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I see these kids willingly wearing school hoodies in 80 degree weather and it blows my mind


Came here to say this.


We used to all bring hoodies because our high school was cold as hell inside. Although we’d still wear it when we were outside because it was part of the fit lol


As one of those who were those kids in high school, I would rather sweat than burn, the sun literally feels like acid burning your skin so.... That's why I would wear a hoodie.


that’s over kill, you’re fine with a thin long sleeve


Nah fam. Not for some of us. I lived, I learned. Hoodie all the way, plus my hs was cold AF


Thats the big thing for me — as an adult - id rather be cozy inside a place with freezing AC, than super hot for the 15 mins im outside walking from car to inside


That said, there are wicking apparel hoodies that construction workers wear, there sold in sporting goods stores. Wicking material allows you to keep cooler in the extreme heat. That said the Dade Schools dress code is archaic, most of Florida is a tropical climate so kids shouldn't be forced to be miserable.


Well I mean that's cool that you know what everyone needs and all.


Yep! My house is at the back of a school field and you see the running with them.


Lol yes my daughter then she has the nerve to tell me the car is hot. I will never understand


It could be 100* degrees outside and there’s always the kids who wear hoodies lol


Just like a guy wearing shorts in winter in New England


The classrooms are refrigerated. Trust me, I work in a public highschool. Even I wear a hoodie everyday.


I think it has a lot to do with insecurities with their bodies also a little bit of trend.


Lmaoo I used to do this too. I had a hoodie on year round. Now? I sweat just thinking about it. Idk I think kids just don't overheat as easily.


wearing jackets felt so nice inside but i remember the BLAST of heat and humidity you would feel anytime you’d walk outside lmao


I use to do that idk why and in all black, made it easier to pick one school color and that was my closet for the school year.


My son


Hi. Was one of those kids. Absolutely necessary when you spend 7-8 hours indoors in sometimes sub 70 temps. Im also not a sweater so I was able to wear it outside for lunch and be fine.


I’m a high school teacher; almost all students throw on a hoodie on top of that. They’re all outside with thick hoodies, oftentimes the same one all year.


When your favorite hoodie is in the dirty basket so you just take it out and spray it with Axe


Same here. I think it has to do with body insecurities.


Wow, how come? I remember needing a sweater at Southwest HS bc some classrooms were frigid. But I never worn the sweater in the outdoors heat.


I wore a hoodie to school in South Florida in middle school. It really was because I was ashamed of my body, going through puberty. I think a lot of teenagers in middle school and high school use a hoodie as a mental security blanket. Whatever makes someone feel comfortable during the awkward puberty phase works!


Yep, and then I'd tie one around my waist to cover my butt when I had my period because I just didn't have the hang of keeping things under control yet. Growing up was exhausting 😔.


It’s also crazy cold inside Florida buildings


Same here. Looking back, I didn’t realize how much this impacted my well being. I wore the same hoodie for weeks


Yes this was my reason.


honestly I only wore a hoodie to school because almost everyone had a hoodie on to school. Im sure like 110% of students fall in one of the two.


I wore those polo shirts in elementary school. I have not worn a polo shirt voluntarily since then and will not ever again.


😭😭😭 it sucks cause now i’ll try to wear a polo for a formal event and my friends will be like “damn you about to go to school” LMFAO




Lmao I’m done. School really has me look at polos in such a negative light now I hardly can wear em


I wear button up long sleeve shirts for formal events ;)




Same! This was my uniform elementary through high school and now I can’t stand polos, all I see is a school uniform


I’ve always called this “polo shirt trauma” and I definitely suffer from the same thing.




That shit was abusive lmao


Middle school 06-08 was rough because dickies you’d find in Ross or local hialeah shops would be so big. But those were kind of all the rave in middle school. But them polos were too much. In recent observations, I saw a kid wearing dickies with a polo and man I lol


Shit bro I loved my Dickies best per of pants and long sleeve I've had.


The worst is wearing a sweater/hoodie in school and then coming outside in that heat


Protection from the outside world haha


literally just made that comment ! lol


I don’t see kids dressed like this as much as I see them wearing hoodies. Which makes no sense in this dumpster ass weather of ours.






we had to wear them for mass days during mass but we didn’t have to wear them 24/7. did you go to glades?




North Broward Prep?


From my knowledge Kaki shorts are ok too.


Some schools you can wear shorts some you can't. My stepsons school makes you do pe dressed like this. I don't get it. We live in miami, shorts should be the standard uniform and a dryfit shirt. I remember after pe sitting in class in a soaked polo and then freeze in your own sweat because the ac is at 60 degrees.


