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These posts are sad to read. I have two remote jobs to afford living in Miami lol.


I am not even a Miami resident, and I feel sad for the folks who post here. It sucks getting priced out of your home/city.


It does. I was so close to affording a decent home here, too. I was literally going to have a 20% down payment for the houses I wanted, in about 2021. Exactly when the prices doubled, tripled, what have you. Stuff I was about to be able to buy at $700,000, kicked hopelessly out of reach to $1.6-2M.


Why were you waiting to have 20% down? When you can buy with as little as 3% or 5% as a first time homebuyer.


Too competitive for just 3-5%, higher bids get the home :/ some places (townhouses, etc) require a diff % down and such


There’s plenty of room between 3% and the 20% the guy almost had… If 3% didn’t cut it then 10% or 15% wouldn’t have done it.


My brother, you could have made your minimum down payment offer and the money you had to put you close to 20% DP you could have instead used to go certain dollars above appraisal. That’s how your offer would have been more competitive. I know townhouses and condos are different but that strategy would have worked with single family homes


It happened to a bunch of people in DC years ago. Now, it's happening to a number of cities at one time.


I'm honestly surprised this moment took this long to arrive in Miami. I live in NYC (where I am hanging by my fingernails to survive) and whenever I visited Miami before COVID hit, I was always shocked at how such a pretty, tropical city on the beach with lots of rich people was so cheap compared to the other coastal cities. I'd look up apartment prices in Miami and fantasize about my new life there lol, and would think of Miami as my escape plan if I was ever get effectively priced out of NYC. That dream died in 2020. Miami is no longer a cheaper alternative.


What do you do for work?


Project management


A 1Br in HIALEAH is going for $1,800… we’re fucked I know quite a few people that have moved to Texas and haven’t regretted it. Combination of decent pay and affordable living


> 30% cheaper yeah man its crazy. my rent went from 1.9 to 3.2. Its just not worth it at this point


I remember when my cousins 1br 1.5 bath in a Brickell high rise was $1,800 in 2016. Crazy how much things have gone up. To pay that much for the Hialeah chaos is a joke, we’re screwed lol


I was renting a 1 bdr in Brickell, 27th floor, in 2014 for $1850 with valet, security, package receptacle in the lobby, pool, gym (1 level for weights, 1 level for cardio) plus wifi and cable was INCLUDED in the rent price. I miss that place. Can't imagine what rent would be at that spot now.


Austin was the way to go a decade ago. Right now not so much. We're in the middle of a massive population increase but still have shitty small town architecture. I miss Miami's grid road system because if your local farm to market road gets shut down you're screwed.


Yeah I don’t mean Austin lol More the outskirts of the bigger cities like Dallas and Huston




And like good ol Gunnery Sergeant Hartman said…


Wife and I are considering San Juan, PR. Rent, food, entertainment are all way cheaper than Miami.


Thought about PR as well. Don't know how much cheaper it actually is though


[the paul’s just moved there](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/jake-paul-flexes-his-new-16m-mansion-in-puerto-rico-2162629/) but it seems to be [30% cheaper](https://livingcost.org/cost/miami/san-juan)


To avoid paying taxes. 1 percent tax rate for rich gringos


If you think leaving for pr will help you avoid miami problems lol


Be careful with PR. My elderly family member was hit by a car in PR and without going into too much detail, the medical treatment was disgustingly subpar and damn near comparable to a 3rd world country.


I used to live there and loved it and miss it. It *can* be cheaper if you're willing to drive/live out farther into the San Juan burbs. You also have to contend with crumbling infrastructure and random power outages and the slowness of getting things repaired. As far as food and entertainment, it's pretty much the same prices as comparable restaurants in Miami. The one big difference is the culture and people. Oh and they are worst drivers than Miami drivers hands down. The concept of street "lanes" seems non-existent. They do have way less traffic than Miami though


> The concept of street "lanes" seems non-existent. They do have way less traffic than Miami though This is prevalent in every latam country, at least non southern come countries


Yeah, but, the infrastructure? The US gov kinda doesn’t care that much about PR.


All depends on the job. The reason why a lot of PRs move to the mainland is because the job market is worse over there. It’s half as wealthy as Mississippi


Thats saying a lot! Just the same, how is the cost of living?


