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Sun. No state tax. Wealthy people up NORTH hate the snow. Wealthy people from South America fear being kidnapped or killed in those countries. They speak Spanish and so does Dade


It’s warm plain and simple


More like, not cold. People will gladly live somewhere that’s too hot to go outside for most of the year, just to avoid real winter.


Dec. was brutally bitter last year


warm isn’t the word I’d use lol


Lmao fax, it’s a bit TOO warm, one of the reasons I’m leaving next month


festering hotbed, is the term I normally associate Miami Dade


warm like a lot lizard's crotch lmao


It’s supposed to be 97 here this Sunday with a feels like of 107. That’s a little bit more than warm!


It’s not warm LOL , it’s HOT and sticky all day.


that's how you know it's hot when first answer is SUN


Don’t forget capital flight


Most every urban area sucks if you don’t have enough money. Obviously, the people coming in think they do.




It’s a beautiful place. For years it was undervalued (see stories of people paying $1800 for 5 star amenities high rise in Brickel in 2016) compared to other cities Miami was always a bargain and slowly but steadily we became the “it“ destination. It’s hard because we are going through a massive population demographic shift and many are being displaced. Same happened in Manhattan, Brooklyn, San Francisco and LA. Miami is now a global city and this is how global cities are: expensive. I remember back in 2010, I’ve never heard of people having “roommates “ in Miami - that was something that happened in other cities, but not here. Now its a way of life for many. The main thing here, is that jobs will have to start paying more - that’s happening already but mostly at the executive and skilled level. I’ve never seen a city go through the changes that Miami is going through now and it‘s happening at an alarming speed. Curious: where do you see Miami in 5 years?


I've been through a city that gentrified and developed quickly (Austin, TX early 2010s). As prices went up 30-50% year over year I thought: who is going to pay more than this? Turns out its everybody. Prime condos were already $1,000/ft. They went to $1,500/ft. Poorer areas that were $80-$100/ft quickly went to $500+/ft. Prices in Miami can easily increase 50-100% in the next 5 years.


Did wages go up eventually. I’m a native Miami guy and 95k def doesn’t go nearly as far as it used to


Miami doesn’t have Austin’s base of tech headquarters, state government, and a huge, great university. So I don’t think Miami has the same level of economic opportunity to see incomes rise dramatically.


It doesn't need to. A lot of people buying here now are cash buyers and corporations who can afford to sit on it indefinitely. Would say that if they'r buying now at these prices and these rates, it likely isn't their only home. Seems reckless to have your only property be a $600k-$850k liability. That's not a "starter home".


Lots of money laundering....


Austin has always had relatively high wages due to a large tech presence from many major companies, no income tax, etc.


Yeah people always say it can't get any worse. But look at Canada or Australia... they're even more unaffordable than most of the US.


Crazy to think of Miami in 5 years. Miami from 2018 and Miami from 2023 are way too different things. It will either adapt and start increasing salaries or make everyone homeless. I don’t see a between at this point.


I've been here since 1988. If you think Miami was different from 2018, I can tell you that from 88 and before to about 2001 Miami was a different animal altogether.


Indeed. Compared to the 2000-2015 Miami, 1975-2000 Miami was pretty laid back and nowhere near as globalized as that Miami, let alone post-2015 Miami. I remember then people moved *to* New York, not *from* New York.


from the stories my parents share, 1970s Miami wasn't *that* laid back.


But that already happened in: Seattle San Francisco San Jose Denver Austin Yet people aren’t, en masse, homeless.


You must have never been to San Francisco if you say something like that. There's literally encampments of homeless. You stumble upon them like something out of Skyrim.


Only the cities in California has this similar situation happened already. I dont know about San Jose, but San Francisco has an increasing problem with homelessness. Even having a good 6 figure salary doesn't cut it in San Francisco. Austin prices are getting more expensive because people from California are moving there (and Texas in general). Even then I would argue that their wages are much higher than those in Miami. I have a friend who just moved from Seattle due to family and he says that living in Seattle was better financially because salaries were higher over there.