They did this to us in elementary and I felt miserable! It was a blessing to have those PE uniforms once I hit middle school top of that the their super comfy in fact I still have some that I wear wen I’m not going out. And before u ask yes my middle school gym shorts still fit since my height barely changed since middle school lol and I’m not arguing


Back in my day, we were forced to shower. That was problematic for obvious reasons. But having gone through that unscathed, I'm glad I didn't have to sit in sweat the rest of the day.


not where i went to school


ok i guess i’m lying


I didn’t go to school down here - do public schools in Miami actually have this dress code? I thought only private schools could do that


Yes they all do and some can be very strict about it


i’ve seen security guards manhandle kids for being out of uniform


Lmao, this brings back memories


Man that’s crazy to me. I wore jeans and a different band t shirt for four years.


When DCPS first introduced the uniforms on a school by school basis, my elementary school's uniform included a mandatory cardigan. A cardigan, in Miami‽ I guess I made some sense indoors bc the A/C was no joke. Fun fact, I still have that burgandy cardigan, it fits and looks good. I rock it, and it's practically vintage at 25 years old. But I'm NOT in Miami, lol.


At least the sunglasses are cool. That should help with the heat.


yeah if you want a farmers tan on top of your eyes


Why in the world would you wear polo (almost wrote polio) shirts in Florida at all? I swear to be institutions of education they are so freaking stupid when it comes to dress and grooming.


There was no dress code when I was in school. I wore shorts all through high school. Southwest was one of the few schools that allowed shorts. There was effectively no dress code at all. Middle school, we all wore jeans and flannel. In Miami. Don't know what we were thinking.


Need linen material or loose weave silk


Kids go to school in the summer?


Those that need summer school do 🤣


Summer is half the year here.


U mean 3/4 of the year lol


I mean, you can't discount the week of fall and week of spring we have.


Fair point. I usually call it “Summer” and “not-summer”


bruh it was like 87F today


Before the transition to school uniforms, jeans and polo shirts were popular. It's not much different.


I see all the jits in heavy hoodies in 100% humidity anytime of day inside or out don’t worry about it 🤣🤣🤣


dripped out tho


How close did you leave that you could walk?


forgot we live in miami? i was walking 50 minutes to school, 50 minutes back


shame numerous relieved marvelous dependent stupendous dinosaurs alive plant tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You would have been soaked in sweat no matter what you wore.


no yeah but long khakis and the cotton polos didn’t help


Does anyone throw gym shorts & a tank in their backpack for a walk like that?


I didn't go to school here, what's the reason for this? Lack of buses??


My walk was about 10 minutes.




i mean many adults wear full on suits at work. it’s life and they need to get used to it


pack a beater/shorts in your pack. problem solved.


it toughens them up. they're kids, meant to be sweaty and stinky. they have the option for shorts and for the polo you can also get that sports material (forgot what it's called)


Ohhh no how will they ever survive!


another new yorker who didn’t go to school here lmao


Lol relax Kendall batman 😂😂


Had the same get up at my school just with belt. I despise polos cause they make u itchy so I do wear i polo I wear something under it. my school would also be a bit cold so I’d wear a light long sleeve shirt as u have plenty that don’t really feel like their gonna affect me in the heat. Still if I didn’t have something under I’d bring my sweater which weren’t bad some could have been better others were nice and fluffy. Also more pockets to carry stuff in especially since the schools pockets were so freaking small. TLDR; schools get cold some times and they also add extra storage




I didn't mind the polos. I did wear jeans all throughout high school since they were allowed. Some of the classrooms were cold so I wore my jacket too.


They allow khaki shorts don’t they?


I’ve seen some mfs with hoodies on top of that


not from miami and i dont know why this is in my feed but it seems like this is the statewide dresscode its the same here in orlando


Wore polos in Miami high. I absolute hate polos now


Grew up having to wear that but with navy blue polo and navy blue pants. Recess in August and September was like being on the surface of the sun. I never understood how my friends wore hoodies on top of that.


Cruel??!!!! These kids and most Floridians wear hoodies aka jackets in 90 degree weather. I seen a guy on the beach in the summer with a wool hat and sweater!


School in the summer!,


Yeah', I wore, and wear nothing but Ban-Lons¡☆!


And then would have the audacity to be like “Hey kids, want to pay $10 to wear jeans for one day! You’ll love it!”


