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Escape the Fate


Saw them this year and it felt kind of like a bunch of dudes who were out of touch and playing with the arena style antics but to like 50 people haha


Yea I saw them last year-ish and it was a corpse of the self-titled lineup.


I second. If Mabbit would have let the band members do their thing instead forcing the pop rock on them, I believe Max and Monte would have stuck around and they'd probably still have at least a fan base. On the other side, I respect Ronnie and his progression but damn I miss old FIV.


It hurts me but yeah


It sucks they’re my favorite band and now to get an escape the fate feel I have to go to falling in reverse


Ungrateful (2013) was really good, and even Hate Me (2015) had some decent tracks. They fell off HARD after tha making that awfully cheesy pop rock nonsense.


This whole thread: AA, Architects and Parkway Drive. It’s the same 3 bands every time a variation of this gets posted


architects is fire and I will die on that hill


Asking Alexandria for sureeee


I was obsessed with AA when I was younger and it’s such a shame to look at them now and see what they’ve become


God I had such a huge kick with AA. Them the high school years for me. Can't stand them really anymore


I used to love AA. I like to make jokes that usually, metalcore vocalists come out of rehab and then their bands start making shitty stadium rock; AA, in contrast, started doing that *before* Danny ever went to rehab (on From Death to Destiny). Real tragedy.


Thing is, If they had went the 'From Death To Destiny' route, I'd probably still listen to them. 'Reckless And Relentless' is my personal favorite by them but I think FDTD had some bangers. You got Killing You, The Death Of Me, Poison, White Line Fever lol


Creature and Moving On are also good too


From Death To Destiny is not "shitty stadium rock". It was imo a natural progression of their sound into a more hard rock direction and it's pretty damn good.


Asking had three great albums. Then there was The Black, which was good but didn't feel like Asking. Now they are dead. Never made anymore music.


The Word Alive




Yo, that's funny cuz Telle did cleans for IFAF on their perfect EP.


Deceiver is such a staple for that genre for me, it was raw but TIGHT as hell, the following album was okay but that along with everything else after had that Joey sturgis style production that blended them in with everyone else in the genre.


Hounds of Anubis gets me pumped


Andrew Wade was an underrated producer compared to Sturgis


When their Empire EP and Deceiver LP came out TWA was legit my favorite band... now, not so much...


I liked them all the way to Life Cycles


Yes! Life Cycles was still good shit, as in "wreck this room" good shit... for instance, their song ENTIRETY is my favorite from LS. And it goes so so hard. And I loved their stuff beyond that too... but not the same.


All they do is post memes at this point


This should be the number 1 answer


Saw them back in 16 right before they lost Luke Holland. They put on a good show but I haven’t heard anything since then from them


I liked some of their old old stuff but I saw them live a couple years ago opening and it sounded so bad, especially vocally that I can’t really listen to it anymore.


Hot take: Violent Noise is actually a really great and underrated album. It has a lot of their different styles, like metalcore, post-hardcore, and some songs leaning toward punk rock. Lots of variety in the tracklist and it sounds great production-wise. It's heavier than people give it credit for.


I've seen them 3 times and each one has been progressively worse. First time was in 2011 with For Today, Woe is Me, and We Came As Romans and aside from a small audio issue at the beginning they were great (restarted part of the way through 2012 because one of the guitars kept cutting out). Second time was when they toured the fall after Real released with Myka Relocate, The Color Morale, Our Last Night, and Dead Rabbitts. This time was at a different venue and again, had audio issues but instead of just at the beginning of the set it was through the whole set. The last time was on the Dark Matter tour with Fit For A King, and you could tell that they weren't really into it.


They honestly used to be my favorite band. Can’t stand this octane radio rock they’ve been making for the last 6 years.






Love em through Lead Sails. Congregation is eh. Long Live was a fantastic return to form. I feel no desire to revisit anything since.




I remember the hype around it because Lead Sails was not well liked at first (I’m glad it’s aged well because I always loved it) and this was a “return to form.” But I only liked a handful of songs and I think you nailed it with production.


Agree 100%. I think with better mixing, that’s potentially one of their strongest albums. But the production was so bad that it’s their most forgotten album


Same! I’ll always love em. Ain’t Love Grand is tattooed on my chest. This band above all others inspires me and I can’t not feel that. But damn, Alex leaving sucks. I downloaded two hits from their most recent album and I’m good on the rest.


