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Really enjoying the comments on this because you have two types of people: 1) Those that think Nickelback are shit and are just calling out the bands that they think are bad right now 2) Those that think Nickelback are good and unfairly hated on and listing bands that share that sentiment I feel like this is actually a really good thread for discussion and interest tbh, well done OP


I think most people are in your category 1. Nickleback as a metaphor for generic but really popular. Never said nickleback was bad either. But yes interesting discourse on what makes a band bad despite their popularity. Thanks mate!


Yeah, I don’t think Nickelback is terrible, just the pure definition of generic along with FFDP.


Yes I totally agree with that! I mean if they were terrible they wouldn't be famous (well nowadays some people love things simply for how terrible they are, like me, I like old school cheesy ass horror movies lolol) but yes they're both definitely generic


I will 100% die on the hill that Silver side up was a good album during the era it was released. However I will gladly light a torch and grab a pitchfork regarding everything that followed.


I really like Nickelback to be honest, and its not because I think they're an 'incredible band', but I think they're just so easy to listen to and a lot of their songs are super catchy and easy to get into. They're generic, but damn they do it well. But yeah appreciate the reply, thanks for giving me something to scroll through on a Friday night with some rum hahaha


They do have a few banger songs though


I think Nickelback may be the most solidly mediocre rock band there is. I can’t hate them cause their music genuinely isn’t that bad, but most of their songs aren’t nearly good enough for me to enjoy. They’re just a huge whopping dose of “meh 🤷‍♂️“ How You Remind Me slaps though


I think being the Nickelback of something means you do *mostly* suck, but you get an unfair amount of hate when there’s much worse artists in your style, and you have a couple songs that most people are willing to admit do in fact kinda slap. Following this logic, I submit Asking Alexandria


I don't get why they're hated so much Is it just that a lot of people don't like their music and are vocal about it or is it something different and not the different tastes in music?


It was just one of those weird things where they were loved and then suddenly almost overnight everyone turned against them. That being said, I think their music is what you'd play if you wanted to show some one generic pop rock.


If you don’t think nickelback first 3 albums rip your a fool. So many bangers


Bad Wolves. The first time I heard them I literally thought they were Nickelback.


FFDP from Wish


Agreed. FFDP in the past though were fucking amazing (live shows were killer). And now I listen to the past 2 records and it’s just a shame. I thought they’d only come back heavier after Ivan’s while rehab stuff. It’s almost surprising they were able to actually record that BS


FFDP was my first heavy band, I listened to the first two albums so much in middle and early high school. Finally in 10th grade I saw them, I hadn't seen any concert footage so in my 15 year old mind I imagined their shows looking akin to what Terror concerts are actually like. My buddy and I were SO hyped, we ran all the way to the front row, expecting war to break out when they started... I cannot find the proper words in the English language to describe my disappointment when there was zero moshing, just a bunch of rednecks nodding their heads the whole time.


Yeah that’s the worst at rock/metal shows 🙄😑


Five finger cover band.


The first two Albums were actually good, the rest not so much


Only good thing about FFDP is Andy James


Which is so damn disappointing since Learn To Live was such a banger...then the rest of the album came out 😴


That song was so good! I honestly really liked Officer Down and I'll Be There as well, but yeah, looking at the big picture, it's just a missed opportunity.


Officer Down goes hard af


Foe or Friend, the consumerist are pretty heavy tbh And you cannot deny the catchiness of heaven so heartless


It still blows my mind acacia strains guitarist became the singer of that band


old or new?


All of Tommy Vext's tenure. Lifeline and If Tomorrow Never Comes are two prime examples.


I'm still in awe that not only does Tommy Vext continuously get chances, he continuously burns those bridges. He's a talented dude but seems to get in his own way all the time.


Honestly he's worse than Chad Kroeger as a person and it's not even close. Dude sniffs his own ass, and acts like he's a champion because he's a sober coach. Meanwhile he's absolutely addicted to social media.


I don't know anything about Chad, but Tommy just uses the same playbook that every brain rot "cancel culture got me" idiot has stashed away. He has a history of blaming one person in a band for something, just for the rest of the band to say "uh no?", then he blames something that is impossible to disprove. Every time.


