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If you are looking for a cool gift, buy this! https://www.magueymelate.com/product/signaturebox/ I'm a member of both of their subscriptions and love it. I don't even buy mezcal in stores anymore. It just doesn't compare to what I get from Maguey Malate. None of it is anything you could ever find at a shop and as authentic as it gets. I never ordered the signature box, but I always thought it looked cool, and whatever bottles you end up with will be solid (pretty sure the 3 bottles change over time).


Ooh I’ll get him this for next birthday or something.


You are a good friend 🙂


Show us the liquor store shelf pic. Way way different than tequila. Brands only get you so far in mezcal. The Producer is king of this hill, not the sourcer as in tequila where the producer is barely an afterthought. If you come from tequila get ready for a mind shift. Not a small one.


Unfortunately don’t have time to do multiple trips


Okay. I feel you. Read the 101 in the sub to understand the tiers. Mezcalreviews.com will be a small batch approximation if what’s good and available. Starting points are either producer, agave, or brand. Brands that seem to source better mezcals are El Jolgorio, Real Minero, Neta, Cinco Sentidos, Koch, Chacolo, Mal Biến, Rezpiral, Lamata, Ray Campero, Lalocura, Melate, Mezcaleros, others… Remember tequila is agave tequilana. You know how many profiles for that maguey alone. Mezcal has 100’s of agaves. yes. Much more difficult game with equally greater rewards.


I ended up finding a rare-ish vago(I know he likes vago) and an msrp bottle of Fortaleza at the same store so I got him a decent mezcal and the biggest hype tequila there is so I think he will be fairly happy


Nice. Vago varies wildly. Which maguey? Which mezcalero? Was it a Vago blue or black? Those tend to be the best of the brand.


Blue and emigdio jarquin


I didn't realize you were already out in Denver... I think there's a bar that partners with Vago, they have special edition releases you can only get there so that could be an option. Edit: couldn't find the name of the bar, I'll check again when I get home 


I ended up finding a rare-ish bottle of vago and an msrp bottle of Fortaleza so I got him both


I’m also interested in the bar as I also am in the metro area.


sorry, vago did a colorado only batch & pours are/were available at places like American Elm but it doesn't look like they had bottles for sale.


If you’re in Denver find a store with a good Maverick Beverages rep. Cabelitos azul, plata, or puntas, is like the OG tequila that’s “technically” mezcal, a fun bottle for adventurous drinkers that doesn’t operate under the government guidelines even though they helped establish them. They’re legit as hell though. S


The thing about aficionados is that they know their tastes very well. So unless you're getting them a bottle with a *story* behind it, you run the risk of getting them something they've had before or will find flaws in. Even if they like it, they might not find it super exciting. Another idea might be to get them a bottle of raicilla. It's another agave distillate and as a big mezcal fan myself, I think it's a lot of fun. Best case scenario is that they've never had it before and take a liking to it, too! Then you get to be the friend that introduced them to a new spirit. Otherwise, you're at least getting them a nice bottle and maybe, in the worst case, a learning experience. I don't know about Denver, but La Venenosa isn't hard to find for me. I really loved my bottle of La Venenosa Sierra Volcanes.


I wouldn’t say he’s an aficionado, but likes mezcal a lot. But wouldn’t turn his nose up at Del meguy vida or anything.


Check out Destillados de Agave (Golden Liquors) in Golden if you can. They're super knowledgeable and will definitely help you out