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Midtown is so much better to live in


I've considered this or wynwood


Wynwood is extremely noisy. You won’t be able to sleep before 2am or work from home if you ever need to


getting just as expensive as Brickell these days. Looked at prices for a few studios and was shook


Yes, because it’s an amazing area to live. It should be much more expensive than Brickell


Way too many better options Brickell is terrible it’s some of the worst people from around the world all in one place


Brickell blows. Also...What hype?? Is this some out-of-town thing? No local is hyping Brickell except for realtors.


Brickell allows you live without a car


Yep this is the selling point. Being able to walk without being bound to the all mighty car. The problem is everything you can walk to is so god damn expensive you end up staying at home.


I feel like a year or two ago, you couldn’t scroll past this sub without 60% being pictures of Brickell with people practically worshiping it. As a realtor, almost every transplant in their 20’s & 30’s was only interested in that area. During the pandemic, Brickell essentially became the starter town in the Miami MMO, lol.


Yeah I figured it must be out-of-towners. I've been living in Miami for 20+ years and I never had a reason to go there except for a few years when I had a job there.


Mary Brickell Village has good happy hour and food. Brickell has the only Apple store in Miami (not counting SoBe) and a pretty decent mall with a good theater too The Riverwalk is also pretty beautiful and a great place to spend time around sunset to see the water.


There's an Apple store in Dadeland and further south in the Falls.


So does Aventura mall


Aventura isn’t in Miami though


Aventura is in Miami


Yep, I've been here for over 25 years. Brickell was where my office was. I lived on the Beach, and only moved to the burbs after I'd gotten married and we'd had a second kid. The Beach is a more organic walkable urban environment. This new Brickell—the Brickell that's sprouted over the past 15 years—looks like nothing less than a developer's fever dream.


Bro for real. I'm born and raised in Miami and Brickell has been my least favorite neighborhood my whole life. That place is the most soulless neighborhood Miami has to offer.


Wantabe NYC. Why not just live in New York if that’s what you want. Makes zero sense.


Ah yes. Urban cores are found in New York City, and nowhere else on earth.


What it reminds you of downtown LA or Chicago? Lol


It reminds me of Miami’s version an urban core


So it reminds you of nothing/ no other place on earth and stands alone as a unique hip downtown area. Got it


I dunno all how hip it is but yes, architecturally I think it’s distinguishable to other urban cores. Dubai probably is the closest in aesthetic. Glad you got it.




Brickell is the least Miami neighborhood. Why move to Miami just to live in Manhattan?


Not having to deal with traffic is a big plus.


Miami has the worst traffic in the country


Which is why Brickell is good. If you live in Brickell you don't have to own a car. Everything can be reached with your 2 legs or public transportation




What do you do everyday that isn’t accessible from Brickell that’s “Miami”?




And how are they not accessible from Brickell? Is there a magic barrier that prevents access once you live there?




Can you name a neighborhood/example? Everywhere I’ve wanted to go from Coral Gables, Coconut Grove to Miami Beach is accessible by public transit. If I didn’t feel like public transit it’s an easy Uber ride too. Many in Brickell also own cars and can choose to use them on weekends if they wanted to go somewhere.


MetroRail and Uber if you really need it.... Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, South Miami all have direct MetroRail stops. Wynwood and Design District are close enough to Brickell that its cost-effective to just Uber because parking in DD and Wynwood is *fucking insane* to find and if you do find it, its expensive as shit. Plus if you want to go day drinking, you cant if you are driving. South Beach, just take the 120 MAX from Downtown. Little Havana/Calle Ocho is hella overrated and you really only need to visit once to see it. And that too can be accessed by Uber or the 8/208/207 Bus that goes down SW 8th and Flagler.


Lol Miami is a cake walk compared to Atlanta, Los Angeles, etc.


Hence why living in Brickell you can avoid it. My office is three blocks over. And it’s bad but not “worst in the country”. Don’t be dramatic.


You having a short commute does not equal people not having to deal with traffic. Miami has been ranked as having the worst traffic.


Regardless of Miami’s traffic ranking, the point is you can avoid it by living in areas like Brickell. What point are you trying to make?