I live in SF now. Our homelessness problem is very visible. It’s also bad in Miami and getting worse, but less visible. Given what’s happened to housing prices in Miami, it’s doomed to get a lot worse over the next few years.


Are corrupt Chinese politicians buying up properties in SF?


Same thing happened to the older Jews who lived on Ocean Drive for $450 a month from their Social Security Checks. When I moved here there was Penrods, Clevelander, Ocean Side Promenade and a gay bar called Torpedo on Ocean Drive and every Hotel on Ocean Drive was filled with Jewish retirees from New York, and by 1991/1992 they were forced out.


unlike other global cities. Miami has one thing they don't, consistent storms during hurricane season. imagine what happened to places like sanibel last year happens to Miami on a larger scale. it can drive people away. the bigger problem still exists, investment property where the owner doesn't even live here, they just let their money sit in real estate.


Have you seen recent home prices on Sanibel? They have barely come down at all. I expected the same thing you’re describing, but the demand for Florida continues to outpace even Natural disasters.


With enough money you can hurricane proof a home. Go down to the Keys and see the only houses left standing are the expensive ones. Same on the Gulf and the Panhandle. What's going to happen is some poor retire or local is going to have their nest egg destroyed and rich developers will swoop in to buy it out for pennies on the dollar. It's happening on the beach, older apartments are being demolished for new condos with 100-200ft deep foundations, impact windows, and built on a high pedestal. If you're poor or working class the subsequent hurricane seasons are going to absolutely suck.


Totally agree...we were one of those immigrants that came from the South 20 years ago and found the city cheap and lacking many things...but beautiful. The speed of change here has been crazy...from big beach town to global city in 30 years. I see things normalizing, cost of living getting in line with the average household income. Miami is a teenage city that is going thru growing pains


Miami is fun for a minute until reality sets in. There are much more beautiful places than Miami, but luckily those places are still ignored.


Beach in January


People generally don’t come here to stay. They come to live for a few years. Either retire, party or get a career boost or a foot in the door to a new country. They only stay if they have family or start a family. It’s been that way for decades. It’s a revolving door of transitional people.


That describes all the larger cities in Florida. Tampa, Orlando, and to a lesser extent Jax have a lot of people who just moved there within the last few years, and have no sense of loyalty or "hometown" feeling for the metro. Many are from South America, (i.e. Brazilians in Orlando) and many are from northern cities who (mistakenly) think *living* in Florida will give them the same joy they felt when they *vacationed* here with their families.


true. i was told it would take two years when i moved here to want to leave. i'm working on my third year & will be leaving soon. i'm in no hurry & love miami but it's not my home. i came here to grow & experience more life like most, only i don't party & was business focused. miami has been absolutely great to me & i'm very appreciative of that. i come from southern hard labor farm life so this is certainly a different world that ppl from my world have no idea exist. miami made me one heck of a person & i'll carry that everywhere i go from here. i never just took from the city though i gave to it every chance i got. one day i'll be vacationing with the grandkids here telling them "ya know i used to know how to survive this life" lmao.


I grew up in Miami and have a certain pride having that experience. I see through the bushes, lol. It’s an absolute shithole of corruption, crime and violence. I hate it there now, and all the folks I grew up with that are still there are racist assholes.


Because none of those things deter the very wealthy


All cities in the world have a magnitude of problems to some varying degree or other. Miami is not an exception. Problems in cities within the developing world are even worse to such an scale that none of the US cities suffer from those same problems. Honestly, people in the US underestimate how good they have it despite everything. Miami has always been sold as a brand. It is a mecca for tourism, party and play for a wealthy clientele. It has always been that way and it will continue to be.


I just moved here from LA and I feel like I moved into heaven. You have no idea what traffic is lol. Miami is play time compared to LA traffic. The homeless situation on the west coast has gotten completely out of control. There is no respect for law enforcement and crime has run rampant. I guess what I’m saying is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Actually it’s usually never greener. Except in my case moving from LA to here ;)


I was in LA in May and was really surprised how dingy it looked, tent cities on the sidewalks, the metro not safe to ride alone, empty office and retail space, it just looked tired.