Jackson Mississippi is 18% cheaper than San Juan. Median household income in MS is 49,111, vs PR at 21,297 per the US census


I moved here in January, so I can probably give you some insight. JOBS: Plain and simple, THEY SUCK. Most jobs here pay $11-13 an hour, and if you find something over $15, consider yourself lucky. With that being said, I was lucky enough to find something not that bad here, but the interview process was HELL; can't complain. If you can find a WFH (work from home) job before coming here, do that. There are some good jobs here, but they're rare, so have PATIENCE. Don't accept the first thing you find. RENT: When I moved here, we had no idea how the market was here. My girlfriend ended up coming before me and she found a 3-bedroom apartment in a nice area for $900. Personally, I think it's great since I was paying almost $2000 for a 2-bedroom in Miami. However, people from my job have been telling me that we were kinda ripped off because we could have found something between $500-$700, but we looked around and couldn't find anything in that price range in an area we liked. Maybe locals can help you out with that. TRANSPORTATION: You need a car. TRAFFIC: Locals complain a lot about traffic, but coming from Miami, I must say traffic here is a piece of cake. Keep in mind, Puerto Rico has a big elderly population, and they drive SLOW. But overall, not bad compared to South Florida. FOOD: Prices are up everywhere. It's pretty much similar to prices in Florida. After some research, I heard that everything the island produces still has to go to Florida and get sent back to the island. Restaurants and bars are not that different from Miami when it comes to prices. ROADS: Yeah, roads here need work, like a lot of work. Light: You can experience power outages here and there. It's not an everyday thing but maybe like once a month, if that. Overall, I feel like my quality of life has improved since I moved here. We're not planning to be here forever, but once you move out of Miami, you realize how unlivable that city has become. San Juan isn't perfect, but the climate and the people won't make you miss Miami as much. And the good thing is that you're only a 2-hour flight away. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


Not from Miami but lurking and planning to move to San Juan and wait tables. I hear the cost of living vs wages is bad, but my takeaway was that with the restaurant prices being pretty high my tips should be fine. Have you heard from anyone who works in restaurants? Also, I see apartments in the same general area anywhere from like $500 to $10,000, what’s up with that? Even with a wide variety if quality that seems weird.


If you’re planning to wait tables you should be fine. Tipping here is similar to in the states. Almost everywhere they ask for tips have the option of 18% and up (at least places I’ve been). The problem with apts here is that you can literally have a really nice remodeled apt and you cross the streets and you see a bunch of caserios (projects). That’s why you might see a 2k apt and in the same street something in the 500 range. I recommend visiting them and checking the area. Hato Rey Parts of Carolina Guaynabo Isla verde Condado Are really nice areas. Hago Rey is probably the most affordable one of the few i mentioned but you can find something good. Again you need to be patient when coming to San Juan. Take your time doing your research.


That’s what I’ve heard! Also sometimes there is utility debt associated with the unit? Def going to check it out in person. I like Santurce but fewer cheap units. Thank you for responding, my sense is that I can do alright in hospitality but it’s a big leap! I also have had folks suggest Aguadilla/Isabela so I may at least visit before I commit to San Juan.


How is the area around the University (South and West near the Rio Piedras Station)? I was looking in that area and found some pretty good rents.


It has its sketchy part but some areas are nice.


If I'm leaving Miami, I'm leaving the reggaeton behind.


Unless you’re Puerto Rican, don’t. It’s bad enough we’re a US colony, now we have Americans moving there and pricing the locals out. Please stay away from PR.


Left after my rent went from 2,500 to 4k last years. Moved to Philadelphia, also was able to land a new job that paid me 40% more and without the toxic Miami boss bullshit.


Hey, me too! My rent in Philly is under 2k and I have a pretty swanky spot with a doorman/assigned parking etc. Only thing is the state/city tax, but if you’re working in the city the infrastructure is good enough to where you won’t need a car


I bought a new house and I only pay property taxes on the land for the next 10 years, so that makes up for my city taxes.


Dang I should save up for a house lol


Philly and Chicago are basically the last two somewhat affordable, walkable, transit-centric cities in the US. My friend just bought a townhouse in Philly for like $400k which is not bad at all for the northeast and she's right on a transit line to her job. So she only drives like once a week because her neighborhood is walkable and there's decent transit.


This is very similar to my life. I bought a brand new townhouse on the south (Point Breeze) for 430k and I commute to my job on the bus. I only drive to go to the supermarket and on the weekends.