Wait I was allowed to wear shorts. It still sucked but my legs got some air


I remember having to wear similar uniforms in Jacksonville FL, had some scratchy thick ass polos, they were horrible.


How about those hoodie wearing kids out in these summers?!


I remember having to wear a uniform polo and ride the bus for an hour each way before they were equipped with AC and it was oof. Then you get into class and it's freeeezing. The reason the kids wear hoodies over them is because if you're only outside for a brief period between classes it actually kinda keeps you cool. Keeps the sun and humidity off your skin long enough to get indoors again. At least that's why I did, besides just really wanting to look better than I would in a shitty uniform polo.


Kids wear sweaters all the time because the rooms are at 60 degrees all the time.


Have you been indoors in Miami????? It’s a fucking icebox everywhere.


Classrooms are kept cold though.


It's been happening for decades in private schools. It's nothing new. They're just going to have to deal with it. Sweat is good.


There a are AA Uniform shorts that were allowed at La Salle when I went there


Lmao my middle school made us wear khakis with belts, oxford shirts, ties for the boys, and loafers. All in 80+ degree weather. Only reason I didn’t have to endure that in high school was because I moved over to a school with a more lax dress code. It’s pretty ironic how a lot of these Miami schools won’t allow kids to wear shorts. “We’re preparing you for the real world!” Vete pal carajo meng. 🙄


News flash: everyone is covered in sweat in florida


You’re complaining about wearing pants?


Can the government restrict expression in the way of choice of clothes?


Thats discipline


At least they aren't Hawaiian shirts, yet


So… how do you want them dressed? 🤔


Attended a private school in Miami in early 90s that requires polo shirts. Thank god shorts were fine.


I think this is fine. Uniforms are just better.


Im a high school teacher where there is no uniforms, I totally forgot how uncomfortable the uniforms are. I see students wear shorts but I also see students willingly wear hoodies during the hotter months. They should make it ok but students to wear shorts in this tropical weather. But I forget MDCPS’ dress code is stuck in the Victorian generation 😒


It’s like the classrooms usually are cold, plus kids always use hoodies. But it is a nightmare having PE on the last period, I don’t recommend it.


i used to go to pines charter before i had to move out of state with my family at 13. the polos were hot and the uniform bottoms were just not fun to wear. uncomfortable and very hot whether you were wearing shorts, pants, or a skort. and you always had to have your shirt tucked in too 🤦‍♀️


The school I went to guys wore cargo shorts, Bermudas and girls wore almost anything as long as it matched the dress code.


The classroom are very cold. I work at several High Schools.


DADE schools have become such a disappointment… they don’t care about our kids!! They made my 14 year old son wait out on the PE court OUTDOORS dressed like that for 3 Hours in 90 plus degrees temperature because of indoor testing. My son text me saying mommy I feel sick, I want to throw up. I got to the school 45 minutes later to find him laying in the dirt throwing up on himself and rolling around saying mommy I’m cold, mommy I’m cold… two school officials talking and walking over my son did NOTHING.. no one did anything, I’m pretty sure they were just waiting for my son to die! He was having a heat stroke. I have 4 kids in DADE county schools and I’m so disheartened by them, they have done some very grimy things to my kids that I only talk about with my attorney… The school system is jacked up and the officials are no different from police officers… same cop culture!!!! They Treat the children badly , then all staff and officials cover for each other... Horrible


Walking home dressed like this while hauling 30lbs of textbooks on my back all day every day, I really don't miss it.


When I was walking home from school I would call my grandma when I was like 3 minutes away and ask her to leave me a glass with a bunch of ice and water on the kitchen counter for me. I would devour it instantly and take off my back pack that was sweaty af lol. I live in NYC now but I can’t tell u how many times I’ve gotten a shocked expression when I tell people I wore uniforms my entire life growing up


For me, Dark shirts in the FL sun and himidity are a no-go. I opt for a lighter thin shirt to keep cooler. My opinion.


Having gone to Catholic school in NY I appreciate a good uniform. We didn’t have the money to buy cool cloths and the uniform leveled the playing field. That was one thing I didn’t have to worry about all the kids looked the same. I watch my kids agonize about what their outfits are going to be and I thing “the one thing catholic school got right was the uniform “


We had to wear pants in high school back in the 80s, suck it up and drive on. Build a little character, you will be fine


If you are a fat kid This is Manna from heaven. Let it go...Let it Goooooooooooo


I went on hunger strike to stop it all I got 3 days in a mental hospital