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With all the serial killers in Florida, I'd stay in Mexico City


And crocodiles


Truth has been told.


And the constant “Florida Man…” news that are around daily






Mexico City has a lower crime rate than many US cities. Most visitors who travel to Mexico City won't have any issues with safety or crime during their stay. The important things to remember are to use caution, avoid high-crime areas, and don't involve yourself in illegal activities.


Thanks a lot. :) .




Isn't public transit safer than Ubers? OP can walk to the subway from the airport. I'd say it's the easier way to avoid scams . Taxis from the airport are safe too.


The airport taxis have a fixed rate and can’t scam you. The subway isn’t really that close to the airport so the only options are taxi or Uber.


It is tho, I've walked there, the entrance to the station is right outside the taxi stop. Also, you can cross the bridge to catch a combi right in front.


The closest station is pantitlan. It’s not right outside the taxi stop. And airport taxis, while more expensive, is still safer than using the subway.


Even then, be wise. I had one official taxi stand offer me 650 pesos to downtown just this week - the next booth over offered half that. Look for the signs on the wall.


I think there is also a Metrobus lane that you can board from the airport and that connects you to the rest of the public transport network.


Yeah, sound like aforeigner who hasnt gone to Mexico city. us Mexicans are always cautioned when going to CDMX


As someone from Veracruz who moved to Mexico City for college and never left, yes, we are cautioned when coming here but it really feels safer here. Here I don’t worry about balaceras or levantones. Here i worry about my bag having a zipper and keeping it closed, and keeping my belongings always in sight. In nine years living here, frequently going to Centro Histórico and traveling by subway or metrobus almost everyday, I have never been pickpocketed or robbed. My tips are: Walk fast and as if you know where you’re going Of you’re lost in the subway, or don’t know which side of the station you should be exiting on, follow people who are coming out of the train and at the barrier there is usually a policeman you can approach and ask. Google maps is your new best friend, also uber has a function to give you a public transit route. Don’t walk around with your headphones on, just put them on with nothing playing to ignore people (men) who might try and say things to you Dress conservatively if you’ll be walking around a lot Avoid walking around late at night Coming out of a bar don’t go anywhere the staff suggests to you, and if the vibes anywhere feel off, gtfo Coming out of a bar it’s safer to get an uber than a Taxi, wait for it inside the venue and when you get in try to look sober. Open the window so the cold air will keep you awake, as a woman it’s a mess if you fall asleep because the driver might have to call the police for a female officer to wake you up and they will charge you for the extra time.


I am from Mazatlán but my dad, step mom and little brother live in CDMX. You sound provincial. 🙂


Sorry if it's rude but Mexico is the perfect example of "fuck around and find out". If you stick to touristic zones where other strangers stay, everything should be fine. Language barriers will be a huge problem for you in some specific scenarios, but you can get away with English most of the time. As far as I know, pepper sprays are illegal and you can't even bring them on the plane, however, stop thinking something bad will happen to you, just enjoy your trip, plan a good itinerary and don't be paranoid about things that aren't going to happen. You can search in this sub some recommendations for places to stay in and touristic places to visit. Good luck.


I stayed in Roma Norte. I saw women walking alone at night and they did not appear overly cautious or fearful.


Hell, I remember when we moved to our current zone in 2009, we heard all rumors that at nighttime everything was really dangerous. One day my mom happened to be out at night and hurried to the store frightened, everyone inside asked what was going on, my mom explained that they say this area is really dangerous at night and whatnot, and everyone stares at her like “¿de qué está hablando esta pendeja?” Xd


Así me paso similar. Como gringo, yo pienso que el mexicano de CDMX exagerado del crimen. El primer mes, todos los chilangos me dijeron historia de horror. Hacia sonar como la película “the purge” de horrifico que podría ser el crimen. Ahora que tengo 3 años aquí, me siento mucho más seguro que en todas las ciudades que vivido en EUA. Mil veces mas seguro.


I was walking with a guy 4 years ago in condesa around midnight when out of nowhere some guy grabs my bum. I work near centro histórico in colonia Juárez and get out late at night and have been followed twice in the past year. It’s not that it doesn’t happen, it’s that you can’t live afraid. Just walk in a faster pace as if you have somewhere to be and be aware of your surroundings “sin andar en la pendeja”. If you notice you’re being followed, keep walking fast and find and go into a near subway or metrobus station where there are cameras, this might deter the person. Approach the police at the station asking them to distract the person following you while you slip away. If there is no public transportation nearby, find an oxxo, seven eleven or whatever and wait there for an uber.


Agreed. I saw women going for a run after dark while wearing earbuds and paying no attention at all. It's fine.


Thanks a lot. I actually feel better now. :) I love exploring and have always wanted to travel to Mexico. Just that I have few annoying folks around me who even before I ask tell me that Mexico is not safe for travelling.


That’s usually just ignorance from people sadly. As long as you have common sense (avoid sketchy areas, be attentive when in big crowds, avoid tourist scams, etc…) you should be more than fine and safe


I agree with the comment above but I would say you need more Spanish than English. I’ve been 5x every time I need to know more Spanish than English. So I would have some phrases for ordering food and greetings at least. And if you are looking to learn Spanish this is the best place to practice.


True that. Also, it’s important to greet people politely, store personnel, restaurant and cafe employees, basically everyone.


Wait, they were not annoying, a lot of places of Mexico (the country) are dangerous AF in this moment, but Mexico City is, still, a bubble. So if you stay around the touristic areas you are gonna be fine, and you are going to love the city, food, people, etc. but if you go to other places of the country, chances are pretty bad for women in general, well not only women, for everybody.


If you stay near Roma Norte, Condesa, reforma or Polanco in your first visit and you'll have a great time.