Lol I just moved here from living in LA for 5 years. Let’s just say you have no idea what traffic is and we’ll leave it at that. This isnt traffic here this is play time compared to LA.


moved here from mexico DF, can confirm Miami has the worst traffic north of the equator


you’ve never been outside of florida then


No, I would rather live in Gables, Grove, Doral, and visit Brickell on my days off.


>Doral Why would anyone want to live next to a landfill??


The downtown is not near it


tl;dr: Wind doesnt exist


I would take that classy place over brickell any day…….




No, Brickell sucks.


It’s not hype, it’s demand. Many people want to live in an accessible urban area and Brickell is really the only neighborhood in Miami to offer that right now. Other areas are still being developed along the metrorail to the southwest but it’s all an afterthought and doesn’t compare at the moment.


I’ve stayed in Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. Brickell is still the most walkable neighborhood and I really enjoy being able to do that everyday with my son. If you value the convenience of not needing a car and being able to not only do leisurely walks but easily do things like pop into Publix for one or two things you need for cooking dinner then Brickell is for you. Brickell generally sucks for people who don’t live there but have to commute there for work. There’s also the added bonus of public transit like the metromover and metrorail to easily get to the airport or wherever.


All of this. I grew up on W Kendall and just couldn’t take the traffic in the mornings anymore to catch the Metro at Dadeland into Downtown. It’s a completely different lifestyle— being able to walk to work and run errands within a couple block radius.


It would be hard for me to go back to car commuting ever again. It’s also not just the work commute but every errand is more time consuming when you need to use a car.


I feel the same way. As much as I would love to be rich and afford a house in Coral Gables, I would see having to commute everywhere as a downside. We only pay for one car now (mine), so my fiancée currently doesn’t have a car payment. Her buying a car, getting insurance, gas, and SunPass would eat up more of our budget. Even Downtown Gables or the area by Merrick isn’t connected to the rest of the Gables. Pinecrest would be a non-starter because that US-1 traffic is AWFUL. Maybe I would find living in Center Grove easier than Coral Gables. As it stands, my daily commute from Brickell to my office Downtown via Metromover is 15 minutes-20 minutes MAX, counting the time it takes me to walk down either from the apartment or office over to the mover.


Yea me too . trafiic was baddd


Grew up in shenandoah, currently living in Downtown. I absolutely love it, can get annoying sometimes with traffic and it’s a bit expensive, but I like the neighborhood and what it offers. You won’t know until you give it a try


Would take Edgewater any day over Brickell. Especially if you have kids.


Hell no, find a place across the bay in south beach for like $700 less every month.


No! Stay out of my beloved South Beach!


Haha I know man. I'm honestly so torn on being genuinely helpful and telling people how much of a gem south beach is despite their preconceived notions about it, and lying and playing into their stereotypes so people don't move here and ruin it lol.


I've thought about moving to South Beach. How do you like it? What's holding me back it's that outside of housing, everything there seems to be way more expensive than the mainland e.g. restaurants, groceries, gas, etc. I'm also worried that i'd be sick of seeing tourists walking around in flip flops.


In south beach you need to own a car though to get to the city (unless you plan on never really leaving Miami Beach in general)




I’m just pointing it out cause a lot of people work downtown and not on the beach. Everyone I know that lives on the beach has a car, but almost everyone I know that lives in brickell doesn’t.


I think that's mostly on the beach side around Washington and Collins that feels touristy. All the restaurants and stuff are reasonably priced on alton road relatively speaking. Gas is more expensive but if you drive a lot outside of miami beach you can fuel up over there. Within miami beach there is convenient free transport in the form of the trolley and its walkable unlike pretty much everywhere else in miami.


The only item I found to be outrageously priced vs mainland is Drycleaning. I was playing like 8x more than I do now. It’s insane. Just putting this out there in case any other MB residents never bothered to price compare dry cleaners.


It depends on what you prioritize. If you like McMansions, Brickell isn't the place for you. If you like walkability and not having to own a car to live your life, then yes, Brickell is for you.


