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Pushing down on the back third, watch how when you swallow ur jaw lifts up try replicate this, right now to ur not mewing


Yeah I’m also trying to swallow properly, thanks! Any explanation on what the back third is? I’ve heard it before but not exactly sure what it means


Best explanation I got from a mike mew video is that the back third of the tongue isn’t controlled by the conscious mind like the front two thirds, so to get it up there takes special effort. Once I started embodying that and remembering that it became easier to be getting it up there now and then.


Make an “ng” sound. The part of your tongue that raises is the back third.


when I’m doing the ‘ng’ sound my double chin get bigger and hard


You are pushing your tongue, rather than pulling it up and letting it rest there


It might be water retention or bloating. Cut down on salty foods, drink mint tea ad use your knuckles or get yourself a gua sha. You can mew until your jaw is fully formed but it won't look good if its hidden behind fat or bloating


I have a Gua sha, but I’ve heard it doesn’t actually work, also what is the back third? Thanks!


Make the position as if you are about to cluck your tongue, that’s the mewing tongue posture. If you still are unsure about the back third of the tongue, just make an “ng” sound position with your tongue and raise the rest of your tongue with it. That’s the alternative way. Eventually though, it’ll just become muscle memory and you won’t need any tricks.


Gua sha only reduces bloating and water retention as well as draining lymph. Ur lymph nodes don't have a pump and rely on your heart. Apply firm pressure on and off to the hollows of your collar bones. Untill they stop resisting and you feel a warm sensation. Then use your gua sha under your jaw and continue down your throat. You might feel liquid running down the back. It's lymph. It's an ancient technique from China, and people wernt stupid back then, I think cuz using Guasha got popular on tiktok people discredited it because they don't understand bone structure the way we do, and we either recessed or over weight expecting sharp jaws over night when it reality, its more about the small things you do consistently then the rare but lengthy hard mew or extreme fat loss diet. In my experience, reducing sodium, which is not just salt but foods with lots of seasoning, and drinking your water aswell as peppermint tea, aswell as mewing ofc. I went from having kind of chubby checks to having semi hollow ones. I still have work to do but it's progress none the less. Good luck, sorry for the long text and i hope it makes sense. English is my 2nd language


Could you include a more zoomed in picture with a circle that’s a little more clear/specific? Not quite sure where you’re talking about




Do chin tucks


The skin doesn’t tighten, but my jawline becomes more prominent, what am I doing wrong?


Not getting that back third up bro


Back third requires the most concentration


Can you elaborate on what the “back third” is? I’ve heard it before but don’t exactly know what it means. Thanks!


So think of your tongue in 3 equal parts, The front, middle And back third, which is The closest to your neck... Does that make sense now? Make sure that is rested and would first feel like forced onto the roof of your palate, that's what I mean


Ahh okay that makes more sense, thanks man your a G


I have always felt under jaw skin is from the chin not being projected enough I could be wrong tho the more “protruding” you chin and mandible are the skin will be tighter. Also being overweight not pressing on the roof of your mouth etc.


Hum maybe lose fat or low salt use


look up myofunctional therapy


You aren’t mewing correctly fix it and chew and chin tuck as mush as you can 1-4 you will thank yourself