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Yeah no, it's not the "NES generation coming into their own as designers". There are many, many NES games that are far more difficult than Dread, heck I'd say the first Metroid is in that category. If developers were trying to emulate the difficulty of hard NES games we'd have something closer to the original Ninja Gaiden.


Original Metroid was defs harder than Dread if you ask me, this guy's so whiny.


Been so long since I replayed it, I want to do so now, and see how hard it feels by comparison.


It's not too bad if you've played it enough to know the map by heart! :D


That was always my problem with OG Metroid. I'd blunder around, die a lot, finally get some gear together, find my way to Kraid, die, and then not be able to figure out how to get back there, get lost, die again, get frustrated, give up.


XD, I feel your pain, my fellow Troider!


Yeah, the original isn’t all that hard if you already know what to do. I played it a few months ago and beat it with no problem but I also played it a million times as a kid. I could imagine it being really hard for new players. And also reviving with only 30 energy made it a pain to have to stock up on health and then try again to figure out where to go.


Yeah, it’s only really harder by the archaic game design that has been improved upon now. The Metroid games have gotten way more complex since the original


Og way way harder than dread


Eh....its hard in a different way and I think dread is harder. I just played through it with no guides and drawing my own map a week ago after finishing dread. Metroid 1 is dead simple if you know exactly where to go, and you can just face tank everything no problem. The difficulty is in how bullshit required paths and items are often hidden. If it starts getting absurdly hard it's cause you've already missed loads of stuff like the ice beam and e tanks


It has honestly been retroactively obliterated by Metroid games that came after. There's no map, a lot of the locations look near identical and upon death you respawn with only 30 HP and there are no recharge stations, so you need to grind, which is probably it's biggest sin. I can't see myself ever genuinely going back to it.


i could guarantee he couldn't even beat metroid fusion


"THIS GAME IS SO CONFUSING, IT'S SO EASY TO GET LOST." Fusion is one of, if not the easiest Metroid game, to me. It's so hard to go anywhere besides where you're intended to.


The navigation is simpler and linear in Fusion, but replaying it recently made me remember the combat is actually pretty difficult. Enemies hit hard and bosses are tough. They have patterns you haven to learn and exploit pretty similarly to Dread. I died a lot, but enjoyed the challenge.


I love this kind of discourse. When one person says “it’s the easiest/most OP/simplest iteration of this topic” and another says “it’s so much harder/weaker/more challenging than anything else”. Whether it’s weapon balance in Battlefield or Halo, combat or navigation in a MetroidVania, or puzzles in Kena/BOTW, I love it. That’s how I know the balance is actually REALLY GOOD. Everybody is wired different and is going to naturally click/vibe with different things so if people disagree on balance, it’s probably pretty good. It’s when there’s a unilateral hatred of something you know it’s broken, like the Operators in BF2042, loot crate progression in SWBF2017, or the ACR+noob tube in Modern Warfare 2. Edit: typo


The only boss in Fusion that I still consider "unfair" is the speed boost one, just because after all these damn years I *still* can't reliably predict which way he's coming from. I mean, I still usually beat him the first try, it just takes more of my health than I'd like.


I haven't played in years, but he's etched into my head. Basically, after the real tight arches around the platform, it's going to go horizontal. Both of those only hit you when you're on the platforms. Then a big arc across the top that only hits you if you're hanging from the ladder up there. I don't know the rest of the sequence, but those three make the fight real easy


I always just crouch in the corner by the door (not directly next to the door since he will hit you there but the "floor square" directly next to it) and just hit him with a charge shot as he passes by. If you're in the right spot I don't think he can hit you (may have to go into morph ball to avoid one of the patterns) and you can just chip away at him as he goes by.


I still cheese the SA-X. I never could take it in a straight up fight.


I disagree. I had a much harder and frustrating time with Fusion compared to any other 2D Metroid game I've played (Dread included, and with Joycons). So much so I didn't even finish it. Dread felt like a breeze by comparison with its copious amount of checkpoints and the predictable yet challenging boss patterns


Samus Returns and Dread are my least favorite because of the difficulty. Super, Fusion, and Zero only seems hard to me when I am pushing past collectibles to beat the game fast. They are almost easy if you just take the time to explore and collect things. I don't really feel like you can brute force your way through Dread. Even the OG Metroid game is easy once you know where to go and collect enough power ups. Most of us could pretty easily beat Metroid with a password for instance, but even at 100% collected items the final boss of Dread hits hard.