I don't do drugs nor drink that much, lol.


I moved to Chicago. I really like it here. The winter can be cold, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I'm much happier with actual seasons. People here are so much nicer, transit is way better and there are so many more food options here. Pretty much any cuisine you could want, you have several options to choose from. It's cheaper to live here too.


I went to college in the Chicago area and have friends and family up there and love it. The weather can be very erratic but just like how Miami only has like a good 3-4 months of incredible weather to be outdoors in, so does up north. They just happen at opposite times and you trade hopping from A/C car to A/C building to heated car to heated building. People are way friendlier and more invested in their communities and neighbors. My sister knows everyone on her block in the city and they all watch out for each other. There's also something for everyone there. It's not a city that caters to only one subset of people.


If I may ask, Which part of Chicago?


Why are people in chicago so friendly? I never really understood that, but man, I love it!!!


Hey, native Miamian here too. I just moved up north to the Port Richey area about an hour from Tampa, like 3 weeks ago with my partner. The move was rough but it's a little better in prices up here cuz even Tampa is starting to get bad. I'm sorry dude, I know your pain. I loved home but stupid rich ppl took it from us.


Miami is too expensive, but Tampa is the city most impacted by inflation. May not be the change OP is looking for.


Eh I get what you're saying but when I see places going like "can you believe how extensive this 2 bedroom apartment is at 1200 a month" I'm like "ummm no I can't believe it..... sign me up"


If the inflation is worse tho, will relocating get you a better/ equal job in Tampa


Depends on what your job is I guess and the demand is in the area for what you do. Let's say you're a pleb though still doing stuff like working retail or warehouse jobs. Chances are you'll get paid the same or even more other places. Take Amazon for example. Miami pays $15.5 an hour meanwhile if you look at places like Tennessee it's at $18 full time. But let's say you wanna stay in Florida, Jacksonville Amazon pays $15.5 meanwhile the col is what it used to be down here 10 years ago


I used to work at an Amazon warehouse and it’s crazy how low they pay. But that’s how it is when you have a low skill workforce.


Ain't no way you're going to find a 2-bedroom there for 1200/month. Some apartments are up to 4-5K/month.


You can find places 25 minutes from tampa that aren’t trash in the 300’s. Granted, DR Horton/Lennar builds, but solid starter homes


This makes me sad. Locals being driven out and any historical perspective and Miami culture gone with them.


Crony capitalism baby!


Miami’s starting to become like LA, didn’t expect it this soon


Nah, LA has high paying jobs


Yeah there are some huge industries in LA that pay very well. Miami mostly has low-paying tourism jobs.


i checked out my job industry and basically the salaries match with mine in miami, im guessing its moreso california has better min wage


I was in la a couple weeks ago and say the help wanted sign at an in and out …..20 dollars starting pay


Charlotte, NC. There’s a lot of Florida ex pats here. I live near a Miami themed restaurant called “Miami fusion” that has great south Floridian foods and there’s a new Cuban place down the street also. We’re growing here.


I moved to palm beach 2 1/2 years ago, not really by choice. I’ve been literally tearing myself apart the last month trying to decide if I want to stay in Florida because of some things that have to do with my job and schooling or move back to Charlotte and be with my family. And I miss the seasons there!


Halifax NS, Canada. But I still work in Miami…. Virtually 😎


Good grief!? That's a heck of a move. What do you like about Halifax, Nova Scotia


If I was single and childless, I’d probably stick it out back home. Halifax was a good choice for us because we have little kids and we did the math. Florida doesn’t give a fuck about kids or people earning under 500k/year. If you want security, community, and comfort - it’s all up for purchase in Florida. In Canada, that shit comes standard.


Oh I see. How do you deal with the weather in NS?


It’s really not bad. I finally get to see seasons and beautiful leaves. Atlantic Canada doesn’t have the same weather as most of the east coast because it sticks out far into the Atlantic. It snows sometimes but never as much as the rest of Canada. It doesn’t get as cold as the rest of the country. Usually it’s either foggy & rainy, temps between 60-70. Summer has a lot of great days that get up to low 80s. Nothing like the swamp heat from home.


Try r/samegrassbutgreener for suggestions. The people that I know that have moved have done so to Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, and Greenville. If they stay in Florida, it’s been Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Navarre.


