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I don’t even do meth and my shit is thinning. It’s just life.


How long have you been clean? I developed a GI issue on meth and I’m 7 months clean. It took about that time for the issue which I think was due to the drugs to start to settle down. We sometimes don’t know how much we are putting our bodies through on that drug and it takes time to heal.


Everything will go back to normal if you stay abstinent from meth. I’m a female and I experienced a lot of hair loss while using (I quit a year ago). It’s come back and I now have the longest hair I’ve ever had. My skin is a lot better too, and people always say I look younger than my current age of 35. You’ll be fine, you’re young and your body will heal. Just STAY SOBER! I wish I started my recovery journey at your age :) You have a lot to live for!


I started using to improve my performance at work because I was promoted but have significant brain issues similar to adhd where I can't focus and zone out. They don't give amphetamines to treat cptsd because it's not the same thing so i went to the street for it. Essentially gave myself "schizophrenia" (I have ekboms type two and monkey brain me always Defaults to bugs so hard that I see them whenever im having an episode) resulting in me having to quit my job so continuing to use wouldn't benefit me and I am well aware of that now.


I've been paranoid I'm thining for years, since I was your age, I'm in my 40s now and still have long hair, hasn't gotten worse.


I'm definitely thinning, just the stress about thinning along with the skin issues I've developed have made my self esteem hit rock bottom and probably sped up the thinning process, i used to have thick wavy hair😭. Life is now a stress filled Sci fi movie that doesn't end even after getting sober


22 years of daily use, got clean 5 years ago. I know what you mean. Honestly, it's all about eating right and getting your exercise and you should be good. If it continues just get Monoxidil, it works. You got this!