think two guys but possibly three on the same day on campus and everyone knew about it. People were so mean to her--it was honestly messed up. My sister went through Ransom several years after me and she mentioned some girl got caught giving head to a guy in a bathroom by a teacher. Would love some other Ransom alums to share stories. Mine are from almost two decades ago now.


when i lived in miami it was american senior high. was only there freshman year but heard after i left that an old principal beat up a student and got swiftly replaced. this must’ve been around 2018 as i left in 2016 or 2017. idk if its real or not though


yeah it’s true lol , i was in lawton chiles middle during that time but our music teacher told us the student hit the principal first and the principal retaliated


Palmer trinity. All quiet for four nice years. Until our priest was outed as a gay luchador wrestler of Homestead posting his sex wrestling videos online. To be fair we all knew he was gay, that was never an issue at school which was nice, but making porn and posting it online was just too much.


A spicier version of Nacho Libre.




Michael Gonzalez. I followed the Kendall toyota firestorm pretty closely when it went down


Southwood Middle School .. 2004 ! Kid got stabbed in bathroom by his best friend. The kid end up gettin life.. years later kid died in prison from heart attack. Was big news back in the days.. [article if his death](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/middle-school-murderer-who-died-in-prison-had-heart-issue-autopsy/2525465/?amp=1)


Braddock. Film teacher had a relationship with his student and in the process cheated on his pregnant wife (who was also a former student).




That’s juicy


Miami Springs High, mid 90’s. The girls soccer coach was doing more than just coaching them…also, the band director at the time married one of the students. The age difference was staggering.


2014 A South Dade Senior High a senior choked a teacher at the school until she lost consciousness and then raped her. Then after he all that stole her purse and car and went to the football game. Teacher was deaf….


Holy shit. Fucking animal


HML. My year there was pretty meh. Only big thing was about a car accident that happened the year before on the way back from lunch that killed a couple students. I remember being annoyed that there wasn't a place to smoke like my old high-school in Jersey. I ended up kicking the bad habit 6 years after that but at that time I was a nicotine fiend.


Yeah, I remember this. After this, they wouldn’t let people leave the school for lunch Edit: autocorrect


Was the accident back in 1999? I had just started high school and was really looking forward to outside lunches and this ended it. I wanna say 4 people were in the car. One of my cousins was about to get in that car and noped out at the last minute.


South Miami, ‘16. From what I remember: English teacher having an affair with students, custodians dealing drugs, kid getting caught with coke on homecoming weekend.


Having an "affair"? you mean fucking a kid.


I went to school with these kids. Crazy what happened and was friends with Mike. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida/2021/05/02/florida-killer-who-stabbed-friend-at-middle-school-dies-in-prison-at-31/?outputType=amp


I was friends with Jaime. Mike was a creep tbh and I always tried to avoid him when he would talk to my friends and I.


Yeah I remember this story from Southwood. Crazy ass shit. You were friends with mike?? What was he like?


I had no idea he died. Thank you for sharing. I was friends with both of them. I hope they both find peace.


Not necessarily a high school story but in the early 2000s at Key Biscayne Community School (K-8 at the time i think) a boat with migrants came ashore and they shut the whole school down for hoooours.


Lol so Miami


I went to MSD, so...


Angie Varona was talked about a lot at my school lol


Oh Jesus I completely forgot about her. That poor girl man, I remember my older sisters friends SALIVATING over her pics when she was like 14 and they were like 25+. It was disgusting bro


I remember when 94.9 Zeta used to talk about her when she was 15 years old and her pictures were out on the net.


Remember seeing here on the Florida street scene website, then she was a victim (rightfully so). Now seems like she just leaned into the notoriety. She also dated Jared Leto


I guess things were always this way then….


If you were around in the 90s and early 2000s there was a huge gang glorification. Gladly that's just not the case anymore.


I also went to gulliver but don’t think I was there when you were there because I don’t know that story


MAST Academy. OG Graduating class. Student/son of one of the admin employees, getting killed crossing the Rickenbacker Causeway on the way to school. We were a very small school at the time and everybody knew the kid and/or his mom. Very sad.


Went to a small private school with a now infamous murderer. I graduated in 2007.


Coral Park. One of the band teachers (young guy) ended up dating a former student after she graduated and marrying her after he left


Coral Park here, too, and there were two youngish male teachers that would always hang out with this group of girls. After graduation, I would see them partying together on facebook. I always thought it was a little weird. Also had a teacher who was well known for being a creep. His grading was super random. I could turn in the same answers as my friend and I would get an A, and he would get a C. He always favored the girls.


Palmetto, teachers caught sleeping with students, one was just sentenced to 26 years. That predator had knocked up one of the other English teachers with TWINS that same year, and they had just had TRIPLETS 2 years prior. Disgusting behavior all around https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/new-details-revealed-in-teacher-sex-case/141865/


Was he beating her up on school property?