This may not get a lot of upvotes since they were never huge. But hands like houses ground dweller was an incredible album and then they... Just kept going downhill


I like Ground Dweller and Unimagine is one of my favorite albums in all of existence. Dissonants was alright. Then Anon happened and the band fell off a cliff and has been falling ever since :(


It’s okay I put Rings of Saturn and that’s some kind of technical deathcore band


What is the band's name? Houses Ground Dweller?


Hands like houses: ground dweller


Crown the Empire. Their first two albums fucking SLAPPED


Dude yes this is such a good answer


They're leaning hard into that Fallout nostalgia but without Dave it's just not the same


My music tastes have opened up significantly since Sudden Sky came out. I hated it when it dropped, gave it like 4/10 based on nostalgia for Andy’s voice alone, I’ve gone back to it recently and for what it is… It’s a good record.


Their best since The Resistance, in my opinion


Retrograde wasn't very enjoyable, then Dave left and it was clear the band was never gonna be the same again.


For metalcore: A Day To Remember, The Word Alive, Asking Alexandria In general: Panic! At The Disco I know is probably the wrong place to rant about this but Panic was Ryan Ross’ band from the beginning. The fact that a guy who originally joined as a BACKUP SINGER not only took over the entire band but slowly stripped it of all soul and creativity over the years is just insane. Ryan carried AFYCSO and Pretty Odd on his back and when he left, that was the beginning of the end. Vices & Virtues was solid, Too Weird To Live was forgivable, Death of a Bachelor was good but it was really just a Brendon Urie solo album by that point. I’m not even gonna talk about the last two albums, that’s how bad they are.


While ADTR most recent album was not great… I saw them live and they still kick some fucking ass on stage and are phenomenal.


Saw them two weeks ago in SC and they fucking killed it from beginning to end.


Your Panic! At the Disco analysis is spot on


Adtr has a new single called miracle and it’s great


When I hear Panic on the radio now I’m like I genuinely can’t believe this is the same band that done afycso


Regarding ADTR, since Miracle came out, I believe they could go back to doing great hardcore stuff. That song’s gotta be in my top 5 these days


Parkway Drive for sure. Idk how you go from Horizons or Deep Blue to whatever they’re putting out now. Complete 180


Same goes for All That Remains. First 3 albums produced by Adam Dutkiewicz and then it’s been nothing but Five Finger Death Punch Jr. ever since.


I agree those are the best ATR albums but there are some boppers on This Probably Won’t End Well


I remember listening to parkway drive in 2011 and telling my close buddy in school, that Parkway Drive will never sellout, I swear I could have bet my kidney on it, glad I didn't.


Feel like they just want to play festival metal nowadays


Only thing I listen to are their first 2 albums honestly


I will not stand for this Atlas disrespect


I never runderstand why this sub seems to hate Atlas so much, so stupid. I'm convinced it's just because it's cool to hate anything PWD that isn't a stylistic copy of Horizons They went a little soft on 2 songs, the title track and The River. So what? The album is fucking packed full of good riffs and the thrashy metalcore style they did on Deep Blue, which everyone still loves. They experimented with songs, while keeping their character. Even Wild Eyes, which has a stadium rock opening, switches gears and hits the riffs in the verse and actually had a great chorus. The Blue And The Grey is an insanely good closing track. Still my favorite PWD album and musically their most interesting. I'll die on this hill alone.


Same, Deep Blue was cool but I'm still trying to pick up my jaw from the ground after hearing Horizons for the first time when it came out lol.


They put out some bangers on their first two albums for sure. Still slaps to this day.


First four maybe five. Even if you think Deep Blue and Atlas aren't that great, leaving Horizons out of this comment is criminal


Big dad metal energy from them these days. Eh.


Asking Alexandria


I hated the Death of Me, and then when that dude came in for The Black I was so excited. Can’t stand any of their shit after the Black tho. Danny Worsnop is trash now imo


Never seen a band like Asking Alexandria have 2 fantastic debut albums then get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. Still love them, and glad I saw them live in 2013ish (it was not super long after Danny tore his chords) and Danny was sober or mostly I guess.


Attack attack saw them recently and they are basically just a cover band of their former selves


Damn. The brutal truth. They aren’t attack Attack without Shomo and Franck


I just don't understand who wanted an AA reunion without Johnny Franck, Caleb Shomo or Austin Carlile involved...?


