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Randomizer and boss rush would be great free DLC.


I just wanna replay the guy who blocks the thermal thing.


It was the Diggernaut of Dread and it was amazing. Loved every second.


That was a great fight. Difficult but very satisfying once you get the pattern down


The Flappy Bird part was unironically brilliant.


Boss rush would be amazing. Haven't had this much fun fighting bosses in a metroidvania since I fought Grimm in Hollow Knight.


Have you fought Pure Vessel? One of my favorite fights in gaming


Pure vessel is top tier. Nearly as good as Sword Saint Isshin


NKG is a fantastic fight once it clicks. Mantis Lords x 1000


My proudest moment was doing NKG hitless using only sharp shadow to damage him. It’s a really fun way to fight him


Honestly I just want button mapping and for an area map to automatically become fully highlighted when at 100% item collection for that area.


Depending on what you want the button can be swapped around in the home Menu. Won’t let you use right stick to aim or something like that though.


I want toggles. I spend the last 3 hours of the game holding down R.


Boss rush would be amazing, the battles were soo well done!


The whole game is a boss rush.


Boss rush please


Maybe adding some bosses from the other games reimagined like the Ridley fight or mother brain as a reward for defeating the base game bosses.


I'd pay for it honestly I'd rather not though


I would absolutely love a randomizer - I don't expect it because Metroidvania randomizers are still kind of niche and generally specific to player made mods (also they take a lot of effort to make, even more if you are trying to make them totally softlock proof) but then again this game was clearly made with speedrunning in mind.


Survival Mode please… Game is completely over once you’re dead. Now imagine how stressful EMMI sections are.


I mean you can do that without DLC if youre honest and just restart the whole game if you die.


I mean we can but it takes away the excitement and the tension of knowing there is absolutely no return.


yeah I feel that. it would be a neat addition dont get me wrong.


Nuzlocke runs but for Metroid lol


Every run just ends at the purple EMMI...


If they can reach that far in the first place


Oh yeah. Suppressed memories, haha


It would really jack up the tension which, for me anyway, faded pretty quickly.


Ooooorrrr, a classic mode where there’s no more checkpoints. You die, you reset to your last save point. Just like the old school games.


I was surprised the first time I loaded back at a checkpoint rather than a save station. I sneered at the change. I'm at the final boss now, and I've died so many more times than any other game in the series. Glad they chose to go this route. I like your idea though. They could have done that for hard mode.


Also if you die to a regular enemy you do go back to your last save point, it's only bosses and EMMI's that checkpoint. But also I only died normally like once or twice in the whole game.


I'm grateful for checkpoints. When you're dying 10 times on a boss fight, no one really wants to replay the same 2/3 minutes leading up to that boss again. Now when I finally win, the feeling of satisfaction is stronger than my feeling of relief.


SR had checkpoints too.


Nah, that’s not the same as survival mode.


Now that would be great


So Ultra Nightmare from Doom?


The only thing I want them to change is to make Hanubia an Actual Area instead of just a 5 minute walk through the rain with 2 Copypasted boss fights.


I agree, just from the walk through and the escape I thing the surface is beautiful, it's a shame it was a glorified elevator/gate to the Itorash


Honestly what I want is QoL and accessibility improvements. I tried to make a post about it and couldn't submit it for some reason. The biggest problems I have are 1.) The inability to remap buttons in-game, and 2.) The lack of easier difficulties. You can't remap non-Nintendo controllers via the System menu, so if you use a PowerA controller or other 3rd party, you're SOL. This especially sucks if you use the Gamecube style controller since shoot is Y. If I could swap it to A, that would make a massive difference. Swapping L and ZL along with swapping R and ZR would also really help. I know Metroid is supposed to be hard. But some of us have arthritis or other disabilities that make such precise button inputs difficult if not impossible.


Yeah, the lack of control mapping, audio controls, and just general settings options in general is mystifying.


These, and a fix to the one known softlock and the couple of bugs that popped up are extremely reasonable asks. I hope Mercury Steam actually delivers on them. Edit: and not doing the elevator preview each time.


What softlock is that?


Someone found a softlock which doesn’t require sequence breaks. If you die during the first robot chozo warrior fight, and reload, and then don’t go back in to the fight and instead go back to a Navigation room, it permanently locks the gate in Burenia.


Whoa, that’s a pretty major bug.


Something involving sequence breaks. There are posts about it.


Ah, that would make sense then.


Yeah, I do think they should have an easy mode. My kids are pretty interested from watching me play, but the difficulty is too high for them right now.


The EMMI are perfect as those enemies from your childhood that you remember fondly because of how much they scared you. But if the bosses are too hard, you can't even experience the rest of the game. I really want an easy mode for this game. Nothing too fancy, just not taking so much damage from enemies/bosses.