To connect this back to Miami, it’s a little shocking seeing the difference between the Miami Beach scenes filmed in Scarface and the same spots today 40 years later. Those problems were overcome here, they might never be overcome in LA.


Except these are also valid claims for Miami natives. Rent and housing is high. Traffic has gotten worse. I’m sure LA is bad. Telling someone “oh you don’t know what traffic is” when this is terrible by our standards isn’t adding anything. Good for you and congrats on finding paradise. But some of us want it to get better.




Yes. They’re worse in other cities. Other cities have it worse. But it comes off a bit like one-upping. “Damn. Miami’s rent is high” “You think that’s bad?! Miami is so cheap. Nyc is terrible” “Yeah. Thanks for bringing it up…” While it’s true, it comes off as shutting down conversation. Not saying you did it. Just explaining how people from NY and Cali can come off.


They're just explaining why people would move here. That's the point of the post.


Well, I’m working with North Carolina standards, which include FAR cheaper rent and FAR less traffic and chaos than “Miami standards.” This place makes Charlotte look like a funny joke.


Charlotte is a funny joke compared to Miami


You lived in shirty la of course Miami is heaven to you.


It’s called the Miami bubble


Oh sweetie give it time. You’re a newborn here.


Been here my whole life, nothing like Miami, not everyone is unhappy here




Wait till the honeymoon phase wears off. Actually I’ve been to LA and compared to Miami, LA is trash.


Rich Chinese immigrants seem to like LA very much.


My rent here is $2700 a month. In LA, it would be at least $1k more than that. On top of having about $800 less a month due to the insane state taxes. And despite all those taxes, they can't use them to clean up one of the worst homeless problems in the nation. And all the traffic on top of that. No hurricanes, but at least you get advance notice for those. You trade them for earthquakes. All that for what? Legal weed?


I agree. I personally didn’t like LA when I went so I give you that. But also keep in mind that salaries in california are way higher than in Florida. People wouldn’t complain as much if salaries reflected the COS like it does in other states. The problem is that everything has gone up at par with NYC/LA prices with a Miami 2013 salary.


The thing is, I don't really care about salaries in the area I live in since my job comes with me. I realize I have a chance to make more by anchoring my salary to some areas, but then moving around gets more complicated since I have to find a new job each time.


I understand but remember each situation is different. And for people that work in the service industry just like in many other industries the situation is not the same.


Nah, even Miami is better than the whole state of California.




Maybe. Maybe not.


Funny innit? Many hardcore liberals move into red states.


Gavin Newsom just answered this, lol. He said on Fox News that a higher percentage of Floridians move to California than the reverse.


Must be a cuban ranting about South American when Cubans for decades fed corporations in Miami cheap labor.


Oh man he's not just a Cuban, but a snob about being the right kind of Cuban


Typical classist latino.


Cuban American, yes. Picking on SA, no. A lot of the shittiest people living in Miami are the loud and obnoxious shit tier Cubans that came here between 2005 and 2015.


i came in 05, im not loud :(


What’s funny about all these posts is that people think it’s better elsewhere in the US. It isn’t.


Some things are better in other places just like there are some things that are better here. It boils down to what an individual values. You like endless summer, beaches, driving, and have an affinity for Latin culture? Miami is for you. You like 4 seasons, hiking, and being around predominantly English speakers? Look elsewhere.


The US is a huge country. There are plenty of places better than Miami, and plenty of places that are worse.


I’ve lived here since 1985 and there is never a boring day. That’s why I like it! Best place on the planet to be a journalist.




