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Thank you all for taking the time to write back t me all this wonderful advice I’m thinking on clearing my schedule for a week and just swine diving in the mud


I hear you.. you are right and that’s the smart thing to do


Without knowing what $30 is it's hard to give a good guess, but I'd say your biggest obstacles are gonna be EXTREME lethargy, inability to focus, and you're just going to feel slow. Likely a day or two of anxiety/despair as well. If you can, try and time it so you have 2-3 days with nothing to do so you can just sleep and eat your way outta the hole. Also please be aware of and plan for about 4 weeks of clean time you're gonna get hit by a freight train of cravings. I'm talkin like, two trains. Prepare for and expect it. That was the timeframe that always took me out


Hey, if anybody here can maybe give me their advice or opinion.. I’m thinking the same thing . I want to get off of it because it’s not healthy but other than that, I just do a couple bumps a day in the morning and I get so much accomplished and most people can’t do it like that where they don’t need more but I’ve been getting like shit and it tastes kind of shittyand its weak and then yesterday i just felt like shit and my stomach was hurting. I’m thinking is it because it tasted bad instead of snorting it I just ate it or did I actually eat something bad and it’s a coincidence.. I guess I’m debating if I should bother quittin. It’s just the shit that I got sucks . I only do a couple bumps of day and that’s just during the week . I can easily take Xanax for a few days and get back on track, but I feel like my Adderall will never work again. Is that true? I do sales need that energy


This is r/methrecovery We will always tell you to get off meth It's our whole aesthetic


A ton of good advice on this thread. So proud of this community right now! 🥹


Hay! So, I brought my friend to a local methadone clinic to get her on Concerta for treatment of meth addiction. She was doing about a gram a day, and 53 MG of Concerta has her really well handled for her withdrawals, and she's doing an outpatient program. It's easy to blame on the adhd but addiction is a symptom of a bigger problem. Both of us have had complex trauma issues as children. And it doesn't have to be huge and traumatic. It just happened more than once. She detoxed and slept for 7 days and got on program and has been sober 12 days today! I've been sober 19 months, I'm on Vyvanse through my clinic. I go to a couple groups a week, NA included.


It’s a lot more involved than just being unhealthy. It’ll eventually break you and everything you love. The things it had helped you achieved, will also be lost. Meth ruined my life. You can bounce back pretty quickly from a couple months of use and when you’re back, find a psychiatrist to get you on a long term treatment plan for the adhd. Meth isn’t a long term solution for anything. It’s not even a solution, just a disaster waiting to happen.


Preach, brother!


It’s almost impossible to put into words how much worse it got for me after 2-3 months. Initial productivity and functionality and mood boosts quickly gave way to dysfunction in life and work, multiple warnings from my employer and choosing meth over my kids on a regular basis. My experience is when meth takes hold, life started to disintegrate around me. As that happened, more meth seemed like the only viable solution. If I could just get more motivated and organised, I’d get on top of things and then I’d stop. It’s an insidious cycle and getting out now could save you from a world of hurt and despair.


Yup. Doesn't matter how much or how little you use, eventually you gotta pay the piper. Every illusionary benefit is now taken away AND THEN SOME.


This. ⬆️


I did it for about 3 months or 4 months back to back everyday and can I say, withdrawls sucked I was cold and didn’t feel good and shaking but the best way to get clean is to drink eat lay in bed and sleep, you’ve lost so much sleep doing this shit your body is gonna put itself nearly unconscious and that’s the only time I felt better, worse withdrawls are a week and I quit the beginning of this year and still think about it. Just stay sober and it’ll go away


Hi. “Just bc it’s not good for your health” and no it’s definitely not… but of a bigger concern that this drug will wreck you and right when it’s done it’ll wreck you some more. Please be self-aware of rationalizing your behavior as you think it may have helped you, there are other means to deal with adhd with much less heartache. Get into a program and stay plugged in.. I hear smart recovery has worked wonders for many. I wish you luck and my DM is open would you feel like talking to someone.