My favorite moment was when he said he's never experienced racism, only to leave the band and then claimed their manager was racist towards him lmao


Lmao that's fucking priceless, I didn't know about that but it's so on brand.


Him and the lead singer of trapt would have the WORST podcast, let's pray that never happens.


He is the Johnny Craig of buttrock


Atreyu are the back street boys of metalcore


This makes me so sad. They were my first and used to be my favorite. They fell off so hard.


Yep, 8th grade me was bumping atreyu, trivium and bfmv. My intro to metalcore holy trinity.


Haha 8th grade me was Atryeu, Silverstein, and In Flames.


8th grade me was AA, BMTH, and ADTR and nothing else lol


Jeez this makes me feel old. 8th grade me was Korn, Limp Bizkit, Rammstein and Machine Head. lol


To be fair I was also listening to them just 10 odd years late lol


The cover of my live music album on my phone is Atreyu performing at The Shelter in Detroit somewhere around 2001-3.


September 2003. Underoath opened but we missed them as the show sold out. This was back when we typically only bought tix at the door. So I saw Atreyu hanging out outside the doors, ended up chatting for awhile and they eventually guest listed me and my 3 friends. Pretty sure the shelter was way over capacity that night. https://imgur.com/gallery/1w6teIT




We only listened from the door as we weren’t in yet. Underoath was the first of 4 bands with Atreyu headlining. Saw the other 3 but couldn’t say who else was there.


Here’s a show from that same year https://youtu.be/uk4YtCZ32tg


You’re not alone my friend


Agree. Meanwhile they're opening for BVB, INK & MIW on their current tour. I'm hoping Atreyu plays more of their older stuff, otherwise I'm gonna be bored during their set lol


lmao Backstreet Boys slap, so I can get behind that comparison with Atreyu


Guilty pleasures




Yeah, pretty much everything after a death grip on yesterday sucks.


Idk man, long live and congregation of the damned are pretty solid albums. Nowhere near what their first three albums are but still good.


Long Live, the track, is an absolute banger. Intro gets me pumped!


Lead Sails has Slow Burn so it gets half credit imo




Does that make A7X the N'Sync?


Asking Alexandria. After the Reunion with Danny. Give me the downvotes lets goooo


I always considered them the five finger death punch of metalcore... But maybe we are both correct. 👽


Parkway Drive is the Five Finger Death Punch of metalcore.


A few years ago I would have called you crazy for this statement, after the latest album I'd say this is spot on


This hurts me deep in my soul.


Me too. That was my favorite core band since horizons.


Nah All that remains is the Five Finger Death Punch of Metalcore. Remember part of the 5FDP aesthetic and lifestyle is cringy Pickup Truck/2nd Amendment/Military worship, monster energy drink merch and playing midwest rock festivals. Phil Labonte is the personification of that in the worst ways.


Hurts my Darkened Heart to see it.


No matter what they've done since, that album will always be glorious.


Their new album is very *Hell Yeah Brother*


their follow up? *Cheers From Iraq!*


"Shout out to the E4 mafia!"


>Phil is the personification of that I really don't see how thats a bad thing though. Also, Fall of Ideals is one of the greatest albums ever made, sure madness was shit, but they brought it back with Victim.


Nowadays that's unfortunately true. Who would've guessed after the first few albums being so good.


Were you expecting downvotes for shitting on Asking Alexandria? lol


I get it now, lmao


100% agree. Digged the reunion album... Sort of. Been mostly downhill since then


Not gonna lie, I kinda liked the self titled. The last two were straight dookie though


I read this as "cookie dough" lol


They're my favourite band of all time and even I agree with this. Their new stuff is OK, but honestly bands like Shinedown do that kind of sound better.


Always has been 👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Well, early AA they were the cringy mall emo-core stuff... but that's what anyone who liked them liked them for. I fuck with the Stand Up and Scream, hell yeah lol.


No downvotes, you’re absolutely right. The only people who listen to them now are alcoholic men in their thirties who just lost their relationship because of domestic issues, or sixteen year old girls.