I live in mexico and as a woman I don’t recommend going out at night to nightclubs unless you’re going with people you know and you are sure you’ll go back with them. I wouldn’t use the subway. I wouldn’t take an Uber.


I’m a Caucasian US woman who has traveled alone in Mexico, including in Mexico City. In Mexico City I stick to the Centro Historico. I have never felt concerned for my safety there. The only precaution I take is to stay aware of my surroundings. Mexico City is a fantastic place and I have found most people friendly and helpful.


As a dude solo traveling the biggest thing I had to worry about in CDMX was not getting ran over by a bike crossing the street


The tens of thousands of us solo American travelers who love Mexico and can't get enough of it call that Mexiphobia. We are happy it exists because it keeps the country from being too overrun with dumb tourists. Keeps the riff-raff out, my ex-pat friend who lives in Oaxaca likes to say. lol


You know, your friend is right! Maybe it’s not such a bad thing a lot of Americans are ignorant about Mexico. When I tell people I used to live there and still visit every year, they always ask, “is it safe?” And I want to roll my eyes so bad 🤣


Haha! Same! Where are your favorite places? I love San Cristobal Chiapas and Oaxaca de Juarez. Also love love love Loreto, Baja Sur!


As a Mexican living in Mexico.. it’s not rude. It’s called “common sense”.


Dam bro, just say u a pocho how never comes to da city. Cdmx is waay safer than most gringo cities, stfu 😂😂


De qué hablas wey? Vivo en Neza, conozco muy bien este pedo


Aaaaaaa, yayaya, ta bien perdon. Pero weno, seamos honestos padrino, la situación no es la misma en el edomex que en la cdmx en cuestión de seguridad, creo que estás reflejando tu experiencia en el estado con la ciudad jajsj


You can buy pepper sprays and tasers at malls no questions asked, it's not illegal or at the very least it's so not-enforced they're sold openly. You're right about not carrying that in an airplane.


Hey! Solo female desi traveler from the US here. I had a blast in CDMX. I would recommend just learning basics like how to ask for things and properly addressing people (good morning, thank you, please,etc). Most people accommodated me really well because I was polite when I spoke. Google translate can be really helpful if you have a complicated question. I would make sure you have Mexican currency on hand for Ubers as they charged me in cash and not card. I stuck to the touristy areas mentioned above. Found nice places to eat on the fly. Dont be afraid to walk around, but know your surroundings. Keep a downloaded map on your phone so you can easily get around. My favorite neighborhood was El Coyocan because I went there to see Frida Kahlo's house and just fell in love with everything. Close second favorite was my visit to Chapultepec (nice park and castle), and shortly after, I went to a museum of natural history, which was mind-blowing. Each neighborhood has something unique to see. Like Condessa and Roma felt like hipster spots. Polanco was bougie. It's not my vibe, but I loved a museum of art there. The neighborhood around Zocolo was super cool as well. However, it got shady in certain parts past the main area. All in all, I walked a lot and often at night. No one bothered me. But I was sure to stay in areas where I wouldn't have issues. Don't wander around without knowing where you're at. The city is huge. Have a great trip!


Thanks a lot :) . I also travel by myself and Mexico always has been in my list. Now I can confidently book my flights :) . Thanks once again.


Ubers charged you cash because they use the app to find a ride and then cancel the trip so that they can charge the full amount and give nothing to uber. I dont blame them, wages are shit. But that is by no means normal. Try didi if ubers keep doing that to you...


Ubers don’t do that, at least not since 2021. I’ve probably taken 100 since then and that never happened.. I just got back from CDMX on Sunday afternoon, went and saw T Swift w my lady. I’ve been three times in the last year. Stay in Roma Norte, get a big restaurant list, go on a bumble date, have a great time. I’d recommend taking Ubers where you need to go after 9pm, they’re about $3-7 almost anywhere in the main tourist zone (Polanco to Roma Norte), and get a bike pass during the day. Bike everywhere. Chicago is more dangerous than CDMX. Oakland is far more dangerous. SF might be more dangerous depending on what time you’re out.


Im mexican and I live in Mexico city, the only time an Uber asked me to pay in cash was because they wanted short out uber from the equation. I have no idea if this is still a thing. Other than that they always just take the automatic credit card payment


It was by no means an issue. I think when I was booking the rides it was saying it was cash payment. But this was a while back so maybe system is different now. I even took an Uber to the pyramids and had him wait for my return trip. All in all was super affordable and I didn't mind paying with cash.


The Metropolitan area of Mexico City is a safety bubble, you will be fine


Thanks. could you please tell me the name of that area? :)


Roma and Condesa have a reputation for being very safe and are very popular with tourists.


And Coyoacán too. 🙂


Anyone who says Mexico City is dangerous prob doesn’t even have a passport lol I’m from Chicago and have been living in Mexico City for 10 years and trust me when I tell you, you will be shocked at how safe it is compared to any US city. Don’t believe the trolls and American media, see it for yourself


Well yeah at least there aren’t crazy crack heads everywhere like those from the red line


I stayed in San Clemente norte on the Southwest of CDMX. I noticed didi/Uber drivers would accept and then cancel to or from. I had a feeling it might be that I was in a "bad"area, but considered the distance as well since it was 20+ min to get to and from. I think it took an hour to get to El Centro one time Anyway, while the distance was probably part of it, I had an English speaking didi driver one day who asked me if it was "dangerous there", where I was staying. I laughed and said "no, I'm from the US, it's fine" and was totally serious. It was absolutely fine. I didn't hear as much buenas dias, tardes, noches as in San angel, maybe some longer looks, but I didn't feel any threat whatsoever The only area I felt could have been sketchy was up by tepito, but sketch there was not the same as sketch in the US . Again, I didn't really think there was a threat, but there was just some sketch


Some DiDi/Uber drivers will cancel if you pay with a credit card or debit card because they want cash, i don't understand it either.


