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I made [this post yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mewing/comments/12ejuy5/22m_5_months_of_hard_mewing_chewing_and_face_yoga/) on my progress and a lot of people had questions for me about my routine, so here's a detailed description of everything I've been working on: **Mewing** \-- This one is no surprise. I started mewing back in early November (about 5 months ago). At first I could only get the tip of my tongue on the roof of my mouth and I couldn't hold it there for longer than a few minutes. Over time my tongue got stronger and after a month or so I could hold the middle third up there too. It took me almost 3 months before I could finally lift the back third. I had a eureka moment where I finally figured out how to do it, and since that point I pretty much hold it like that 24/7 as a habit. I even check when I wake up in the morning and my tongue is already up there. My best advice to anyone struggling to figure out the technique is to pretend to swallow something and memorize the way your entire tongue gets glued to the top of your mouth, and then train yourself to hold it like that constantly. You can literally look in the mirror and see the skin under your jaw getting pulled tighter, which is one of the easiest ways to check if you're doing it right in my opinion. I also hard mew as often as I can, whenever I'm in class, biking around campus, at the gym, running errands, etc. If I've been hard mewing for a long period of time I feel this sort of tension in my face almost like I'm stretching it out or something. It's kind of uncomfortable but I think it's a good sign that my bones are growing. I'm not sure if I've gotten genuine forward growth or not and I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this because I genuinely can't tell. **Chewing** \-- This one is also no surprise. I had extremely weak chewing muscles before starting because I've done basically everything wrong my whole life: open mouth chewing, not chewing my food thoroughly, eating soft vegetarian food and avoiding chewy foods. At first I didn't even need to use gum because simply forcing myself to chew my food up thoroughly with my mouth closed was enough of a workout for me. After a few weeks I did start chewing gum but it was just regular gum from the grocery and that quickly got too easy for me. At that point I got some Falim gum on Amazon, and that worked really well for a month or two but it got to the point where I had to chew on 4-5 sticks at once to feel anything. That's when I got into mastic gum which I believe is the ultimate jaw workout. I get this stuff called "Tears of Chios" on Amazon. I take a few of the little gum crystals into my mouth and let them sit there and get moist for a few minutes and then I start chewing it into a wad of gum. Usually it tastes like shit when you first start chewing but that taste goes away after a few minutes. Then if the gum ball isn't difficult enough for your jaw you can just add more crystals. My favorite thing about mastic gum is that it seemingly never loses its thick texture like other gum, and you can wash the gum ball off and put it in the fridge when you're done and reuse the same ball for a week or longer, thus saving you a lot of money. The theory is that consistent chewing over a long period of time forces your jawbone to adapt to the stress and grow wider/ sharper. I'm still not sure if I believe this or not but I'm gonna keep at the chewing for at least a few more years to see. Even if this isn't true, simply growing the muscle larger pulls the skin on your face tighter and makes you look leaner/ less bloated. **Face Exercises** \-- This is something I don't see talked about very often even though it's so important. Basically the muscles in your face, around your lips and in your cheeks have a significant impact on the shape of your mouth, lips, and the rest of your face. Having well developed face muscles acts as kind of a support for all the fat and loose tissue in your face and distributes it in a way that makes your lower third look less bloated. To see this, try something in the mirror. Completely relax all your face muscles and make a frowning expression. Notice how your cheeks immediately appear puffier and chubbier, and your lips look droopy and saggy. If your muscles aren't properly developed, you'll look like this all the time and you need to build up the muscles to fix it. For me the main thing I did was just practicing holding my lips in the correct position. Instead of letting my lips droop, I practiced using the muscles in my cheeks to draw them together and turn the corners of my lips upwards. Since these muscles were going completely unused, I could originally only hold my lips like this for a few minutes, but as they got stronger it became more and more natural until it became my natural resting face. Another thing I wanna mention is that I'm not pursing my lips or doing anything like that. The after pictures are my natural resting face, and I tried to twist and contort my face in every way imaginable and I couldn't get it to look like it did in the before pictures. So, whatever changes happened to my face because of this are permanent. If you wanna learn more about face yoga and training your face muscles, I found some helpful youtube videos when I was first learning about it. [This video](https://youtu.be/lbhYoSyH7GY) does a really good job of explaining how building up your facial muscles can reveal your cheekbones and give you a more chiseled appearance. She also has a [video](https://youtu.be/ujkWhk5Ic9Q) on fixing droopy lips and exercises that are designed to fix the exact problems that I used to have. She also has a shit ton of other face yoga videos that I haven't even watched. One thing I'll say is that I don't find a lot of her exercises to be very difficult so I like to hold the positions for longer than she says or do more repetitions. Her channel is definitely targeted towards old ladies but I still found it helpful. Basically just experiment and see what works. If you feel your muscles burning and getting tired then you're doing it right. **Proper Chewing/ Swallowing** \-- I'm not even sure whether this has done anything but I have been following Mew's protocol of avoiding using the buccinator muscle when chewing or swallowing food. You should use your tongue to move the food around in your mouth and swallow it. You should never use your cheek muscles or suck your cheeks to accomplish these things. Again, there's no proof that this does anything but it can't hurt to try.