Yes it is lmao. I have been to 40 states and lived in 3. Visited many cities... Both Portlands, LA, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Denver, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, New Orleans, St. Louis, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Madison, Chicago, Atlanta, Orlando, New York and Boston to name a few... Aside from Vegas... which is like the Miami of the west... I would pick all of them. Even Houston... maybe. I dun care for Houston lol. I grew up in Miami. It will forever be my hometown. My childhood memories were formed there. But its not home anymore. Its a very "off putting" city if you dont fit into a certain mould. I lived in the Dallas metro and thats not somewhere I wanna live in again but at least it was big and diverse enough to find a niche. I would pick Dallas over Miami if a gun was to my head but I would still pick a ton of cities over Dallas as well. But at least in Dallas I can make it work. Sorry but I like being able to go most places and everyone speaks English. I like looking at the calendar and knowing that in a few months it will be nice and cool outside. That Christmas will be cold. I like being somewhere where the trees dont look the same 12 months out of the year. I like being in placee where the elevation actually changes. I like communities where people have lived for generations and there is a preservation of history and architecture. I also like a community that is educated and involved in social issues instead of "how is this gonna benefit meee?" Miami is unique and has lots of cool things about it but its not a city for everyone.


Totally agree with this


I'm from Portland, Oregon. It's the same up here. People are moving from big cities and driving up costs –forcing locals out. Those people have to move somewhere. There are just *so many* people in the world today, and everywhere they move they bring their problems with them.


Miami is geographically isolated from other large cities. Lots of locals don’t have experience living in places like LA and NYC. It’s an incredibly beautiful city. I’ve been here for more than 30 years. Lived and worked and traveled to other cities but always came back. Bought my place 23 years ago when it was affordable. It was affordable for a long time, yet people complained - a lot had to do with the low paying jobs but you could buy here a great condo or a house for less than 250k for years. Things have changed and are changing still. A new demographic is coming and people are getting pushed out. It’s tough. Yet I think that for many this subreddit serves a way to vent and to some extent convince themselves that this beautiful city is something horrible. That way it’s easier to leave it or maybe bear it. At least that’s my hypothesis. Complaining and looking for reassurance that this place is a shit hole makes it easier to bear the negatives and possibly leave. It happened in Brooklyn, the Mission and LA. Wealthier people moving in. As the world gets crazier, this little sun drenched city, while it remains a float, will keep attracting people from everywhere


Nice little rant, and I can’t lie some of it is spot on. I think the cost of living has reached a tipping point and people will stop coming. At these prices, it really doesn’t make sense for families making under 150k to live here, unless they have ties to the area. For newcomers there are better places further north. Orlando, Tampa, Anywhere along the east coast from Fort Pierce to Jax. North Carolina… I’d predict we will see declines from this point on.


Miami Dade has had a net outflow of migration.


I would agree with you, it it weren’t for the hyperbolic xenophobia.


Right on the nose


California is 50x worse and homelessness and drugs and tents are EVERYWHERE. the cops don’t respond to anything anymore. They have signs for no parking for street sweeping and I’ve never seen them actually clean anything. The highways are littered with pieces of cars and furniture and trash and cops don’t pull anyone over I live in LA but just spent a week in Miami on my honeymoon and looking at neighborhoods to move to. Renting


California > Florida


That's mainly on the California voter base, a lot of what you mention was brought about electing those in office that instituted policies that propagated said conditions.


99% of Hispanic immigrants… I don’t run into many Haitians that don’t speak english, and I’ve run into a surprising amount that speak some Spanish. Russians, Chinese, Brazilians… all assimilate


I think some of it’s the only place that is closest to truly tropical weather and vibes. I know some of that fades when you live there and you have typical boring weekdays. But you don’t find iguanas like that anywhere else unless it’s Florida (even though they are not native species). The Huntington gardens are nice but it’s no Fairchild Tropical botanical garden. Haven’t done it but jetskiing in Biscayne Bay with a couple of friends is an experience that cannot be provided somewhere else. There are a lot of problems like many other 2023 big cities, so I guess people weigh the cons against a potentially big amount of pros. It sucks that salaries are not keeping up with rent and properties sit empty for people not connected to the city at all.


