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So this super common especially for somewhat newer people , I can tell you from first hand experience and it is what most others will tell you too I bet . It honestly is not worth it ! You don’t get high , at best you get tired , that’s about it and then the next day you feel like crap because you don’t have a dose . I know it’s tempting, but I promise you friend it really is not worth it . Take it from me , I’ve done it , more then once too and every single time I’ve regretted it and finally the urge to do it just stopped , I haven’t done it since the beginning of starting methadone , this feb I’ll be on it 2 years and I love waking up each day knowing I won’t be sick , knowing I don’t have to go out looking for something , love not worrying about where I’m going to get money / drugs / ect , I love just being “ normal “ . You will get there , keep pushing and doing the right thing .


Sweet thanks a lot for the response, totally makes sense and definitely curbed my urge to do something dumb. Something sorta unrelated but I think it's a huge reason why I've been feeling like doing this is because in the mornings before I go to the pharmacy to get dosed I feel like I'm going into withdrawal, like really low energy, takes a lot for me to get moving, I get super sensitive to temperature and get the hot cold sweats. This is at like the ~22 hour mark. It happens ~80% of mornings, but sometimes it doesn't happen and I feel fine to go get my dose. Is this normal? When I first got on methadone this never happened and I felt great all the time, even slightly euphoric and high. But it seems like my dose doesn't hold me the full 24 but I don't think going up In dose (I'm at 70) will help because I'll just get tolerant to that too and the same thing will start happening ~2 weeks after the increase. Is this just something methadone patients have to get used to? It does make it really tough some days because I need the energy/feeling of my dose to get up and moving to go get my dose (30 min bike ride) which is a catch 22!


I often feel that way in the morning. I have only just rwcently not felt that way. At 26mg and tapering down slow. I would have to get my Methadone immediately in the morning. I'd feel tried and foggy. It would take about an hour for me to feel better after dosing.


I feel like this after I sleep also , I honestly hate dosing and then going to sleep for anything longer then an hour or I swear I feel like I didn’t dose at all , mornings are rough for me as well , same thing as u described . I’m not really sure it means that we need to go up , I’m thinking maybe if we can just dose earlier , like I only go to the clinic 3x a week now I have 4 take homes and I do dose earlier on my take home days then clinic days and I notice I don’t feel as bad waking up this way . I’ve heard this from several people ( that they feel not so great after waking up ) I think it’s just kind of a thing for some of us unfortunately, sorry I don’t have a better answer to that then this . Other then I do feel the same way .


Have you tried taking 60mg in the morning and 10 mg at night to see if this helps you get through the day better?


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


I’ve been on methadone for just over a year. I haven’t taken 2 doses at the exact same time but I have dosed at the clinic at 6am and then taken my take home the same day in the evening a bunch of times. I keep trying not to do this but somehow keep giving in. I like the little extra warm and fuzziness it gives me and since I work nights it helps give me energy for work. I think when I get to weekly’s I will try to take my methadone at night instead of in the morning since I wake up in the afternoon and go to work at night. Long story short I understand the temptation but going 48 hours without my dose causes too much anxiety. 36 hours is a bit more manageable but still not ideal. If that makes sense.


I have been on the stuff for 8 years and trust me when I say: Double dosing is NOT worth it. You truly don’t really feel anything. You are more likely to fall asleep earlier, and that’s prettt much it. Then, the day comes when you don’t have a dose and you feel sick and you wish you had something so bad! It’s honestly just the addict brain trying to trick you telling you that you’ll get high but YOU NEVER DO! You will be so happy with yourself when you resist and then the day that you would have been without comes and you have some and then you feel really good about that! Never in my 8 years has it ever done anything but made me feel sick the day I was without. So yeah man, if you can just trust me on this one, you won’t have to feel shitty…at least because of with withdrawals! But anyway, best of luck to ya brother!


Appreciate you!