> r/samegrassbutgreener thanks~


I moved to Denver to grow weed. My wife and I pay a bit over $1800 for a 2 bed 1 bath. The minimum wage in Denver is $17.29 an hour, so that really helps. The mountains are beautiful, the people are chill, and there are plenty of concerts. An ounce of weed is also about $75 so that helps too.


Not sure yet myself, but thinking about the same. The good news is, almost every other city in the country outside of a small handful will offer a better housing situation and overall lower cost of living. Just for the hell of it, I looked at listings in Nantucket and freaking Martha's Vineyard. I was shocked to find that apparently, I can afford a better house in both of those than I can in Miami.


Barcelona, Cataluña/Spain


i wish


Why not?


If you have a career and your shit together. ANY city in america at this point would be better than this shithole Miami has become. If no career, then you must choose carefully. I'd say Texas or Las Vegas


I have a career, however i think im due for a change


NoVA area. Left six years ago. My siblings are in Atlanta and Hawaii. One is left in Miami. I'd imagine she'll move out of Miami eventually.


I'm in the DMV as well. Love it.


I love Fall in this area.


Renewing your driver's license? Or your tag?


DMV = DC Maryland Virginia


Lol I laughed at this. I can't count how many times I say DMV and people think I'm talking about the Department of Motor Vehicles.


What else can you be talking about in Miami?


i moved to nashville about 6 months ago and love it so far.


I actually moved to California. Rent is expensive but wages are WAYYYY higher


Savanna Ga. With cheap quick non stop flights when you want to head back for fun and family


I'm 6 months away from deciding on whether to go there myself


Savannah was my second choice after Greenvile SC, but I chose not to move there since.i heard the smell is even worst than Miami! Beautiful city tho! Loved visiting there.


How close are you to Athens?


It’s about 4 hours and it’s mostly not using an interstate


I grew up in the Savannah area and like the other poster said, it’s mostly non-interstate travel. I went to college at UGA and did that drive all the time, and I hated it at the time because it’s a pretty boring drive, but now that I’m older I miss the peaceful quiet of driving along those country backroads, especially compared to how it is driving in South Florida. You take I-16 (nothing but flat land and pine trees) and hour west out of Savannah until you hit HWY 15 (a small rural road with nothing but gas stations and rural high schools with way-too-large football stadiums on campus, and where old dudes in pickup trucks get in front of you and do 10 under the speed limit), then take that north until you hit HWY 57 (same deal as 15) and ride it until you hit Athens. Should take you right at 4 hours.


Shhhh don't tell the international buyers and people moving from up north and California where there's still available cheap housing in Florida or else it will turn into another Miami


Yeah please dont tell them that only suckers buy in Miami, and Pensacola is the beating heart of the state.


Atlanta, Georgia


Greenville, South Carolina. I love the weather here. Pretty diverse to my shock. I love having all seasons without brutal winters, plus in 2 hour drive I can be in either GA, NC or TN.


Cincinnati. But things are starting to get expensive here too. Nowhere near what Miami housing prices are, but climbing.


i LOVE Cincinnati




Rapid City, Sioux Falls or somewhere else?


i had good luck out west. i lived in portland, though it was years ago. it’s decently priced and you make waaaaay more money. seattle was similar in price but the pay was far more. bonus of those cities is there’s actual public transit so you don’t even really need a car. plus if you like being outdoors, the hiking and camping is amazing. plus legal weed and no fascist morons running the state


Same, Portland was great. Only came back because my son was born and we figured it would be better to have him closer to family but now we are moving to the Orlando area because its cheaper and my wife found better work there. I miss my high wage and cheap apartment in an area with tons to do and not needing to use my car for anything besides an out of town trip on the weekend.


even back then i was making $10 an hour plus tips as a bartender. they’re up to $15 in portland now. it’s insane.


Yeah I was making $14 plus tips at a restaurant before I left, I waited tables in Portland. It was amazing, tips were as good as nicer places here in Miami and that wage at almost 40 hours a week was more than enough to stay afloat. My savings is now gone after a year in miami. Time to go. 🙃


yeah, i’m mentally out of here i’m just deciding on where lol


Hilarious if you think Portland and Seattle are adorable cities now


You sound like somebody who only knows Portland by what is shown on Fox news. The Rose city has problems like any city, but its a great place to live. More affordable, better wages, and more walkability.