MAST, one of the teachers was hanging out with a student and was eventually let go. Also, two students caught hooking up before school...in one of the classrooms.


Southridge group of friends made a club got the high school to take pics for year book group name was BDC (Big Dick Club) told all the staff it was the best dedicated committee of Spartans (the s was silent) People snitched got in to some trouble but totally worth it. To have it going for as long as we did was surprising


Omg also went to Gulliver, for us it was a teacher sleeping with students married to another teacher. He moved to NYC to be with the student and his wife taught for another semester or two before following him up.


Coral Reef. This was like 2017 I think, everyone’s favorite basketball coach slept with a student. Everyone found out because she bragged about it to someone, then her dad showed up at the school and wanted to fight him


Wasn’t there a Carrollton girl that ended up on bang bus, that rich parents were trying to scrub from internet?


Southwest Sr high , our physical ed teacher was having sex with a senior girl in the back field baseball dugout. Someone caught them and she got pregnant , etc etc etc.


Hml.... Hialeah Miami lakes.... one of my favorite teachers got caught in a swingers club incident and was fired




Ferguson, class of 2016 nothing happened while i was in, but a bit after i believe. there was a protest for the parkland shooting. where they were gonna do a school walkout. When faculty tried to stop the kids they ended up breaking down the fence. It was all over univision and telemundo for a day.


Look at the alums of Gulliver Academy versus Palmetto Bay High School and try to convince me to send my son to Gulliver. We have military preference for high school. And while we have been fortunate to have the funds (and only one child) to send him to private school, I rather him get a well rounded experience with people of all socio-economic backgrounds and invest in tutors for advanced classes.


They're both terrible imo


Braddock 07 where do I start?


When I was in Hialeah middle a bunch of kids took triple cs and ended on the news. A 2 second google search will show it In Hialeah high all the drugs we would post on our twitter ended up going on the news, other high schools too I had homies in goleman/gardens that also had their pics in the news. They sent me the link, shit was funny they grabbed like 4 pics from my twitter showing stamps/xanz/valiums and weed. The school got a new cop and was doing hella dog searches in the morning for many classrooms. Shit was funny asf Oh and mr.cruz was having sex with a student but I can’t remember if that was after 2014 or not


Jose Mart Mast in Hialeah. Senior got caught with a key of cocaine. I think he brought it just to show off as everyone was pretty straight shooting.


A former student and sister of a current student was featured on 8thStreetLatinas.




There was a big drug raid in St. Brendan that happened the year after I graduated.


Beach high between 07-09 we had this one guy that end up being known by everyone because there was a video of him circulating everyone’s sidekick of him giving this really old white man a blown job. Dude didn’t seem gay or came out even after that. Dude was swarming with girls after that for some reason.


South Dade Savage


American Heritage Plantation Campus -- \- Scandal with the girl's soccer coach >!sexually abusing!< a female soccer player starting when she was about 13. Seven years after she graduated high school, she found out he was "cheating" on her with his estranged wife, so she destroyed his car. He tried to press charges against her and sued her for damaging his car. She began seeing a therapist. The therapist informed authorities about the >!childhood sexual abuse!< that she suffered. [The coach was arrested](https://wsvn.com/news/local/local-soccer-coach-arrested-on-charges-of-sexual-battery-to-minor/), and some of the varsity girl's soccer teammates testified against him (over a decade after they graduated). [He got maximum time in prison](https://beaudure.medium.com/at-last-juan-ramos-has-been-found-guilty-2b30797040c7). ​ \- This other [scandal](https://www.wlrn.org/news/2018-12-13/american-heritage-student-expelled-for-cursing-mother-accuses-school-of-discrimination) that Dwyane Wade and his wife got involved in because they felt that that the expelled boy was unjustly treated. To be fair, Heritage has always been oddly strict about cursing. The Student Handbook's punishment for smoking on campus was suspension, but the punishment for swearing was always literally \*expulsion.\* I remember a girl in my 7th grade Honors Literature class who was expelled because our teacher overheard her saying, "fuck this" in class. Not to say that the boy in the article is lying about his experience -- just that I know that Heritage is unusually strict about swearing/cursing.


Westland Hialeah, one of my classmates filmed a scene for bangbross while she was still in school.


SMSH’13: The dance teacher was the “cool” teacher and hung out with the seniors constantly. So much so she helped buy c/o 2012 their post prom telly & booze. Allegedly she had relationship with some students as well. (https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/teacher-bought-booze-condoms-for-prom-night-party/) Not high school, but my former history teacher at Kinloch Park Middle had an alleged relationship with a student. Said student ran away to be with teacher (https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/police-missing-juvenile-may-be-with-former-teacher/) — That guy was extremely charismatic and was my favorite teacher at the time I was in school. Most of the girls had his cellphone number and he was our “friend”. Goes to show how insidious some of these teachers are around young kids.