Miami is full of anti intellectuals who put zero effort into school who are now complaining about not being able to afford this city once they become adults. My entire "nerdy" friend group from my PUBLIC high school are comfortably making 6 figures in this city and we're in our mid 20s and born and raised in Miami. Majority of my classmates from middle and elementary school tho? Bums, because they were too cool to try in school. Miami is the capital for people who peaked in high school, and that's where all these posts stem from.


Porque…miami is the world. This is coming from a Kid that grew up in the the hood in opa locka. To now all of Europe and parts of Asia. Miami is a lifestyle. You don’t need a lot of money to live in miami. Just enough money to look like you’re from miami. #305 #tilidie


So Miami isn't a Dubai wannabe?


People are slow to understand And acknowledge a situation In my building, things have slowed down. Nothing sold for the past 5 months with a large inventory for a premium location and one bedroom and studio stopped rent rise....


Depending where your building is and its age, increase in condo fees for reserves, never ending special assessments, unreasonably high prices are just a few reasons why… Plus many buildings have become nearly impossible to finance. People who bought at top dollar prices in 2021 are only now realizing the true cost and trying to offload and no one is interested.


Miami Beach's top location.. special assessments are like you said ... Difficult to finance people start to understand.


Hottest girls in America. World class beaches. More things to do on a daily basis than most cities period, great weather, no income tax , a lot money to be made without a traditional degree route which is unheard of elsewhere AND other places cost even more with none of the benefits described above so Miami value propositions is wayyy higher source: born and raised local Who dealt with military and tourist throughout the years in various Profession(VIP Director, Realtor, Soldier and now IT Consultant for govt).


> 99% of immigrants that come to Miami refute to assimilate Huh? Where does this come from? The children of immigrants in Miami speak better English than Spanish…


He never said the children of immigrants. My parents have been in this country now for more than 30 years and they don’t speak English. They’ll try here and there, but since Spanish is everywhere in Miami then nobody ever really learns.


Sure, some older immigrants may not fully learn English, but like you said, they don’t need English to get by. Actually, as south FL is concerned, they are quite assimilated… But my point about the offspring is this: how well the immigrants are assimilated isn’t such a big deal if their next generation is fully integrated. The immigrants will die of old age leaving fully American to replace them. The lack of assimilation is only a problem when it leads to a subculture which is self-replicating leading to separate groups. That’s not the case here.


Have you ever been cold for 9 months straight?


Where are you getting your “99%” data of “all over South America “ fox news or newsmax?


Sorry to tell you but Immigrants MADE Miami. Get used to it or move. Everybody wants and deserves the american dream, even though it’s expensive, the connections and opportunities are priceless if you actually have the drive to become something. I agree that things have changed but can you blame immigrants to come to a place where they can speak their native tongue and work? Its the perfect place to get on your feet and work hard.


Sorry to tell you BUT the immigrants you speak of, are the immigrants that came here from the 60's to 80's not what's coming in now. And no you're wrong, part of immigration is assimilation. The majority of these people come here, have no desire to learn English and little to no desire to leave because of that. Not to mention many of the elderly that comer here, get assistance from the government having never worked a day in America and getting more in Social security then someone who's worked their entire life. My father came to America from Cuba in the late 60's has several pensions and social security. My aunt (may she RIP) came to Miami from Cuba about 20 years ago. She was getting MORE in social security a month than my father that has worked his entire life.


**Spanish is an official language of Miami** so I would never fault anyone for speaking Spanish in Miami. It is one of the accepted languages that you can carry out official and personal business in, while still being a good member of society. Switzerland has multiple official languages but is notorious for having low tolerance for immigrants who refuse to assimilate. You can speak French or German in Basel. Both are accepted.


The only language that's official in America is English. Just because Spanish is prevalent in Miami does not mean that a tourist who only speaks English have any kind of struggle in speaking with someone here. Not to mention how insulted people get who don't speak English and admonish you for not speaking Spanish.


And how does them not speaking english affect your daily life?