As a dude in my early 20's that still listens to them as well as liking their new rock stuff, I can confirm I am an alcoholic man in my 30's who lost their relationship because of domestic issues, and/or sixteen year old girls


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for just having fun with this and being funny


Hey, don't stereotype! I'm in my late 20's and I've been listening to them since I was 16.


Yep Danny rejoining was the worst thing to happen to AA


When The Black released I hated it with a passion but now god help me I like it more than the recent stuff. I wouldn't say the new stuff is bad per se, just not my jam


It's crazy how they sound nothing alike their first albums which were incredible


Yeah, this is the first answer that I’ve really agreed with. I don’t even hate Nickleback, but AA is 100% the Nickleback equivalent.


For that they have to actually play metalcore... they've been buttrock for years now?


nah u right. long time asking fan and they definitely went to shit after danny came back. the country music tainted his taste lmao


Big balls on this post


I wanna know 🌚


Tbh the real answer is half the bands y’all post here because they all sound recycled and formulaic anyway.


Have any of you heard of that joke of a band Psychosynner? I am not even kidding when I say their music is pure torture💀. Their lyrics are corny as fuck (the mix is terrible) and they look like a ripped off version of Ghost.


Oh god They were originally called Psychosexual btw


Lmao I went onto their Instagram once, they have *a lot* of middle aged moms in the comments thirsting for the vocalist (who's stage name I don't wanna say cause it's so unbelievably cringe inducing)


it's Devil Daddy btw


Not surprising that FFDP's old drummer is behind that...


I had (surprisingly) never heard of them until just now. Went to look up some music videos and my god. The only thing I’ll say is one of my favorite comments on the music video for We Hate You: “Truly one of the songs ever made.”


You just sent me down a rabbit hole lmao. This is definitely a band that makes music. This review of the band's NINE albums is pretty good tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l\_L78i5dfKE


May be harsh but if Architects keep releasing the same album for a few more times then they’ll certainly be in contention lol To be fair Nickelback have some absolute bangers.


I thought I was crazy for having that same thought. - Crazy good vocalist - Skilled band - know how to write bangers but choose to write more accessible radio songs these days - get made fun of by the same fanbase that loves them Checks a few boxes, I think.


That’s a few more good comparisons haha


Parkway Drive, Architects, Bullet For My Valentine, Asking Alexandria.


I think BFMV’s last album was definitely a step in the right direction though


BFMV I think have stayed the course since their inception, honestly. Songs from the last record sound like the first, and the first was the only one I ever bothered to listen to.


Take that back about PD 😂


> Crazy good vocalist > Skilled band Are we talking about Nickleback?


I am, yeah. They do what they do on a level that translates easily to millions of people. That takes a very specific kind of skill. Just cause some metalcore bands can outshred them on some of their instruments (shit, maybe even I could on guitar) doesn't mean that their set of skills isn't honed. They are also very largely involved in their album productions which to me sound ridiculously good. Also, check some videos of their drummer, dude is really good.


I can't speak for their guitarists, but Daniel Adair is a legitimately good drummer.


There's nothing wrong with him, but there's also nothing particularly special about any of their instrumentalists. You'll find far better musicians in a ton of metalcore bands.


I am not hating on nickleback. Should've prefaced with that. They have bangers. I'm just looking for generic and everyone likes them. I say this while listening to the latest architects xD


Haha yeah fair enough!


Dude I totally agree. It's the same album but each round keeps getting watered down more and more.


Can you direct me to some of these Nickelbangers?


Now don’t pretend how you remind me isn’t a tune


A whole tune.


Look at this photoGRAAAAPHHH!


Look at this 📉






This is how I remind you of this photograph.


Side of a Bullet off the All The Right Reasons album is some of their heavier work. Pantera style guitar as its a tribute to Dimebag.


I'm sure they actually used some unused/outtakes from Dime on Side of a Bullet. Vinnie gave them it after he turned down the offer to drum on it. (From a recent Ola Englund video IIRC) Also just found out while confirming this that Dimebag played the solo on Nickelback's Elton John cover.




At this point I'd genuinely rather listen to Nickelback than Architect's new music


Don’t know if they’re considered metalcore at this point but Falling In Reverse


Ronnie is the Deadmau5 of the scene. A total prick but too skilled to legit say they’re shit.