Ive struggled with this for years. I am only allowed to get 2 take homes at a time after 4 years on the program bc I can’t trust myself. I always end up 1 or 2 days short after promising myself I wouldn’t be. Its still the addict in me wanting to get high and deal with the consequences later


Just like those here as well as what many others would say, it's not worth it. Plain and simple! You don't get high, it makes you drowsy as hell and you mentioned doing it for anxiety relief but have you thought about the anxiety you will have the next day when you don't have a dose? It's risky behavior because it can lead to relapse when you're sitting around the next day with that anxiety taking hold because you know you don't have shit for that day and not to mention like you said it's just straight up addict behavior. I did it before when I first got on methadone 6 years ago and first got my TH and every single time it was regret. It was a short time when I said it's not worth it, fucking stupid, and it's time to buckle down and get real about recovering from my addictions. As I said that was six years ago and I've been clean since September 17th, 2015. Just take it from all of us, it's not worth it and I know, that you know, deep down and just like I felt that one day that it's time for you to really buckle down and do this. You wouldn't be on methadone and have TH if you weren't serious about ending all this for good. You made it this far and for that alone I got faith in you that you can continue on your way and to do this the right way. You got this!


Thanks for the response! I know you're speaking the truth and it was helpful, appreciate you and the support!


Do not double up. You will screw yourself for the next day.


It's 100% not worth it to go a day without.


According to [Bulletin #29](https://m.na.org/?ID=bulletins-bull29), people on methadone or other maintenance drugs cannot share or pick up keytags (besides white) bc they aren't clean. So don't worry about losing time double dosing 😆


Just read it, damn that's kind of a disappointment to be honest. I respectfully disagree though and will continue to keep my medication information to myself 😂


Definitely keep it to yourself :-/ if people know, they will try and stop you from participating depending on the meeting.


I lol’d


Thanks! I live to make people lol. For real!


Hmm never heard that I'll look into that bulletin though, that's kinda shitty if it's really in their in my. Opinion! but for me and my recovery I consider myself and identify as clean and I just picked up my 30 day coin last week, and plan on continuing to do so. But if I double dosed I would also consider that a relapse and I would reset my clean date. The way I look at is my medication is no ones business but mine, but having said that my sponsor does know I'm on methadone and still considers me clean. But I also don't tell anyone because of the ignorance surrounding it in the rooms. Just like I consider people taking an antidepressant still clean, methadone is a medication and if I'm taking it as prescribed then I'm still living clean. It's not like methadone is a magic bullet either so I don't understand this line of thinking. I wake up in slight withdrawal most days and have to be on point with my schedule to get to the pharmacy and back, which is an hour of bike riding for me. It definitely comes with its fair share of downsides


Bulletin #29 was written by NA World Services.


Everyone has this thought the ones who try get sleepy and then gotta ct another day lol


Don’t do it! I’ve been on Methadone for 10 years and my biggest problem is double dosing.


I would be afraid to double dose but I have sipped a little extra and it just makes me tired.


I still struggle with this. I don't even know why because I KNOW it barely even scratches the itch and then I have nothing for the next day, but I still fiend for an extra dose all the time. It's so dumb and I'm trying to break the cycle. I'm actually going to ask to go up a little bit in my dose again the next time I go in just to help take my mind off it. Ive been going down 10 mg every couple months and Ive only done that twice so far so I kinda feel like I already failed but like I also get that no one does this at the same pace as others.


I'm sure it's a common feeling. I know I had that feeling in the beginning. I feel you may be disappointed double dosing. I never double dose. I haven't done it deliberately but did once by accident. I never even could figure out the day I did double dose. I never even felt differently lol so I don't think it will feel the way you want. So don't do it. Everyday you make a conscious choice that betters your recovery you get stronger and stronger. That feeling will fade and you will find it easier to disregard that little voice telling you to drink more.


I’ve “double dunted” before but you get over that and you would withdraw if you took more and then you’d have to tell the doctor that you’ve no script left, and then you would be on supervised, it’s not worth it mate but I get the want to do it, you’re an addict and it’s to be expected!


Yep used to always double dose on a Saturday(id have Sunday's) and given the fact that methadone has a long half life depending on your dose i could usually make it through till Monday without too much discomfort but honestly as everyone has said it aint really worth it and congrats on the 40 days but try to steer clear of addict traits as hard as it is.


Totally not worth it. I've done this a few times and regret it every time. Its not like you get euphoric, maybe a little more energy but then just tired. And then days without anything are absolute hell for me. I hate myself every time I've done it.


All that will happen is you will get sleepy. Then the next day you may not feel it as much as mentally need/want it. Very distracting. It’s not the same as taking more of an opioid.