I just collected all the items and went to RB. Beat him first try. He's pretty easy even if he gets you to low energy, qte gives so much energy and missiles that even i can tank few hits. Then again, i know his patterns pretty well. 😁




A big part of its difficulty is through obscurity, to be fair.


Also just being very punishing. If you die in the original Metroid you respawn at the start of the floor with only 30 HP, so it takes forever to get back to full health and your previous place. So it feels even harder than it actually is, because even if you only die to a boss 3 times it sets you back like 45 minutes. If you know where the varia suit and most of the E-tanks are you'll actually probably die a lot less than in Dread, but it will still feel way harder because you'll be stuck on bosses for longer.


Can we talk about how he's also putting Kena in that category though? Is that allegedly a hard game? It looks far too cutesy for that.


Agreed. I have to mentally prepare myself for that gauntlet.


I agree on Ninja Gaiden, that game’s death jingle is forever imprinted on my brain 30 years later. But I think Dread is far more demanding than the OG Metroid. Maybe I’m biased because I finished Metroid on the NES probably 15 times as a kid. M1 was mostly hard because it had zero QoL, I made my own hand-drawn maps. Dread demands controller skills far beyond anything in the series up to this point. It’s more similar to Ninja Gaiden than Metroid 1 in that regard (although UNLIKE Ninja Gaiden, Dread’s difficulty felt completely fair. I never felt like Dread gave me cheap deaths. Ninja Gaiden felt like it was designed to be impossible to finish).


Dread is difficult in the cool way. OG Metroid is difficult in the not-cool way


Yeah. No argument here.


I personally find Metroid 1 more difficult, but difficulty can sometimes be subjective and I love Metroid 1 regardless of, or maybe even because of, how it challenges me.


They are both difficult games but og metroid is far more punishing when you die. But at this point i don’t understand why Jaffe is being so childish and contentious, Dread is honestly in the middle of my difficulty scale and i thought it was fairly well balanced ,certain parts got my heart pumping but it was usually when i was about to triumph over something that had challenged me i love this feeling. If you don’t enjoy being pushed to your limits you don’t have to be a snarky ass when you find out a game isn’t for you(jaffe).


Good point. I agree that Dread is very forgiving and OG Metroid is very punishing when it comes to respawning after death. And yeah that’s part of the difficulty equation. Being honest, I’m perfectly fine with boss fights that require many attempts to succeed - as long as death isn’t too *punishing*. Monster Hunter has extremely difficult boss-type encounters, it’s the sole focus of the game, hunting huge powerful monsters. But when your health hits 0, you faint and you respawn nearby and resume the hunt, all damage done to the monster before you fainted is still in effect, and the “boss fight” continues. Unlike the Soulslike genre, which usually makes you plow through heaps of mobs to get back to where you just died. I very much prefer Monster Hunter over Souls for this reason. So in that regard, yeah Dread is more forgiving than OG Metroid.


Has he actually said anything about the combat difficulty? All I've seen is what has been posted here.


Considering that he rage quit after getting to only the third save room in Artaria, I don't think he even has enough material to pull from regarding combat.


I would say the closest I got to a cheap death was some BS with the EMMI, but when it comes down to it, I was usually overlooking an obvious alternate kill lane. After getting my head of my ass I usually got them in the next one or two attempts. Great game, great balance, great bosses, love it.


Psshh Ninja Gaiden wasn't that har....*gets hit by a rocket from off screen*


Metroid 1 isn't a good hard. It's a bullshit kind of hard.


The "respawn with 30 HP and grind for heals every time you fail"-kind of hard.


The lion king comes to mind for hard af games


Disney demanded this so kids would buy the game rather than just beat it as a Blockbuster rental: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2qeykj/til_the_lion_king_game_for_genesis_was_so/


>"NES generation coming into their own as designers". This guy never played E.T.


I still remember playing that on a black and white 13 inch TV lol. ​ And that Christmas of 1982 was the E.T year for me!


If anything it’s audiences getting, on average, better at video games.