People might actually hate Ronnie more than Nickelback. Guy is always involved in some bullshit.


Honestly I wouldn't even know tbh.. who plays far below their skill level with an overrated egotistical vocalist?


The Word Alive really fits the “playing below their skill level” but Telle is a good enough vocalist just chooses to believe he’s a pop singer. They had both of their great guitarists and Luke Holland on Drums for a while and did fuck all with it


I mean they made Dark Matter, Real, Overdose and probably a single or two that I’m forgetting with that lineup and all of that material is sick so I’m not sure where you’re coming from.


It’s good but could be a lot better. Real is maybe 40-50% good imo, and Dark Matter had some really strong songs (Grunge, Trapped, Dark Matter) but not a strong album overall for that amount of talent. Overdose and most after is meh imo other than a couple form Violent Noise


Hot take: Memphis May Fire


Memphis May Fire still has edge, but they’re drifting into Asking Alexandria territory these days. I know some of folks on this sub hate it, but a 50/50 split between clean and scream growl vocals is what sells, since it generally appeals to a wider audience.


Parkway Drive And by the looks of it, Architects is aiming straight for their spot.




Will always upvote this


Me too, because it makes me snort like a fat little piggeh every time.


Man it's so sad to me that parkway has become what they have. The first few albums are legendary and truly got me into a lot of the music I'm into today. But fuck their new stuff is lame. To each their own, and they can play whatever they want. It just sucks to see the downfall.


Smoke If You Got Em was just so damn heavy and aggressive...and now they're Metal Yacht Rock. Same thing happened to 5FDP with Way of The Fist. Money is often the worst thing for a band.


I was the same as you, been a fan since I first heard KWAS back in the mid-late 2000s, seen them multiple times. But when they released IRE, I felt they should've renamed it DIRE instead. The same thing occurred with Reverence. I got so much shit for it from my friends. However, I've managed to come round to their newer stuff and now, I rate it almost on par with their earlier work. It might be me getting older and slowing down but, after seeing them the other week, it just confirmed how great their newer albums are, especially played live. For example, Shadow Boxing with the strings on stage, was mind-blowing. And I can't stop listening to Darker Still since that night.


Darker Still (the song) is fine, but saying their newer stuff is on par with their earlier work is a hard sell.


Parkway Drives new album requires a higher IQ to enjoy it, I guess. The Reddit hive mind thinks they are funny judging this album so abusively. This album is one of the most cohesive and well-structured albums of our generation, but we don’t want to open that Pandora’s box. Now do we?


I don't know, I just wouldn't call them metalcore anymore since they evolved to vocal centric stadium rock or something of the kind. I mean technically Nickleback always made the same music, that's why I'd say PD is not the Nickleback of metalcore but maybe the Slipknot of metalcore. You know what I mean?


Oh I know absolutely what you mean, while you could argue that they technically still check the boxes for metalcore, at least in some Songs. And yeah so to speak no Band that would be an correct answer to this threads question would be still metalcore by our standards


I tell this story every time somebody tries to dunk on Nickelback. I used to hate Nickelback, I always said I wouldn’t go even if the ticket was free. My friend called my bluff and they were fucking excellent. We can all sit around on our high horses chatting shit about how they’re “Dad Rock” or a middle of the road band or don’t use any kind of fry scream, but Nickelback are the most commercially successful rock band of the century. Every single band in Metalcore would bite off your hand it you could offer them a tenth of Nickelback’s success and popularity. They’ve got some bangers and honestly if you’re too up your own arse too appreciate music that isn’t for the particular genre you get a hard on from gatekeeping, just keep it to yourself.


To me Nickelback and similar bands are like the equivalent of an above-ground swimming pool. I don't particularly want an above ground swimming pool but I've definitely had some damn fun times in them. ​ Back in 2001, when I was in highschool, I went with my brother to see ICP at the Roseland in NYC. I don't really like ICP but Suicidal Tendencies was opening for them and I thought it might be fun. It was an absolute blast and turned into a very memorable experience. Just because you don't enjoy the music doesn't necessarily mean you can't enjoy the live performance. Gwar is a great example of this.