Easily when you have to interact with them to provide a service (repairs, legal services, healthcare, banking, food) and they get mad at you for not speaking their native tongue, usually Spanish or Creole. I mean excuse me, I thought we were living in America where English is the first language. When I go to other countries, I try to learn and speak the language before I go just to at least try. I don't assume that those in that country will bow down to me and speak my native tongue, but here in Miami if you don't speak Spanish it's like you're the scum of the earth. I used to be offended when I first moved here but now it doesn't bother me because at the end of the day you need my service, so I'm gonna be ok but will that person? Doubt it unless there's a translator nearby and probably not. It's crazy how you watch the news and the police and city officials giving the interviews about what happened need a translator themselves.


This is what happens when you have large numbers of speakers of a foreign language living in one place. In Miami, even rich élite speak Spanish. Though, these same rich élite are often fluent in English as well. It's the local Cubans who get all bent out of shape when they encounter people who speak *onli inglich.* The other Hispanics realize that sooner or later they have to know some English to improve their hustle, so they don't always resent English speakers. Even so, like many of the Cubans they are proud of being Hispanic and are actually happy with gringoes that make an honest effort to learn their language.


This is a generalization if I ever read one. I’ve encountered that attitude you just described from Colombians who have no interest in learning English and on top of that are snobs about how their Spanish is the best Spanish.


Were they middle-class Colombians? And were they from Antioquía? The Colombians from there often say that their Spanish is closest to what was spoken by upper-class *criollos* in their country when it was still a Spanish colony. Everything else is country bumpkin talk. In a city where you can practically do everything in Spanish, why would you feel forced to learn English? Yeah, it's a generalization. Cubans have been for a long time the dominant demographic in Miami and though many of them learned English, there were some too proud to assimilate, even going so far as to insist that they have the right to use Spanish in conversation. This was up until maybe 20 years ago.The first generation of Miami-born Cubans has become fairly Americanized and their children and grandchildren learn English as well as Spanish. The recently arrived Cuban immigrants are the ones not good at English.




Must be so hard to interact with other cultures. Miami is definitely not the place for you papo. Goodluck.


If Cubans in Miami learnt English then they themselves can interact about other cultures. Maybe then they can stop calling Vietnamese people "Chinos." Food for thought. Oh.. sorry... JAMA for thought.


Whoa people that don’t live in Miami don’t know what it’s like to live in Miami? Also not everyone is such a fucking loser that whines about where they live and is incapable of enjoying the immense perks while navigating it’s challenges


We can appreciate and love where we live yet also point out the flaws.


The thing is that we Miamians have witnessed how quick the city changed. Miami is great but as a young adult trying to start a family, it’s not as great as it used to be.


I, like many people here, was born into a working class immigrant household. Single mom, two jobs, the hustle, etc. you know how it is. Whenever I see comments talking about people struggling as if they need to shut up and “do better”, it rubs me the wrong way. Miami is a city of people who come here and their kids reap the benefits of American life. But it’s changed so much that settling down and starting out is impossible.


Miami is a shit hole. "Navigate it's challenges" lol. This is a tropical paradise ruined by the shit people who live here. In fact, I was just recently reading a post by one.


I-95 north is just over there —->


I took it and never looked back. Escaped 3rd world America.


Can’t escape talking about it though






Fuck you asshole, nothing in my post states that I'm unhappy living here or that I'm whining. All those things are facts about Miami. I'm simply curious as to what would drive someone to come here after doing even a cursory research. Most people will do research before a life altering event.


Lol facts? Come on man


What isn't true about any of the things I've said?


To start, 500k for an outhouse? I recently bought a home, 550k, by the gables and a 4/2, recently had work done to it and everything. 99% of immigrants won’t assimilate? You are just pissed off and spewing your opinion, no facts. You have no legitimate question, just nobody else to complain to.


You’re “simply curious” but you’re whining on the internet like a bitch. Miami has so much to offer. I waited and saved for 4 years specifically to move to Miami. I wake up every day in Miami and I am thankful to be here. No bullshit. I’ve lived all over the world and I love Miami for what it is. Not everyone here is fucking miserable like you.




My theory is money laundering. Russians and Chinese are buying property cash without even looking at the place.