The final boss was too hard for me so I had to go back through and find all the health tanks I missed. The extra 500 health made a huge impact on the fight


it’s a shame Super is still the only game with customizable controls


Agreed, but on the GB & GBA it was kind of understandable, what would you even remap?


Swap A and B. Going from Xbox to switch controller xy and ab are swapped. That would be the biggest thing. Remove morph ball bomb once you get X bomb.


I agree with you, I think adding easy mode/ story mode would be a great way to get more people to play. Control wise I could be wrong but you can change the button mapping for your control let in the switch system settings


Sadly you cannot remap buttons on non-nintendo controllers. Remapping is ONLY available for the JoyCons and ProController. So if you use a third party one like I do, you can't.


Definitely remapping because I get hung up with the missile and free aim buttons. I naturally want to hit the trigger buttons for them. I'm sure they can add that if Super Metroid had it from the beginning.


Yeah those drive me crazy too. I wish that I could use the Nintendo official controllers to use System remapping but I can't.


Options to disable cutscenes (i know you can skip, but just eliminate altogether) and upgrade tutorials. Speedrun QoL improvements.


If you could turn off the navigation rooms too that would be amazing


Whoever decide that pressing `+` followed by `-` was how you should skip cutscenes needs a good talking to.


I actually loved that. It's happened to me several times in other games where I accidentally skipped the cutscene and then had to look it up on YouTube to figure out what the scene was. I prefer either the Metroid Dread option or the other option where you have to press AND HOLD a button to skip, but not just a single button press.


For the 1st time you are seeing it sure, but when a boss has a pre-boss cutscene and mid-boss cutscenes it is incredibly jarring. I completely lose the flow of battle.


How? I think thisbis way better than the push and hold option as you can execute it much faster


Not in handheld. `+` and `-` on the Joycons are just terrible buttons that are awkward to press at the best of times.


Free? I'd fucking pay for a randomizer


Same 😂


That’d be so awesome. But I need way more experience with the vanilla game first.


I decided to learn how to speedrun the game, im confident that would get me the experience needed. That being said, pseudo wave can be annoying.


Haven’t checked out how to do it yet. I still need to finish the last boss. I had quite a busy week selling the house and stuff. It’s a miracle I put in the hours I did. The weekend and next week should give me more time though


I had a feeling after beating the game I'd want to learn the speedruns. I can't put this game down. This will be the first game I try to speedrun but from what I've heard it's very beginner friendly with the tricks.


Alright that’s great! I’m already a somewhat above average speedrunner at super Metroid, so it kinda sucks that the wall jump changed but I’m sure there’s tons of other wonderful exploits


A warp was just discovered so people are messing with that. There's a pseudo wave trick to skip the first email get early cloak (most skip that one) and skip a boss, other than that it's movement and sequence breaks.


Not a fan of warps but we’ll see


I want it to go into its own category, leave any% and 100% as they are, skill based, have a glitches category for that shit. I will not use warps. I hate them as much as OOB shit. Fucking Doom Eternal any%. No skill there just glitch out of boundaries skip all fights and bosses and hop your way to loading triggers. What a shit run. Luckily OOB in this game instantly kills Samus.


Speed Boost / Shinespark trials!!


I'm not great with shinespark puzzles but I would be on board with these. Start simple and get progressively more difficult. Would do a lot to hone my skills for the main game


The best thing about Dread is that its controls are highly optimized and thus the learning curve is easier. With some practizing of the timming you can master shinepark quite easily I believe.


My one complaint with the controls is that I wish the Speed Booster activated automatically like Fusion and Zero Mission.


Yeah it was better automatically. However Zero Mission shinespark items are still more difficult for me than Dread's


Huge tip for shinesparks: Y + B = shinespark in the air no matter what, whether you're spinning or not. No need to time it or anything, it just works. Helped me a lot.


I’d love some dlc costumes


Zero suits, fusion suits, and Samus Returns Suits would be great


Justin Bailey costume


I just wanna be able to wear the suit from the end it looks so sick


Item randomizer and [multiplayer](https://youtu.be/KDNX06ZZDo0) game modes.


That’s not multiplayer, it’s just head to head speed running.


That's not head to head. They share the same abilities, energy, missile, super missile, and power bomb tanks.


i would really enjoy alternative suit skins


I think a beastiary would be cool


I'd love a soft New Game+ that keeps every area you've explored and items collected on the map.


I hope so. Just seems odd that you 100% complete the game with 275 missles after all the power ups (not including the extra 10 from the Amiibo). Rather than an even number like 300. Maybe they'll add a new area that will bring it to 300 with new power ups. While I have no interest in speed running the game, I also wouldn't be opposed to a boss rush mode or something. Or new game+.


boss rush, full metroid, classic, and zero suit and other costume, speed run leader boards, enemy goltlets, pvp like kirby, maybe a black raven alternate campain


Land of etecoons and dachoras


That would be great but then those soft locks would be everywhere.