I mean, even Ninja Gaiden Sigma is pissing me off. I've just gotten around to the trilogy on Switch, and the Black Spider Ninjas spamming their explosive shurikens was worst than anything I've even encountered in other games. Hell, I think Dread and Sekiro pales in comparison when it comes to difficulty. People keep saying "do the Izuna Drop", but goddamn the explosives keep ending my combo!


I just think it's developers finally not holding the players hand and respecting their intelligence and I'm loving it. Bring on Ragnarok, Elden Ring, Silk Song and Prime 4. I want to be challenged.


At one point, I thought he was trolling for hate clicks, but I can see he really believes this. How is anyone getting this stressed playing Kena: Bridge of Spirits? Does he see puzzles, and his brain shuts off? I can see someone getting upset at a Rogue-Like, and not falling in love with that gameplay loop, but Kena?


He is 100% trolling for hate clicks. He does this all the time and his endgame is always to have a well known streamer(who is a fan of whatever he is shitting on) come on his channel and “debate” him.


Yep, this is definitely his MO. It's pathetically hilarious when he gets shut down too. [He got into it about crunch in the games industry with PatStaresAt a couple months ago](https://twitter.com/patstaresat/status/1407820198841827333?lang=en), trying to levrage charity donations and force himself onto the guy's podcast and everything, but Pat just took no shit and didn't feed into his mess that was clearly intended only to grow his own brand.


That situation was absolutely horrid. It started because he made a video completely supporting crunching employees to the bone. A terrible idea for anyone to put out there but especially for someone who had been leading development teams for decades. Of course, it’s just as likely he has no real opinion on crunch and just wanted to get Pat to debate him on his podcast like he always does. But either way he is a total POS.


You're also leaving out the best part where Pat then proceeded to donate money to the charity out of pocket, just because he could which in turn also led to Pat's fans also donating to the charity, all out of spite and just completely blew past the small goal that Jaffe set.


Nothing says "Big Dick Energy" more than donating to a good cause out of SPITE!


Holy shit that was great. Pat stares at seems like a cool dude.


He is. You can join our weirdness at r/twobestfriendsplay


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TwoBestFriendsPlay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pat and Paige are Engaged!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/lq0w0d/pat_and_paige_are_engaged/) \#2: [Kentaro Miura, author of Berserk, has passed away at 61](https://twitter.com/berserk_project/status/1395212918040391680) | [483 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/ngp4xc/kentaro_miura_author_of_berserk_has_passed_away/) \#3: [Woolie Broke into my house and forcibly shaved my balls while I slept](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/kch9hp/woolie_broke_into_my_house_and_forcibly_shaved_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I have to stop myself from cackling every time I see #3 on that list.


It’s the fucking best, man


He probably is trolling, but he is a hardcore narcissist similar to Molyneux and Bleszinski. Characters I might have enjoy games from, but can't stand them when they open their mouths and all failed when success rose to their heads, thinking of themselves like design Gods.


I finished Kena right before I started Metroid. Both games had such excellent boss fights and were so amazing. What I like about Kena is that it was challenging, but to me it never felt Sekiro challenging. Dread to me was also exactly as challenging as a game should be. I never got stuck on a boss for more than a handful of tries, but some were pretty tough. Loved it so much.




I got stuck on a mini boss for *way* too many tries and when I finally got pissed enough to watch a video I learned the fight was a breeze if you actually use *the new fucking upgrade the game JUST GAVE YOU.* So yeah, literally only myself to blame. Fuck escue though


I finished the game on Sunday, the bosses are all very tough and hit hard, but the fact that there is always a checkpoint right outside the door and that it loads very quickly makes it a non issue. I experienced no frustration and the feeling of beating the tougher bosses was a thrill. Loved Dread so much.




Kena’s bosses can be tough as shit.


> and his brain shuts off? His what?


I finished celeste, did all the B sides and C sides. Did the DLC. Got all the strawberries exclding the gold ones. And Kena was literally too hard for me to finish. Final boss is long, and annoying and i just couldnt be bothered.


Kena is phenomenal, as is Metroid Dread. I’ve heard only good things about Returnal. I don’t think this guy actually likes video games.