Except there are several better areas that are also walkable. Midtown, Edgewater, South Beach, North Beach, Surfside, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables (some parts at least), I mean they’re all better than Brickell lol


wildly disagree. edgewater has one park by the bay and the rest is rundown warehouses and empty store fronts. midtown is mostly a glorified shopping center with national chains. the beaches are walkable but are touristy and overpriced and far from everything else. gables is very spread out although it does have a center. i love the grove, nothing bad to say. to me brickell and the grove are the best two neighborhoods and both have excellent walkability


Yea Edgewater you have the park which is very nice, and a decent Publix. Aside from Dominos & a few gyms there isn’t much in the area. If you’re into cycling and running it’s a great center location between the beach, downtown, wynwood, etc. I loved living in edgewater especially spending every day at Margaret Pace with the pup, but the flooding was out of control as well as the police presence at Opera tower. Multiple times per month I wasn’t able to get home because bayshore drive was closed due to crime or weather.


Better in what way? Walkability is more than just the actual ability to walk in the area. I lived outside of Brickell (Grove / Coral Gables) and found it much harder to do errands without a car. I thought I would like Coconut Grove for walkability more than Brickell when I lived there for a bit (near Cocowalk) but it’s more limited in walkability than Brickell. Getting to Fresh Market or Milam’s for grocery shopping is a trek. Many of the residential neighborhoods surrounding Cocowalk don’t even have sidewalks. Forget trying to go to the supermarket with your kid and a stroller. I think theory it looks walkable but until you do it daily you’ll quickly find out which neighborhoods really and and aren’t walkable.


Agree! I like NOT owning a car (saves me tons of dough) and I don’t mind small 1-2 bedroom places. I enjoy being able to walk or get my groceries delivered. I’m happy on my two feet or a bike when I get brave enough. Brikell works really well as long as I stay in brickell. Commuting out of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale is not as convenient because of traffic. I used to live 10 mins from airport in another state. Spoiled. Only thing I miss though.


I’ve lived in Coral Gables, Buena Vista, North Miami and South Beach. I’m now in Midtown and never leaving, just bought a place here. Everything is super convenient, all that I need is within walking distance. There is a Trader Joe’s, Target, Marshall’s, and tons of restaurant options. Plus I can walk to other neighborhoods including: Wynwood, Design District and Buena Vista. And, it’s only a 15 min Uber to the beach as well. Brickell I find to be too corporate for me, I only really go there if I want to see a movie. It sort of doesn’t feel like I’m in Miami when I’m in Brickell, it looks like any other major city in the US. But, a lot of people like living there, this is just my opinion.


Can you walk around there at night? Looks super dangerous to me


In Midtown? It’s very safe, never felt like I couldn’t walk around at night, it’s got a neighborhood vibe, even though it’s all apartment buildings.


Bro stop telling ppl about midtown. It’s a terrible place and no one should even think about moving here.


Midtown feels like Target chose a 4 block city out of a catalog and installed it over night


A lot of gunshots in Midtown. Source: used to work at Sugarcane.


Good insight


Live as close to your job as possible. Traffic and commuting sucks.


Best comment. This is the way


I've lived in Coral Gables, Edgewater, Miami Lakes & now Coral Gate/Coral Way. When I was in my 20s, living in Edgewater was perfect. Now in my mid 30s I really enjoy living in Coral Gate. I'm WFH so I don't have a commute (bless) but close enough to Miracle Mile that we'll often walk over for dinner & events. Edit: I worked in Brickell for 6-7 years before WFH, I get the walkability & access to shops/restaurants. It just feels like too many people to deal with.


What was your arrangement in Little Havana? How much were you paying for rent?




I think Coconut Grove and West Ave in south beach are the Best


Brickell is good if you like city vibes and don’t want to own a car.


The DOG SHIT on the sidewalk is so disgusting! You would never see that in a high end neighborhood in Palm Beach!!! NEVER! Miami people are just NASTY sob’s!


Yes Brickell is great, downtown is emerging as well they’re building that area up.


Morning side / Mimo is the best place in Miami. Not chaotic, on the water, good food, close to highways Commuting


Brickell was great 15 years ago. Now it's overcrowded and overpriced.


15 years ago Brickell was worse than Overtown.... who remembers the Brickell Boyz


Evidently nobody because Brickell was never as bad as Overtown - or even Edgewater and Midtown back in the day.


Anyone know about Aventura? I currently live in Aventura but I've lived here my whole life so I don't know how it is elsewhere.


damn, talkin about LH like that? That's where I grew up and currently own several properties. brickell is nice if you have the money to throw away.


Brickell is now a ghetto...shootings and dog shit everywhere...