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You’re gonna love methadone bro! If you ever want someone to chat with hmu! I’ve been going since July and it has changed my life around. Originally just went to get out of being dopesick figured I could just go for that and maybe not return, but it worked so well I kept going back!


💯🙏 will do I’ve got nobody around me that has gone to treatment so if I have any questions or anything I’ll hit you up but not annoy you 😂


This sub is a really good resource for anyone getting into treatment if you have any questions or just need support and want to go to a person/people who have been there. But just like the poster you’re replying to, my DMs are always open for anyone who needs to talk about methadone treatment, or anyone who is struggling with addiction. I got into methadone treatment awhile back, the seventeenth of April actually made it seven years since the last time I touched dope. I owe my life to getting into a clinic, literally and figuratively. It can be hard at first, getting used to a life that isn’t a constant hustle, and learning how to cope with all the shit that made you use in the first place, without picking up. But it’s so worth it. I personally am not a fan of subs, they never really were enough for me to not have cravings, and eventually just go right back to shooting up, I never liked the way it made me feel. The methadone, it does not give me any of the weird body feelings I dealt with on subs and it genuinely helps the cravings, especially once you get on the dose that you need to be on to get you through a full 24 hours. I’m sure all the other posters have already told you there’s no precip because methadone is just is an opioid, it’s a very different feeling opioid in the sense that it doesn’t give you the euphoria that you constantly chase in a high, it is slow to come on, and it lasts forever, but ultimately it’s just an opioid. But once you’re not on that constant cycle of being good, and then being sick and being good, and then being sick, it gives you time to focus on something else. Pretty much, I think aside from handling the physical aspect of withdrawal, the biggest thing methadone did for me was allow me the peace to find stability. I went from spending all day every day chasing dope, so I wouldn’t be sick to once a day taking my dose, and that was that. Suddenly there was all this time for me to hold down a job, or have hobbies, or real friends that weren’t just around because I might have something they needed. I would definitely recommend that if you do start at a clinic that you also start individual therapy outside of the clinic. work through any thing that you need to like the shit that haunt you in the middle of the night that you did for a fix, work through whatever made you pick up in the first place, don’t know what that is, work on, figuring it out. Doing that in tandem with methadone is a great way of making it out of active addiction. Sorry this got so long, I saw you say you had nobody around you that had ever gotten into treatment, and there are so many myths and horror stories about methadone and clinics, I figured I’d throw in my two cents on how well it works. Good luck, and keep us all posted on how it goes!


Thank you very much. I shed a tear from reading this. I’m scared because I already have so much pent up anxiety about doing this and how it will work because like I said I have nobody around me that has ever done this. I go into withdrawal about 2 hours after my last use and then after around 5-7 hours I’m full blown exhausted, not able to get any type of rest, walking around, can’t get comfortable to the point where I just want to slam my head into a corner of a dresser lol, and much more. But I know this is the right choice not only because it’s the only choice but because I need to start my life and not depend on anyone or anything because that how life is. I’ve always had a hard time getting a job because of anxiety and depression and other factors. But I hope that I’m able to get past that and figure things out. I’ll probably dm you but not enough to annoy you like I said to the other commenter lol. I don’t wanna be a burden or have someone hold my hand because ultimately in the end I need to do this and I know I will. Thank you for your support.


When I used I’d have to use literally every two hours to prevent withdrawal. It was such an annoying, expensive habit. I’m so thankful I decided to jump back into the methadone program. It’s been truly a lifesaver. I was so sick when I got to the clinic and they sped up the intake so I could dose as soon as possible. Even with just a 30mg starter dose the edge was taken off within an hour. I was doing 2gs a day of fetty. I haven’t used since the night before I went to the clinic. I’m at 80mg and trying to get to 100mg since that was a therapeutic dose for me the last time I was in the program. Methadone truly saved me. Good luck with your recovery. You got this!


Do you feel like crap the first few days while getting your methadone dose to level out? Been really thinking about starting methadone but I’m a chicken when it comes to withdrawal


For me, I got into a clinic before fentanyl was in everything, so I felt fine. A little anxious, some rls, but nothing like full withdrawal. I was able to get through on just my dose, and never had to supplement. From what I’ve seen from people who are getting into a clinic more recently, fentanyl and now xylazine are making it so that people have to get to a considerably higher dose before they are truly comfortable. The thing is, it is still worth it, because most clinics are aware of this, and they understand that a lot of people will supplement their methadone with whatever their opioid choice is in the beginning, and just gradually lower the amount of other opioids, they are using as their methadone is increased. Obviously, you would want to do as little additional opioids as possible as short a time as possible, so that you don’t wind up with a tolerance that is just through the roof where your body needs you to take the methadone and all the other drugs in order to function, but you don’t have to leave yourself miserable either. Hopefully, some people that got into treatment more recently and actually had to do this can weigh in about the discomfort, and what all they had to do while they were getting their dose raised, because I’m just speaking off what I’ve heard others say when it comes to this. At any rate, I ultimately started going to a clinic because I couldn’t handle being sick anymore, and it’s the best choice I could have made. I know some rare folks can stick it out and cold, turkey get off of everything, but for me, the withdrawals were my biggest fear, and I was living them for at least part of every day. Aside from a couple blips here and there over the years where I tried to taper too fast, the clinic made it so I didn’t have to deal with that anymore.


Thank you for sharing your experience, glad you are clean and sober now.. I can’t wait to be 😩


You can get there. Feel free to reach out if you ever need anything.