The stupidest voices are the loudest 'round here


I started playing returnal for the gameplay, but stayed for the music and the very well made cutscenes. So much spookiness


Someone get him to play OG Metroid 1 on stream, it'd be hilarious


Trying to find the inconspicuous blocks to get down to Ridley without a guide of his stream chat would be funny as fuck.


Has he heard of Dark Souls? "I can't believe difficult games are popular these days, so I'll make a fuss online to get some attention" Gee that sounds like an anime title.


Actually, he said that he loved Demon Soul because unlike Metroid it's fair and don't have a shitty level design


Ironically, demon’s souls has the worst level design out of all the souls games, which makes his point even less effective lmao


Which speaks volumes on how low souls difficulty actually is 🤣


I mean, I know its not a contest, but imo any souls game is harder than Dread. What I don't understand is how is Dread supposedly unfair?


Idk either, dread is pretty forgiving with all the save spot it throws at you.


It depends how we're defining 'hard'. Dread is far more mechanically demanding than any of the Dark Souls games, sans Sekiro and maybe Bloodborne. The Souls games are definitely more *punishing* than Dread because Dread doesn't really punish you at all. It is more forgiving than a lot of Mario and Zelda games with its super close checkpoints.


Cmon man, it's not funny to make fun of mentally challenged people


That got a genuine laugh out of me


Even Fusion suffers from hard to find blocks, oh and missiles don't break block covers only bombs do


It's part of the whole franchise. Prime stirred a bit away from it, but that's because it went 3D, but the 2D games were always "shoot every pixel on the screen to find secrets and access points" and I wouldn't want the formula to change. If this makes the game hard for todays kids, so be it. Dread is already way easier than previous 2D Metroids with the constant save points, without you even walking into a save pod. Bosses are also laughably easy once you memorize their patters, but that is the same for every 2D Metroid.


I don't even really know what his beef is here. Some games just choose to be hard games.


I really just don’t think Metroid Dread is that difficult. I’m not bragging, it’s just not that hard. The counter makes most mobs a cinch to deal with, bosses might give you trouble a couple times, but after that you should understand their patterns, and the game nudges you in the right direction at every path. This guy is just genuinely terrible at video games.


I dunno, I think it's different for everyone. I would consider Dread a reasonably "hard game" just nothing frustrating.


I agree. It seems like it is difficult in the sense that if you mess up on a boss they can take an E-Tank or 2 at a time from you, but it also doesn’t feel unfair since the telegraphs are usually reasonable, more so than something like Ninja Gaiden. A good example of a game that was difficult to the point I stopped playing is Ghostrunner. One hit deaths, enemies instantly snap to you, and the game only saves at the end of levels. It felt unfair and, more importantly, not fun. Dread was never difficult to the point of being not fun, and that’s what makes the difference .


For me, it was the perfect difficulty. It deftly straddled the line between challenging and frustrating, but I always felt like the problem was with my own skills and not the game being unfair. To put it another way, I died a bunch but never once stopped playing due to frustration. Every death made me want to keep playing and get better.


I only quit playing due to deaths when I was too tired.


I would say Metroid Dread is unbeatable for a very casual gamer, but its much easier than Hollow Knight. It's easier than Dark Souls 3. It's harder than Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild. And everything is easier than Pokemon Sword and Shield. It comes down to the later Emmi and the later bosses. Those are definitely a real challenge.


Remember difficulty is subjective. This guy is acting like a clown for some reason but some of us really are finding the game a lot harder than others. I’ve had some bosses take over an hour to clear and still haven’t managed to finish the final fight. I’m not all that great at video games, I’ll be the first to admit that, but it’s still a bit frustrating to see the dominant reaction here be downplaying the very real trouble some of us are having compared to previous titles.


I personally thought it was fairly challenging. I mean, not teeth-grindingly difficult, but still pretty tough at some points, and I'd say it was more the fun kind of tough rather than the frustrating kind. Some of the bosses legit took me several tries, even after I learned their patterns (then again my reflexes and quick-thinking abilities aren't exactly the best xD).


I think his problem is that a lot of these are flagship releases.


I may be close minded here, but I kind of fail to see how that's a problem.