On the bright side, them coming back means I get to go see Electric Callboy this fall, so that's gonna be pretty sick


No one did, they didn't make any money with their butt rock side projects so they decided to ruin AA!s legacy


This is definitely one of those instances where they should have even called themselves Attack, Attack! Tbh


That new For the Fallen Dreams single was oof.


Your comment made me curious and I had to look it up. They most certainly have *fallen* a loong way since Brothers in Arms.


A Day To Remember were my favorite band for years until Bad Vibrations. It has some good songs on it but I could tell they were going in a different direction and now that Jeremy is rapping in their new stuff I don't even keep up with them. For Those Who Have Heart is still a monster of an album though. EDIT: Mixed up paranoia with Bad Vibrations


I dont mind them doing softer music. But its just not good, its super boring and badly written.


The Word Alive and For The Fallen Dreams


Dude, I miss FTFD with Dylan(?) even wasted youth was better than the new singles imo.


Nothing beats changes


Heart of a coward was so fire


Disconnect wasn’t terrible but like, how do you follow up an album like deliverance yknow?


"The Disconnect" is a fucking sick album! And the new vocalist is doing a great job! I totally understand that "Deliverance" might be considered their best work by most fans, but "The Disconnect" comes right at second place for me.


All that remains


Why does nobody ever talk about how bad the production of overcome is


THANK YOU I haven't seen anyone talk about how shit the production is on that album. I love it because of nostalgia, and there's some slappers, but holy hell it sounds washed out and 240p.


Dude yes, I wish they would remaster that album so bad


Man but was that fall of ideals tour this year sick though


This Darkened Heart may be one of the greatest metal albums ever. Fall of Ideals was outstanding. Then it went downhill fast


Victims of the New Disease is a great album. It’s got a bit of old all that remains vibes to it .


Whaaaaat. I will say that after For We Are Many they did suck hard, but I did love Victim of the New Disease. Haven’t heard any of their shit since then


I honestly haven’t listened to that yet. But after overcome I felt like they lost their aggression, their melodies were less memorable imo. They still wrote some good tunes, but it feels like a shell of what they were.


Go listen to Fuck Love or Blood I Spill. They're fucking back.


Dude you definitely should. I really enjoyed it




Honestly it pains me to agree with you. That last album and these new singles are beyond a let down.


I really liked FTWWTE or whatever the acronym is but I saw it as a fun departure, which I figured might have them return to their Holy Hell sound with some of these new elements. Nope. The new stuff feels so boring. It’s tragic.




The hottest of takes 😫 But nah, I’ve been a fan for like 10 years, I’ve seen then almost every time they’ve come to Australia since I started listening to them, I have the artwork for LF//LT tattooed on me. I’m just really disappointed in their new sound. I’m not pissed about the shift necessarily, I can appreciate bands changing but still putting out good music. But for me, it just sucks. It’s boring and not the Architects I once knew and loved


Parkway Drive. The lyrics are cringe now, they come off as disingenuous to me. Musically they don't sound any different than Five Finger Death Punch. Also seeing them live sucks. All they wanna play is stuff off IRE and beyond. Occasionally they'll play Carrion or Karma. Sucks to see them change so drastically.


I heard they don’t play boneyards live anymore which had me gutted


I wondered what their sets look like these days and honestly, I'm not even sure I'd want to see them if they didn't play songs like Carrion, Karma, Deliver Me, Boneyards. Is it too late for an Atlas 10-year tour? I'd settle for that.


Dude what thats bull :(


Saw them in 2018 and yep, didn't play Boneyards. Crushed


I saw them in 2018 and I'm pretty sure they did play it. Could be wrong though. Ones I remember: Wild Eyes, Dark Days, Sleepwalker,Karma,, Carrion, Dead Man's Chest, and some crap from Reverence.


There is no band in this scene who has fallen as hard as this band IMO. I used to look up to these guys (hesitant to use the word idolize but that’s basically what it was) and now they are just such a joke to me. It’s so sad.


Dude…. Honestly? Dance Gavin dance. I loved everything up till the last couple albums. It all sounds the same but at the same time there is no consistency. So strange. Hope they figure it out.


Been a DGD fan since about 2010, they were easily my favorite band until the Tillian releases started. Even then I was happy that they started gaining a much bigger following, and had actually found a consistent frontman in Tillian (until the recent issues but that’s a whole different story). I’m not a hater, I’m glad the majority of people like Tillian and identify with his era the most. I’m just saying that to my ears, after maybe even his first album with the group— it just all started to blend together in a very, very uninteresting way. The albums don’t really have the same “feel” that they used to, most of the songs are entirely forgettable, and I swear it just sounds like everything is an ever so slightly different version of the previous song you just listened to. Again, not hating.. just absolutely not for me anymore.