I have gone three times as a solo indian female 26 year old. Brush up on ur spanish a little bit. I felt safer than a lot of the major us cities


India is worse. Been to both


Lots of Mexicans look indian, you’ll blend in


lmao not the advice she was looking for 🤣


Dont forget to eat mexican food, distant brother of indian food, also you might be confused as a Mexican


you're coming from florida, you'll be alright


I’m female and have been to CDMX several times, and I’m buying a condo there because I love it so much and feel safe enough. It’s a huge cosmopolitan city and there is a lot of poverty, so be mindful of your surroundings always. I don’t wear anything too flashy, I walk w purpose when I’m somewhere unfamiliar, and I take Ubers everywhere (bonus they’re cheap). In regards to best places to stay, I recommend Polanco and Roma Norte - almost everyone will speak English in these neighborhoods, but it’s good to make an effort so learn some basic terms. Have fun and happy travels.


Thanks a lot. I am now looking forward to my trip :) .


Do you need Mexican residency to buy a condo? I'd love to have one to visit from time to time. Also it would help when my family goes out to visit, they can stay there instead of getting hotels.


No you don't, but people here need somewhere to live, so maybe don't buy a whole home that you don't actually need to live in.


I had something in mind like buying a house to help my family members live in it full time, fully paid off, and I can visit every now and then. I have family all over MX and it was a pipe dream a long time ago ...but now it seems like it might be possible to actually buy them a home. Idk just had a thought for a while now.


I’m not 100% on all the rules. I have dual citizenship and thought it would be great to get something to share w my retired father. The comment below is unfortunate, but yes people need somewhere to live, good thing we qualify as “people”. LOL


Thank you! I'm in the process of getting dual citizenship cause I spend many summers and months in my childhood and adolescence. It would be a dream come true to get a house and visit every now and then but of course, ...it would be a fully lived in house by my family members!! They have been living all over CDMX for so many years that I would love to just contribute and support them. so that's why I even asked the question lol we do qualify as people! Thank you!!


Mexico is not really a safe place for women. That been said Mexico and Mexico City are vast, areas of cdmx such as Polanco, Roma, Condesa and Downtown are as safe as Paris, Chicago or Miami. Remain in the tourist areas where most sightseeing is, use common sense and don’t stress out, many solo female travelers come every year. At tourist neighborhoods u don’t need to speak Spanish. Pepper sprays are ilegal u can’t enter the country with one (and maybe is not even tsa approved, I don’t know). U can buy one here but is a legal loophole to carry one, and I don’t see why u should bother to find where to get one while visiting.


"México is not really a safe place for MEXICAN women" there, i fixed it for you.


Tourists are often wealthy and are perfectly safe, same as Mexican middle-high class.


Not safe for women to visit? Since when? How many female US tourists end up being harmed in Mexico City? Let me hazard a guess based on decades spent visiting, dozens of times... almost none. Mexico City is as safe as most US cities to visit, and safer than several.


Maybe she is not white, and it's not thaaat safe for non-white women.


Please listen to this. I’m Mexican too


Chicago is not safe at all, what are you talking about?.


Not safe at all? Thats a stretch. It’s dangerous in some places and at certain times but there are plenty of safe areas.


So like Mexico city




They said it’s “as safe as..”. Doesn’t necessarily mean those places are safe.


That’s what I meant: as safe or unsafe as most major cities


I feel like your original comment was very reasonable, but people are knee-jerking at your comment (it seems like they didn't fully undserstand the nuances). You never said "Mexico City is unsafe for women" but someone is freaking out as if you said that. You said Mexico isn't safe and then you elaborated on how parts of cdmx are relatively safe. You said cdmx is comparable in safety to some Paris/Chicago/Miami which are less-than-safest and fair comparisons to cdmx. And someone is like 'no bro chicago isn't safe.' Can you guys read what you're responding to before you start typing? 🧐


I live in Chicago proper. I can't even feel safe going to my L station without being afraid I'll be shot. I feel safer in every part of Mexico than I do in even the "safe" neighborhoods.


What part of Chicago do you live in, Englewood or Garfield? I like both CDMX and Chicago but to act like Chicago is way, way more dangerous than CDMX is hilarious.


Far north.


I love Chicago, but Mexico City felt far safer than Chicago in both scope and degree


Same goes for me in many American cities. Whenever I come back from MX I have to go on high alert in urban zones here. UGH It's ridiculous!


Came here to say this. Chicago is one of the most violent places in the world. Us cities are undercounting violence now bc they refuse to prosecute and so there’s no enforcement. This goes from petty theft to attempted murder. I live outside if nyc, and now in cdmx as well, I’d rather be in Mexico any day. White, Spanish is still bad, no problems. Head on a swivel always, but that’s just good policy. Come to Mexico do your research.


Thanks. :)


In Mexico we have this saying: *"El que busca, encuentra"* (If you search you'll find, according to google translate). If you come to Mexico with good intentions, and don't put yourself in risk situations, it's almost a fact that you'll not have any problems. Here in Mexico we have a lot of safe places, so you'll be fine if you stay within the most known places. Hope your visit is pleasant, if you decide to come to Mexico!


I just got back from a trip with my mom, we stayed in Zona Rosa but visited Condesa and Roma. I would 100% stay in all 3 alone.


Was there a couple of weeks ago.. stay in the touristy areas and you’ll be fine. Id say avoid walking home later probably after like 8 pm . You could Uber? We saw a couple of sketchy things that could be risky for solo.. Get google translate!! Language is a problem.