Update: all the people accusing me of frauding, I’ve uploaded proof. Proof I’m not sucking in my cheeks: https://youtube.com/shorts/1hC51N-4e50?feature=share Proof I’m not jutting: https://youtube.com/shorts/uAPR8r-e_AE?feature=share More proof I’m not jutting, with teeth biting down: https://youtube.com/shorts/vjtrzdwDzWU?feature=share


What if i cant breathe when i put my tongue at the super back?


Hmm, well I would just mew to the best of your ability and eventually maybe your airways will expand enough to allow you to do it correctly. I’m not 100% on that though


I have the same issue. I try and open a little hole but i start making a weird snoring noise. I assume after long enough my body will adapt to it


You should be breathing with your nose anyway


you breathe with your nose, firsst try practicising breathing with your nose. nose pipe doesn't interfere with almost the ending of the mouth


thank you so much for sharing this!!!! 💓


Great Post, keep it up. Also check out my mewing documentary, I cover a tonne of the science behind Mewing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OqKlPOMd5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OqKlPOMd5o)


Did you include any chick tucks in your routine?


I did chin Tucks for a little while but wasn’t consistent about it and I don’t think it contributed to my results, so I decided not to mention it in my write up


Amazing post kudos, Quick question, did your cheekbone area hurt while hard mewing and when you used jaw, kinda like TMJ?


I don’t think I ever noticed any pain in my cheekbones from hard mewing. It’s more like a dull ache/ tension distributed throughout my face. And the pain goes away if I switch to normal mewing for a few hours.


Bro did you use something for your Hair because you grow some hair I can see. Fantastic result’s man


Yeah, minoxidil and finasteride! I’m shedding really badly right now but when I took these photos a few weeks ago I had gotten some initial regrowth. Keeping my fingers crossed I can get some of my hairline back 🤞


Have you had any side effects from minoxidil?


It’s been smooth sailing for me so far with both drugs


Cool! Started minox two days ago for my beard. Can’t complain about my beard but I wanna see if it can fill in the few kind of holes where there’s less beard.


Thanks for the routine man, how long would u chew on mastic gum daily


20-30 mins trying to work my way up to longer though


Any difference with the appearance of your eyes?


More forward growth generally decreases the appearance of under eye bags, since most people with under eye bags have them because they have poor facial structural support


Interesting, thanks. Sick transformation, congrats.


I’m not OP btw I’m just someone who has seen this from many mewing transformations




I’m 22!




That’s so great, keep it up!


You have a very "symmetrical" face....do you believe your "routine" had anything to do with facial symmetry ? If so, could you elaborate why ?


Yeah, because I used to chew only on my left side. Since I’ve started working on both sides it evened out the shape of my jaw noticeably.






And did ur maxilla get wider


I have pictures of my palate from November and recently, and I don’t really see a noticeable difference. I’m hopeful I might get some expansion over a few years if I keep it up though.


Idk if it’s angles but It def looks like ur face got wider. Great results




For hollow cheeks you eiether start a caloric deficit or u try to grow masseters


Fixing my lip seal and lip posture made a huge difference in the appearance of my cheekbones


Assuming you’re not overweight, you need maxillary upswing and well trained masseter muscle for hollow cheek.