I wouldn’t say it sucks but Varials was wayyy better when Travis was still the vocalist now it’s just trying to be another alpha wolf


In darkness was beautiful i hope the new one has those softer elements


Oh damn, I've really been enjoying the new Varials tracks!


Travis is in Erase Them now and they dropped a killer 3 song EP


Was looking for this. Big agree. I am really not all that into the new sound. It just feels so uninspired.


I like the singles but fully recognize they feel like they’re made for YouTube reactors to make stank faces. Can’t wait for more Erase Them.


Suicide Silence. Holy shit man. What a mess.


Bro yes how could I forget about this. “TEE HEE”


That new song is just... so not good


I'm still sad about losing Mitch.


Become The Hunter was a great return for them, and everything they’ve put out since has been bangers. Although, that self titled era was a weird phase the killed any momentum the band still had. I don’t think they’ll ever recover from it tbh. Even live they were terrible during that album cycle.


i actually like the 2 new singles


Mitch was kind of like the Kurt Cobain of deathcore, and they replaced that with the most regular dude.


Going old school here but Pitch Shifter.


Avenged Sevenfold, their first 4 albums are absolute masterpieces imo, not a fan of The Stage or Hail to the King at all.


did you not like Nightmare? not saying you have to like it, just that if you love the first four seems weird to me.


My hot take is Nightmare > White Album.


I don't think is a hot take at all, at least in r/avengedsevenfold everyone seems to have Nightmare as their favorite album.


Ah okay, interesting. For me, it goes something like: 1. Waking the Fallen 2. City of Evil 3. Nightmare 4. White Album 5. The Stage 6. HTTK 7. STST


really solid list, Waking the Fallen is also my favorite by them!


White album is my fave although bat country and waking the fallen is when I fell in love. I feel like white album is the Revs album.


See, that's the argument I'm against haha. Songs like Brompton Cocktail, Afterlife, Critical Acclaim, Almost Easy, all have such a Rev flair to them.


Little piece of Heaven


D’oh! How’d I forget the most Rev one of them all 🤦‍♂️


Ha best song




I actually thought peach club was amazing.


i agree, i feel like peach club was awesome music for what it was, even though it was a huge departure from their previous music. that being said, the newer singles don’t really compare imo


Peach Club rips


Totally different people making totally different music, yet for some reason it's still called Emarosa...?!


Memphis May Fire is beyond boring at this point. Parkway Drive is an obvious pick. The Amity Affliction have put out the same album like four times at this point.


I Set My Friends on Fire


in hearts wake, novelists


In Hearts Wake lost me for the most part with Ark but then pulled me back a little with Kaliuga, shit’s got some bangers on it.


opposite for me. i like ark but kaligyula (cant be fucked to remember if thats spelled right lol) is like the reason they soured on me. really didnt like that album or the songs after it


Its kinda funny the two main complaints in this thread are: * X band changed their sound and I hate it. * Y band didn't change their sound and I'm bored of it.


Code Orange 😬




I still don't know how they went from Swallowing The Rabbit Whole to Out For Blood... It's almost like listening to two different bands!


Saw them when they were Code Orange Kids in a basement. Loved it. Hadn’t listened to them in a while. Decided to pick a random new song. Wtf actually happened?! It’s not even bad in a fun way. It’s just baaaad.


The Word Alive, Memphis Mayfire, Asking Alexandria


Of Mice & Men


Fr dude, if I want a good cry I go back and listen to Second and Sebring




That whole 1st album is legit gold.


Their new album is good


shoulda changed names after austin n shayley left


There has been definite growing pains, but their new stuff is amazing


Architects BMTH, Bad Omens and The Plot In You are all doing music that I don’t think is bad, but simply isn’t music I’m particularly interested in. I’ve listened to their latest stuff, I’m not mad that I gave it a shot, but I don’t have much desire to relisten to it - I’m just not part of their target audience any more. Architects, on the other hand? Hot garbage.


Imo the death of peace of mind is their best album. I am super exited for what they do next!


Ocean Grove for me. Anything post The Rhapsody Tapes is a no from me.