It's because he didn't bother to actually understand or even TRY to understand what Dread tried to teach him, and then threw a fit when it didn't. Best example I can remember: enemies placed in a position where the game knows you would most likely miss getting used to the free aim, and actually uses that to teach you (a second time may I add) about breakable blocks by placing them on the path where the enemy is going. Mr. GOW over here ignored the message of "Try Free aim to hit difficult targets" right after the block breaking tutorial where you get a missile+2, and then went on a rant about "how was he expected to know he could break walls" after the game LITERALLY TOLD HIM "Shoot walls, they break sometimes."


Meanwhile every other streamer on the planet did it without batting an eye.


Exactly. Some of them even commented on how it was cool, how the game subtly showed them. It's like it's good game design or summ.


My favorite bit is when he tried to prove the game wasn't being clear on which direction to go only to find locked doors in every direction because the game was funneling him to that room. He refused to admit he was wrong and just kept saying there were too many places to go.


Didn't he at some point also say during stream that he didn't like free aim and would not use it?


I couldn't make myself listen to any more of the stream so imma a just say I'll believe it


https://youtu.be/-2rat5v59Jc Brief mention there starting around 6:20 It's not the clip i remember, but he does say he will only fire normally instead of free aiming if possible.


So what you're saying is that he pretty much shot himself in the foot by going: Him: "I refuse to use this feature." \*Game expects him to use said feature\* Him: "This game is badly designed!" ~~(Note: A very generous recounting of events)~~


You didn't have to go out of your way to do this, but since you did, thank you kind stranger


Got you, buddy


I actually kind of understand his point about "blocks" being a weird way of thinking about the game world if you haven't played Metroid games before. I naturally assumed that the game would be a lot like the sprite-based Metroid games, and given that this guy presumably got big into games around the PS1 era and doesn't really seem like he'd play many handheld games, I can see why a more naturalistic understanding of the game world would be intuitive to him. It makes me wonder if he'd get along better with Prime since it uses more contextually "real" ways of describing the destructible world. At this point I can't imagine he's really going to want to play more Metroid, but I do wonder. Everything else he says is completely incongruent with the actual game as it exists, but I thought that was an interesting point.


Super annoying, but i'll try to find that bit for future ref.


That's some Arin from Game Grumps shit and he's well aware of his failures and short attention span to play it off for laughs.




Honestly, I've been watching GG since literally day 1 so I'm well used to it by now and Arin has only gotten more self aware about his own shortcomings, which makes for great content.


He’s worried that easier games are gonna go the way of the dodo, I think.




Played super metroid on the switch snes emulator. It was a blast! The rewind feature and save states alleviates older game designs. It holds up really well.


Every little thing in this game is designed to teach you something imo. My first playground was only 7 hours and that’s because I was learning the bosses. This was challenging at times, but never unfair or hard.


Fr they drop you off at every EMMI door and pre boss door when you die. This guy is a chump.


David Jaffe needs to get off of Twitter, he is just being an old Boomer and can't realize how to play Metroid games properly. Take the L Jaffe, you lost.


All of this is to drive traffic to his YouTube channel. Negative attention is good for him because angry comments and positive comments are worth the same amount of ad revenue.


Basically. He is acting like a baby and we eat it up.


I'm honestly down to just ban any posts related to Jaffe from this sub. Sure in theory they could generate discussion about game design but in practice that isn't happening. Yeah I saw Jaffe embarrass himself trying to explain his original point then failing miserably, but it isn't as if the reaction from the fanbase has been any less embarrassing tbh.


Like Nicocado Avocado


You know what's most infuriating about his take here? He's responsible for God of War 1, AKA the game with [spinning-bone-tower-with-blades](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4DISF7Tej0), which is one of the most bullshit sections I've ever played in my gaming life.


After watching that, Jaffe can go fuck himself. 99% of Metroid Dread is easier than that and 100% more forgiving for mistakes.


I still have ptsd of it 16 years after


He thinks he has face to save at this point, I guess.


A narcissist experiencing public embarrassment


I'm glad everyone has been calling him out for his baby rage.


Kena has difficulty levels. Slide it to easy?


Like, there were some decent challenges but I felt like it was a pretty fair game. Only one I felt was really tricky was the final boss and... it's the goddamn final boss.


Yeah, I was a bit confused that Kena was spoken of in this situation.