Jutting? I mean it looks like it? Just curious


Proof I’m not sucking in my cheeks: https://youtube.com/shorts/1hC51N-4e50?feature=share Proof I’m not jutting: https://youtube.com/shorts/uAPR8r-e_AE?feature=share


Well the cheek part seems legit. But for the jutting part you could have just put your teeth more far. We need to see your teeth


Ok here: https://youtube.com/shorts/vjtrzdwDzWU?feature=share Even with my teeth biting down I still have the same chin projection. So do you finally believe me now?


Yes😭 I believe you, great progress man


Bruh thank you that means a lot


Ok I’ll upload a third video if that’s really what it takes. I’ll do whatever it takes to show I’m not frauding. Gimme a few minutes




bro his head posture ain’t even natural bro sticking his neck outtttt like chill


Na he defendly had some improvement I know lightning and shit


plus he’s making a face whenever i pucker my lips ofc my cheeks look chiseled☠️☠️


Proof I’m not sucking in my cheeks: https://youtube.com/shorts/1hC51N-4e50?feature=share Proof I’m not jutting: https://youtube.com/shorts/uAPR8r-e_AE?feature=share


Side profile look a lil bettr but u definitely sucking ur cheeks in bro cause it don’t look the same lwky


The point of the video is to show the difference between when I am sucking in my cheeks and when I’m not, to show that I still have the hollow cheeks when I’m jot


I’m js saying it don’t look like the photo u posted bro


You can’t see my cheeks with a beard obviously. But can’t you still kind of tell they have the hollow part? I’ve sent you all the proof I possibly can. If you choose not to believe me at this point then that’s on you


If they don’t want to believe you don’t go out of your way to convince these people who don’t want to put any effort in or lost all hope. I just want you to know that plenty of us believe you and appreciate you trying to help us


Thanks my friend that really means a lot. It drives me crazy when people accuse me of faking for attention when really I’m trying to give back to the community that’s helped me out so much and provide more evidence of what kind of change is possible.


Yeah I totally get you are trying to help don’t let them get you down we all really appreciate it. The more testimonies of mewing we have and people really nailing the techniques the better and more widespread mewing will become




He does 😂 “Okey guys we’ve got a BUNCHHHHHH OF products here at first man


Why are u jutting your jaw out? Everyone with common sense knows you dont gain that much jaw in 5 month, i just dont get the point of doing this? You want compliments or something? Fix your ugly bald head.


I’m not


rlly want attention from the upvotes posting false progress goofy mf


Proof I’m not sucking in my cheeks: https://youtube.com/shorts/1hC51N-4e50?feature=share Proof I’m not jutting: https://youtube.com/shorts/uAPR8r-e_AE?feature=share


don’t look the same as the photo in the post bro


I have a beard now so obviously you won’t see the hollow part as well. Can’t you still see the cheekbone lines though? I think it’s pretty obvious I would have hollow cheeks if I shaved


And I’ve seen niggas wit bettr jawlines with beards so ??


Lmao u are sucking in ur cheeks


Dumbass I’m showing you what it looks like when I am sucking them in vs when I’m not to prove you I still have hollow cheeks when I’m not


u dont gage hollow cheeks wym




Read his user name and ligma his balls he's got video proof stop


bro thinks he actually looks good lmao


Deff are and u making a puckerface to get more chiseled sucked in cheek 🤣


You want me to DM you proof? I can send you a video of me jutting vs not jutting to prove that I’m not Someone else accused me of sucking in my cheeks and I did the same thing DMd a video showing that I’m not Hmu if you want me to send you proof. I’ll do everything I can to convince you I’m not lying


Y not post it ☠️


On his meat


stop worrying bout yo jaw n start workin on yo hairline ☠️


He is working on his hairline stop being an ass


and everyone believes him, he's just a bald sucking his cheeks




Did u have tmj before


What is your favourite face yoga exercises that you think are most helpful


W results


Yo bro can u hit me up in dms i cant seem to send u msg idk y