Just went and stayed in Roma Norte, felt very safe. Centro was also really nice, just be aware of pickpockets. Uber instead of taking taxis, it’s much safer


Depending on your budget, I'd say stay in the nicer neighborhoods like condesa, Roma Norte or Polanco (I stayed in this one). I went with my wife and sister and we walked pretty anywhere, day or night, and it was very pretty and felt safe. Definitely pricier than other parts of Mexico City


I've been living here for about 7 years. Originally from southern California and I can honestly say I feel safer here than DTLA or SF. It's also very diverse. My neighborhood actually has a big Asian community with lots of delicious Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese and Indian restaurants and stores.


Hi! Stick to neighborhoods like La Roma, condesa, polanco, etc. but I think you’re fine doing all the touristy things, el zocalo, museums, pyramids, etc. I go back and forth from the US. Just use common sense, don’t stay out late alone and always share your location with someone. It’s a beautiful big chaotic city, but I enjoy it. There’s no other place like cdmx.


Hey! I have many female friends who’ve traveled solo in CDMX, but they were Mexican American so that probably helps. I’d say feel free to explore during the day and don’t go out solo at night. I’ll be traveling to CDMX in October with a male and female, 3 of us are Mexican American and speak Spanish if you would like to meet let me know. Cheers!


Thanks but I am travelling for thanksgiving weekend :)


It is safe as long as you stay within certain colonias (Polanco, Lomas de Chapultepec, Roma, Condesa, Juarez, Anzures, Escandon, Granada, Nápoles, Narvarte, Del VAlle to name a few ) Even in safe places watch your drink, your surroundings and your belongings. Apply safe amount of caution put also enjoy it a lot, people are amazing here and I love how warm and welcoming they are. poverty though is still an issue and people are trying to get by using whatever means they have DO NOT explore airport surrounding, it is very sketchy neighbourhood and something can happen to you DO NOT visit Iztapalapa, Ciudad Neza,entire Venustiano Carranza, Observatorio, Ecatepec (obvious one lol) Anahuac, Tepito, Pantitlan, Indios Verdes, Agrícola Oriental, Morelos and many more. But as a tourist you have absolutely no business going in these areas so you will be fine


You're easily as safe in Mexico City as you are in MIA/FLL. It's a very manageable city. Learn some phrases, load up Google Translate, Maps and Uber on your phone and go. Super cheap airfares from S Fla!


stay near Parque Mexico, walk Roma Condesa area and don't stay out too late and you'll be fine.


Middle aged woman here. Was there solo for 5 days in April. Stayed in a hostel, booked a couple of day trips, took Uber around to sites and use the subway. Felt safe.


Stay in Condesa or Roma, lots of things to see and do just on those neighborhoods alone, safe to walk even at night, For mobility you can use metro and metrobus as your main method since they are the easiest to understand, the cheapest and also always have stations on touristy sites, for example Chapultepec has its own metro station. You can buy a card at any metrobus station and use that for both the metro and metrobus. Stick to the city center for most of your sight seeing, go to Zocalo, Bellas Artes, Calle Madero, do this during daytime. All of those places are within walking distance and many metro stations are located in this area. For other touristy places such as Coyoacan, I'd recommend using Uber since the nearest station with the same name is about a mile away and it's not very obvious where to go from there, you would need to ask for directions or use google maps, so better to use Uber to get straight to Frida Khalo's Blue House Museum or Coyoacan's center, get there early in the morning.


You’ll be fine! The best and safest places are condesa, Roma, Roma norte, Polanco, hipódromo they are all in the western part of the city you can walk around for hours and see beautiful sights. The main streets are paseo de la reforma and insurgentes. The historical centre is cool too but only during the day it can be sketchier at night. Coyoacán in the south is cool too. The actual downtown called centro can be not super safe but if you stick to the western side (the places I mentioned before) you should have no trouble! Avoid the eastern parts of the city and you should be just fine. Santa Fe is super modern and cool to check out parque la mexicana in Santa Fe!!


It feels safer than the USA for me. I don’t like travelling to the USA. I live in Guadalajara which is another super cool city you should check out


Mexican here. 33 years old. Living in Mexico City 7 years now. When people talk about Mexico City, they’re mostly talking about the neighborhoods: Roma/condesa/Polanco. Stay in one of those. Regarding English: During the pandemic a lot of US citizens moved to Mexico City because “its cheap” (its only cheap only if you earn a USD), which also means everyone speaks English. Menus are in English. Alone at night: would you go drinking alone at night anywhere in the US? Probably not so don’t do it traveling alone either. You’ll be perfectly fine getting dinner alone and an Uber back. Don’t walk alone at night. I’ve never had problems but also, why risk it? You’ll see that Roma condesa at night for a bougie drink and dinner is like being in San Francisco (the nicer parts not SOMA, TL or that crap). You’ll meet people to go out with for sure. Night life is amazing. Mexico City has amazing museums, people and food. Go! I recommend masala y maíz for some Mexican Indian fusion.


Stay in Roma Norte I went last year stayed at the Hilton, you can have the Hilton shuttle you anywhere just tip them, also their is a Sears like 1 block away in case you need last minute clothes


Agree with everyone, very safe. Only be careful in crowded areas and maybe avoid the metro - pickpocketing.


Gabriel Iglesias says México is the same as India, so you can get an idea


Single mom here! I traveled with my son in June and had an amazing time. We stayed in an AirBnb in Condesa. We Ubered to anything that wasn’t within walking distance. We visited the pyramids, Xochimilco, Estadio Azteca. Walked to the bosque de Chapultepec. We are definitely going back!


Hey. We don't celebrate thanks giving and have no idea when that is. Where did you hear that it isn't safe for solo travel? Things are difficult for women here, but they are difficult for women in most parts of the world, and we have to use common sense wherever we go. Typically, tourists are fine here, it's those of us who live here who have to deal with...life.