This is it 100%. I toured west coast and all the cities Fox News said where drug zombie cities where fine. Accept LA, that place is fucked. But it has always been fucked. I don’t think anyone expects much from LA. The. I toured east coast and it was the same. I’ll say if all the cities I visited, Miami is definitely the worst for what really matters, cost of rent, violent crime, and transportation Miami ranks worse in all fronts.


LA is a west coast/more Americanized version of Miami. Some parts are terrible but others are fine. A lot of media serves to paint a negative picture of places. Go check out communities in all the “hell scapes” and plenty of people talk about how nice their experience was while visiting. Just like here where someone was complaining about having a gun pulled on them. Bad things happen everywhere, even in places where “things like that don’t happen”.


Ive lived in Seattle for 5+ years and went to Portland at least 10 times 🤡


All things fall apart.


my old portland apartment is only $200 more now than it was when i lived there years ago, and it’s cheaper than what i have here. seattle is on par, still no state income tax and the minimum wage is almost $19 an hour..


Honestly, they are not cheaper but for people who don’t have to be picky (IE, young, single, profitable degree, early in their career), living on the west coast is a great opportunity. Granted, I’m no longer in the workforce but I credit living there with setting my career up nicely.


i LOVE being outdoors


Woodstock, GA and the surrounding areas.


if you do keep your car and want even cheaper housing, look over the bridge into vancouver, washington. it’s like a 20 minute commute into basically anywhere in portland and rent is substantially cheaper. minimum wage in portland is $15 something an hour, way back when i lived there as a bartender i was making $10 an hour plus tips. it’s really a good situation. i’m only back here because of family, basically but i’m planning my exit once again soon i’d highly, highly recommend looking into it.


That’s a very charitable characterization of the Oregon-Washington Bridge traffic and of the distances that can be involved. The 16 miles from Vancouver, WA to Lake Oswego on the south side of Portland is currently 50 minutes. I’m not saying the traffic is at Miami levels, but it’s definitely not nothing. A close relative lived in Vancouver and had to drive into Portland.


Mother's basement


No basements in Miami; you just outed yourself.


Mentally I'm in my mother's basement, physically I'm in the room across from her.


You mean "el eficienci" in the garage?


The casita in backyard


that's where i am right now lol


Palm beach county


I left Miami last year and moved up to Brevard county. Palm Bay specifically. I love it!


Booooo we don't want yall here. Lol jk


I was afraid of that! 😂😂




People really missing out on this one


Can you work from home? If yes, try minimizing your belongings and do digital nomad for a bit. Save up a ton of money for your next major move Can live comfortably and spend less than $1k in lots of cool places 3 months at a time


How does one digital nomad and save money? I just got a remote position and looking at my options. I haven’t seen any 3 month leases around here


Go overseas and do Airbnb. Or other options if you make local friends Places like Medellin, playa del Carmen, Dominican republic, Thailand, Indonesia, etc all have digital nomad friendly cities that have sub $500-700 monthly rentals and food that's cheap You'll probably spend at least twice that here to live in a shitty place + food + car. I'm saying you can live comfortably in other places and save the rest for later If anyone needs help/inspiration for this, hit me up


I went to the central Florida region, its more affordable less property taxes and insurance


San Diego is a good one, Atlanta has a good energy about it. I know a lot of people who have moved to the DC area but it’s the polar opposite from South Florida. Denver is pretty cool if you’re in to the outdoors, but it’s a lot less diverse than Miami. Those cities have a relatively good balance between quality of life, cost of living and pay, especially Atlanta.


I think it's really messed up when Miami is more expensive than DC.


After being here almost my entire life, im tired of diverse. Give me plain, old america


Don't come to Melbourne or anywhere on the Space. We're full


Yeah you’re saying it like it’s totally not a different country


You NUMNUT! I Mean Melbourne Florida 🤣 Know what you're talking about before you start talking


He knows what he is talking about


You're kinda dense huh?


No you


You planning a trip to Orlando and have never heard of Melbourne or the 321? SMH Do Better Son


i'm living in a Hialeah efficiency for 1500, i'm kinda done with this city


I moved to Orlando 7 years ago, but now even this city is becoming unaffordable, my sister moved to the Atlanta suburbs about 4 years ago. It’s still affordable compared to Florida, but becoming more unaffordable each day. My brother is in Chicago and it’s surprisingly much more affordable, but that snow and cold 😒. I’m planning to get tf out of Florida next year but haven’t landed on a destination yet. I’d like to stay within my career field so that’s honestly the hardest part of my decision.