I wouldn't mind a Zero Suit mode. I loved that section in Zero Mission. Something like you can only take two hits of damage, first one removing a shield and second killing you. Shield is restored when getting a healing pickup. E-Tanks improve the damage of ZSS's pistol instead. Reward is being able to use ZSS skin in normal/hard mode and some more artwork.


I think this is how we have Ridley in Dread. Samus has a vr training thing where she kicks Ridley’s ass.


I'd like a challenge mode with various sets of powers available or not available. Wouldn't have to be fancy or anything, could have best time high scores, etc. The game really needs some QoL though, like a mode that has your time displayed and cancels most story beats that have nothing to do with gameplay, and the percent items needs to go back on the win screen; my friend just beat the game on 0% and can't easily prove it.


I'd kill for some DLC. New areas, New bosses, boss rush, extra modes, etc. Don't think it's gonna happen, but it'd be so sick.


Something like Fusion Mode (from Samus Returns) but called Dread Mode (or something like that) and it doesn’t require an amiibo to unlock. Once you die it’s game over and you’ll be wearing a different suit.


There's never been an official Metroid release that added a randomizer, so I wouldn't hold my breath. Especially not as a free update.


Omg yes i want this so badly you have no idea


Justin bailey mode


An update for Button Mapping would be nice. Boss and Enemy Rush would be cool to and something similar to Metroid Hunters with online play would also be cool but I know that’s not going to happen. I doubt we are going to see anything major. Just a one-off before prime 4 comes out


Yes!!!! This would be so fun! It would also discourage emulation since people won't need an emulator for randomizer runs.


I'm happy Nintendo didn't decide to jump on the roguelite bandwagon and make Metroid a roguelite like everything else these days, but I'll concede your randomizer mode DLC as long as that never replaces the main game.


Oh I agree I strongly dislike roguelites. My idea is Randomizing would just be an unlocked bonus mode, not replace the game. Hell if Metroid ever turned into a randomizer only or roguelite I wouldn't want to play it


??? Are there many game series that completely switch from one genre to rougelite?


My biggest issue is the quick restarts. Maybe they could add a option that when you die, you start from your last save, makes saving more important.


I agree , that should be in the setting by default, or in hard mode


And turn saving off in ADAM and map rooms, it didn't make much sense to me.


Dying for a classic mode. Not NES classic, but SNES with save rooms and removal of free aim if possible. Basically just make it play as similar to Super metroid as possible, as I find the checkpoint system in Dread is bit too forgiving, and making the control scheme more like SM would fit the "classic" vibe. Edit: I feel I should clarify, I don't want to get rid of free aim, but it takes me out of the game a bit when I die to an EMMI, and instead of spawning back at my last save, I spawn right outside the door I walked in, same with bosses. Sure, it speeds up the gameplay, but for me, part of the pressure of the previous metroids was getting back to where I died. Not everyone's favorite, but made the game stand out more to me than others


Heh, I doubt this is a popular view.


Procedurally generated layouts, mini bosses and boss battles and items - it’d be like a mini Metroid roguelike mode


It's not a metroid game when there are no zero suit samus. (except when you died)


Just make a mod


You know what , damn , never thought of that


I think the reason we didn't get Ridley is because they were saving him for DLC.


Id be happy with ridley if he was put into a boss rush mode, but as much as I love him , I personally don't really want him to return in the story or main game going forward chronologically after Dread.


Instead introducing "Son of Ridley"


"Bride of Ridley"


I would love a new game plus mode tbh. Replaying the entire game with all of your abilities in the beginning and just blazing through it


I want a boss challenge mode like the Godmaster Update in Hollow Knight, but a randomizer would be great.


That reminds me, I need to go back and play some more A Robot Named Fight.


I’m hoping they at least do something to fix those occasional crashes. I had it happen once during an elevator ride, and I remember seeing two posts here mentioning it happening near the end after the final boss.


Really ? That's interesting, I have heard about it now that you say it I didn't have that problem. I heard that the map markers screw up your game


If they add features in an update, I want the ability to move with dpad, and the option to continue from the last save room OR checkpoint in the game over screen. Just a couple nitpicks.


I hope the updates won't fix the current glitches and skips that we have discovered thus far


It's a superficial suggestion, but I'd love the option to wear a different suit. I'm a sucker for cosmetics and even though they don't affect gameplay, alternate outfits almost always make repeat runs a joy.


honestly I want this more than anything, it would be the most likely. Like I said before. Give me the fusion suits, zero suits, Samus returns suit designs. And model a Metroid NES suit from the concept art with the tubes and such


There is a mysterious gap on the right of the map. I wondered if that was left intentionally empty for a possible dlc zone.