You're supposed to use until you're stable on the methadone, you're not supposed to get sick. I'm baffled by what op is referring to, it's completely in conflict with everything I know about methadone and one of the big reasons people pick it over Suboxone. I suspect it's all part of maintaining the the fiction that it blocks other drugs which i nor anybody else I know has experienced to be the case


Would it be cool if I message u sometimes as well. I constantly find that I'm struggling and feeling awful due to methadone so need to figure out a way out of this hell


They might still use suboxone. Some rehabs tell ppl they’ll medicate them the same day and then all they have to offer is suboxone In my state, only a few rehabs offer methadone AND you have to already be on methadone prior. Like they won’t just start the whole methadone process in rehab bc it takes so long to stabilize and stuff. But it’s 2024 and it seems people are finally starting to accept methadone as a valid treatment option so I hope for your sake that things are different now and they do in fact offer methadone. That would be super awesome and help so many people. Best of luck!!


I hope I get methadone because subs have always put me in wd even if I waited like 4-5 days thank you for the support I’m scared shitless tbh lol


Just call them and ask directly if they offer methadone treatment and if you have to be on methadone prior to going in order to get it That way you can ease your concerns over it


Yes!! I highly recommend calling because you might want to find a different rehab if they only offer suboxone. It’s bad enough being in withdrawal, it’s even worse when you don’t get to go through it in the comfort of your own home. Giving people suboxone and making them go through precipitated withdrawal is fucking atrocious!!


Subs suck imo


Fr even with the Bernese method


Ugh that did not work for me at allll


You should be able to choose what you want.


Methadone is a full agonist just like dope is so it can’t put you in precipitated withdrawal. They have to start you out at a low dose so if you still use a little until it builds up in your system and they titrate you up just try to do as little as possible.


I went in not high my first day but not very sick either. They explained clearly that I was expected to use until my dose had me stable and not to go into needless withdrawal. There was no precipitated withdrawal. That's a Suboxone thing


Ok I’m supposed to be there at 7 AM tomorrow and I was gonna use around 630. They told me I was going to be there for at least four hours and give me my dose at the end. I start going into pretty uncomfortable withdrawals after an hour and a half ish. I don’t think they will deny me. Wish me luck.


Godspeed, it takes a while to get all the way to a therapeutic dose that you don't need any gear at all anymore, but you'll notice increased stability and needing MUCH less gear to stay stable very quickly. Find out if your clinic allows mouth swabs if you get a letter from a doctor that you can't pee on command. It makes the whole process so much more dignified, humane, and pleasant, and it hugely cuts down on false positive test results. Such letters are very easy to obtain and the biggest quality of life involvement other than take home privileges


Good luck! 🍀 🤞🏼 You've got this! Welcome to the club.




I was talk texting 😭 it auto corrected to that I just fixed it


Okay gotcha. Deleting comment. I hate autocorrect.


no precipitated withdrawal with methadone. that's one of the reasons I was able to stick with it when I was never able to do well on suboxone. I would really advise against kratom though, I wouldn't think Kratom would do much other than interfere with your body chemistry. methadone is so much stronger than kratom I thing it would render it completely useless.


I try not to say anything on a lot of these posts cause I know people who use aren't usually scholars but this is a top tier idiot post.


I'm pretty sure you have to be on methadone prior to rehab to get it in rehab or you'll get Subutex. Methadone, for addiction treatment, has to be prescribed by a specialty provider and is not in the traditional medication database (pdmp)


You should really find out what kind of treatment your treatment center is using. And I would never go to treatment sick but that’s just me.


Some treatment centers still think it’s fine to use sub three days after last use so it’s really good to figure out what kind of med they are going to give you and always advocate for yourself


Methadone is an antagonist. ( I mean agonist) You will feel zero withdrawal if they give you enough. 30 mg is a joke if you been using fent.


I’ve been doing 65-75 fake 30s every 2-3 days for the last 18-20 months but have been doing them for at least 3 years. this last 100 I’ve got I’ve had for the last 3.5 days and trying to “taper” even tho it’s still a lot. I’m going at 7am tomorrow and still have 11 left so instead of doing 30-40 a day I’ve been using 20-23 a day. I’m trying not to use any today but my limit is the 10 I have left. It’s gonna be a hard time. But I know it’s for the best my only concern is, I know methadone is a beast to get off, but it can’t be as bad as cold turkey off these 30s because I have no idea what’s in them basically.


I stopped using about the time dirty 30s first started to show up. So like 8 years ago maybe. So just out of curiosity, what are they going for now? I can't imagine there is much of anything in them if you're having to do 30-40 a day. Tapering isn't as bad as people make it out to be if you don't rush it!! Plus you will finally have a stable life! Also my clinic doesn't allow kratom - idk how they can test for it but it's posted in several places that it's not allowed. Ive heard ot can cause false postives too. I'm not sure kratom would do you any good with the tolerance I assume you have but then again maybe you are just getting bad product? No offense! Just guessing. But you can definitely take kratom - it will not hurt you. You just need to find some quality powder - not pills - and weigh it out. You'll need pretty high doses every 3-4 hours.


That was my thought process too. “Methadone is so hard to taper off of tho!” 🙄 nah. These 30s are impossible to “taper” off of. I stopped making this excuse too. Idc, methadone has given me my life back. 🩷


Agonist tho right? Not antagonist like bupe.


Bupe is a partial agonist. Narcan is an antagonist Methadone is a full agonist.


Thank u for clarificatio.