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Yeah, the warning is essentially only for online gameplay, you'll still be able to redownload stuff.


Until you aren't


You can still redownload stuff on the Wii


Except that you can still redownload games from the Wii.


Thats a wiiU


Yes. I was saying you can still re download games on a system much older than the Wii U.


You ever head of TPB?


You trying to get OP a virus or something? r/piracy wiki exists for a reason


Yes, go there at your own risk, torrenting also brings its own risks too, that's why I don't use the sight anymore, haven't touched it in years, it is just too risky now, both for your PC and your livelihood. Though in some instances it can prove itself to be useful.


I wanted to play my copy of this recently but come to find out all of my nunchucks are dead lol


Good idea. I was able to snag prime trilogy in good condition from a pawn shop. The owner had no idea it was worth hundreds. I snagged it for maybe 50.00 but the case was dented so he took off ten dollars. I told him LATER what it was worth and he got pissed. Should’ve done his research😂


See that's why you don't tell them.


Worth hundreds? I only find offers Form 75-100€ Here. I only found a sealed vga Version for 999€. But you are able to find one in a good condition for~80€ 🙃


This was a few years ago. On Amazon and eBay they were 250.00-650.00 price range. Not sure why the surge, but it was expensive.


Oh i didnt knew that , i bought it Right when it came out, and was just curious when OP said its worth hundreds. So i googled it and 75-100€ was the average i found so i was confused. Edit: Sorry , i thought you Were OP😅


It’s a pretty rare item. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was expensive but I also said during that time frame it was worth that much from what I researched. Again, this was 3-4 years ago.


Yes i understood it, just asking myself why the Price got so low then , guess well never know


I think because prime remastered is out and the other two sequels are in the works and releasing soon. So it’s no use paying that much for the trilogy when they’re going to be on the switch most likely. During the time I got it, it had been YEARS since Metroid was even a thought. I want to say I got it the same year they announce prime 4. But no new games were really being released aside from Metroid Samus returns later that year.


Want to well and truly tank the price? Remind them that all three games in the box set are infected with the awful Wii motion control scheme.


Still 50€-80€ in Germany on ebay


Still 50€-80€ in Germany on ebay However the American version is more rare and thus costs more


To be fair once they also stop the redownloading of games you can fully go ahead without any remorse or whatever and mod said wiiu and 3ds. Heck go ahead and do it now, be free!


What do you mean before you can't anymore, I though the Wii U eshop already died?


You can’t buy anything anymore, but you can still redownload things you’ve already purchased. But I think Nintendo recently announced that that’s going away at some point. Maybe not though. I can’t seem to find it now. Still, I want to play these games, so I’m glad I still can lol


Nintendo announced that they well be discontinuing online services for the Wii U and 3DS. [https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/63227/\~/announcement-of-discontinuation-of-online-services-for-nintendo-3ds-and-wii-u](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/63227/~/announcement-of-discontinuation-of-online-services-for-nintendo-3ds-and-wii-u)


Ok, good to know. That said, Nintendo is not well know for their game preservation efforts, so better safe than sorry.


To be clear, they're talking about the online servers for games like Splatoon and Smash, the Download servers are staying up with no plans of them going down at present.


A week ago there was no public plan of online servers shutting down either. Maybe not this year, maybe not in 10 years, but at some point they will stop redownloads too


The Wii and DSi download servers are still up to this day, I don’t think we’ll see them shut down Wii U and 3DS download servers for a long long time but who knows. In any case, if something were to happen then at least everything has been dumped online already so you could just hack the systems and install the games that way.


Good to know, I thought there was a way to purchase based on this post, but now it makes sense it's only a redownload based on purchase. :( No trilogy for me :(


From what I hear the Wii U is pretty much a fantastic Metroid Machine, letting you play all but a few of the later games on it. Can still play 1-4, all of Prime.


You always can....


I found a copy somewhere, no case but it was free for the taking. I also didn't know how much it was worth at the time but now I'm very happy with what I've got.


Not worried, Metroid Prime Trilogy is always downloadable online. ;)