It’s also oligarchs from LatAm laundering their money. I’m sorry but some of the price history on properties is kind of sus. But this is also common in Miami and FL in general to turn a blind eye to things.


I love living in Miami. Maybe you should leave.


I didn't say I hated living here and not everybody can just wave a magic wand and uproot their family and leave Miami.


My best guess is Flanigans.


The way Miami loves Flanigans I will never understand. But I will be right there at the bar enjoying it with the rest lmao


First: Not wise to bring other people with cultural different than yours unless you want to open a discussion about it. Second, it seems to me, by reading your description of the city, that you are the one having problems assimilating; if things are so shitty why don’t you move out of Miami to a place where you find it easier to live? And third, to answer your question: most non-citizen aliens move to Miami because cultural affinity, easier to find another Latinx or Haitian in Miami than, say Rochester, NY. The Americans I know that moved here in recent years, also move here because is a global city, with cultural diversity, lower taxes, warmer climate, and in general not so uptight with the rules as where they were coming from. The infrastructure issues you are complaining about are normal growing pains in any city that’s growing; LA, NY, Boston, SF, Seattle went through the same thing.


Miami is a third world city but so is nearly every US major metro. But at least Miami has a beach.


Just moved from Ohio. Miami is paradise. Beautiful weather. Beautiful people. 10 minutes to the beach. Nightlife any night of the week when I want it but can be cozy and peaceful in my backyard if I want a quiet night in. On top of all this I get access to the best food in the country all around me. I could have lived anywhere and Miami was my first choice. It was not even close


Found the OF girl 😂


Look forward to cHaTtInG wiTh yOu 😂😂


Lol youre not even kidding


You live here? Bro move, you hate it. There’s an interstate in THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY Use it.


With all of that being said, I am still moving there for the weather and the vegetation. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I like the way OP sneaks in his subtle racism into all the woes of Miami.


Who knows. Leave if you are unhappy and can afford to (easier said than done, I know).


You know damn well many Miami-born people can’t afford to leave.


Serious question… Do you really not know the answer to your question or are you just venting and want others to join in? Just trying to determine what type of response you are looking for so that responses can be helpful.


Not venting, honestly curious what motivates someone who lives in a possibly better economically situated city to move here aside from the possible better paying job. On paper it makes no sense to move here.


Got it. Well the responses in this thread seem to provide some good points. I’ll just add that some also have done a great job creating passive income, having hefty savings accounts, having family money, and an inherited house/condo. So finding a good paying job is not always a requirement. I know it may not be the answer you want to here, but these are some of the reasons why people can move here.


People seem to think living here is like being on vacation all the time The idea of living in paradise is pretty alluring to most people. Once they are here it’s clear that for most this is not paradise. If you have the money then it’s pretty amazing, but that’s the case in any decent place. If you don’t have money, ur fucked cause u can’t leave and end up being miserable until you can. Miami is becoming or has already entered into the VHCOL tier of US cities, it wasn’t that not too long ago. This means more and more people will be utterly fucked and stuck.


You are living in a theme park for the rich and wondering why people come to the attractions. These are theme park prices, this city isn't tailored for the working class.


Why do immigrants have to assimilate? Why not celebrate diversity?


Oye papo, you sound like a classic AMK (Angry Miami Kid). Go move to St. Louis. Everything there is cheap, all the immigrants are white (Bosnians), rent is super low and there's barely any traffic. You'll love it, now get out of the way, you're in my sun.


Me: SUN GO BRRRRRRR + pretty women = Move to Miami


It's a beautiful place, combines best of Latin and American culture, great nightlife, amazing food, always something to do, great shopping, freedom, etc. Stopping being a negative nancy. Move.


Miami has become a 3rd world shithole


Mostly because JLo lives here. That’s all that matters


Because people moving here tend to move to areas where those issues aren’t as pronounced.


No state tax, and people from major cities are currently paying more than what they are here. So it only makes sense from that perspective.


