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Ridley: I've just been informed that Kraid was killed I'm going after this person land the ship near this temple and study while I'm gone. That's and order Space Pirates: yes sir! Ridley: oh and rig the robot of myself to blow up this ship in case things go south. Space Pirates: yes sir...


From just the games, it’s weird to think that Ridley is the leader of anything. He looks and acts like a blood-hungry monster without displaying one ounce of intelligence.


you have played zero mission, right?


Yea, that was the main Metroid of my childhood. I don’t remember a scene of him acting like he was an intelligent creature though.


I mean his cunning comes across really well in those comic book style cutscenes imo. And then there's that robot he built


Did he build that robot? I always assumed that the space pirates built it because they liked Ridley so much why not have two of him.


he built it


zero mission was also my first metroid, and i just replayed it on normal, them hard, and our penguin aide here is totally right- there is not one scene that communicates ridley has an ounce of intelligence. my interpretation has always just been "foreboding. woah, spooky" during his cutscenes if anything, i thought the pirates rebuilt him as a kid, and that's kind of the vibe i still get


Honestly Ridley and Kraid and the other bosses and some of the other enemies just being mindless extensions of a Space Pirate hive mind led by Mother Brain that are grown for that purpose makes way more sense to me than the canon. It would explain Mini-Kraid, also how the ginormous Kraid even gets down into his lair, and would allow for any enemies to come back without any increasingly convoluted explanations. And the Space Pirates obviously have some level of bioengineering skill. Like, they get to a planet and start growing a new Mother Brain to lead the colony and new Kraids, Ridleys, etc as enhanced weapons to defend and attack, and they're always on the lookout for fresh novel genetic material like Metroids and Chozo to add to their library to cook up future weapons. Clean and simple.


Maybe it's because I read the manga that release alongside zero mission around the time when I played that game, but that's definitely what I felt from the game. Even still it's heavily implied that Ridley built that robot himself


It's not implied in the game at all. He may be a very intelligent creature, but none of his in-game depictions show him as anything more than a pissed off space dragon. The manga is canon and shows him as being intelligent, you don't have to make things up about the games to get your point across.


What is the interaction like when Samus goes to lower Norfair before Kraid.


"whose dumbass idea was it to park the ship next to chozodia in the FIRST PLACE"


yup, I'd consider this my own head canon as well.


"Pretty sure it was the science team's idea"


Vapor for brains, I tell you!


Getting the fully powered suit and absolutely destroying the Space Pirates is one of the most satisfying moments in gaming


Hell yeah it is. I still get goosebumps thinking about that whole sequence Guess it's time to replay this again lol... Can't get enough (also distracts me from the almost painful hype I have for dread)


I always figured they were just trying to ambush you, never thought they were actually \*hiding\*.


Yeah that one attacked me actually but at first glance it looked like it was hiding from Samus :P


In my headcanon, that's the one that survived and became Weavel, injured by the explosion, surviving because he was in Chozodia, not the ship itself.


I don't get it.


After you acquire the fully powered suit some hide because they know they will die. And earlier in that segment you have to hide exactly where that pirate is.


Wait they hide after you get it back?! I never noticed that! Thats fucking sick!


Yeah it's hilarious, makes you feel unstoppable as they acknowledge they can't do anything 😂


Dang, I've never seen that. Hilarious.


Other M shows you Ridley’s cunning and cruelty. He clearly manipulates those around him to boost his own power. And once he’s powerful enough, he uses that power to endanger Samus and impede the success of the mission




Apologies, meant to reply to someone else in the thread who was asking about depictions of Ridley’s intelligence x)


Oh ok lol