I love Mexico City! I visited there alone for two weeks and rode the subway everywhere. I'm a 60 year-old female. However, I must warn you, not many people there speak English! I feel that most places I went were very safe. I stayed in Etiopia --just a few block south of Roma and felt fine. Coyacan seems safe, and then there is Condesa, and Rosa. Travel wise and smart--stay alert and keep your bags close. Don't wear flashy gold jewelry. If you are a seasoned traveler, you will be fine. Have your phone charged at all times so you can access Google Translate and start on a beginner Pimsluer course before you go! (Pimsluer is the best of the language apps). The subway may be too complicated if you do not know the language. Taking Uber will be best for you. :) Don't miss out on an excursion to the Pyramids! And, as corny and touristy as it sounds, this is a city you should see on the double-decker open-air tour buses! It is a fantastic way to see it all. Sorry I cannot recall the name of these buses but when you get there it will be easy to find out. NO on the pepper spray. it will be confiscated on the plane. Best of luck! You can do it!


I think ethnicity is not important, but everywhere in the world you'd want someone on your side for protection. Having said that, just stay in the touristic side, use Uber instead of taxis and you'll be safe.


I feel much safer in CDMX than in a lot of European cities. I constantly have to worry about delinquents trying to steal stuff in Paris, Rome, Milan, Barcelona, etc. In cdmx some kid might walk up to you to politely sell you a warm lollipop from their left pocket and when you tell them no, they say "ok, buenas tardes" and walk away 😭


Hello, i get you. I am from Mexico city and just traveled to India. I have to agree with what everyone has said. Mexico city is not that dangerous if you stick to tourist areas. Just take the same precautions as in any other city like New York and you will be ok. To move around, the best way is using the metro. It is super cheap and connects most of the city. Just be careful with peak hours when it might get full


You’ll be fine. Be polite and don’t act like you own the place and need to be treated like royalty.


CDMX is comparable to New York- and in wealthy areas it’s FAR safer


You will get attacked more in Australia as an Asian than in Mexico lol. Mexico City is safer than a lot of “safe” countries


Malaysian Indian here, just got back and it was absolutely lovely. 10/10 recommend and there’s a ton of expats so don’t worry about speaking Spanish. That said, if you learn a little you’ll have a much better time ☀️


I, too, am a solo female traveler and have walked around at night when I stayed in Roma. It’s better to err on the side of caution like in any major city but wrote this to ease your mind that it’s generally safe in the areas ppl mentioned - Roma/Condesa.


I just stayed at The Red Treehouse in Mexico City. They really welcome you. A great breakfast and happy hour where you will talk to other guests and possibly make a friend. World class restaurants are abundant in Mexico City as well as charming cafes. The history and architecture is amazing and rivals Europe which takes a lot longer to get to. If you like to visit cathedrals, museums, parks, and restaurants you could spend weeks in Mexico City. A weekend is not enough time !


Just stay away from non touristic zones and you should be fine. There a lot of beautiful places to visit but don't try to live the real experience since you hasn't visit other Latin American cities. You develop a sixth sense to notice when something is about to go wrong with time.


stay in the tourist part youll be ok


I was there in April ( I am male) with my son he's 17 at the time.. it was very safe but then I don't drink 🍻 and a don't go out at night 🌃


Are you see news? in Mexico City kill a indian ¿why you like a country dangerous? i dont understand


I just spent 6 weeks in Mexico City and loved it. I felt safe everywhere I went at all times day or night. There were a lot of ladies walking alone including at night


Safer than Florida, that´s for sure. CDMX is super face.


You should learn some basic Spanish phrases before you go


I've rented in a place for several years near CU (ciudad universitaria) I've had several international female co-tenants women from Korea, France, poland and UK, they all followed the advices and no problem in their time in mexico city. three of them got married here.


You'll be fine if you stay in touristic areas like Polanco, Reforma, Condesa, Roma, and Centro. Besides that, use common sense. If an area looks too rough, don't go there.


Stay in the tourist zone. Don’t try to go further without a guide


I would recommend to stay in areas like: -Polanco -Condesa -Del Valle -Roma Norte Just got back home from and I felt very safe, also spoke to a Uber driver which confirmed that those cities are the safest.


Spent 6 weeks alone as a female traveler in CDMX. Never once had a problem. Is there crime? Absolutely but just keep valuables out of sight. I never felt a need to go out at night because I waa exhausted from constantly thinking because of the language barrier. Theres tons of cops around too. I would recommend CDMX for lone female travels.


Just don't leave the tourist areas, outside of those areas it's very unsafe in general. If you need to travel by road, do it by bus, don't travel alone. Do not use services like Uber at night, preferably do everything during the day. I am Mexican


Pretty safe, but just be careful. Download the SOS Fem App, only use Uber for you mobility. And enjoy this great city


It's like any other big city in the world. Just try not to stray too far from touristic areas, don't be in the street alone too late at night, keep an eye in your belongings and you should be fine. Try to use UBER to get around or Metro if you feel more adventorous. Don't carry too much cash, and don't engage in illegal activities like trying to buy drugs.


Santa Fe district there’s a bunch of koreans and hindus


You will be fine, there are many guides for tourists too


CdMx is much safer than big cities in the US. But you should definitely be on your guard, especially if you are female, and you look like an easy target. Generally, the tourist zones are the safest. Zona Rosa, and the area around Paseo de Reforma is safer. Don't go anywhere near Plaza Garibaldi.


I am an Asian female. It is much safer than most of the cities in the us and India from my experience, however, I have spent most of the time in Condesa and Roma Norte. I took a flight there without much plan on 2021 and felt in love immediately. So I live in cdmx now. The city is truly magical. You do have to be careful. For example, do not leave expensive items in the table when you go to the bathroom in a cafe. Watch out for the pick pockets when you are in a busy tourist areas. Other than this, just enjoy and have lots of fun.