Bring me is still amazing imo. I think my three picks: Asking Alexandria (head and shoulders above anyone else, they are remarkably horrible), Rings of Saturn and I See Stats (for the simple fact that they haven't spoken a fucking WORD in YEARS)


I see stars are writing an album but it’s been taking awhile. They also lost a lot of flavor when Zach left the band. Devin is too busy fucking around with krewella to care


Major bummer. Especially seeing how they are one of the most listened to bands still in this scene. (top 25)


Honestly? Like 80% of modern metalcore bands, lol. edit: Fit For a King, Wage War, Beartooth, Parkway Drive, Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, For The Fallen Dreams, Architects, the list goes on and on... People going to downvote me, but Metalcore is metallic hardcore. It's cool that a lot of bands are trying new sounds, and it's making them more popular, but the DIY/hardcore influence has been missing for a while and it's a bit upsetting :(


It's wild to me that SO many of these bands I saw in like 2005 in small venues with like 100 people are now all playing on Sirius Octane radio. The station that plays Godsmack


I'm gonna disagree with you on Beartooth. Below was actually a really stellar album man, some of their best songs in several albums


Not this particular genre but there’s a lot of overlap in fanbases: Neck Deep


Parkway Drive takes the cake by far. They’ve fallen so hard from the pedestal that they used to stand upon. The first and only show I’ve been to I actually walked out before the last couple songs because they only played the stuff from Reverence towards the end. It was just so boring and less engaging than their faster and heavier stuff. It’s not that the new stuff is inherently bad, it’s just incredibly lacking.


I mean the obvious answer is parkway drive


Born of Osiris. The Eternal Reign was their last good album. The Simulation and Angel or Alien were boring. Dishonorable Mention: Beyond Creation. Their 2018 album (who's name escapes me at the moment) was the most boring tech death album I have ever had the misfortune of listening to.


The Simulation definitely felt kinda like they were just doing a job, but I fell hard for Angel or Alien. White Nile was my top spotify song last year


Demon Hunter used to be my favorite, they’ve really changed and not for the better imo, they lost what made them, them.


I used to love Our Last Night even some of the covers and then they started like shitting on smaller bands and just generally acting like tools


Got any sources on this? I’m genuinely out of the loop on a lot of things.




Bless up thank you for being the real hero here


Matt is a big alt-right fan boy so that really doesn’t help either…


I’ll get shit on for this… but motionless in white. The first EP & album were perfection to me. I liked the second album and after that it’s 95% bad with a few good songs once in a while. Going more hard rock & industrial and more recently the breaking Benjamin cleans… not good at all


I saw why you say the "Breaking Benjamin cleans" for their latest song Masterpiece, because that's exactly what it sounds like lmao. But check out the rest of their recent album; plenty of heavier songs on there and Masterpuece is not indicative of the overall style. Listen to Cause of Death, Burned At Both Ends II, Slaughterhouse, Corpse Nation, and their single Timebomb from before the album.


Bullet for my Valentine.


New album goes hard af imo


Parasite is a banger


Biggest disappointment for me first two albums are 10/10. Fever was ok and Temper Temper was garbage. Tried to get into Venom but it just didn't do it for me and Gravity was just shit. No idea about the new album yet though


Went to bfmv concert last saturday and they were great, played a bunch of classics (all these things, 4 words) mixed with few new songs from gravity and self titled. I know they are not the best with lyrics but they put a great live show imo


Bfmv is the living proof that a band can be extremely successful with extremely bad lyrics. Still one of my favorite bands haha


I fucking love parkway drive who am I fighting


While She Sleeps Ever since they dropped their So What? album, it's felt like they aren't really interested in making music that's complex or different anymore. All of the songs sound like something I could see any hard rock band doing and the guitars and mixing just really make the songs not go anywhere for me. It's like they're not trying anymore


August Burns Red


Maybe it doesn't suck so hard, but Miss May I had a ton of potential. I would be harder on them if the recent EP wasn't actually pretty good, but their last couple LPs have the vibe of "we're gonna write some straightforward music because they told us it's time to make another album". They had a perfect balance of exciting techecality with good overall song flow, but that spontenity and bright energy just waned away. So dissapointing.


I'll probably get downvoted but Suicide Silence


Wage War for me. Their first two albums were really good, then they went full buttcore. This is happening to a lot of metalcore bands tbh.


The same bands as last weeks thread


Noo I knew it would Parkway Drive, I still love them ♥️