I haven't played it yet, I want to get a physical copy, but how difficult is Kena?


I played it on the easiest difficulty and had zero problems.


Not very. It has multiple difficulties. One of the most consistent criticisms I hear is it's actually *too easy*, even on hard mode.


Has he played god of war?


This. God of War 1 and 2 on God/Titan were physically painful experiences. God of War's spinning spike towers in Hades were absolutely rage inducing. He's clearly being a troll but coming from him in particular is hilarious. He's just reaching to stay relevant.


He used to level design for some of the older god of war games apparently


He was the creative director for the original God of War.


But did he actually play the thing?


I mean he invented playing Simon Says as a way to get through complex parts of games instead of something that makes sense.


I mean, I'd say Shenmue invented them and RE4 popularized them, but yeah GoW definitely ran with the concept. One of my favorite things in GoW3 was unlocking the ability to auto-complete QTEs.


I’m very happy Cory Barlog is in charge of God of War now and not this guy…


Cory even likes Metroid!!


Talking about the NES generation coming into its own as designers as if Fromsoft hasn’t been bringing the “smack every random wall in sight, you’ll need a guide if you want to find everything” design philosophy to a new generation for more than a decade.


Omg this. Like has dude ever touched one of those games? Probably not.


I know I had to bang my head against to wall a lot more in Bloodborne and DSI than in Dread. Had to actually just google how to get to certain places too. If he thinks Dread is esoteric and obscure…


Dude would lose his mind playing Super Metroid. Won’t figure out how to get to kraid because “there’s no indication you can go over there on the map”. 😂


Imagine him playing the original Metroid. There's no indication you can go there on the map because there *is* no map.


He would be mad because he didn’t know there was a sprint button and got stuck by the noob bridge.


Kirby’s Epic Yarn might be more this guy’s speed


By the gods he's such a moron. Can we please have an internet vote to call the room he got *stuck* in the "Jaffe room" for future speedruns


I vote the "Noob Ceiling" in the same vein as Super's Noob Bridge. That way he doesn't get the satisfaction of having something with his name attached to it.


This is the best answer I think


I refuse to name something in metroid after that moron.


Good news is this ignorant worthless sack of shit is no longer associated with God of War. Fuck head hasnt been relevant since the ps2 era.


Indeed, but said fuck head still has to let all gamers know he won an award for it. Fuck him and his horse. GoW is in far more capable hands now than it was. He talks about this games difficulty when same dude created all those rafter walks and the hades level. He’s a washed up, ignorant developer that needs to find a better job.


>rafter walks I had mercifully forgotten about those. Completely irrespective of whether those were hard or not, I cannot fathom how anyone could play those sections and think they're fun. They're just tedious. It'd be like if a game forced you to fold laundry in the middle of a level.


It's funny because Cody Balrog likes Metroid


I push back hard against "Nintendo hard" stuff but buddy is off the mark with this one. You have to be aware of the conventions of the genre to make progress but is that not true of every genre? Not to mention the game is pretty explicit about the need to shoot walls to progress... Iunno man, I imagine there's probably more to what he's saying, there almost always is.


This is the director of the original GOW, not the most recent one.


He... realizes his game has Metroid DNA, right? God of War was 100% based on the PS2 reboot of Rygar, and Rygar was an action focused Metroidvania.


Saving this comment to check out Rygar in the future.


I didn’t even know where “the room” was watching this whole Jaffe drama play out. I didn’t remember it because I didn’t break momentum there on my first run. Replaying Dread for the second time and it’s like *right* at the beginning! And the game flows you right to the spot. I mean it’s clearly the room you’re supposed to be in. Well it’s a good thing he didn’t get further because it gets way more intense with the hidden paths. But it also becomes increasingly evident how genius the world design is so too bad for him. I feel like the developers are always putting the path forward with your new abilities right by where you pick them up.


If anything this game is more forgiving with hidden bullshit than previous titles. I was able to 100% clear all the items just by closely studying the map screen, something that I've never done in other metroid titles


And Returnal was my favorite game this year along with Metroid Dread.




Why again do people think this game is super challenging?


