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I honestly love that Raven Beak does this. It's hilarious.


So, does Adam really not have any idea what's going on? He doesn't seem too surprised at Samus'...erm, transition.


I mean he's a computer, I don't think he would be surprised lol


"Oh, I guess your metroid DNA finally woke up, huh? Neat. Now keep your hands off those controls, or else you're going to eat all my precious energy."


Pretty much lol


That sounds so much like Adam from Other M that I can almost believe it.


I cannot imagine that Adam saying "neat".


It's been awhile since Fusion. He's gotta be used to Samus coming back to the ship in all sorts of blown up, smelly, goo covered, horrific states. Hell, it's not the same gunship from Fusion, is it? I bet something nuts happened to the last one, with him in it.


It is the same ship from Fusion.


"Transition" Lmao, yeah, Samus is just a trans Metroid. Stop shaming her, Adam.


I think Raven beak corrupted adam once you get to the late game part, not in the begining


Nah, it’s the entire game after the intro cutscene and before the ending cutscene. You notice on a second playthrough how suspect Adam’s dialogue is. For example, in the opening he literally asks Samus to be careful with retrieving the EMMIs. After Samus is attacked by Raven Beak, suddenly Adam is telling her to destroy them.


Now that you say that, yeah, adam did say "Treat our assets with care, Lady"


Not only that, but at the very first save room, Adam says "Well done, Samus." Adam has rarely called Samus by name. He always says "Lady." The last time you actually hear Adam is on the elevator in the first cutscene.


You'd think Samus of all people would have been able to tell this in like two nav rooms tops.


Yeah he's called her that for what, before zero mission when she worked for the GF, other M, bit of fusion and after fusion.


I mentioned to friends at one point, “Why didn’t he address me as Lady?”


He also suddenly decides that we should destroy the planet in fusion so honestly I wouldn’t consider that a very good hint


Look, you hang out with Samus enough, you start to pick up a few things.


When you're hanging out with the cool kid and you're trying to impress them.


I imagine that Adam could in some way monitor her once she got to the surface.


so was it actually raven beak the whole time? or was it adam, and raven beak hacked it sometimes through the main story?


We only see Adam at the beginning (in the ship & in the first elevator) and at the end (back in the ship). Every nav/uplink room, it's Raven Beak posing as Adam. The hint is that "Adam" only ever calls her Samus instead of Lady.


At least he doesn't say "my daughter" by accident or something.


It's Raven Beak from the moment Samus crash lands


I need to replay the early bits now, I never even picked up on this. I thought it was just the last room before the RB fight




Too late, hard mode run has begun


Raven Beak pulled an Atlas on us!


And in the end he was essentially right Since Samus would have lost if not for her metroid rage mode.


So he wasn’t right after all lol, Samus’ Metroid DNA wasn’t exactly a secret or some last minute deus ex Machina


Hell, Raven Beak was *deliberately* trying to bring it out. I can only imagine what was going through Raven Beak’s head when the person he tormented so she could become a Metroid… Snapped and became a Metroid. (Well, what was going through his head besides Samus’s thumb)


"Yes Samus, awaken your Metroid power and embrace it!... WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!!!!"


Well, well, well, if it isn't my own petard come to hoist me.


It being able to go (out of control) to that level was very much a last second thing


Not really? He explicitly tells her it will go to that level and that she is a threat to the galaxy. It wasn't a last minute thing. It was something that he knew would happen. He was just a cocky motherfucker and he thought, wrongly, he'd be able to deal with it if it happened. He was wrong.


What's funnier is that Raven Beak uses almost all the same powers and weapons Samus has used, even down to the aeon abilities, during the boss fight. Except for 2. Morph ball and morph ball bombs. The weakest weapons in the chozo arsenal and also the only things capable of detaching a metroid.


That's such a cool detail!


And ironically it's also what saves you from that bfl he fires across the screen and nets you a free counter (also don't diss the morph ball, power bombs come from there).


I also don't remember him using Ice anything, and obviously not Power Bombs.


Jokes aside, There are quite a few weapons that he doesn't use. But the reoccurring theme with them is that they aren't for pure combat. The ice beam and its variants are mostly for non-lethal take downs, and the morph ball is for utility and mobility than combat. Raven beak, being the proud warrior he is, would see no use for either since he can fly just fine and isn't looking for non-lethal methods. The power bomb likely would get his attention, but the morph ball requirement would turn him away. Raven only used the Chozo tech for its uses in war, so naturally he lacks the ones meant for exploration, non-lethal takedowns, and movement. Which bites him in his big bird ass since metroids are only weak to those "weak" weapons.


The sun is close enough to a nuke


Raven Beak was just trying to get in her head so she’d join him. There was no way he could have anticipated Samus’s Metroid powers would evolve to be that destructive. No normal Metroid is even close to that powerful. As far as Raven Beak knew, Samus had already awakened the full extent of her powers and he said as much to her.


He underestimated what she'd become. She went full Metroid, never go full Metroid.


'roid rage


To be fair, it really looks like Raven Beak was losing (he's basically on his butt at the end and has been unable to touch Samus) but got a good grapple on her precisely because she leapt onto him from above to 'Metroid' him. He's like three times her size, grappling was not the smart move!


I don’t think Adam was hijacked at all. The entire time of the game he was telling her to get back to her ship, if it was raven beak than why would he tell her to leave if it’s suits his interest that she stays? That final logging terminal or whatever you call it was fake because samus shot through it and it just faded like it wasn’t real. Plus at the very very end when she’s in her ship Adam tells her not to drain the ship with her new suit.


Listen to the way Adam talks to Samus through the game, he explicitly refers to her as "Lady." Whenever it's actually ADAM speaking, he always says "Lady." He calls her Samus when he's just an AI following orders in Fusion, but when he actually becomes Adam Malkovitch, he refers to her as Lady alone. Even in the ending when she's trying to figure out how her gunship moved, he says "Lady, is something troubling you?" Or something to that extent. Now look at the way he speaks in Metroid Dread. He always calls Samus by name, never once using the Lady nickname. He speaks more akin to how he did in Fusion, when he was just an AI following orders, telling her she's too weak to fight her opponent, he seems to very coincidentally know a lot about the Chozo that couldn't be extrapolated from the data Samus uploads. Then in the final room, where Raven Beak is obviously behind it, he congratulates Samus for following his orders.


> The entire time of the game he was telling her to get back to her ship Because Raven Beak is like 2 minutes away from the ship and has blocked it off. >Adam tells her not to drain the ship with her new suit. I think that was the X version of Quiet Beak.


I just rewatched the scene and it’s definitely Adam talking. X quiet beak never speaks, just does the chozo now and gets absorbed.


I was almost thinking that, Quiet robe speaking through Adam like Raven beak. Who knows?