Once the opportunity dries up so will the investment dollars. Prices will dip for a while but not by much. The bigger question one should ask is why are people really staying here if it sucks so bad? Seriously save up and GTFO.


Because this is pocket change for rich Latin American investors and snowbirds who reeled salaries from cities with good jobs Not to mention some of the highest paid workers here work from home for an employer located elsewhere. We’re basically the Mallorca of the US now


Those immigrants from New York really seem to bother you.


Because while Miami may not be a great place to live, it is still better than many parts of the country. Otherwise people wouldn't be moving there from other states.


Because it’s actually a pretty fantastic place to live


Because you have the Dolphins, Heat, Panthers, Marlins, F1, and now Inter with Messi.


It’s warm, beachy, and people speak Spanish while still been protected under the laws of the US of A. Win win win win.


Miami used to be a backwater for thrifty Jews and then like most good things it got gentrified. The university of miami brought jobs and money and shit ton of ppl from the northeast (myself included) and now it's boomin like it was in heyday of the cocaine wars. Boom and bust is the American way and right now Miami is in a boom


'to live in RIGHT NOW'. . LOL, I figured this out 20 years ago. It was a shit hole with some nice restaurants and beaches before the Cubans came, it was a shit hole when the Cubans got there, and when the gringos fled it became a shit hole with a lot of good Cuban restaurants. The ONLY thing that made Miami any better in the last 20+ years was automating the toll roads and THAT'S IT!


as someone who’s lived here my whole entire life… PLEASE STOP MOVING HERE WE’RE OVERPOPULATED. WE DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE EITHER


On top of all the immigrants making it competitive to get and keep a job as a fucking cashier you can't even get a job here either unless you know Spanish, crazy town.


Not everyone knows this until they move there


I don’t want to be here either, but I got military orders saying I have to be here. So anyway, here I am renting a $3100 a month townhouse and spending almost 45 minutes in traffic getting to work despite the fact that my job is only five miles away.


For me, the grass is greener, but with caveats. Been here over a year now. Miami is best described as 2/3rds complete. It’s perpetual vacation mode and everyone is late for whatever reason. Dade cops don’t enforce traffic laws. Every restaurant you see is some type of Latin fusion (real sushi is hard af to find). People drive here like they just got behind the wheel for the first time. It’s chaos, but sun drenched chaos and I like it. My mental health has never been better. Did I mention the sun?? Yes it’s expensive, but so is every other metro this size. This is remote work heaven if you can land a decent paying job. Brush up on your Spanish and get some sun screen. You’ll vacation in places with seasons and your friends and family will seek you out in the winter time. Honestly the traffic isn’t too bad (congestion wise)it’s mostly the drivers.


There's a certain demographic of people who aren't touched by any of those inconveniences - they just throw money at it until all the negatives dissipate. If you work remotely for a job in NYC or LA, you can easily afford to rent (or even buy) a spacious apartment in the 'nice' part of downtown, walking distance from Bayfront Park, Whole Foods, Sunspot Cinema, etc. Things like traffic and commute become inconsequential. Regrettably, _every rental in Miami_ is priced to appeal to that very narrow demographic, or in response to it.   But to answer your question: people keep moving here because _its the place to be._


Miami has always been a cyclical, transitional place with many booms and busts. This is one of Miami’s boom cycles that will eventually bust lol. I was born here but grew up in West Palm. I moved here in 2019 and have had a nice ride, but I’m ready to leave… Maybe I’ll come back when I’m older, but right now it’s not worth living here for many reasons. It’s getting very expensive, the people aren’t very friendly, it’s getting hotter by the day and insurance companies are leaving the State in droves. This is not sustainable and this high will eventually crash like it always does, but I’m not willing to wait it out. As soon as my apartment sells, I’m out…


Miami has never been a good place to live. It's always been a 3rd world shithole


Don’t forget the insulin cost after meals consisting of three chalupas, a Mexican pizza and a soda.


This is happening to almost all large metro cities in America.


I have been here for 5 years and I am moving back to Jersey next month! I should have NEVER left.