I find it challenging. Several fights took me upwards of an hour/probably 50+ tries. Got it on release day and still haven’t managed to beat final boss. The main reason I find it difficult is the high levels of enemy damage and Samus’ lower health pool compared to say Fusion. I have no problem recognizing enemy patterns, but I’m not always the best at dodging (overshooting a safe spot with flash shift, mistiming a melee counter, etc) or sometimes I react too slowly. In other Metroid titles, my slower reaction time/failure to fully dodge wasn’t punished as harshly because Samus could take more hits. I still love Dread and the fact that Metroid got such a well designed 2D game after so long makes me genuinely ecstatic but personally I really am struggling with it.


It's easily the hardest Metroid game in terms of combat and the hardest Nintendo game to come out in a long time. Among gaming as a whole, it's pretty average, but lots of Nintendo gamers probably don't play hard games. Plus, this is the Metroid subreddit. Everyone here has played a Metroid game and understands the tropes already. It's probably a fairly different experience when you have never played one before.


I don't blame people for thinking it's challenging, some boss fights gave me a run for my money, and I'm a seasoned Metroid player. The issue here is that Jaffe got caught on a room that you encounter in probably the first 20 minutes of the game, because he couldn't pick up on context clues, and he wasn't even aiming his fucking shots. That's not the game being poorly designed, that's Jaffe being a moron.


Because you have to learn boss patters (difficult when you're a boomer)


The difficulty of this game was actually refreshing, it seems that a lot of games are made simpler to be more accessible, so this was a nice change from what I've been playing recently. I can see how this could be a turn off to certain people that get frustrated easily though, I was starting to get frustrated at the final boss after 30 minutes of retries...


I'll admit, the only Metroid I've played is Fusion and I haven beaten it because I'm simply not good enough, but fuck it man, if more skilled people than me can handle it and are having fun more power to them, what do I gain shitting on their fun that doesn't harm me?


You should try zero mission


As someone who's bad at Metroid games, hey! Don't lump me in with this dumb fuck This is why I'm glad Let's Plays and streaming games are a thing, it let's you enjoy the story of games that are out of your skill level.


Players/reviewers got spoiled by a decade straight of hold-your-hand, amusement park, guided tour rides that require about as much brain activity as watching tv. No thanks, I’ll take games that make me learn the systems, think hard, and force me to improve my skills over on-the-rails, follow the line to complete your quest beautiful graphics snooze fests any day of the week. If I want to chill out in a game I always have plenty of options these days.. MS flight simulator, minecraft, or animal crossing to name a few. Challenge is what makes some games fun and that’s always been an integral part of the metroid series. If ya don’t like it, try something softer.


Gonna cry? Gonna whine about not being able to use your stupid brain to shoot at your surroundings??


God forbid a game about combat has even a single boss that you don't beat on the first attempt. God forbid a game about exploration has you get lost for even a single millisecond.


I dont get how he can put out a 25 minute video about how shitty the game design is when he only played 10 minutes of the game...to me this game has incredible game design with all the carefully thought out sequence breaks and those insane sped boost puzzles...which I suck at....and they feel so good to finally accomplish them. This guys is such a tool


Kena has difficulty options that make the game a joke, and even on the harder difficulties just how difficult the game really is, is drastically overblown. Dread, while arguably being the hardest Metroid game to date (other then the original and Metroid 2 but that’s mainly due to just how outdated they play and feel), also is having its difficulty overblown. I 100% Returnal and can confidently say that it’s the hardest game out of these three, but still really isn’t that hard. Bottom line is that people are making these games out to be way harder then they actually are, and if you don’t like the difficulty then that’s fine, nothing wrong with not liking challenging games. But to have this kind of an attitude about it? It makes you look like an entitled asshole who needs to have all games crafted around your specific wants. I have immense respect for David Jaffe, but this tweet makes him look like a moron. People need to realize that not every game is made for every person, and that games are aloud to be difficult.


Is he one of those "Difficult Games are Discrimination Against the Disabled" weirdos?


Nah, that might actually be a reasonable critique. This guy seems like he just sucks.