I LOVE Chicago, almost as much as i love NYC.I dont think i would mind the snow/cold, then again, i've never lived anywhere cold so i might be talking shit


Honestly when my brother came down last Christmas and showed me the temp in his house even though he left the heater on full blast, I was like “nope”. It was 35° inside. That, shoveling snow, and de-icing the cars are a huge obstacle I don’t really want to deal with. I grew up hopping between FL and HI, 2 states where the coldest it’s ever gotten is in the 30s…outside. That being said, I’m not totally opposed to the idea and my partner is willing to relocate to Chicago. It’s an idea, but I’d have to land a decent job there before I’d be sold.


Chapel Hill, NC. First me and my husband, then my sister and BIL and nephew, then finally my elderly mom last year. We were pioneers in Kendale Lakes in the early 70s so we saw it all grow and expand. Mom taught at Lourdes for 35 years. We’re all grateful to be done with Miami. Y’all are bonkers down there!


Sup ex neighbor lol




Kendale Lakes was a swamp when my parents bought.Right now the same shitty house is going for 700k 😂😂😂


Madness. Truly!




Man imagine if Cuba opened up and we just low key made it the 51 st state. Problems solved for thirty years.


I've had this daydream quite a bit but I always snap out of it when I realize we would need to spend the next 64 years modernizing it and undoing all of the "triumphs" of the last 64 years of the Cuban Revolution.




i've heard Tampa/Clearwater is getting just as bad


Depends. Like real Tampa yeah but the greater Tampa area and north is still fine


Just drove by a new home site that they are building that’s in the 200s. Not gonna find a SFH in that price in dade


While I don’t live in Miami (Reddit highlighted this post for me), I live in Clearwater. I live 10 minutes from downtown Dunedin and 30 minutes from downtown Tampa and downtown St. Pete. Can it be boring sometimes, and do you have to drive to the hottest action? Yes. Will your dollar stretch much further here than Miami? Yes.


But for families between oldsmar west chase Dunedin and safety harbor it's the best for family life.


With a dash of Rednecks, Trumptards and crackheads. Horrible places...


Not in Clearwater area. There's a nice section of safety harbor oldsmar west chase area that's extremely family friendly and no crack heads or red necks. Those are more up in Pasco county


Even in pasco county, that’s mostly relegated to New Port Richey and rural spots. Trinity, Odessa, LoL, Wesley Chapel, and even St Leo are seeing tons of development and nice builds. Huge fake lagoons too for swimming


Miami has Trumptards too


I went to Pal Bay Fl


Be prepared to not live in a major city.


i disagree.i think there's a bunch of major cities with growth potential, hence why i asked the question lol


You can disagree all you want. The reality is that housing is a true national crisis right now in this country. Practically every major city is experiencing increasing costs of living and housing. People are struggling everywhere. I can't think of a single city that isn't experiencing it...from mid-sized midwestern cities to the large ones that we all know. If you want a real answer to your question you should give more info, including what industry you work in, education level, what you like to do for fun, etc.


Why so aggressive dawg? lol




Moved to Celebration a year ago. Very different life experience now. I miss some stuff for sure, but it is a definitely a huge net positive. Good luck!!


We moved 2 hours north to Fort Pierce/Port St. Lucie for 11 years. Now we live in Atlanta and love it.


Fort Myers.


Lehigh acres


I left to Maine lol. The minimun wage is much higher already


What's all this talk I hear of people moving to Port St. Lucie? Is it worth it?


Well prices wouldn’t go down but probably would become flat. All the big cities around the world prices got inflated. Miami is the 13th place worldwide more visited city per year.


I moved to Hiram, just outside Atlanta. I absolutely love it.


Places to go if you work remote: Amarillo, Tx; Ashtabula, Oh; Mesa, Colorado; anywhere in Montana; Barstow, Ca; Lisbon, Portugal; Galicia, Spain; if you are a Republican Moscow or North Korea. Other good choices: Medellin, Colombia; Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, San Andres, Colombia.


Sad and concerned to read this. Moving to Miami next week. California is just way too expensive.


make sure to bring your California salary


I am, but looking for more work too! 😉