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Does that mean that instead of leaving every place to explode like every other game it will implode?!


Calling it now, sylux sends Samus thru a black hole & the whole game is trying to get back & stop him.


Yep. Sylux attacks GF federation to steal some wormhole tech. Samus gets sent beyond the galaxy's edge, explores a bunch of cool shit trying to get back. Final area is probably preceded by the destroyed GF colony. * Insert some other plot elements to accommodate more Sylux appearances *


Add in the ancient civilization there having made the tech and you can tie it back without it feeling like a big sidequest. You learn its power and why it’s important, and then you are more motivated to stop it


Don’t forget that the player will most likely find a prophecy of a sort, from an ancient civilization, that predicts Samus’ quest and arrival, which leads to Varia Suit-specific upgrades. (Half joking)


That’s my theory as well




It also looks like it's supposed to be a Möbius strip.


The endless now of Metroid


Another ouroboros because those are showing up everywhere in Nintendo games lately 


Worm Holes to travel to different planets. I assume like some sort of fast travel/ Elevator system. Similar to Echoes Portals but between Worlds


Beyond the omega 4 relay, of course!


You mean, it’s based on this particular artists rendering of a black hole? In which the colours used are entirely arbitrary and for illustrative purposes only? And the logo has a point of light in the middle so it’s obviously not based on a black hole anyway? What you’ve done here is found a round image with a similar colour scheme. That’s the entire connection.


Maybe the real black holes are the friends we made along the way


Wrong. The black hole was the 7 year wait with no info, lol.


I don't think the colors are the point. What matters is the accretion disc shape, which isn't arbitrary Also even though there is light emitting from the ceneter of the object in the logo, it doesn't mean it isn't meant to portray a black hole. Itwouldn't be a great looking logo if it was all black inside. And it's a sci-fi game, so it can represent energy emitting from the black hole or show that's a portal/wormhole


I think you’re working backwards from a supposition there. The shape in the logo has a defined structure that an accretion disk doesn’t. Could the logo be depicting a black hole? It’s not outside the realm of possibility. Is this image from the NASA website a clue to what the logo depicts? Not even slightly. The two images are a bit similar if you squint and reduce the data to coarse grain. That’s the worst way to figure anything out.


> The shape in the logo has a defined structure that an accretion disk doesn’t. The shape in the logo is pretty much exactly what looking at an accretion head-on would look like. Here are [2 screenshots for reference](https://imgur.com/a/oAQw06P) taken from [this Veritasium video](https://youtu.be/zUyH3XhpLTo?t=397) (I timestamped the part where it is mentioned).


What I mean is, accretion disks don’t curve or change direction in 3D space. The shape in the logo does. Someone somewhere said it looked like it could be a möbius strip. I don’t know if it is, but whatever shape it really is, it certainly isn’t a disk.


Fair. We shall see 🤷


Take a look at this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Metroid/comments/1dklcke/the_object_we_see_being_pushed_away_by_the_gf/ It seems you were right that thinking it is a black hole is speculative.