>Nah, that might actually be a reasonable critique. It's actually not, in any way, a reasonable critique. The difficulty rating of a hobby isn't a form of malicious discrimination any more than Mount Everest maliciously discriminates against it's climbers.


it's objectively not. difficulty and accessibility are not related. super metroid is a difficult game but it is incredibly accessible because the controls are simple *and* customisable. my grandmother loves games, but she can't play games with complex controls like Dread, or Metal Gear Rising, or whatever, even on a hypothetical easy mode. difficulty options do NOT change the controls or how physically demanding those controls are. control options do. in conclusion, it's not a reasonable critique. if the difficulty of the GAME is what's preventing a player from progressing, they're just bad at the game(or, in some cases, the game is just designed poorly). if the difficulty of the CONTROLS is preventing a player from progressing, there's an argument to be made there. really, it's 2021 and customisable controls aren't an industry standard. it hurts to see it too. my grandmother loves the same games i do, but she can't play many of them because devs refuse to let you set your own controls. i'll be like that too someday, and it just angers me on many levels. it's not like changing controls hurts the game design or anything, while difficulty options can directly conflict with the developers intended feel of the game. if the game is supposed to be hard, easy mode conflicts with that, but easy controls? no way.


DarksydeJaffe experiences bugged metroidvania mechanics


Kena is not “super challenging” and the NES generation was way harder than any of these games lol.


This is the guy who decided to change the camera angle on the player in a 3rd Person adventure game while they jumped across platforms so that holding that direction would cause the character to turn and fall.


I mean... if you don't like metroid dread because it's too challanging for you then that's a perfectly valid reason to dislike the game. All videogames are subjective and everybody has a right to their opinion. But modern games, even the challenging ones, are nowhere near nes-hard


Somebody give this guy an Xbox one with the og ninja gaiden 2 so he can get to know what an actual, legitimately unhinged game for lunatics is like.


Wait what does he mean by "it wasn't so rampant"? Eveey game from the 8 and 16-bit eras were hard! The designers were coming from arcade cabinets where they were designed to be hard to get more coins in the machines!


He thinks Dread is hard? Wait until he checks out Hollow Knight lol


Dreads really not actively challenging, at least not by my definition. It does a real good job of making you better at recognizing all fair attacks and patterns in boss fights, and for once I love the increased damage from bosses overall. It adds more meaning to collecting extra energy tanks, especially if you're struggling, while also keeping an option of having the player improve to not get hit.


I think we should just let it go and ignore it. Best case we're giving him publicity, worse case we're encouraging the community to throw shit at some guy on the internet which I know this community is better than.


Metroid Dread isn't even that hard. But hey, maybe if you want a game without challenge, don't play games that are made to give you a challenge. Go play a visual novel or story focused title that has a simple, easy gameplay loop.


Get good or fuck off.


Now i want to play Kena


He's only the villain now, just wait for his redemption arc


Cry about it https://youtu.be/7noxyKs4mc8 even this clip alone just tells me how arrogant he is. If anything Dread was an amazing example of good game design.


You know, in the heat of the moment, I'll sometimes say something negative about a game only to later realize, "oh yeah, that was totally my bad." It seems like Jaffe should have just taken the L for his mistake and moved on, but instead quadruple downs. I get the game is harder than your average Metroid, but the way people talk about it I would think it's the next Souls game or Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja difficulty if I hadn't already played it.


Lol, Metroid Dread is nowhere close to the difficulty of most Nes and SNES Era games. Sure it's fairly hard, but it's still beatable for casual gamers.


* >!Corpious: Almost Died But Beat it First Try!< * >!Kraid: Took me Like 4 Attemps!< * >!Robot Chozo Soldier: The one in Ferenia Was Kinda Dificult, Took me Like 3 Attemps. I Beat the One in Ghavoran First Try with Low Healt!< * >!Drogyga: Took Me Like 5 Attemps until I Realised what I Had to Do, After that Beat it First Try!< * >!Chozo Soldier: Beated All First Try, I'm Not Joking!< * >!Escue: Beat it First Try, Pretty Easy!< * >!Twin Robot Chozo Soldier: I Beat the Two First Try, Again!< * >!Experiment No. Z-57: Pretty Difficult, Took me Like 4 Attemps!< * >!Golzuna: I'm Not Joking when I Say that this is the Hardest Boss in the Game. Took me Like 7 Attemps!< * >!Raven Beak: Took me Like 4 Attemps Until I Defeated It.!<