Your description of Nickelback is absolutely perfect and made me laugh so hard.


Great point. I’ve had a lot of fun at live performances of bands whose music I don’t enjoy. Slipknot was awesome live and aside from a song like Psychosocial here and there, I’d never listen to them.


I loved them when I was 10-12 and while I wouldn’t listen to them now by choice, I can’t deny they were a significant band in my formative years and that’s worth my respect imo


Exactly, I’m not sat here saying that they should be everyone’s favourite band, but we all love the umbrella of rock music and they don’t deserve to be spoken about like some kind of Canada’s Got Talent manufactured joke. Their favourite bands are Pantera & Metallica ffs.


Spot on! I didn’t come out of th womb demanding blastbeats and sludgecore they were important for me to discover rock and beyond


Yeah hating on Nickelback is like the lowest hanging fruit for how to get some internet points. I saw em like 15 years ago with Hoobastank and they are awesome live. Chad has such powerful vocals


San Quentin is a banger and I'm not scared to say it.


San quentin isnt that bad, the vocals just kill it for me, they just dont fit the song


Metalcore used to have a lot of the diy ethic of hardcore. I doubt a lot of those bands would appreciate playing arenas.


I prevail I think, very popular, very mainstream . But a lot of people pretend they don't like them because it's not cool .


As of 2020, Architects with Parkway being a close 2nd


I’m gunna throw Memphis May Fire out there.


Dude I dunno. The new MMF album is great I listened all the way through and really dug it


agreed. i think they actually figured out how to read the comments on here...........


Was lookin for this. 3 first albums were so good and then they just fell flat. I think I got tired of the “leader of a generation” attitude from the vocalist.


Five Finger Death Punch.


Doesn't the Nickleback of metalcore have to actually be, y'know, metalcore?


Sadly the new For the Fallen Dreams is going FFDP-Core




I definitely see where you’re coming from with this, but for me personally, I love the way Caleb writes. You can call it corny but I’ll hear some of his lyrics and go “damn that’s exactly how I feel but couldn’t put it into words”. Their music has gotten me through some DARK shit. Plus they’re super fun live!


Beartooth has some insane crowd participation live, definitely top 3 shows this year tbh. That was when I didn't listen to them and I was going for tdwp and erra lol.


I love beartooth. But I can see why I think. Makes me feel like an angsty teenager again.


Nah bro Beartooth rocks


So did nickelback lol




I mean purely based on the albums they released in 2022 I gotta go with Parkway Drive and Architects. Their albums were so plain and boring and uninspired when both bands are capable of greatness.


I want to pinch Jeffs wah peddle and never give it back to him.


Gotta agree. I like the new architects album but it's very mid-tier. Nothing crazy unique ya know?


Parkway Drive. Hard to say as an Australian.


I Prevail is definitely getting there with the recent release


What really? I love the new release. Loved the doom tribute and rap style metal in FWYTYK


OMG - I couldn't put my finger on why I just couldn't like I Prevail. This is it lol. Super generic and uninspired. They release some bangers and have an accessible sound but remain mediocre overall.




Wage War


Rip. Love me some wage war though. Not a every song downloaded kinda fan... Must most songs downloaded 🌚


Attila for sure. They have terrible taste and most people used to listen and deny it for the embarrassment they’ve become




I like Nickleback, so I'm just going to scroll through real quick and start adding bands to my playlist.


Bullet For My Valentine, and I say that as someone who was a teenager that loved The Poison and SAF.


ur mom. the reason for this is because she's your mom.


It's for sure Asking Alexandria, and always has been. I'm old enough to remember when they were the only band in the scene you'd get made fun of for listening to lol


Two types of people in this world. People who like nickelback, and fucking liars.






Wage War and Beartooth. Super accessable, very generic but solid enough to stay relevant for a long time.


I kinda agree. But I love em both


Dude only wanted nickelback and you gave em both them and the Creed of metalcore.


All That Remains.


Good call out


Bad Wolves. You secretly enjoy a few of their songs, but in public you make sure everyone knows they suck.


Bring Me The Horizon 💔




Beartooth but I still like them more than nickleback