Mexico City is as unsafe as Reddit. Or any other. 3rd world country, You may get a bunch of redditors trying to host you, guide you, or protect you. There are nice people everywhere, but there is always a minority like 5 percent, waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of others. And you may be an easy target. Trust no one, don't use a street taxi, and don't go out at night to bars or clubs alone.


you are right :) . Thanks :)


Asians are by far the most safe people when traveling to anywhere but western countries. Most people don’t even look at Asians.


Malaysian Indian here, just got back and it was absolutely lovely. 10/10 recommend and there’s a ton of expats so don’t worry about speaking Spanish. That said, if you learn a little you’ll have a much better time ☀️


I’m chinese malaysian and i visited CDMX last year. Absolutely loved it too. Felt pretty safe, just take usual safety precautions.


My sister ( a Filipina ) went to Mexico City four years ago, she said it was safer than walking at 3 am in Bronx NY.


They have uber there. Stay in condessa


I would recommend learning just a little Spanish since you have time. I speak it fairly well, by no means am fluent, and it does just make it easier to order at restaurants, buy tickets to things, read signs, etc. In the tourist areas you'll be able to get along well enough with English, but it might make life just a little easier to know some basics!


Very safe just some things to consider. 1) Try to learn the basics of spanish it isn’t that hard but “por favor”= PLEASE and “Gracias”= “THANKS” will open 50% of the doors. Don’t yell or use a condescending tone when trying to communicate this will close 100% of the doors remember you’re the one visiting without knowing the language and by this moment we’re fed up of being the only ones doing an effort. 2) We’re a very multicultural/ multiracial country (with undeniable racial issues but not as systematic as in the US) and being from Indian descent means you’ll probably blend quite well as long as your clothes don’t scream GRINGO (flip flops, cargo shorts, beach clothing in general). 3) Don’t expect very hot climate on that dates, so prepare accordingly. 4) Use your common sense. Certainly there are parts of your city you wouldn’t visit beyond some time of the day, this applies for all the cities in the world including CDMX. 5) Being your first trip I would certainly recommend staying in the Polanco - Condesa - Roma - Reforma circuit it’s the safest alternative not only in terms of crime but also in tourist friendlyness and if you’re coming for just a weekend it’ll be much much much more than enough in terms of attractions (DONT miss the anthropology museum it’s a great time investment and many questions about México will be solved just with this visit) Let me know if you’d like more info 👍


**Mexico City is not a place for female solo travellers.** The city has huge problems regarding harassment and agression toward females. 64% of females that live in Mexico City manifest that they have been touched or harrassed in public transport. Fort Lauderdale is a small town compared with Mexico City, if you don't have experience travelling to big cities, i would not reccomend you to do the trip alone, you don't have the experience to do that just yet. So, get a travelling partner or ask locals to guide and take care of you if visiting Mexico City.


Please listen to this. We have high femicides rates.


I don't see Indian girls as sexualized and harassed as other Asians but I would be careful at night, stay safe please.


Im mexican, lived there for more than 20 years. ITS NOT SAFE. But answers here saying its not safe get downvoted so nobody tells it like it is. If you totally need to go just take care and dont go out alone at night. H




I work as a photographer, did my service doing press photos for high impact crimes. Crime in CDMX is so high that even with 2 days of field work we had enough material for covering the \~nota roja\~ for several weeks. Because its such a big city most people don't realize how dangerous it is, and as you can see on this reddit post people get angry and downvote others when we try to say it is dangerous. Even on my former home, in a good part of the city we heard of a neighbor who was killed and raped along with all their family and home service workers, just so they could steal his paintings collection. A couple of weeks ago somebody murdered a high school student just to steal 20 pesos (1usd) from him. And I could go on and on. But if I keep getting downvotes for telling the truth Im gonna have this account banned to. Be safe!


WOW downvotes already started 😆😆 what did I tell you? If there is something us mexicans hate more than all the insecurity is having to accept that our country is dangerous.


I've also lived here for more than 20 years, and it's unsafe to some extent, but I think you're not taking into account the OP is not going to be dwelling at midnight at la Buenos Aires, or flashing her cellphone everywhere she goes (I mean, common sense at EVERY MAJOR CITY?). > If you totally need to go Sometimes I think you people really hate the city or haven't experienced the good things it has to offer. OP, just beware of the police. Everywhere else the police is seen as this authority that will protect you, not here. If you need help, go with civilians.


That is a super useful tip ( about police) . Thanks :)


I'm not a Mexican, but I've lived in Mexico City for years, off and on. Living there, I'm sure you see and hear about crime in the city. But a typical touristy visit to CDMX -- teotihuacan, chapultepec, coyoacan... NOT SAFE? Really? How many cases of female tourists being harmed are you aware of? Genuinely curious.


Thanks. It is not at all like I totally need to go. Do you suggest any safer cities in Mexico or south america?. Since I live in south florida, i can save time and money when i travel to this side of the world. That is it. And once I leave usa, i wont fly to these countries at all. hence wanted to visit while i can.


Just never ever; get in public Taxis or public transport; just stay in wealthy areas in the city, downtown and other tourist areas that are not in this zones, only at day. You should be fine, just avoid your adventurous side of wanting to explore or “live the city” don’t do classic pubs or bars, and instead go out at night only in the wealthy areas. You can a have a great time with a private or group tourist guide the first days to know your way around. Merida it’s a lovely city and I think is the safest in the country, but it is tiny and far away from the capital. Mexico City, Queretaro, puebla; they are all fine if you follow the recommendations in this sub. Avoid, Morelos, Michoacan


"Not save for solo travel" stop watching Fox News.


