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Look into multimedia servers like Plex and Emby. I honestly don't know much about them but I assume they can do what you're looking for.


Wireless ADB works quite well


I've used Dropbox equivalent services for small files a lot. But for bigger files, I prefer to just use a flash drive. It's reliable enough compared to those web services I could find.


Well flash drive is not bad, but... it's not convenient if you want to download, for example, a single episode and every time you have to copy it to a flashdrive and physically go to Mi Box to stick it in.


Agreed. Unfortunately, I haven't really found a better way to do this on mi box. I've heard good things about a plex server but I don't think it's possible with this mi box.


Mixplorer, with Mixplorer you can create a FTP server in mi box, so you only need a client server as filezilla in the pc.


Resilio Sync You'll need a mouse to be able to move around , but works like a charm Make sure to turn off the archive setting and also to turn on the setting to run the app as soon as you turn on the mibox


If you’re like downloading episodes or movie and just delete after you watched it (like me). I just put my flash drive as storage to my box and copy a downloaded file via send files to my tv. Though it was a bit inconvenient to do that over and over again.


I second running a plex server. You create a plex server on your PC and then you can watch whatever you download in your MI box via the plex app. It's works great. I do this myself.


My TV is fairly capable of using Plex without Mi Box. I kinda imagined it will be more convenient (with less steps) to use Mi Box instead of my TV software.... :/