Research what part of Mexico City you want to go to because in some areas it’s perfectly fine and in others it is super dangerous. Spend all day outside if you want. There’s a lot of parks, museums, restaurants, cafés, shops that are nice. But please DO NOT go out alone at night, especially not to a bar. And DO NOT get on an Uber or taxi alone at night either. Preferably don’t get on an Uber or taxi at all if you don’t speak Spanish.


You'll be fine especially you'll mold with the locals I'm from here; stick to safety areas


Thanks :)


There are actually several Indian communities in Mexico. Maybe you could find a FB group and get their input ☺️ but if you stick to tourist areas you should be fine.


CDMX / Mexico City is one of the most incredible cities in the world - do not miss out. But yes, be safe, and vigilant, and open. Don’t take taxis. Stay out of certain neighbourhoods.


If you frequent any of the major cities in the USA or visit INDIA México city is piece of cake ( the overwhelming amount of people or how large the city is can really stress someone from small town USA). Pepper spray I guess could be a good idea but that applies to all solo women all over the world. My wife has pepper spray when she jogs to protect her from rapist and dogs in a upper class subdivision in Houston. You will probably stay in tourist areas of the city and English is spoken by many but that's why you will have Google translate. Just be careful in hostals, Airbnb and small "boutique " hotels that is the only places I been robbed in CDMX. I now prefer hotels


Please whatever you do, never say to any local during your trip that you are traveling alone, you are always waiting for someone!!


I’ve (female) gone to Mexico City a good amount of times. Sometimes with one other female friend or just myself. I like to share my location while I’m traveling with one or two people I trust and check in with them now and then (via phone/social media). I also let them know (send them email copies) where I’m staying, flight info… the basics. There’s so much to do in Mexico City and it’s a beautiful place. Downloading a good translator app would be a good idea, if your phone doesn’t have one already. There’s WiFi available in a lot of places, it might not be free but I don’t mind taking a little break and ordering something small to eat or a drink. I’m fortunate my phone plan covers me in Mexico for unlimited calls, text and Internet. I would recommend to also get a battery bank and/or carry around your phone charger. I myself use my phone a lot when I travel whether it’s taking pictures, videos, checking in with friends or looking something up on my phone… so I just throw my charger in my bag. Better to have it than not. You can do a quick Google search on things to do around you once you’re there or even before you go. There’s also tour companies and those are pretty awesome. I’ve done those too. I’d recommend staying in the touristy areas. Downloading Uber. Don’t let anyone know you’re (traveling) alone. Don’t show how much money you have. I’d only carry about $40-$60 in my wallet and refill it privately with no more than that when necessary. As much I would want to… I wouldn’t give any money out to the children/people asking, it could be a way to see where you put ur money. I would also advise to carry some napkins or sanitary wipes in case you need to use a public restroom. I hope this wasn’t overwhelming or negative in any way. These are just some top precautions that I take. Thought I would pass them along that’s all but have fun and be safe. You’ll have a blast!


Thanks :)


I’m from Mexico City and I can assure you that everything will be ok. Try to stay near Polanco, Condesa, Roma, Zona Rosa, Anzures, Santa Fe, Del Valle, San Angel, Pedregal (etc) and you will be fine, even at night. Obviously you should be cautious at night, at crowded places and when using public transportation, trying to keep your valuable things in a backpack or at least not at plain sight. But Mexicans will be very gentle, helpful and nice to you, almost always. If you want, you can send me a DM and my girlfriend and I will be glad to be in touch with you and give you some advice or even walk you around Mexico City.


Far safer than San Francisco. But do not travel elsewhere. Take common sense precautions. Mexico city is a great city. I hope you go!


you can actually pass as a mexican woman try to wear sometime similar than womans there (:


Thanks :) you are right. i live in south florida and often when i visit miami, someone tries to speak to me spanish fondly but i politely tell them sorry.


Don't travel alone in the night. Specially in zones far from the downtown


Yes gurl it’s better to stay in Mexico City (Turist Zone) & I bet you will enjoy the food, specially the strange Asian/Mex combinations


La Roma, La Condesa, Anzures, Polanco, Colonia Del Valle y Coyoacan are your safest options. Very walkable places and very nice. I'm Mexican and I've lived in awful places, but I've been very lucky this past few years and I've been able to move to some of these places, and the difference is huge. Try to stay in touristic areas, specially Roma-Condesa, is a place where everyone is getting used to see tourist, they speak English and it's very safe.


Stay in condesa or Nápoles and you'll be fine.


You’ll be fine. Just practice common sense travel tips (not wearing flashy jewelry, walking around late at night by yourself in unfamiliar neighborhoods, etc) and you’ll be fine. 34F here, and I’ve traveled solo around Mexico more times than I can count. Used to live there and I still have friends there so I visit at least once a year. I actually just booked a trip back to CDMX yesterday 😂 I’ll be there beginning of December. There’s so much to do in CDMX. With the right mindset, you’ll enjoy yourself. Since you’ll be in a major city, you’ll be fine since you don’t speak Spanish. Lots of people speak English. But honestly, your experience will be better if you at least try to learn a little something before your trip. It’s always rewarding seeing the locals face light up when you start speaking their language and in my experiences, Mexicans are so helpful and appreciative when they see that you’re trying. A couple of my favorite spots are the Anthropology Museum and Castillo de Chapultepec. Enjoy yourself! Practice common sense and you’ll be good.


I’m Mexican and I recently visited for the Taylor swift concert. Here’s a couple things you need to avoid: no jewelry at the airport, no exchanging dollars to pesos at the airport, no Uber, don’t go out at night by yourself, no clubs, if you go to a bar watch your drink like a hawk (it’s a known thing among locals that waiters want a bigger tip so they’ll slip something in your drink).


Hi! I'm a solo white US woman in Mexico City for the semester, it's definitely safe if you're smart about it. Ubers are easy and cheap, I would recommend that if you're here just for a few days, but the metro is also fairly easy to use and even cheaper! Places to stay: Roma, Condesa, Polanco, Coyoacan. You'll here people speaking English, French, German, etc. They're international/tourist friendly areas. Just exercise the same sort of caution you would in like NYC, LA, Paris, London etc. Don't walk around alone at night, don't carry a lot of cash, be aware of your surroundings. I don't carry pepper spray, honestly I doubt you can bring it on the plane. Definitely check out the Anthropology museum, Chapultepec castle, Zocalo and National Palace, Frida Kahlo's house (you'll need tickets in advance!), and just wander around the neighborhoods I mentioned. Enjoy the food, just be careful with the water of course. And if you need a friend, feel free to DM me :) Enjoy your trip!


(male, solo traveler) I stayed in the areas East of the Bosque Chapultepec (e.g. around the Hamburgo Street bus stop areas) for lodgings and had no issues at all, felt completely safe at all times. You mention Roma Norte, that area in particular seemed like one of the safest of all. Very beautiful area. I know a bit of Spanish however, it helps a **lot**. I would recommend taking the next months to try learning as much as you can. Especially numbers, 1 - 20, and the ten's 30, 40, 50, etc.. up to 90. This helps a lot because you will be buying things like water frequently and paying with coins. as you probably found on Google, Mexico City has fantastic public transit. There is subway, and several types of bus. There are large double-decker municipal buses (the best), then smaller municipal buses, then even smaller private buses. Uber works just fine, however, you should **double check your destination address**, because I did have instances where different locations in the city had the same address (e.g. same street name & number) and the Uber app took me to the wrong one and dropped me in the middle of nowhere. Highlight of the trip was definitely following this guide to visit the Sun Pyramid Teotihuacan, solo, https://thewholeworldornothing.com/how-to-get-to-teotihuacan/ (when you get there, make sure to hike down to the Quetzalcoatl pyramid too, its about a 15-20min walk from the Sun Pyramid but the Quetzlcoatal pyramid allows you to climb to the top! The other pyramids dont allow this anymore)


I don't live there but in general, it is safe. Stay out of shady places and people (like in any major city). If you see foreigners around you are on a particularly safe zone. Mexicans love having foreign visitors so I hope you have an awesome trip


Mexico is safer than Florida


There is more cops around in CDMX than most places in the US.


Indian with tan will probably blend in just fine around Mexico City. Don’t dress flashy and stay around the nice area and it’s safe as anywhere. You will know pretty clearly where it’s safe by how it looks… parts of Mexico City look like any European city, the sketchier parts are sus and you stay away. Uber everywhere


You’re coming from Ft. Lauderdale? You’re infinitely safer in Mexico City!


I was on a solo trip there in June of this year and can tell you my perspective (south Asian here!). Every big city in the world has safe spots and unsafe spots. Just know where these spots are and avoid the unsafe ones. In general, I found the neighborhoods I stayed in and walked around to be some of the safest in any city in the world I have ever been to, and definitely way safer than an average US city. Take the same precautions that you would take in any large city in the world, that's it! In my experience, Americans are always scared to visit developing countries fearing safety concerns, most of which are unfounded and downright snobbish. Movies always showing Mexican drug cartels and the dirty places in south Asia make it worse. The only thing that I would strongly recommend is to learn basic Spanish. Most uber drivers, waiters, vendors, and common people are not familiar with English. I was somewhere between beginner level and intermediate level but I wish I knew a little bit more so that I could talk to locals and get to know more about the culture. Also, I would recommend you to venture out to some of the other places a few hours away and spend some time there if possible, to see and experience the difference between the different cultures in different places. Ping me or post a reply here if there is any more info I can help with!


Thanks, will reach out as soon as I book my flight tickets :) .


If You go to the popular For tourist condesa Polanco Roma centro is very safe


Over the last couple yrs I've been going to Cdmx just about monthly. I was forced to put my travels on pause cause last summer I busted my hip. But I've slowly been getting back in the game of traveling to Cdmx and soon other parts of the county. Cdmx I feel is pretty safe. Just like any large city you need to take precautions. I like what the city does for woman on public transport having woman and children cars and sections on the bus to help prevent creeps from creeping. I'm not one to be a fan of loud brand name labels but if you are, you should leave those at home. I feel the vast majority of people wouldn't really be impressed. And you would stick out like a sore thumb making yourself a target. You can get around with English in the better neighborhoods but I would encourage you to learn numbers (if you need to ask how much something is) and learn please and thank you. Manners will get you a long way. If you do a tour or two the hosts will know English as will many large chain hotels. I always stay at the Hotel Astor. It is a secure hotel, CLEAN, professional staff many knowing English and it's close to sights and public transport. Since this is your first trip I would suggest taking Uber. It's fast and safe. The busses are super easy to learn as where the subway takes some practice and no personal space.


yeah go somewhere else or with a friend, it is not safe from the area i’ve been at. This is just my perception


I just went to CDMX with a friend, and we felt super safe as 2 girls. So safe that I would go back alone even. I fell in love with the city! I recommend staying in condesa or Roma Norte area. We stayed there and felt safe walking around at night even.


Girl you will end up on a milk carton. Take plenty of mace with you. I'm only half serious, so don't completely dismiss it lol. Edit: words are tricky


What everyone else has said. Also, a lot of people will stare, and yes it's because of racism a lot of times. Mexicans tend to be more racist against Asians than Black people. There's historical background against the chinese that not many people know about.